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UNIT 5UNIT 5IT MUST BELONG TO IT MUST BELONG TO CARLACARLA SECTION B SECTION B意思意思推测程度推测程度must一定,肯定一定,肯定100%的可能性的可能性maymightcould有可能,也许有可能,也许20%-80%的可能性的可能性cant不可能,不会不可能,不会可能性几乎为零可能性几乎为零Review the language points Finish the exercise in P35 by using Finish the exercise in P35 by using must, might, cantmust, might, cant 1.must /might2. cant3. might 4. must5. might/must6. must7. cant8. mightCheck the answer:Check the answer:1. may表示表示“允许允许”的否定形式是的否定形式是must not, 意思是意思是“不应该不应该” “不许不许可可”。e. g.May I take this book out of the reading-room?No, you mustnt 2. 2. 在回答由在回答由在回答由在回答由mustmust引起的问题时引起的问题时引起的问题时引起的问题时, , 如果是如果是如果是如果是否定的答复,不能用否定的答复,不能用否定的答复,不能用否定的答复,不能用mustnt, mustnt, 而需要而需要而需要而需要用用用用needntneednt或或或或dont have todont have to, , 因为因为因为因为mustntmustnt是是是是“ “不准不准不准不准” ”的意思。的意思。的意思。的意思。EgEg. .-Must I finish the homework now?-Must I finish the homework now?-No, you -No, you neednt neednt / / dont have todont have to. .3. must3. must与与与与have tohave to的区别的区别的区别的区别 have tohave to比较强调比较强调比较强调比较强调客观需要客观需要客观需要客观需要, must, must着重说明着重说明着重说明着重说明主观看法主观看法主观看法主观看法。另外。另外。另外。另外have tohave to能用能用能用能用于更多时态于更多时态于更多时态于更多时态, , 比较下面的句子:比较下面的句子:比较下面的句子:比较下面的句子:I I have tohave to stay at home because I am ill. stay at home because I am ill.You You mustmust get to school by 7 am. get to school by 7 am.Finish Ex in the paper. Finish Ex in the paper. No 1,2,4,5,7No 1,2,4,5,7 and and then check the answers.then check the answers. Do you believe Do you believe there are aliens in there are aliens in the world? I think the world? I think there might be there might be some aliens some aliens somewhere. If you somewhere. If you see an alien one see an alien one day, what will you day, what will you do? Now, lets read do? Now, lets read the story about the story about him.him. Look, a man is Look, a man is running! He running! He looks scared! looks scared! What happened?What happened? A UFO is landing. A UFO is landing. Are there any Are there any aliens?aliens? Oh, my god. An Oh, my god. An alien is chasing alien is chasing the man. What the man. What should he do? Is should he do? Is the story true?the story true?The UFO The UFO is is landing.landing.First Listening- Order the picturesFirst Listening- Order the picturesThe alien is The alien is chasing the chasing the man.man.The man is The man is running. running. Why is the man running? 2 23 31 1Second Listening- Choose the best! Second Listening- Choose the best! 1. The man could be running for_ A. exercise B. job C. work2. He might _ work. A. be late for B. go to C. be at3. Maybe they should call _. A. 110 B. 119 C. 1204. The woman could be from the_. A. hospital B. TV news C. police station Third ListeningFill in the blanksThird ListeningFill in the blanksThey seeThe man saysThe woman says1. A man runningHe could be _He might be late for work.2. Something in the skyIt could be a helicopter.It must be _3. A strange creatureIt must be _I must be _4. A woman with a cameraShe could be _They must be _running for exercisea UFOan alienfrom the TV newsdreamingmaking a moviePairworkPairwork : : According to what they According to what they see, make a dialogue with your see, make a dialogue with your partners to discuss what they partners to discuss what they are.are.Sample dialogue 1:A: What do you think a strange creature in the street is ?B: It must be an alien.A: Oh, no! I must be dreaming. I cant believe my eyes!PairworkPairwork : : According to what they According to what they see, make a dialogue with your see, make a dialogue with your partners to discuss what they partners to discuss what they are.are.Sample dialogue 2:A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus. Sample dialogue 3:A: What do you think something in the sky is ?B: It could be a helicopter.A: No, its too big. It must a UFO.情态动词表示推测的几种形式:情态动词表示推测的几种形式: 1)“情态动词情态动词+动词原形动词原形”表示对现在情况表示对现在情况的推测。例如:的推测。例如: This book must be Toms. He is looking for it. 这本书一定是汤姆的。他正在找这这本书一定是汤姆的。他正在找这本书。本书。2)“情态动词情态动词+be +v- ing形式形式”表示对现表示对现在正在进行的情况进行推测。例如:在正在进行的情况进行推测。例如: At this moment, our teacher may be correcting our exam paper. 此刻,我们老师可能正在批改试卷。此刻,我们老师可能正在批改试卷。 3)“情态动词情态动词+have+动词的过去分词动词的过去分词”表表示对过去情况的推测。示对过去情况的推测。 例如:例如:The road is wet. It must have rained last night.路是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。路是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。1. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER( )1. Jim _ sleeping because I hear nothing now. A. must be B. can C. mustnt be D. may not be( )2.Tom _ finished homework because he is doing homework now.A. mustnt have B. must haveC. may not haveD. cant haveThank you! Thank you!
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