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绩效管理的好工具绩效管理的好工具Practices, Aspects, Impacts-ConceptsMissionResourceImpactResourceResourceImpactImpactActivities/ OperationsPracticesAspect Aspect AspectInstallations have an EQA inventory in place:PracticesPractice Owners and LocationsCompliance Inspection and Oversight Evaluation Frequencies and ResponsibilitiesNeed to make comprehensive and add:AspectsImpactsPractices, Aspects, Impacts-InventoryPractices, Aspects, Impacts-RelationshipsInventoryRisk-Based PrioritiesObjectives and TargetsMonitoring and Measurement Actions, ProjectsPlanCheckInventory is basis for risk evaluation and objectives and targetsInventory is basis for EQA Internal AssessmentPractices, Aspects, Impacts-First StepsUpdate existing EQA inventory with aspects and impacts informationInitially may not be comprehensiveGoal to get EMS implementation underwayFollow implementation strategy established in Pre-Planning phaseRisk to MissionMissionResourceImpactResourceResourceImpactImpactActivities/ OperationsPracticesAspect Aspect AspectImpacts and RiskPractices, Aspects, Impacts - Risk RankingEvaluate relative risk to mission to prioritize practices/aspectsProcess should be: repeatable, documented, defensible, and periodicMay apply qualitative approachinitially and apply quantitative method laterPollution Prevention OpportunitiesNavy installations have mature P2 Programs in placeThe practice inventory may suggest P2 opportunities not considered within the traditional HW/industrial process focus of P2 Pollution Prevention Opportunities- First StepsReview practice inventory for P2 opportunitiesApply P2 approach to identify and develop solutions for:Industrial practices not previously identifiedNon-industrial practicesEnvironmental aspectsObjectives and TargetsObjectives define an end-state supportive of the installations environmental policy goalsTargets are detailed performance standards that quantify each objectiveShould be achievable and measurablePeriodically review and reviseObjectives and Targets-TypesObjectives and Targets-RelationshipsObjectives and TargetsRequirementsRisk-Based PrioritiesEnvironmental Policy GoalsMission, Local ConditionsMedia ProgramsPlanDoActions, ProjectsActions and ProjectsActions - behavioral/administrative initiatives or outside support within the COs meansRealign existing R/RDevelop and provide training or proceduresSecure NAVFAC supportProjects - initiatives requiring external funding, requested and justified through PPBSP2 investmentsStudiesPlan developmentActions and Projects-RelationshipsRisk-Based PrioritiesObjectives and TargetsMonitoring and Measurement ActionsPlanDoCheckPOMProjectsProgramsPolicyPlanningImplementationChecking/Corrective ActionManagement ReviewStructure: The EMS TeamDesignated by Installation/Regional CommanderIncludes Senior Management (EQB)CO/XOs of installation and tenantsDepartment/Division managersEnvironmental office managerIncludes Technical Support and EMS ImplementationMedia managers and other environmental office staffEnvironmental POCsEMS Team may include personnel fromTenantsProductionMaintenanceROICCSupplyQualityHuman ResourcesEnvironmentalSafety and HealthPublic AffairsComptrollerBOS ContractorsStructure: Environmental OfficeMedia programsMatureAlready in placeEMS elements in placeP2Legal requirementsEmergency responsePPBSTrainingStructure: Practice Owners“Command, unit, or office that uses a practice to accomplish its mission”Authority to accomplish their mission using a practice responsibility to control its aspectsAccountability = Responsibilities +Authority4Accountability = Responsibilities +AuthorityEMSElementsMediaProgramsPracticesEMSTeamEnvironmentalOfficePracticeOwners44Training -CurrentRequired by RegulationMedia related: HW worker, WWTP operation, asbestos worker, emergency responseJob RelatedGenerally for environmental staff: NEPA, ERMS, computer skillsTraining for EMS ImplementationInitial EMS Team TrainingSenior ManagementEnvironmental Support StaffPractice Owners TrainingEnvironmental SOPsVideoInteractiveWebEMS Description DocumentInclude installation EMS Policy Demonstrates & communicates implementationObjectives and targetsOrganizational structure and key responsibilitiesEMS elements Incorporate or provide a roadmap to information supporting each EMS elementCommunicationInternalSenior managements roleEnvironmental staff translate requirements into procedures and distribute to practice ownersMechanism for practice owners to communicate with Environmental OfficeExternalPublic Affairs OfficeEnvironmental SOPsDocument for each practiceLocation, owner, POCAspects and potential impactsEnvironmental SOPsDocument for each practiceLocation, owner, POCAspects and potential impactsRequirements, Procedures, Responsibilities forOperational controlCommunicationsEmergency preparedness and responseInspectionTrainingEnvironmental SOPsDocument for each practiceLocation, owner, POCAspects and potential impactsRequirements, Procedures, Responsibilities forOperational controlCommunicationsEmergency preparedness and responseInspectionTrainingDesign, capacity, inputsPhysical controls, P2 options, and BMPs in placeTailored Environmental SOPsPractice owners need to know or provideLocation, owner, POC Procedures, Responsibilities forOperational controlCommunicationsEmergency preparedness and responseInspectionTrainingEmergency Preparedness & ResponsePlans prepared, not distributedTraining up to date ?Distribute procedures in Environmental SOPsPolicyPlanningImplementationChecking/Corrective ActionManagement ReviewMonitoring and MeasurementSampling and analysisInternal assessment effortsTracking progress in meeting objectives and targetsProblem/Cause Identification Corrective/Preventive ActionReview results of internal assessment effortsConduct “problem solving”Problem/Cause Identification Corrective/Preventive ActionSuggested “problem solving” approachDefine problemAnalyze root causesDevelop alternativesSelect corrective actionDevelop corrective actionImplement corrective actionFollow-upEMS ReviewAnswer two questionsDoes the EMS, as described in the EMS Description Document, meet current Navy criteria?Does the EMS, as implemented, effectively do what the EMS Description Document says it will do?PolicyPlanningImplementationChecking/Corrective ActionManagement ReviewManagement ReviewAnalyze results of followingEMS reviewInternal assessmentsStatus of corrective/preventive actionsProgress in meeting objectives and targetsImplement improvements to EMSRevise policyRevise objectives and targetsRevise EMS proceduresDocument resultsConclusionsYou already have a lot elements in placeRequirementsP2ProgramsPPBSEmergency ResponseChecking and Corrective Action (EQA Program)ConclusionsInitial EMS improvements you can doDesignate EMS TeamObtain/provide initial EMS trainingDevelop/distribute PolicyAdd aspects and impacts to practice inventory Conduct risk evaluationDevelop objective and targetsComplete EQA implementationQuestions?Discussion
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