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大气污染物排放收费标准大气污染物排放收费标准CHARGE RATES FOR AIR CHARGE RATES FOR AIR POLLUTIONPOLLUTIONu燃煤炉窑收费标准燃煤炉窑收费标准CHARGE ON COAL BURNING CHARGE ON COAL BURNING FURNACES (yuan/kg)FURNACES (yuan/kg)工艺废气收费标准工艺废气收费标准Charge Rates for Process Air PollutantCharge Rates for Process Air Pollutant方案方案1(SA1): 1(SA1): 多因子总量收费多因子总量收费CR for Total Emission CR for Total Emission of Multiple Pollutants of Multiple Pollutants 1.2 1.2 Y/PEY/PE方案方案2(SA2): 2(SA2): 多因子超标总量收费多因子超标总量收费CR for TEMP above CR for TEMP above Standard Standard 2.7 2.7 Y/PEY/PE方案方案3(SA3): 3(SA3): 单因子总量收费单因子总量收费CR for Total Emission CR for Total Emission of Single Pollutant of Single Pollutant 2.4 2.4 Y/PEY/PE方案方案4(SA4): 4(SA4): 单因子超标总量收费单因子超标总量收费 CR for TESP above CR for TESP above Standard Standard 5.4 5.4 Y/PEY/PE固体废物收费标准固体废物收费标准Charge Rates for Industrial Solid Charge Rates for Industrial Solid WastesWastes固定噪声源收费标准固定噪声源收费标准 Charge Rates for Stationary Noise Charge Rates for Stationary Noise SourcesSources流动源污染收费标准流动源污染收费标准 Charge Rates for Mobile Sources Charge Rates for Mobile Sources飞机噪声污染收费标准飞机噪声污染收费标准 Charge Rates for Aeroplane Noise Charge Rates for Aeroplane Noise城市居民排污收费标准城市居民排污收费标准Charge Rates for Urban Domestic Sewage Charge Rates for Urban Domestic Sewage and Refuseand Refuse居民生活污水收费居民生活污水收费 Domestic Sewage Domestic Sewage: 采用污水量表达时:采用污水量表达时: 0.38 0.38 Y/tY/t污污水水 采用人口当量表达时:采用人口当量表达时: 29.34 29.34 Y/P.AY/P.A居民生活垃圾收费居民生活垃圾收费 Domestic Refuse Domestic Refuse: 采用垃圾量为收费依据时:采用垃圾量为收费依据时: 60 60 Y/tY/t 采用家庭住户为收费依据时:采用家庭住户为收费依据时: 90 90 Y/H.AY/H.A低放射性污染物收费标准低放射性污染物收费标准 Charge Rates for Low Radioactive Charge Rates for Low Radioactive PollutionPollution4. 4. 收费标准调整系数收费标准调整系数 Adjusting Coefficient for PCSAdjusting Coefficient for PCS4. 4. 收费标准调整系数收费标准调整系数 Adjusting Coefficient for PCSAdjusting Coefficient for PCS5.5.新收费标准的影响预测和比较新收费标准的影响预测和比较Comparison Between ScenariosComparison Between Scenarios收费水平预测收费水平预测Charge LevelCharge Level主要收费因子主要收费因子 Main Pollutants Charged Main Pollutants Charged主要收费行业主要收费行业Main Sectors ChargedMain Sectors Charged收费规模特性收费规模特性 Scale Difference Scale Difference承受能力承受能力 Bearing Capacity of Targets Bearing Capacity of Targets对财政和物价的影响对财政和物价的影响 Impacts on Government Impacts on Government Financ and InflationFinanc and Inflation筹集资金筹集资金 Potential Effect on Fund Raising Potential Effect on Fund Raising污染损失补偿污染损失补偿Compensation of Environ. LossCompensation of Environ. Loss新收费标准下的收费额预测新收费标准下的收费额预测Charge Level Under New PCSCharge Level Under New PCSu方案一方案一Scenario IScenario I: 8.7 Times 8.7 Times 倍倍u方案二方案二Scenario II: 6.9 Times Scenario II: 6.9 Times 倍倍u方案三方案三Scenario IIIScenario III:8.7 Times 8.7 Times 倍倍u方案四方案四Scenario IVScenario IV:8.0 Times 8.0 Times 倍倍收费额相对于收费额相对于19951995年提高的幅度年提高的幅度 Increment of New PCLevel Over 1995Increment of New PCLevel Over 1995废水收费额相对于废水收费额相对于19991999年水平的提高幅度年水平的提高幅度 Increment of New Water PCL over 1995Increment of New Water PCL over 1995大气、固体和噪声收费的提高幅度大气、固体和噪声收费的提高幅度Increments of APCL, SWPCL and NPCL Over 1995Increments of APCL, SWPCL and NPCL Over 1995收费的主要污染物收费的主要污染物 Main Pollutants ChargedMain Pollutants Charged收费的主要污染行业收费的主要污染行业 Main Industries or Sectors ChargedMain Industries or Sectors Charged承受力指标承受力指标 BEARING CAPACITY BEARING CAPACITY 收费额占收费额占产值、成本和利税的比产值、成本和利税的比 Ratios of PCL/ PC, PCL/PV and PCL/P&TRatios of PCL/ PC, PCL/PV and PCL/P&T收费对不同规模企业的影响收费对不同规模企业的影响 Impacts on Enterprises by ScaleImpacts on Enterprises by Scale收费额收费额占行业占行业产值比产值比PCL/PV PCL/PV by by SectorSector(%(%o o) )收费额收费额占行业占行业成本比成本比PCL/PC PCL/PC by by SectorSector(%(%o o) )收费额占行业产值和成本比收费额占行业产值和成本比(%(%o o) )PCL/PV, PCL/PC and PCL/P&T by OwnershipPCL/PV, PCL/PC and PCL/P&T by Ownership新收费标准对主要行业的产品价格影响新收费标准对主要行业的产品价格影响Impacts on Product Prices by IndustryImpacts on Product Prices by Industry谁来承担新排污收费的负担?谁来承担新排污收费的负担?Burden Distribution Among Burden Distribution Among Government, Enterprise and ConsumerGovernment, Enterprise and Consumer 新排污收费标准的筹集资金作用新排污收费标准的筹集资金作用 Potential Effects on Fund RaisingPotential Effects on Fund Raising新收费额对污染损失的补偿程度新收费额对污染损失的补偿程度 Compensation of Pollution LossCompensation of Pollution Loss6. 6. 新收费标准的总体推荐新收费标准的总体推荐Recommended PCS ScenarioRecommended PCS Scenario*推荐第四套方案为试点或实施方案,即实行总推荐第四套方案为试点或实施方案,即实行总量多量多 因子排污收费因子排污收费 Recommended PCS is Recommended PCS is Scenario IV, that is charge on total Scenario IV, that is charge on total emission of multi-pollutants.emission of multi-pollutants.*总量多因子收费体现了总量控制和鼓励达标排总量多因子收费体现了总量控制和鼓励达标排放的原则放的原则 Scenario IV reflects the TEC and Scenario IV reflects the TEC and encourages polluters to meet discharge encourages polluters to meet discharge standardsstandardsu谢谢!谢谢!uThanks
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