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Module 5 Unit 2There are forty.5Do some reviewgive out 分发crayon 蜡笔thirteen 13nineteen 19floor 地板 forty 40Read the new wordsRead the new words fifty 50sixty 60seventy 70eighty 80ninety 90How many pupils are there in your class?There are thirty.30How many pupils are there in your class?There are forty.There are so many!40How many people in your family.There are five.5How many people in your family.There are seven.There are so many.7There are +There are +数字数字+ +名词复名词复数数+ +地点状语地点状语. .Key points:There are + 数字+ 名词复数 +in 在的里面on在的上面exercises复数book-booksapple-T-shirt-pencil-box-in 或onin the bagon the desk_ the bus_ the line_ the boxkeysin the bagon the deskon the buson the linein the boxbook-booksapple-applesT-shirt-T-shirtspencil-pencilsbox-boxesThere are five books on the desk. There are three apples on the desk.1.There are _ blue pencils.2.There are _ apples.3.There are _ green pens.4.There are _ pupils.5.There are _ boxes.6.There are _ bananas.Things PupilsThings Pupils1.4 blue pencils52.19 apples213.6 green pens64.10 chairs305.15 boxes176.8 bananas8The end
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