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工艺安全管理培训Process Safety Management Training南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority课程规则 Course Admin南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority fire exit / drills安全出口/消防演习 start time开始时间, finish time结束时间 breaks休息 mobile phones to silent mode please, or OFF 请将手机设到静音状态,或者关机 questions at any time随时提问 enjoy, challenge and participate 享受、挑战、参与介绍 Introduction南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityLets get off to a good start 让我们有一个良好的开端Introduce yourself介绍你自己 Name 姓名 Background 背景 One thing no one here knows! 这里没人知道的一件事情!课程安排 Agenda第一天上午MorningDay 1典型工艺安全事故案例 Typical Process Safety Incidents工艺安全管理发展 Development of PSM工艺安全管理概念 PSM Overview-工艺安全的定义 Definition of PSM-工艺安全管理OSHA 1910.119&CCPS RBPS介绍 OSHA1910.1198&CCPS RBPS Introduction-化工企业工艺安全实施导则AQ/T 3034-2010介绍 Guideline for PSMof Petrochemical Corporation Introduction工艺安全管理要素讲解和实例分析 PSM Elements Introduction-员工参与 Employee Participation-工艺安全信息 Process Safety Information第一天下午AfternoonDay 1工艺安全管理要素讲解和实例分析PSM Elements Introduction-工艺危害分析方法 Process Hazard Analysis-操作程序 Operation Procedure-培训 Training-承包商管理 Contractor Management-开车前安全审查 Pre-Startup Safety Review-完整性管理 Integrity Management-作业控制 Control of Work课程安排Agenda南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority课程安排 Agenda第二 天上午MorningDay 2工艺安全管理要素讲解和实例分析 PSM Elements Introduction-变更管理 Management of Change-事故调查 Incident Investigation-应急计划和响应 Emergency Plan and Response-审核 Audit-商业机密 Trade Secret工艺安全管理应用 Example of PSM第二天下午AfternoonDay 2工艺安全事故分级和案例 Tier of Process Safety Incidents-工艺安全事故的定义 Definition of PSI-工艺安全事故的分级 Tier of PSI-工艺安全事故统计案例介绍 Example of PSI Report工艺安全管理衡量指标和案例 Measure Index of PSM-输入指标 Leading Indicators-输出指标 Lagging Indicators-工艺安全管理衡量指标案例介绍 Example of Indicators Report总结及答疑 Q&A课程安排 Agenda南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityTypical ProcessSafety Incidents典型工艺安全案例南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityDecember 3, 19841984年12月3号南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityFlixborough, UK 19741974年英国Flixborough南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityPhillips Pasadena, TX 19891989年德克萨斯州Phillips Pasadena南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityBuncefield, UK December 11, 20052005年12月11号英国Buncefield南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityFushun LPG Leak - December 4, 2006Fushun 液化气泄漏-2006年12月4号49 tons LPG spread over 6 km and formed 30,000 mvapor in Fushun49吨液化气遍布6公里,在Fushun形成30,000 m 的蒸汽南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全管理发展 Development of PSM ACC Responsible Care for member companies 美国化学委员会的责任照顾计划:应用于美国化学委员会的成员公司; OSHA regulation CFR 1910.119 took effect in US in 1992. 企业职业安全与卫生管理条例CFR1910.119(美国联邦法规1910.119)自1992在美国生效; EPA Risk Management Plan 美国环保署风险管理计划 API RP 750 best practice developed for oil industry. 美国石油协会操作规程建议750 :石油工业最为优秀的操作标准; Seveso directive in Europe 欧洲的Seveso 法令 CCPS has compiled a framework of essential PSM elements and has developeduseful tools and methodologies. 化工过程安全中心编制了一套由关键PSM元素构成的PSM体系,并开发了一些有用的工具和方法。 Guideline for PSM of Petrochemical Corporation in China and come to effect fromMay 1st 2011. 化工企业工艺安全实施导则AQ/T 3034-2010在中国颁布并于2011年5月1日开始生效。南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityHAZOP基本方法介绍 HAZOP methodologyHAZOP HAZOP定义 Definition of HAZOPHAZOP 的优势和劣势 Advantage and shortage of HAZOPHAZOP的适用范围 Scope of HAZOPHAZOP研究过程中的要求 Requirement during HAZOP studyHAZOP建议项的要求 Criteria of HAZOP recommendationHAZOP研究后应采取的措施 Post HAZOP activities影响HAZOP有效性的关键因素Critical HAZOP Effectiveness FactorsHAZOP实施前的准备事项介绍 Preparing before HAZOP study工艺安全信息准备 Process Safety InformationHAZOP研究团队组建 Team for HAZOP studyHAZOP研究地点选择及其它的要求 Requirement of meeting location and others相关工艺安全事故的收集 Related process safety incidentsHAZOP时间进度安排 Schedule of HAZOP StudyHAZOP方法具体流程 Process of HAZOP study南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityDivide the process into nodes.将过程分解成节点。Describe intent of the node (flow, temp, pressure)描述节点(流量,温度,压力)的意图Identify possible deviations (hi flow, low temp)确认可能的偏差(高流量,低温度)Identify causes (blocked valve, failed instrument)确认原因(阀门堵塞,仪表故障)Develop consequences列出结果List existing safeguards列出现有的安全措施Assign hazard ranking (optional)指定危险分级(可选)Propose recommendations提出建议Repeat for each node.所有节点依次进行。南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityDeviation偏差Cause原因Consequence后果Safeguards安全装置Recommendations建议行动ByWho/When执行人/时间High flow流量高Upstreamvalve CV-120 fails fullopen上游阀门CV-120故障全开Potential floodingof downstreamvessel and liquidcarryover andresult inEnvironmentpollution.下游容器和液体携带可能的溢流导致环境污染LAH-135 ondownstream vessel在下游容器上的LAH-135Consider theaddition of a flowalarm downstreamof CV-120 in orderto avoid potentialflooding ofdownstream vesseland liquid carryover考虑在CV-120下游添加一个流量报警预防下游容器和液体携带可能的溢流J. Smith,EngineeringNovember2006J. Smith,工程部2006年11月Node:Inlet pipingParameter:FlowDrawing No.:节点入口管参数流量图号南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全要素 PSM Elements-操作程序 Operation Procedure-培训 Training-承包商管理 Contractor Management南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety Review南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety ReviewA disproportionate number of incidents occur during startup andshutdown.在开车和停车过程中,发生事故的比例异常的高。First time quality/integrity verifications prior to startup. Critical checkson subsequent startups.在开车之前,对质量/完好性进行第一次验证。在以后的开车之前,进行关键性检查。Initial pre-startup review is very intense. It examines all aspects ofdesign, construction and quality.首次开车前评审的范围非常广泛。要对设计、施工和质量的所有方面进行仔细检查。南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety ReviewRequired every time feed is introduced into system or positiveprocess conditions are established.每当向系统进料或建立起工艺条件时,要求进行安全评审。Operational readiness examines condition of equipment, passagethrough lines, instrument calibration, blind lists, procedures, utilitiesand suitability of people. Sign off is required.操作准备程度,检查设备条件、管线畅通、仪表标定、盲板清单、程序、公用工程和人员的适合性。要求进行签字确认。Minimum conditions of acceptance should be documented.应对最低验收条件进行记录。南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety ReviewSTARTUP CONSIDERATIONS开车考虑的事项Cleanliness清洁度Service testing (hydro test, flow test)投用试验(水压试验、流量试验)Refractory dryout 耐火材料彻底干燥Purging 吹扫置换Calibration of instruments仪表标定Blanketing氮封Dewatering除水Process line up (valves and circuits)打通工艺管线(阀门和回路)开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety ReviewAll actions complete, including HAZOP完成所有行动,包括HAZOPAll PSI updated所有PSI都经过更新Operating procedures written编写好操作程序Training complete完成培训Maintenance procedures written and spare partsavailable编写好维护程序,准备好备件Emergency response plans updated更新应急响应方案南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority开车前安全审查Pre-Startup Safety Review南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityPSSR Checklist举例Example工艺安全要素 PSM Elements南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全要素 PSM Elements-完整性管理 Integrity Management-作业控制 Control of Work变更管理Management of Change南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority变更管理Management of Change南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityWhy it needs MOC?为什么需要变更管理?讨论:Example of incidents relatedMOC?与 MOC 有关的事故?变更管理Management of Change南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityPotential Risks of Change变更的潜在风险?1. Are new or unknown failure modes introduced?是否带来新的或未知的故障模式?2. Are existing failure modes altered as a result of thischange?由于此次修改,现有的故障模式是否发生改变?3. Are existing controls adequate for dealing with the newfailure modes?现有的控制是否足够处理新的故障模式?4. Have changes been made in the organizationalinfrastructure?变更是否导致组织的结构变化?南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority人员变更管理Management of ChangeChange alters the basic relationshipbetween components in a system(configuration) and introduces newmodes of failure.变更会使一个系统(组态)内部件之间的关系发生改变,带来新的故障模式。Process工艺Plant装置People变更管理Management of Change南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityAll changes must be managed to ensurethat system integrity is notcompromised.必须对所有的变更进行管理,确保系统的完整性不会受到损害。变更管理Management of Change南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityManagement ofChange FormExample;举例:工艺安全要素 PSM Elements南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全要素 PSM Elements-事故调查 Incident Investigation-应急计划和响应 Emergency Plan and Response-审核 Audit-商业机密 Trade Secret工艺安全事故分级和案例Tier of Process Safety Incidents南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全事故分级和案例 Tier of PSI南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全事故PSIA Process Safety Event is an unplanned oruncontrolled release of any material,including non-toxic and nonflammablematerials from a process that results in oneor more of the consequences unexpected.一个工艺安全事故是指因非计划或失控的物料(包括非毒性和非易燃物料)从工艺系统中释放出来导致一个或多个非期望结果的事件。2. Process Safety Action Item Closure6. Safety Critical Equipment InspectionIH 职业卫生检测 设备检查安全关键紧急响应演习完成工艺安全事故分级和案例 Tier of PSIMIA/HiPo重大/高潜DAFWC损失工时Tier 1 LOPC Events of GreaterConsequence第1级 后果较大的LOPC事件Fatality死亡Tier 4 Operating Discipline& Management System Performance第4级操作规则和管理系统业绩指标1. Safe Operating LimitExcursions安全操作极限偏离2. Activation of a SafetyInstrumented SystemSIS动作次数3. Activation of MechanicalShutdown System机械停车动作次数4. Activation of Pressure ReliefDevice (PRD)泄压装置(PRD)动作Tier 2 LOPCEvents of LesserConsequence第2级后果较小的LOPC事件Tier 3 De MinimisLOPC Events第3级微量LOPC事件Tier 3 Challengesto Safety Systems第3级对安全系统的挑战4. aid现场处理程序维 轻微受伤1. Process Hazard Evaluations Completion工艺危险评价完成MT医疗处理工艺安全行动项关闭3. Training Completed on Schedule工艺安全培训按时完成FirstProcedures Current and AccurateMinor injuries护准确率5. Work Permit Compliance作业许可证合规率NM未遂事故7. MOC Compliance变更管理合规HousekeepingCompliance8. PSSR 文明施工开 Behaviors不安全行为Unsafe 车前安全审查(PSSR)合规CompletionSOCsEmergency Response DrillsPPE, Morale/MotivationFatigue/OT ,作业观察南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority9.Training培训, of大severity损失loss小slightMIA/HiPo重大/高潜1死亡Fatality0工艺安全事故Tier 2 PSI23工艺安全隐患 Tier 3Unsafe process conditions2913工艺安全事故/事件Other accident/incident南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority人员受伤Injury 5小火/冒烟 FE/ED 7环境事件 EE泄漏 Rlease29火灾/爆炸FE/ED0PSI统计案例介绍 Example of PSI Report损失工时,医疗处理 DAFWC, MT 0环境事件 EE较大泄漏 MR10Tier 1PSI统计案例介绍 Example of PSI Report南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM输入指标 Leading Indicators1. Process Hazard Evaluations Completion工艺危险评价完成2. Process Safety Action Item Closure工艺安全行动项关闭3. Training Completed on Schedule工艺安全培训按时完成4. Procedures Current and Accurate程序维护准确率5. Work Permit Compliance作业许可证合规率6. Safety Critical Equipment Inspection安全关键设备检查7. MOC Compliance变更管理合规8. PSSR Compliance开车前安全审查(PSSR)合规9. Completion of Emergency Response Drills紧急响应演习完成南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priorityTier 3 De MinimisLOPC Events第3级微量LOPC事件1. Safe Operating LimitExcursions安全操作极限偏离2. Activation of a SafetyInstrumented SystemSIS动作次数3. Activation of MechanicalShutdown System机械停车动作次数4. Activation of Pressure ReliefDevice (PRD)泄压装置(PRD)动作工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority输出指标 Lagging IndicatorsTier 2 LOPCEvents of Lesser Consequence第2级后果较小的LOPC事件Tier 1 LOPCEvents of Greater Consequence第1级后果较大的LOPC事件Process Safety Performance Indicators工艺安全业绩指标KPIJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalTier 1 LOPCEvents ofGreaterConsequence第1级 后果严重的LOPC事件Fatalities死亡0000000000MIA/HiPo重大/高潜0001000001Tier 2 LOPC Events of Lesser Consequence第2级 后果较小的LOPC事件6211000004Tier 3 De Minimis LOPC Events第3级 微量LOPC事件Track跟踪2121677127工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority举例ExampleTier 3Challenges toSafety Systems第3级 对安全系统的挑战Safe Operating Limit Excursions安全操作极限偏离102000000100003Activation of a Safety Instrumented SystemSIS动作次数102020001100006Activation of Mechanical Shutdown System机械停车动作次数121152000000009Activation of Pressure Relief Device (PRD)泄压装置(PRD)动作次数Track跟踪0000001000001工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority举例ExampleTier 4 Operating Discipline& Management SystemPerformance第4级 操作规则和管理系统业绩指标Process Hazard Evaluations Completion工艺危险评价完成率100%100%# 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # #100%Process Safety Action Item Closure工艺安全行动项按时关闭率100%#DIV/0!# # # # # # # # # #Training Completed on Schedule工艺安全培训按时完成率100%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #100%Procedures Current and AccurateSOP程序维护准确率100%#DIV/0!# # # # # # # # # #Work Permit Compliance作业许可证合规率95%75%93%96%96%95%97%97%98%93.4%Safety Critical EquipmentInspection 安全关键设备检查Integrity Rate of CriticalEquipment关键设备完好率100%98.8% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #99.8%Inspection Statutory ofPressure Vessels压力容器按时检查完成率100%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #100%Inspection Statutory of SafetyValve安全阀定期校验完成率100%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #100%ESD Valve Test紧急切断阀测试按时完成率100%44%0%0%0%0%0%0%# # # # #28.6%Emergency ResponseEquipment Inspection紧急响应设备按时检查完成率100%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #100%MOC Compliance变更管理合规率100%#DIV/0!# # # # # # # # # #PSSR Compliance开车前安全审查(PSSR)合规率100%100%100% 100%# # # # #100%Completion of Emergency Response Drills紧急响应演习按时完成率100%100%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% # # # #100%工艺安全管理衡量指标 Measure Index of PSM南京拓立科技 Nanjing Top-priority举例Example
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