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Lesson 11 What Do They Eat?Lesson 11 What Do They Eat?Learning Aims1、我能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:banana2、我能认读、理解并使用下列句式:What do they eat? eat bananabananas注意:单复数的变化注意:单复数的变化 Monkeys eat bananas. 猴子吃香蕉。猴子吃香蕉。What do they eat? 它们吃什么?它们吃什么?meat meat 是不可数名词,没有是不可数名词,没有复数形式。复数形式。Tigers eat meat.What do they eat?Cats eat fish.What do they eat?Cows eat grass.What do they eat?fish 和sheep单数和复数是一样的。grass和meat是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 first time : listen (听听) second time :follow(跟读跟读) third time :race(赛语速)(赛语速) 学路提示:学路提示:1.1.听的时候要静静地听录音的语音语调;听的时候要静静地听录音的语音语调; 2.2.跟读的时候要大声模仿录音的语音语调;跟读的时候要大声模仿录音的语音语调; 3.3.老师不再控制录音,请紧跟录音语速。老师不再控制录音,请紧跟录音语速。 Lets listenMonkeys eat bananas._ eat _.Tigersmeat_ eat _.Cowsgrass_ eat _.CatsfishHorses eat grass.Bears eat fish.Elephants eat bananas.Play a game!小游戏小游戏“大爆炸”的游戏:学生一起读课文,老师像一颗定时炸弹在教室里走,当读书声停止时,老师走到了谁的身边,就对着谁爆炸,所有学生就一起对他说“one two three, bomb!”1.Read the text by yourself.2.Read the text in pairs.3.Read the text in groups.(小组内选择自己喜欢的方式展示课文,如组长(小组内选择自己喜欢的方式展示课文,如组长领读,男女对读,小组对读,大小声读,边读边领读,男女对读,小组对读,大小声读,边读边翻译,一人一句读等)翻译,一人一句读等)小英雄,大闯关!小英雄,大闯关!第一关:男女对抗(我最棒!): 男女生分角色读课文。第二关:大点兵(我能行!): 在小组中随便抽查一人领读,代表本小组与其他小组比赛第三关:我是配音小演员。第四关:小组对抗(我们强!): 两组间比赛,各小组可以采用不同的方式读课文。(方式:分角色读;组长领读,组员齐读;英汉互读;高低声读,等等)Work in groups. Make up a dialogue. Use the sentences we have learned.For example:A: HelloB: Hi A: Lets go to the zoo.B: Great! I love animals.A: Whats this?B: Its a monkey.A: Where does a monkey live?B: In a tree.A: What do they eat?B: Monkeys eat bananas.A:B:A: Lets go home.A: Goodbye!B: Bye! Lets chantFish, fish. Fish can swim.Bird, bird. Birds can fly.Horse ,horse .Horses can run.Rabbit, rabbit. Rabbits can jump.Homework: 1.Recite the text fluently.2.Make a dialogue and write it down. Lets do it!123456Horses eat grass.Bears eat fish.A fish lives in a river.A cow lives on a farm.Elephants eat bananas.A monkey lives in a tree.421365
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