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第五课时 (Section B 3a3b)单元同步作文指导 本单元以“Unexpected events”为话题,此话题涉及的内容较多,可以讲述发生在自己身上的事,也可以讲述自己看到的事情。该话题的命题形式通常采用语言描述和看图作文等形式,涉及日记、记叙文等文体。写作时要注意使用正确时态,准确地表达内容。李明是一个善良的男孩。一天早晨,在上学的路上发生了一件事。请根据下面的图示和提示词,叙述事件的经过。要求:情节完整,条理清晰,可适当发挥;字数:80100词。提示词:fall跌倒careless粗心的pity遗憾1明确任务:本次写作任务是根据图示和提示词描写李明在上学的路上发生的一件事情。2确定体裁:根据命题要求可以确定文章的体裁是记叙文。3核准时态:由于是表述发生在过去的事情,所以时态应为一般过去时,人称为第三人称。4主题内容:(1)首先总括李明是一个善良的孩子,乐于助人;(2)然后详细描写李明在上学的途中发生的事情;(3)最后简要描述结果,未能参加校运动会。Li Ming is a kind boy.He is always ready to help others.One morning,on the way to school,he saw an old woman standing by the road.Li Ming went up to the old woman at once and helped her cross the road.But he was so careless that he fell on the road.Unluckily,he was badly hurt and he was sent to the hospital.The doctor told him that he had to stay at home and have a good rest.He couldnt take part in the sports meeting because of this.What a pity!By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.She had learned a lot of English before she went to school.I happened to be writing a letter when he entered.Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework to school?He ran so fast that we couldnt catch up with him.He was thrilled when he heard the news.When I got to school,I realized I had left my backpack at home.My alarm clock didnt go off,and by the time I woke up,my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out.生活中你一定经历过许许多多的事情,这些事情有的让你激动,有的让你开心,有的让你烦恼,也有的让你尴尬,还记得你经历过的最尴尬的时刻吗?请你以“My Most Embarrassing Moment”为题写一篇英语小短文,让大家开心一笑。要求:80词左右。One possible version:My Most Embarrassing MomentAs time passes,I will forget many things.But I will never forget my most embarrassing moment!When I was a student in Class Three,one day I got up late,so I ran to school as quickly as possible.When I arrived at school,the final bell was ringing.I had no time to think and rushed into class.The students had strange looks on their faces.At that moment,I realized that I was in the wrong class.When I was ready to leave after saying sorry,a boy said loudly,“Look!Shes wearing different shoes!”I looked at my shoes and ran away with the students laughing.You can imagine how embarrassed I was at that time!
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