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Unit 1 My classroomA.Lets talk sharp eyes“火眼金睛火眼金睛”WindowpicturedoorlightblackboardA.Lets do roomclassWhats in the classroom?classroomLets go and see.lightwindowboarddoorWhats in the classroom?Whats in the classroom?A board, two lights,many desks and chairs2.Is the classroom big or small?1.Who have a new classroom?3.Where is the picture?We have a new friend today.Who is he?He is Zhang Peng.Hey,Zhang Peng.We have a new classroom.Really? Whats in the classroom?Lets go and see.Its so big!A.Lets talk Look, my picture!Where is it ?Its near the window.附近附近窗户窗户n=near+earon 在在上面上面under 在在下面下面in 在在里面里面在在旁边旁边 Where is the ? Its near the window.I have a dog.This is my new dog.Where is it?Its on the desk.Its under the desk.Its near the desk.Whats this?Where is it?nearWhats this?Where is it?onWhats this?Where is it?underWhats this?Where is it?in2.Is the classroom big or small?Sarah and Zhang Peng.1.Who have a new classroom?It is big.3.Where is the picture?Its near the window.Hey,Zhang Peng.We have a new classroom.Really? Whats in the classroom?Lets go and see.Its so big.Look! My picture!Where is it?Its near the window.A.Lets play A.Lets singHomework1.听两遍听两遍Lets talk部分的录音,部分的录音,并将对话读给爸爸妈妈听。并将对话读给爸爸妈妈听。2.画出自己的教室,并向爸爸妈妈介绍自己画出自己的教室,并向爸爸妈妈介绍自己的教室。的教室。礼貌礼貌语
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