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Word spelling 1.His old car _ (消耗消耗)much petrol.2.Jane _(倾向于倾向于) to become angry if you disagree with her3.Most people are _ (反对反对)to cutting down the 100-year-old tree .4.He broke the law, and now he must face the _ (结果结果)of his actions.5.Chairman Hu jintao _ (声明声明)that China and Russia were developing a strong relationship.consumedtendsopposedconsequencestated6.Our teacher is walking to the classroom at a _(平稳的平稳的) pace.7.The football match attracted many people, _(变化变化)from little children to adults.8. The project has received _ (广泛的广泛的)support.9.I didnt know his _ (存在存在)until today.10. He is an _(提倡者提倡者) of reducing military spending.11. This is their _(承诺承诺) to equal pay and opportunities.consumedrangingwidespreadexistenceadvercatecommitment12. In no _(情况情况) must you leave your position.13.Just because weve had a few _,(分歧分歧)it doesnt mean we are not still friends.14. Would you like to make _ (贡献贡献)to the hospital rebuilding fund?circumstancedisagreementscontributionII. Multiple choice1.There _ quantities of apples in the basket and there was _ milk in the bucket.A. were; a number of B. was; quantities of C. was; a good many D. were; a quantity of2.(2010江西南昌高三检测江西南昌高三检测)I have no idea how it that the man met with trouble again.A. came about B. came outC. came up D. came acrossDA3.(2010河南省实验中学高三检测)There are many things that I cant living in big cities,one of which is the air pollution.A. keep up with B. come up withC. put up with D. catch up with4.he does his work,I dont mind what time he arrives at the office.A. So far as B. So long asC. In case D. Meanwhile5.It was stillthe range of my gun,I didnt want to shoot at it any longer.A. out of;but B. beyond;howeverC. within;but D. on;so CBC6.,there are 1,000 visitors to the exhibition a day.A. At average B. For averageC. On average D. In average7.Im putting on weight. The doctor has warned me tosugar.A. keep up B. keep backC. keep off D. keep on8. The students ages _ 15 to 18.A.range B. ranged C. range from D. ranging fromCCC9. After a heated discussion at the meeting, most of the people advocated _ more schools. A. to build B. building C. to building D. build10.Despite the different colors and styles, the idea of those works is similar_11. A. on the whole B. on the other hand C. as a result D. on the one hand12.11. Users of China Mobile can subscribe _ the mobile phone newspaper by sending the message CD to 10658000.13. A. to B. in C. at D. ofBAA12. The magician picked several persons _ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A. by accident B. on occasion C. at random D. On average13. Acting before thinking always _ failure. A. results from B. results in C. because of D. clue of CB14.It was after he got what he had desired _he realized it was not so important. A. that B. When C. since D. as15. It was _back home after the experiment. A. not until midnight did he go B. Until midnight that he didnt go C. not until midnight that he went D. Until midnight when he didnt goAC16. It is in Qingdao _ you are going to pay a visit to _ this kind of machine is produced. A. / that B. Where which C. / where D. that which 17. Was _ Bill, _ played basketball very well, _helped the blind man across the street? A. that that who B. it that that C. it who that D. this who who AC18. How many years ago was _ you first met your boyfriend? A。it that B. it when C. that when D. when that 19. It is in Beihai Park _ they made a date for the first time _ the old couple told us their love story. A. where; that B. that; that C. where; when D. that; whenAAIII. Phrases 1. 发生,造成发生,造成 2.偶遇偶遇 3. 订阅,同意订阅,同意 4.大量的大量的 5. 往往会做,常常会做往往会做,常常会做 6. 倾向于某人的观点倾向于某人的观点 7. 照顾某人照顾某人 8. 上升,兴建,烧毁上升,兴建,烧毁 9.导致导致 10. 反对反对come about come acrosssubscribe to large quantities oftend to do tend to ones viewtend (to) sb.go upresult in be opposed to 11. 11. 发表声明发表声明12. 12. 处于良好的状态处于良好的状态13. 13. 一系列一系列14. 14. 在在的范围以内的范围以内15. 15. 从什么到什么之间变化从什么到什么之间变化16. 16. 即使即使17. 17. 继续继续18. 18. 浏览报纸浏览报纸19. 19. 乍一看乍一看20. 20. 取得稳定进步取得稳定进步make a statement be in a good statea range of within range ofrange from to. even if keep on glance at newspaperat first glancemake steady progress21. 一种流行病一种流行病22. 大体上,基本上大体上,基本上23. 一个普通人一个普通人24. 平均水平,一般水准平均水平,一般水准25. 代表某人代表某人 26. 忍受,容忍忍受,容忍27. 把某物收好;存钱把某物收好;存钱28. 提出,推荐提出,推荐29. 搭起一个帐篷搭起一个帐篷30. 只要只要a widespread disease on the wholean average personon the averageon behalf of put up withput away put forwardput up a tentas long as31. 等等等等32. 无论如何无论如何33. 消耗能量消耗能量34. 胡乱的,随意的胡乱的,随意的35. 现象之一现象之一36. 照常,一如既往照常,一如既往37. 最新潮流最新潮流38. 树新风树新风39. 做为做为的结果的结果40. 自食其果自食其果and so on under all circumstancesconsume energyat randomone of the phenomena as per usual the latest trendset a new trendin consequence of face the consequences41.开始存在开始存在42.以以生存生存43. 外太空外太空44. 主张做某事主张做某事45. 像某人作出承诺像某人作出承诺46. 电力设备电力设备47.触电触电48. 对对马马虎虎马马虎虎49. 向向做贡献做贡献50. 不同意某人不同意某人come into existence exist on outer spaceadvocate doingmake a commitment toelectrical equipmentelectric shockbe casual about make a contribution to disagree with
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