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Section Aillnesses感冒感冒 发烧发烧咳嗽咳嗽头痛头痛牙痛牙痛背痛背痛胃痛胃痛 have a coldhave a feverhave a coughhave a headachehave a toothachehave a backachehave a stomachache流感流感have the fluWhat should we do to prevent the illnesses?We should do exercise to build us up.预防预防使身体强壮使身体强壮What should we do to prevent the illnesses?We had better eat more fruit and vegetables.What should we do to prevent the illnesses?We shouldnt spit everywhere.What should we do to prevent the illnesses?We must keep our rooms clean and the air fresh.We mustnt keep fingernails long.What should we do to prevent the illnesses?Flu is a serious illness, what should we do to prevent it?Listen to 1a and check Dr. Lis advice.录音录音1a-P43 1.exercise often 2.keep the air fresh 3.go to bed early 4.wash hands and change clothes often 5.keep our rooms clean 6.drink enough water 7.take some medicine 8.keep away from crowded places Watch the flash and write down Dr. Lis advice.视频视频1a-P43First,_Second,_Third,_Finally,_ we should exercise often to build us up.we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.we should wash our hands and change our clothes often. we should keep away from crowded places.Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu ?肯定回答:肯定回答: Yes, we must.否定回答:否定回答: No, we neednt. / No, we dont have to.注:此处不能用注:此处不能用 mustnt (禁止;不准禁止;不准)回答回答 Eg: Must I finish my homework now ? No, you neednt. / No,you dont have to.Make similar conversations after the example. Example:A: Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?B: Yes, we must.A: Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu?B: No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt.2. A. Listen to the passage and circle the symptoms that you hear.fevercoughheadachebackachetoothachestomachachesore throatsore eyes录音录音2-A-P44B. Listen again and check the advice you hear.Should drink lots of boiled water take some cold pills lie down and take a good rest brush your teeth twice a dayShouldnt work on the Internet too long go to crowded places play sports too much eat hot food录音录音2-B-P443.Lookatthepicturesandwritedowntheadviceonhow3.Lookatthepicturesandwritedowntheadviceonhowtopreventtheflu,usingtopreventtheflu,usingshould,hadbettershould,hadbetterorormustmust. .1.2.We should exerciseoften.We must go to seea doctor at once when we have the flu.3.4.We had better keep away from crowded places.We should take a shower often.5.6.We should keepthe air fresh.We should change our clothes often.Drink a lot of water.Wash hands often.Give more advice to prevent the fluEat healthy food.Dont go to crowded places.Do more exercise.Open the windows.选择方框中的句子完成方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两,其中有两项多余。多余。A:Youlookpale,Dr.Li._A:Youlookpale,Dr.Li._B:Ionlyfeelalittletired.B:Ionlyfeelalittletired.A:Itlooksmoreseriousthanbeingtired._A:Itlooksmoreseriousthanbeingtired._B:No,thanks.Nothingserious,Ithink.B:No,thanks.Nothingserious,Ithink.A:_Butyouhaveworkedforthirty-sixhourswithoutA:_Butyouhaveworkedforthirty-sixhourswithouthavingarest.havingarest.B:IB:I madoctor._madoctor._A:_A:_A. I have to save the patients.B. I know SARS is spreading.C. So you should care for yourself first.D. And its my duty to save the patients.E. You must be tired.F. Whats the matter with you?G. May I take you to the office?FGBDC1.We know how to prevent the flu.2.We can use must/had better/ should to give advice.1.写一篇小短文来说明写一篇小短文来说明如何预防流感。如何预防流感。2.背诵背诵1a。
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