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形容词的用法1.形容词修饰名词,并且放在名词的前面,这时形容词在句子中作定语例如:abeautifullady、atallman、abighouseAbeautifullady is standing in front of a2.形容词放在 be 动词的后面,这时形容词在句子中作表语tallman./主语补足语。例如:The lady istall. (tall 在句子中作表语,说明 lady 是怎么样的)Thebeautifullady istall. (beautiful 在句子中作定语,tall 作表语)Thebeautifullady istall and slim.3.形容词放在连系动词(become 成为、seem 看起来、taste 尝起来、look 看起来、闻起来、feel 摸起来/感觉、turn 变成,等等)后面,在句子中作表语/主语补足语。The leaf ( 叶子)turnedyellow.树叶变黄了。Shelooksbeautiful./ He lookshandsome她看起来漂亮。/ 他看来帅气。The food tastegood.这些食物好吃。The sweater feelssoft.(柔软的;舒服的)He becomescareful.(小心的)他变得小心了。The flower smells verygood.花闻起来很香。Everything seemsgood.一切看起来都好。副词的用法1.副词修饰动词,并且通常放在实义动词后面,这是副词在句子中作方式状语。例如:The man runsfast. (fast 修饰 runs 这个动作)She jumpshigh. (high 修饰 jump 这个动作)He finished his homeworkquickly. (quickly 修饰 finished 这个动作)2.副词修饰形容词,并且通常放在形容词的前面例如:He becomesvery handsome.She looksvery beautiful.The lady isvery tall and slim.在“副词+形容词”这样的结构中,中心词是形容词,副词只是为了说明程度大小即:very handsome 的中心词是 handsome3.副词前面也可以加副词,例如上面的句子都可以改写成:The man runsvery fast.She jumpsvery high.He finished his homeworkvery quickly.smell例如:very 本身是副词,意思是“非常,很”,所以后面也可以跟副词或者形容词。填形容词还是副词?动词后面一般都跟副词, 但不是所有动词后面都跟副词,词后面跟形容词。例如:She sings beautifully. (sing是实义动词,beautiful用来说明唱得如何)实义动词后面跟副词, 连系动Tom draws well.(draw 是实义动词, well 用来说明画得如何)My teacher is young and tall.(is是系动词,后面跟形容词)She looks sad. (look 是连系动词,后面跟形容词)*还有一些不是连系动词的词,例如 make 和 get,要根据句子的意思判断填形容词还 是副词。区分:He is making a kitecarefully.(carefully用来修饰 make 这个动词)He made the teacherangry.(angry 是指 the teacher ,而不是修饰 make 这个 动词)The student gotquietwhen the teacher came in.(quiet 是指 the student ,而不是修饰 got 这个动词)I get upearly.(early修饰动词 get up)She leaves the roomquickly.(quickly 修饰 leave 这个动词)Please leave the door词)于是有词组: make sb+adj. leave sb+adj. get+adj因此,填形容词还是副词,首先要弄清楚句子的意思,判断所修饰的成分是名词还是动词,修饰前者的用形容词,修饰后者的用副词。四、1.形容词和副词分别长什么样子?形容词的词尾通常有ing/ful/ed/y/代词open.(open 是指 the door,而不是修饰 leave 这个动interesting 、tiring 、boring、exciting 、surprising 、amazing (与物有关)interested 、tired 、bored、excited、surprised 、amazed (与人有关)careful 、hopeful、wonderful、helpful 、colorful 、meaningful、beautifulrainy、windy、cloudy、dry、messy、easy、funny、busy、angry区分: The children wereexcitedwhen they heard theexcitingnews.The man wastired(劳累的)after doing so manytiring(累人的)jobs.*但是在 interesting 与 interested中,形容人或物的都用interesting ,而interested 常以词组 be interested in 的形式出现,表示对感兴趣。The story is interesting./The teacher is interesting.I am interested in reading.2.副词的词尾通常是 ly,但亦有一些不以 ly 结尾的副词。badly、surprisingly 、carefully 、hopefully 、quickly 、greatly 、possibly (通常是由形容词加 ly 变来)hard (努力地)、well (好)、high (高)、fastmuch/a lot (非常)a little(3.有些词既是形容词也是副词hard adj. 硬的 adv.努力地high adj.&adv. 高well adj. 健康地 adv.好I doesn tfeel well.我觉得不舒服。Well done.early adj.早的 adv.早地一点)(快地)、pretty( 十分,非常)、very做得好late adj. 退的 adv.退五、形容词变副词的规律规则变化范围大部分形容词变化规则加 lycareless-carelessly例词、quietquietlybe late for (school)(上学)退到different-differently以 le 结尾的形容词去 e 加 lypossible-possibly、terrible-terribly、gentle-gentlycomfortablecomfortablysimple-simplyeasy-easilynoisynoisily、true-truly、angryangrily、happy-happily以 y 结尾的形容词变 y 为 ilyheavyheavily、healthyhealthily不规则变化本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变fast-fast、early-early、high-high、far-farhard-hard 、late-latewidewide、alonealone形容词和副词为完全不同的单词虽然以 ly 结尾,但却是形容词, 不能直接用来修饰动词有些形容词本身即为副词,good-wellfriendly 、lively 、lovely 、lonely、likelywide(形谷词,苑阔的,睁 大的)-wide(副词,睁大问时也有加 ly 的副词形式。但加 不加 ly 意思不一样,使用时需注息地)/widely( 副词,广泛地),late(形容词,晚的)late(副词,晚地),lately (最近)high(形容词,高的)-high(副词,高地)/highly( 副词,高度地)特别容易犯错的副词形容词hard副词hard备注hard 副词容易写成 hardly, hardly 意思为几乎不”,与 hard 无任何关系friendly无不能用 friendlyfriendly way直接修饰动词,只能改成 in a用一种友好的方式。如:He smiled at me in a friendly way.excitedhealthypoliteexcitedlyhealthily容易拼错容易拼错不用去掉子母 e。类似的词还有:widely, nicely, closely,polite ly1. Look at the children on the playground. They are flying kites(happy).3. Why do you think you did so(bad)in your test?5.Wecan(easy) forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but we can t forgive an adult who is afraidof the light.! You ve answered all the question s(correct).The computer is(wide)used in our daily life. We can do many things with it.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more(comfortable).Mary passed her examination because she studied very(hard).Why didn t you tell me earlier? ” The boss shouted(hungry).It s (true) possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day.How(comfortable) the giant pandas are living in Taiwan!14.15.17.Miss Xu smiled and said to me(soft),Never mind, my boy!”Last night it rained(heavy) in the southern part of the city.Simon hates to be likeothers,he often tiresto doeverything_ (different).19.The children clapped theirhands _(excited) assoon as theastronautsappearedon the stage.20. Tomhad an accident yesterday.His teacher21. We should speak to the old man(polite)sent him to thehospital _(quick).23. I m(true) sorry I can t go with you. I have a lot to do this afternoon.25.His father was looking _(angry) at him because he had made a seriousmistake.26.27.Mike walked(quiet) into the room not to wake up his grandpa.How(quick) B etty answered the teacher s question!28.The firemen have saved the boy from the fire(successful).29. She is an teacher because she often tells storiesevery day. (interest)30. The children were about the news. (excite)31. The woman looks. (beauty)32. The teacher got(anger) because the boy didn t finish his homework in time.33. The boy told his father(excite),the exam!34. It is for the boy to finish such a task.(difficulty)35. The mother is about her son s safety.(worry)I got a full mark in
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