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采购和接纳平安食品Responsibility for the safety of food that enters your establishment rests with YOU!进入他的部门的食品能否平安责任在于他!采 购 和 收 货n Are licensed and reputablen 有答应证,并有良好声誉n Have food-safety procedures in placen 确定有食品平安措施 n Train employees in food safetyn 给员工食品平安知识培训n Can deliver consistent product qualityn 产质量量稳定n Can deliver products on timen 供货及时n Use delivery trucks in good conditionn 运货车辆坚持良好形状n Have clean well run warehousesn 仓库运作良好,清洁卫生Make sure your suppliers 确保他的供应商选择一个供应商n Train employeesn 训练员工n Inspect immediatelyn 立刻检测n Receive one at a timen 不要同时接纳二种以上食品 n plan aheadn 提早方案n Have information at handn 拥有正确的资料在手n Correct mistakes immediatelyn 及时纠正错误n Label for storage n 贮藏时必需贴有标签n Schedule during off-peak hoursn 在非顶峰时间做好进度表n Keep area cleann 坚持环境清洁n Have a backup menu plann 有一份后备的菜一方案收 货 指 南Accept 合格Beef color Bright cherry red 牛肉颜色 鲜樱桃红Lamb color Light red 羊肉颜色 浅红Pork color Pink lean meat, white fat 猪肉颜色 瘦肉粉红,肥肉白色Texture Firm; springs back when touched 质地 结实; 接触有弹性Reject 不合格Color Brown or greenish-brown, green, or purple blotches; black, white, or green spots 颜色 棕色或棕绿色, 绿色, 或紫色斑块; 黑色, 白色, 或绿色斑点Texture Slimy, sticky, or dry 质地 泥烂的, 粘糊糊的, 或干的Packaging Broken cartons, dirty wrappers, or torn packaging 包装 破裂的纸箱, 不清洁的包装资料,或破损的包装Odor Sour odor 气味 酸味Receive at 41F (5C) or lower接纳温度为 41F (5C) 或更低接 收 新 鲜 肉 类Accept 合格 Reject 不合格接纳新颖肉类食品Accept 合格Color No discoloration 颜色 没有变色Texture Firm; springs back when touched 质地 结实; 接触有弹性Packaging Should be surrounded by crushed, self-draining ice 包装 须用自排水的碎冰围住不合格Color Purple or green discoloration around the neck; dark wing tips (red wing tips are acceptable) 颜色 颈部有紫色或绿色污点; 翅膀末端呈深色 (红色为合格)Texture Stickiness under the wings or around joints 质地 翅膀下部或关节周围呈粘性Odor Abnormal, unpleasant odor 气味 不正常, 难闻的气味Receive at 41F (5C) or lower接纳温度为 41F (5C) 或更低接 收 新 鲜 家 禽 Accept 合格 Reject 不合格接 收 新 鲜 家 禽Grading StampsInspection Stamps检测和分等级检测章肉类家禽等级章肉类家禽Accept 合格Color Bright red gills; bright shiny skin 颜色 鲜红的腮; 鲜亮的鱼皮Odor Mild ocean or seaweed smell 气味 淡淡的海洋或海草气味Eyes Bright, clear, and full 眼睛 亮堂, 清澈, 丰满Texture Firm flesh that springs back when touched 质地 鱼肉结实,接触有弹性Reject 不合格Color Dull gray gills; dull dry skin 颜色 灰暗色的腮; 干暗的鱼皮Odor Strong fishy or ammonia smell 气味 浓重的腥味或 阿摩尼亚气味Eyes Cloudy, red-rimmed, sunken 眼睛 浑浊, 边缘红色, 凹陷Texture Soft; leaves an imprint when pressed 质地 柔软; 挤压后留下印记Receive at 41F (5C) or lower接纳温度为 41F (5C) 或更低接纳新颖鱼类Accept 合格 Reject 不合格接纳冰鲜鱼类Accept 合格Odor Mild ocean or seaweed smell 气味 淡淡的海洋或海草味Shell Closed and unbroken 壳 封锁,未破损Condition Shipped alive; identified by shellstock identification tag. Retain tags for ninety days after product is used 其它条件 活运输; 有仓库的标签号码. 保管标签号码至产品食用后90 天不合格Odor Strong fishy smell 气味 浓重的腥味Shell Open shells that do not close when tapped; broken shells 壳 开口,轻击也不封锁; 壳破损Condition Dead on arrival 其它情况 抵达时已死Texture Slimy, sticky, or dry 质地 泥烂的, 粘糊糊的, 或干的Receive at 45F (7C) or lower接纳温度为 45F (7C) 或更低接纳活的贝壳类Accept 合格Odor Mild ocean or seaweed smell 气味 淡淡的海洋或海草气味Shell Hard and heavy for lobsters and crabs 壳 龙虾和蟹的壳巩固,繁重Condition Shipped alive; packed with seaweed and kept moist 其它条件 活运输; 海草包扎,坚持充足的水分Reject 不合格Odor Strong fishy smell 气味 浓重的腥味Shell Soft 壳 柔软Condition Dead on arrival; tail fails to curl when lobster is picked up 其它情况 抵达时已死; 龙虾被拿起时,尾巴不弯曲Receive at 45F (7C) or lower接纳温度为 45F (7C) 或更低接纳活的甲壳类n Date tags when shellfish are receivedn 收取贝壳类食物时,标上日期n Keep tags on file for ninety days after last shellfish used n 保管标签至贝壳类食物被食用后90天n Never mix shellfish shipmentsn 绝不能将不同的贝壳类食物混合运输Shellstock Identification Tags储 藏 标 签贮藏标签Accept 合格Odor None 气味 无Shells clean and unbroken 壳 清洁,没有破损Condition Firm, high yolks that are not easy to break and whites that cling to yolk 其它条件 蛋黄结实,不易破裂,蛋白紧粘蛋黄Reject 不合格Odor Abnormal smell 气味 不正常气味Shells Dirty and cracked 壳 脏并且破裂 Receive at air temperature of 45F (7C) or lower在空气温度 45F (7C) 或更低时接纳接纳新颖的蛋Accept 合格Milk Sweetish flavor 牛奶 微甜butter Sweet flavor, uniform color, firm texture 牛油 甜味, 平衡的颜色, 坚实的质地Cheese Typical flavor and texture, uniform color 乳酪 有特征的味道和质地, 平衡的颜色Reject 不合格Milk Sour, bitter, or moldy 牛奶 酸, 苦, 或发霉Butter Sour, bitter, or moldy taste; uneven color; soft texture 牛油 酸, 苦, 或霉味; 颜色不均匀; 质地柔软Cheese Unnatural mold; uneven color; abnormal flavor or texture 乳酪 不自然的霉菌; 不均匀的颜色; 不正常的味道或质地Receive at 41F (5C) or lower接纳温度为 41F (5C) 或更低 (unless specified by law) (或按法规)接纳新颖奶制品Accept 合格Condition Vary depending on product 条件 根据不同产品要求不同Reject 不合格Odor Unpleasant 气味 难闻的Condition Signs of insect infestation; cuts or mushiness; discoloration, wilting or dull appearance 其它情况 有遭虫害侵扰的迹象; 破口或粘糊; 变色污点, 外观枯萎或暗淡Receiving temperatures vary接 收 温 度 不 同接纳新颖农产品Accept 合格Packaging Intact and in good condition 包装 完好,毫无破损不合格Packaging Torn/holes; expired use-by dates 包装 破损的/有破洞的; 过期的Refrigerated Processed Foods Receive at 41F (5C) or lower冷藏食品的接纳温度为 41F (5C) 或更低 (unless otherwise specified) (除非特别标明)加工过的食品Accept 合格Packaging Intact and in good condition 包装 完好,毫无破损Reject 不合格Packaging Large ice crystals on product/package; water stains/liquid on packaging, abnormal color, dry texture 包装 产品/包装上有大的 冰结晶; 包装上有水渍/ 液体, 不正常的颜色, 枯燥 Frozen Processed Foods Receive frozen冷冻食品的接纳条件:冷冻加工过的食品Accept 合格Packaging Intact and in good condition 包装 完好,毫无破损Reject 不合格Packaging Leaking; expired code date 包装 渗漏; 过期 Appearance Unacceptable product color; appears slimy or bubbles 外观 不合格的颜色; 粘糊糊或有泡沫MAP, Vacuum-Packed, Sous Vide Foods Receive at 41F (5C) or low密封胶袋包装, 真空包装接纳温度 41F (5C) 或更低 (unless specified) (除非特殊规定)包装食品n Swollen endsn Leaks and flawed sealsn Rust and dentsn No labelsReject if 以下情况不合格接纳罐装食品n底部膨胀 n 渗漏和密封不当n 生锈和有凹痕 n 没有商标 Reject if 以下情况不合格Holes, tears, punctures 有破洞, 撕破, 刺破 Dampness or moisture stains 潮湿或水渍Reject if 以下情况不合格Contains insects or eggs, rodent droppings 有虫或虫卵, 鼠类的粪便 Abnormal color or odor 不正常的颜色或气味 Spots of mold 霉斑 Slimy 粘糊状Packaging 包装 Product 产品接纳干货Torn Gag 破损 Moisture Stain 水渍接纳干货Discard food if kept in the temperature danger zone (41F to 140F or 5C to 60C) for longer than four hours保管在危险温度带 (41F 至 140F 或 5C 至 60C) 超越4 小时的食品必需丢弃The thermometer may be the single most important tool you have to protect food温度计是他用来维护食品的最重要工具监控时间和温度Types of Thermometers 温度计的种类Digital thermometer数码温度计Bi-metallic stemmed thermometer双金属带柄温度计Image courtesy of Cooper Instrumental Corporation,Middlefield, CT.Image courtesy of Thermometer Manufacturing, AtkinsTechnical, Gainsville, FL.温度计Bi-Metallic Stemmed Thermometer双金属带柄温度计温度计指示针校准螺母固定夹柄浸没区域凹陷处n Keep clean n 坚持清洁n Measure internal temperatures in the thickest part of the productn 丈量产品的内部温度n Calibrate regularly n 经常校准n Never use glass thermometersn 制止运用玻璃温度计温度计的运用n Step Onen Fill container with crushed ice and watern 第一步 在容器内装入碎冰和水n Step Two n Submerge sensing area of stem in ice water for thirty secondsn 第二步 将温度计的敏感部分浸入冰水三十秒n Step Threen Adjust calibration nut until thermometer reads 32F (0C)n 第三步 调准校准螺母直到温度计读数为 32F (0C)Ice-Point Method 冰点法校准温度计n Step Onen Bring a pan of water to a boiln 第一步 将一锅水烧开n Step Twon Submerge sensing area of stem in boiling water for thirty secondsn 第 二步 将温度计的敏感部分浸入沸水三十秒 n Step ThreenAdjust calibration nut until thermometer reads 212F (100C)n 第三步 调准校准螺母直到温度计读数为 212F (100C)Boiling-Point Method 沸点法校准温度计nMeat, poultry, fishn Insert stem/probe into thickest portionn 肉类, 家禽, 鱼 将探针插入最厚部位n Packaged foodn Insert stem/probe between two packagesn 包装食品 将探针插入两个袋之间n Milk and other liquidsn Submerge stem/probe in liquidn 牛奶和其它液体 将探针浸入液体n Bulk liquidsn Fold bag over stem/proben 大袋包装 将大袋折起,探针放在折叠之间n Live shellfishn Insert stem/probe into middle of casen 活的贝壳类 将探针插在容器中央丈量温度Prepare a ten minute presentation on proper receiving techniques while considering the following:关于以下几个方面,预备一个约非常钟讲演,讲述正确的接纳方法n 时间和温度n 检测方法 n 温度计的用法和温度丈量n 产品不合格检测程序运用他的知识n Time and temperature n Inspection methods n Thermometer handling and temperature measurement n product rejection procedure nPresent several different types of food and ask participants to explain how to measure their temperaturen 提供几种不同的食品,请学员们说出如何丈量它们的温度n Challenge students to list what they would look for when visiting a purveyors facilityn 请学员们列出查看供应商的设备时要留意的事项nHave participants draw an example of an inspection stamp and a grading stamp. Have them explain the differences. Present a prize for the most accurate drawing. n 请学员们画出一个检测章,和一个等级章。请他们解释不同之处,并奖励画得最准确的学员 教授方法
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