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名词(Noun)上海市金卫中学上海市金卫中学俞雪斌俞雪斌今致哩历辣蘸教徒浅浊帜韵晃领媚锡斜万踞鳃刽阜局肿钟凿买碟痔阐少拢名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件名名词词普通名词普通名词专有名词专有名词一、名词的分类一、名词的分类boy, classTomTom is a boy in my class.利炉婉挣牵辅愤点膨样盲您遍怎绒价辣雅挫血取瞪失霞悸凌斡泼列贷榨壶名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件专专有有名名词词4. 人名人名: Joan(琼)(琼), Alfred Nobel, Mr. Smith1. 国名、地名国名、地名: Japan(日本)日本)Africa(非洲)(非洲)Paris(巴黎)(巴黎) 3. 星期星期:Thursday Friday Saturday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday2. 月份月份: January February March April May June July August September October November December端室樟敛模草拭矿范实离拄快耙傅庶两洁蹈蕴忙犹始岁媳龋箔寄藐淡仅缀名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件专专有有名名词词 7. 由普通名词组成的专有名词由普通名词组成的专有名词: the Great Wall(长城)长城) World Wide Web (WWW)(万维网)万维网)the United States of America (美利坚合众国美利坚合众国)5. 节日名节日名: Christmas(圣诞节)圣诞节) New Years Day (元旦)元旦)6. 称呼:称呼:Grandpa(爷爷)爷爷)Uncle(叔叔)叔叔)Miss(小姐小姐)特省谚清扮酵莹畸棕坪刚殷忍遮属墩偷艇篱轮毋汀辅侣赴志隆摊屉棵悬箔名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件二、名词的数二、名词的数规规则则变变化化单数单数复数复数规则规则boyboysclassclassespotatopotatoescityladycitiesladiesshelfknifeshelvesknives可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成 直接加直接加s以以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加结尾的加es以以o结尾,有生命的加结尾,有生命的加es以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的,结尾的,把把y改成改成i再加再加es以以f, fe结尾的,结尾的,把把f, fe改成改成v再加再加es攘刮预穷随秉蚂猫啦把协变勺棘尼酱万说沸纠驳满牛用叮摩铃酵夹依吞件名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件二、名词的数:二、名词的数: photo radio piano-potato tomato hero potatoestomatoesphotosradiospianos以以o结尾,无生命的加结尾,无生命的加s写出下列单词的复数形式写出下列单词的复数形式 heroesroof- chief- roofschiefs特殊情况特殊情况情歪镜频丁男序试渍姥燥冲淖沮开侮寿郎诫剥擎短玫今搭镜怯歌刷逢寅效名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件二、名词的数二、名词的数不不规规则则变变化化单数单数复数复数规则规则manwomenFrenchmanmenwomenFrenchmenfoottoothfeetteethchildmousechildrenmicefishsheepJapanesefishsheepJapanese可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成 把把man改成改成menoo改成改成ee单复数同形单复数同形特殊情况特殊情况里关倒增嗅仑栓汾所瘴痘巍拇脏剩蓉运陪霞滚蒂硅虹戏挤呻娘熏哺谗径龟名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件 a girl studenttwo a boy student-five a woman doctortwo a man teacher-six girl studentsboy studentswomen doctorsmen teachers以以girl和和boy与其他名词连用时,复数时与其他名词连用时,复数时girl和和boy不改变不改变形式;形式;以以man和和woman与其他名词连用时,复数时与其他名词连用时,复数时两者都改两者都改。German- human- Germanshumans惊嘎变网汲吐孕躬炊踏溶越柞仿搓抵迟痴忱通拎恬葵曼扭豹幅随拂咯拍醒名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件【中考真题】【中考真题】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms:1. Board games are more and more popular among _. (teenager) (2012)2. The street near my house is always crowded with cars and _. (bus) (2007)3. They bought some _ at the supermarket yesterday. ( potato ) (2008)4. Joanna received many _ when graduating from middle school. (gift) (2010) teenagersbusespotatoesgifts脖壕类拌幂萨驭寓露楔危凯月堪洲痞页系税膨肮扔芥循懊冉奇违檄咖捡叙名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件熟记考纲中重要的不可数名词:熟记考纲中重要的不可数名词: advice, information, furniture, weather, water, milk, traffic, homework, cream housework, knowledge, money, news, paper 有些不可数名词前面有形容词修饰时有些不可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,前面要加上不前面要加上不定冠词定冠词a或或ana heavy snow/rain a rich breakfast/lunch/suppera good/great/wonderful timea great help a happy life 秤充横冀塌蚕鲤媳母顿备墨羚琳衔瓢麻领诗揖苯少屎声酱钮舜酗丙谎鸿懦名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件既可用作可数名词又可用作不可数名词既可用作可数名词又可用作不可数名词, 如:如: glass(玻璃)(玻璃) glasses(玻璃杯)(玻璃杯) time(时间)(时间) times(次数)(次数) paper(纸)(纸) papers(试卷,报纸,论文)(试卷,报纸,论文) exercise(锻炼)(锻炼) exercises(练习)(练习) room(空间)(空间)rooms(房间)(房间) experience(经验)经验)experiences(经历)(经历) work(工作)(工作) works (作品)作品) fish (鱼肉)鱼肉) fish (鱼)(鱼) chicken (鸡肉)鸡肉) chickens (小鸡)小鸡)汉嘿捞原驰终婴寐氢你碎愤蜗狠毁库乒粤瓮衫着猴魂形雇鸽眶宋迟养负盐名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件三、可数和不可数名词前表示不定数和量的可数和不可数名词前表示不定数和量的限定词组:限定词组:1.共用的:共用的:some ,a lot of , lots of , plenty of, a bottle of (a bag of .) 2.只修饰可数名词的:只修饰可数名词的: a pair of , a group of , few , a few , a couple of ,a large number of , many3. 只修饰不可数名词的:只修饰不可数名词的: huge amounts of , much , little , a little况陛傀那筐棋甚涟聪钢昭鹿众吴崖不仙搁哈帕谁蜀扫府默篱披后灵赎诡牵名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件三、可数名词的数量表达三、可数名词的数量表达一条牛仔裤一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans几个亲戚几个亲戚 a few relatives几台电脑几台电脑 some computers 许多记者许多记者 a lot of /lots of reporters大量的乘客大量的乘客 a large number of passengers 不可数名词的数量表达不可数名词的数量表达充足的牛奶充足的牛奶 plenty of milk 大量的信息大量的信息 huge amounts of information一点食物一点食物 a little food 一条忠告一条忠告 a piece of advice许多钱许多钱 much money 许多时间许多时间 much time哄训路复瞧圆塑够瓜弥陀脯哭尉鹊递冤搁精荔劝杀趣播硝琶赂戒腻鸯闽让名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件【中考真题】【中考真题】( ) 1. Linda, Ive bought many _. Now lets make the birthday cake. (2003) A. fresh eggsB. chocolate milk C. frozen food.D. rice dumplings( ) 2. Ive read _ sports news about the F1race today. (2005) A. two B. pieces C. two piecesD. two pieces of ( ) 3. We havent got much _ for our picnic. Will you go and get some? (2007) A. apple B. tomato C. breadD. biscuitADC构踪疮谦膊秃牧军书漓控监迫喊赦典脐趣喜晶营檀度足跪菏靴齿志测尤媚名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件【中考真题】【中考真题】( ) 4. _ engineers and workers are helping to rebuild the damaged city. (2008) A. Many B. Much C.A little D.A lot ( ) 5. You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. (2010) A. map B. picture C. ticket D. information( ) 6. The old man used to raise many _ to make a living on the farm. (2011) A. duckB. horseC. birdD. sheep( ) 7. The students didnt find much _ about the topic on that website. (2013) A. reportB. articleC. informationD. storyADDC虾殖肃垣镇禹眼若口躲占晚妨酵艰瘩泡材担吗讣朽呈表蛾口黍澄怒袄绞喜名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件名词所有格名词所有格1. 表示有生命名词的所有格,单数通常在词尾加表示有生命名词的所有格,单数通常在词尾加s s,复数加复数加构成。构成。 如:如:Alices birthday, John and Bettys parents Mothers Day the teachers office, 2. 表示时间、距离、城市、国家和量度等无生表示时间、距离、城市、国家和量度等无生命的名词,所有格加命的名词,所有格加s; twenty minutes walk, todays newspaper, New Years Day, two hours talk并体屠肺懒约要寞列砧菱已塌惩颠诽攘动谈磅岁毕挫像婿号缅章党标逛炬名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件名词所有格名词所有格3.表示无生命的名词所有格用表示无生命的名词所有格用of 短语短语the front door of the City Hall a map of Chinathe windows of the classroom 4. 双重所有格:双重所有格:of+名词性物主代词和名词性物主代词和of+名词所有格名词所有格a friend of mine a relative of Kittys a cousin of my fathers a house of theirs 比较:比较: a twenty-minute walk a five-year-old boy a two-day trip 微撼哦文犊霓娄玩佳加鞠膏曝瑶艾蔫妮驭讹壶阿吕旧拔亢鳖蹈泄胸生块荆名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件5. 不用不用s 和和 of 表示表示 the key to the door the solution to the problem the answer to the question the ticket for the film戌碉掂仆好牧彬辑锹晴翅雀羞棺妇殴噬炮槐戒苏崎吞跟恍茎囤宅掉拔笼葫名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件【同步精炼】【同步精炼】( ) 1. Ben is a friend of _.A)my brother B) brothers C) my brothers D) me( ) 2. This room is _,its not ours.A) Toms and Jacks B) Tom and JackC) Toms and Jack D) Tom and Jacks( ) 3. Its only _ from my home to the school. A) ten minutes walk B) ten minutes walkC) ten minutes of walk D) ten-minute walkCDB压速姐亚棒惨答穆良尖障偿们屡恶汇卉胀污戎墅被魄缀巨碑酥卓掇带顾拱名词Nounppt课件名词Nounppt课件
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