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初三英语初三英语 Unit 7 Where would Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?you like to visit?Unit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit?peacefulrelaxingbeautifulfascinatingjungleboringeducationalBEAUTIFULRELAXINGTIRINGDANGEROUSEDUCATIONALPEACEFULFASCINATINGINTERESTINGFUNBORINGEXCITINGTHRILLINGA FLORIDA BEACHA JUNGLE OF BRAZILGrammarwouldlike 想,真想1. wouldlike+名词(代词)想要某物Eg:Idlikesomehamburgers.Thecakeisdelicious.Wouldyoulikeone?2. wouldliketodosth. 想要做某事,愿意做某事Eg:IdliketovisitLondon.Hedliketogowithyou.3.wouldlike相当于 wantEg:Iwanttoplaybasketball.Idliketoplaybasketball.Practice:1.What are you going to do this Sunday? Id like to _ some washing. A. doing B. will do C. do D. to do2. _ to have dinner with me and my wife sometime next week? Yes. Id like to. Thank you. A. Would you like B. Do you like C. Would you D. Do you3.Would you _ help me? A. like B. to like C. like to D. wantACCPLANNING YOUR VACATIONWhere would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation? Why? Fill in the chart. Person Place WhyBrazillikesexcitingvacationsFloridahasbeenstressedSamGinaListen.Practice conversations with your partner. Then tell which place would you like to visit and why.Make some dialogues:1.Beijing 北京北京 2.Deng Xiaopings hometown 小平故居小平故居3.Doutuan Mountain窦团山窦团山 4.The beach of Hainan海南沙滩海南沙滩I would like to SummaryThank you very much !Good bye!
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