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欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Module 3 Making plansUnit 1. 选词配配图 picnic, housework, piano, email, movie答案:答案:1. movie 2. piano 3. email 答案:答案:4. picnic 5. housework . 句型展示句型展示1. 明天你打算做什么?明天你打算做什么?我打算做作我打算做作业。What _ you _ _ _ tomorrow? I _ _ _ _ my homework. 2. 还有有谁要去那里?要去那里?没有人。没有人。_ _ is going to be there? Nobody. 答案:答案:1. are; going to do; am going to do 2. Who else3. 你愿意加入我你愿意加入我们吗? 是的,我愿意。是的,我愿意。 _ _ _ _ join us? Yes, _ _ _ . 4. 你打算一个人待在家里你打算一个人待在家里吗?_ you _ _ stay at home alone? 5. 那将会是一个极好的周末。那将会是一个极好的周末。It _ _ _ _ a fantastic weekend. 答案:答案:3. Would you like to; Id love to 4. Are; going to5. is going to be1. on Saturday morning 在星期六上午在星期六上午On Saturday morning, Im going to check my email and do my homework. 星期六上午,我要星期六上午,我要检查电子子邮件并且做作件并且做作业。We dont have English class on Monday. 星期一我星期一我们不上英不上英语课。【探究探究总结】介介词on,in与与at的用法辨析的用法辨析【学以致用学以致用】用用in, on, at填空,不需要填空,不需要处填填/。The game is going to start _6: 30 _ the afternoon. Ye Shiwen was born _ 1996. We are all happy _ Childrens Day. 答案:答案:at; in in on2. else adv. 其他;另外其他;另外Who else is going to be there? 还有有谁要去那里?要去那里?He has nothing else to do today. 他今天没有他今天没有别的事要干。的事要干。The coat may be someone elses. 这件外套可能是件外套可能是别的某个人的。的某个人的。【探究总结探究总结】else的用法三考点的用法三考点(1)用用在在以以 -one, -body, -thing, -place, -where 等等结尾尾的的不不定定代代词之后。之后。(2)用在用在who, what, where, how, why 等疑等疑问词之后。之后。(3)else 可以有所有格形式可以有所有格形式(elses)。【学以致用学以致用】我我们还能做什么能做什么? _ _can we do? I cant help you now. Ask _to help you. A. somebody else B. else somebodyC. somebody other D. other somebody答案:答案:What else3. would like愿意,想要愿意,想要Would you like to join us? 你愿意加入我你愿意加入我们吗?Yes, Id love to. 是的,我愿意。是的,我愿意。Would you like some apples? 你想要些苹果你想要些苹果吗?No, thanks. 不,不,谢谢。【探究总结探究总结】would like的用法四考点的用法四考点 would like意意为“想想,想想要要”,与与want意意义相相同同,但但语气气更更委婉。委婉。(1)would like没没有有人人称称和和数数的的变化化,常常与与前前面面作作主主语的的代代词缩写写为d。(2)would like后后可可接接名名词或或代代词作作宾语;would like 后后接接动词时,必必须用用动词不定式不定式(动词不定式不定式/动名名词)。(3)含含有有would like的的一一般般疑疑问句句中中,表表示示“一一些些”和和“某某物物”时用用some和和something而不用而不用any和和anything。(4)回回答答Would you like. . . ?时应注注意意:would like后后接接名名词或或代代词时,一一般般回回答答用用Yes,please. 或或No,thanks. ;would like后后接接动词不不定定式式时,回回答答用用Yes,Id like/love to. 或或Id like/love to, but. . . 。【学以致用学以致用】Would you like _bread for breakfast, Jenny? A. any B. some C. a D. theWould you like to go swimming with us this afternoon? _, but I have a lot of homework to do. A. Id love to B. Yes, I like itC. No, thanks D. It doesnt matter. 用适当的介用适当的介词填空填空1. _Wednesday2. _ the evening3. _20064. _ April 1st5. _ a hot summer morning6. _ five oclock答案:答案:1. on 2. in 3. in 4. on 5. on 6. at . 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. She _ (fly) to Beijing next Sunday. 2. What would you like _(eat) for supper? 3. Mother has a lot of _(housework) to do every day. 4. How can I _(drive) a car?5. Nobody _ (be) in the classroom now. 答案:答案:1. is going to fly 2. to eat 3. housework 4. drive 5. is 励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全
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