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ost p停止g 去f st快的sl , 慢的l ght灯 ce cr m冰淇淋 j ll 果冻oaowii eae yored light red light stop stop stop, yellow light yellow light wait wait wait green light green light go go go , Look at the light.看灯。Its red.红灯。Look!The car is fast.看!这辆小汽车开的很快。Look!The car is slow.看!这辆小汽车开的很慢。ob ll铃铛pr sent礼物tr 树st , 星星 n在.里面 n在.上面 nd 在.下面eeowii ouer1)Put the tree in the room. 把树放在房间里。 Put the present under the tree. 把礼物放在树下面Put the star on the tree. 把星星放在树上面2)Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!Here are your presents. 给你们的礼物Find your present,May.找到你的礼物,May.1-Is it in the bag?它在书包里么?-Yes,Its in the bag.是的它在书包里。-No,it isnt.不,它不在。2-Here are your presents. 给你们的礼物-Thank you.谢谢。3-where is the tree?数在哪里?its in the room.它在房间里。4.-Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐。oh ts帽子gl ves手套sc fs 围巾w nter冬天w nd风 sn 雪 l ght灯c ldaoarii owio1.Do you like winter? 你喜欢冬天吗?No,I dont. 不,我不喜欢。2)Do you like snowman? 你喜欢雪人吗?Yes,I do. 是的,我喜欢。Look at the clock. 看钟。Listen to the clock.听钟声。Look at the snow. 看雪。Listen to the wind.听风How old are you.你多大了?I am 8 years old.我八岁了。What have you got?你有什么?I have got a hat .我有一顶帽子。How many kites ?有多少个风筝?Nine.九个。ot e领带b lt腰带s cks 袜子sh t衬衫dr ss连衣裙c t外套 m n月亮ieoire oaoo1)Put on your coat. 穿上你的大衣。2)Take off your shoes. 脱下你的鞋子。 3)I need a new belt. 我需要一条新的皮带。 1.-What do you need?你需要什么?-I need a new dress.我需要一件新裙子。2.-Give me a dress.给我一件裙子。-Here you are.给你。-Thank you.谢谢。3.-Take off your shoes ,please.请把鞋脱下。-OK.好的。 4.-Thank you.谢谢。 -Youre welcome.不客气。
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