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第第24期期语法运用语法运用 Grammar in use一、一、if引导的条件句引导的条件句我们在七年级时已经学过结构为我们在七年级时已经学过结构为 “主句主句用一般将来时用一般将来时, if引导的从句用一般现在引导的从句用一般现在时时” 的条件句来谈论可能发生的事件。的条件句来谈论可能发生的事件。if从句的一般现在时用于表述可能发生的从句的一般现在时用于表述可能发生的动作或情况动作或情况, 主句用一般将来时表述条主句用一般将来时表述条件成立时可能产生的结果。件成立时可能产生的结果。例如例如:1. If you walk along the road, you will see many buildings. 如果你沿着这条如果你沿着这条 路走路走, 你会看见许多建筑。你会看见许多建筑。2. You will not feel tired in the morning if you go to bed early at night. 如果你如果你 晚上早点睡晚上早点睡, 你早上就不会感到累。你早上就不会感到累。 今天今天, 我们来学习我们来学习if条件句用来表示条件句用来表示条件和结果之间存在必然联系的用法。条件和结果之间存在必然联系的用法。当表示客观事实、结果时当表示客观事实、结果时, if条件句的主条件句的主句和从句都用一般现在时。句和从句都用一般现在时。1. If you hit the window with a hammer, it breaks. 如果你拿榔头砸窗户如果你拿榔头砸窗户, 它会破裂。它会破裂。2. The room becomes bright if you turn on the light. 如果你打开灯的话如果你打开灯的话, 房间会变明亮。房间会变明亮。【语法笔记语法笔记】1. if从句可以放在句首从句可以放在句首, 也可以放在句末。也可以放在句末。 如果把如果把if从句放在句首从句放在句首, 常用逗号将其与常用逗号将其与主句分开。例如主句分开。例如:If the temperature is below zero, water turns into ice. Water turns into ice if the temperature is below zero. 如果温度低于零摄氏度如果温度低于零摄氏度, 水就会变成冰。水就会变成冰。2. if引导的条件状语从句中通常不用一般引导的条件状语从句中通常不用一般将来时。在需要表达将来含义时将来时。在需要表达将来含义时, 一般一般用现在时表示。用现在时表示。二、二、if not和和unless1. ifnot和和unless都可以用来引导条件状都可以用来引导条件状语从句语从句, ifnot表示表示 “如果如果不不”, 而而unless表示表示 “除非除非”。当它们。当它们引导条件状语从句时引导条件状语从句时, 可以互相转换。可以互相转换。例如例如:If you dont finish your homework, I wont let you play outside. 如果你不完成如果你不完成你的作业你的作业, 我不会让你出去玩。我不会让你出去玩。= Unless you finish your homework, I wont let you play outside.除非你完成你的作业除非你完成你的作业, 否则我不会让你否则我不会让你出去玩。出去玩。2. ifnot和和unless引导的从句和主句的位引导的从句和主句的位置可以互换。但是当从句在前置可以互换。但是当从句在前, 主句在主句在后时后时, 一般用逗号隔开一般用逗号隔开, 反之反之, 则不用逗则不用逗号。号。If she doesnt start off now, she will be late. She will be late if she doesnt start off now.如果她现在不出发如果她现在不出发, 她会迟到。她会迟到。Unless she starts off now, she will be late. She will be late unless she starts off now.除非她现在出发除非她现在出发, 否则她会迟到。否则她会迟到。【语法笔记语法笔记】1. 在在unless引导的从句里引导的从句里, 通常用现在时通常用现在时表示将来。例如表示将来。例如:Unless you have a better idea, Ill take his advice. 除非你有更好的主意除非你有更好的主意, 否则我否则我将听取他的意见。将听取他的意见。2. unless用于引出某事发生或成立所必需用于引出某事发生或成立所必需的条件。例如的条件。例如:You should not promise anything unless you can do it.除非你能做到除非你能做到, 否则不要随便许诺。否则不要随便许诺。实战演练实战演练I. 根据句意根据句意, 用用if或或unless填空。填空。1. _ you put paper into a fire, it burns.2. I wont let you play football _ you finish cleaning your bedroom.3. Well have to stay in the classroom _ it keeps snowing.Ifunlessif4. _ you work hard, you wont pass the English exam.5. Its easy to remember the new words _ you have a good memory.UnlessifII. 将下列单词或词组连接成句。将下列单词或词组连接成句。6. I, get, wont, abroad, if, dont, go, chance, the, I (.)_7. go, she, every, no, she, shopping, day, will, money, unless, has (.)_ I wont go abroad if I dont get the chance. She will go shopping every day unless she has no money.8. a, it, candle, you, burns, light, if (,) (.)_9. my, me, the, surf, I, mother, my, finish, Internet, wont, homework, let, unless (.)_10. bus, we, if, a, take, it, be, will, cheaper(.)_ It will be cheaper if we take a bus. If you light a candle, it burns. My mother won t let me surf the Internet unless I finish my homework.III. 用括号中的词或结构将下列句子转用括号中的词或结构将下列句子转换为同义句。换为同义句。11. I wont go to sleep if I dont finish my homework. (unless)_12. Unless you receive the invitation, you cant go to the meeting. (if .not)_ If you dont receive the invitation, you cant go to the meeting. I wont go to sleep unless I finish my homework.13. If you cant remember the passage, you must read it again and again. (unless)_14. You wont live here unless you have enough money. (if .not)_ You wont live here if you don t have enough money. Unless you can remember the passage, you must read it again and again.15. If you dont finish your work, the boss wont let you go. (unless)_16. He wont stop playing computer games unless he is tired. (if .not)_ He wont stop playing computer games if he is not tired. Unless you finish your work, the boss wont let you go.IV. 单项选择单项选择17. Playing with these kids is necessary _ you want to make friends with them.A. ifB. until C. unless D. though18. Kitty will spend more time with her children if she _ a mother. A. becomesB. become C. became D. becoming19. Mary often walks the dog in the afternoon _ bad weather stops her. A. when B. unless C. because D. since20. _ you ring Tony, he wont know about the party on Friday. A. If B. When C. Unless D. However21. If you drop a mirror(镜子镜子), it _. A. breaking B. break C. broke D. breaks短语收藏夹短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 7短语聚会短语聚会1. take out (从银行账户中从银行账户中) 提取提取 (款款)2. pour out of 从从中涌出中涌出3. stay relaxed 保持放松保持放松4. switch off 关掉关掉5. turn into 变成变成6. put.into. 把把放进放进里面里面7. get a toothache 牙疼牙疼8. a balanced diet 均衡的饮食均衡的饮食9. slow down (使使)放慢速度放慢速度; 松劲松劲10. in the middle of 在在中间中间11. at the beginning 开始开始12. make a funny noise 发出奇怪的声音发出奇怪的声音13. exercise ones brain 锻炼某人的头脑锻炼某人的头脑14. live a healthy life 过着健康的生活过着健康的生活【操练场操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空其正确形式填空, 补全句子。补全句子。1. _, I didnt know him, but later we became good friends.2. _ the lights when you leave the classroom.3. Mrs Green _ a lot of money from the bank just now.At the beginningSwitch offtook out4. If you _, you shouldnt eat sweet food.5. People _ the building after it caught fire.6. _ when you take an exam.7. If you feel tired when you are running, you can _.get a toothachepoured out ofStay relaxedslow down8. The tall man standing _ the crowd seems upset.9. When the water boils, _ the rice _ the boiled water.intoin the middle ofputFor Unit 7Section A (For Grammar)I. 连接下面分句连接下面分句, 组成条件句。组成条件句。( ) 1. If bears feel in danger, ( ) 2. You get four ( ) 3. If you pour oil in water, ( ) 4. You will miss the train ( ) 5. If you go out in the rain, edcga( ) 6. Unless you study hard, ( ) 7. It turns into water ( ) 8. She will keep on singing ( ) 9. We will go on a picnic( ) 10. Unless I visit every bookstore in the town, fbjhia. you get wet.b. if you heat ice.c. it floats.d. if you divide eight by two.e. they attack people.f. you wont pass the examination.g. if you dont hurry up.h. if it doesnt rain tomorrow.i. I shall not know whether I can get what I want.j. unless she is told to stop.II. 用括号中动词的正确时态完成条件句。用括号中动词的正确时态完成条件句。11. If there _ (be) a lot of traffic, our journey _ (take) a longer time.12. If you _ (sleep) badly at night, you often _ (feel) tired the next day.13. Our brains _ (work) better if we _ (be) healthy.istakessleepfeelworkare14. Unless you _ (return) the books to the library, you _ able to borrow more books.15. Your dad _ (let) you go out to play unless you _ (tidy) up your bedroom.tidyreturnwon t bewont letIII. 根据句意根据句意, 选用选用if或或unless连接句子。连接句子。16. Fish die. There is no water._17. My baby sister never cries. She is hungry._ My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. If there is no water, fish die.18. I run every morning. Bad weather stops me._19. You arent careful. You will make a mistake._20. Im free this Sunday. I will visit you. _ If Im free this Sunday, I will visit you. I run every morning unless bad weather stops me. If you arent careful, you will make a mistake.Section B (For Speaking)I. 根据汉语提示写单词根据汉语提示写单词, 补全句子。每空补全句子。每空一词。一词。1. 我过去常常吃肉我过去常常吃肉, 但现在吃得很少了。但现在吃得很少了。 I _ _ _ meat, but now I eat much less.used to eat2. 今天是我人生中最好的一天今天是我人生中最好的一天, 因为我因为我见见 到了我最想见的人。到了我最想见的人。 Today is _ _ _ _ _ _ because I saw the person I wanted to meet most.3. 我对刚才所发生的一切感到不适应。我对刚才所发生的一切感到不适应。 I _ _ _ what happened just now.the best day of my lifefeel bad about4. 我不理解你所说的我不理解你所说的, 能给我举个例子能给我举个例子吗吗? I dont understand what you said. Can you _ _ _ _?5. 很高兴见到你很高兴见到你, 我将带你游览这个地我将带你游览这个地方。方。 _ _ _ _ Ill show you around this place.Glad to meet yougive me an exampleII. 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。形式填空。Therere many methods to have (6) _ good memory, such as associating, creating images, developing (7) _ interest in the subject (8) _ having a break or rest.aanand Some people have (9) _ (good) memory than others (10) _ they are better at (11) _ (create) images. When things come to their brain, they will recall swiftly (敏捷地敏捷地). (12) _ addition, building a connection helps people connect one thing with another. A study shows that practice can improve (13) _ (we) memory. For example, we develop ourbetterbecausecreatingInourabilities to solve Maths (14) _ (problem) by doing a lot of exercises. More importantly, we should (15) _ (have) a break or rest after learning for a long time because having a rest helps our brains to make new connections.haveproblemsSection C (For Writing) 根据汉语提示写单词根据汉语提示写单词, 补全句子。每补全句子。每空一词。空一词。1. 你等我一下你等我一下, 我从银行取些钱给你。我从银行取些钱给你。 Please wait for me for a while, and I will _ _ some money from the bank for you.take out2. 当我跟朋友在花园玩时当我跟朋友在花园玩时, 我突然听到我突然听到有有 只猫发出奇怪的声音。只猫发出奇怪的声音。 When I played with my friends in the garden, I suddenly heard a cat _ _ _ _.3. 我昨天梦到许多钱从机器中涌出。我昨天梦到许多钱从机器中涌出。 Yesterday, I dreamt lots of money _ _ _ _ _.makinga funny noisepoured out of the machine4. 新学期开始新学期开始, 大家都渴望见到他们的大家都渴望见到他们的老老 同学。同学。 _ _ _ of the new term, everyone is eager to see his or her old classmates.5. 我家在这栋楼的中间位置。我家在这栋楼的中间位置。 My home is _ _ _ of this building.At the beginningin the middle6. 记得把这张相片放到你的钱包里。记得把这张相片放到你的钱包里。 Remember to _ the photo _ _ _.7. 我这里没有硬币我这里没有硬币, 只有些纸币。只有些纸币。 I dont have coins with me, just _ _.putintoyour walletsome notes8. 你们已经连续工作了六个小时你们已经连续工作了六个小时, 请停请停下下 来休息一会儿。来休息一会儿。 You have kept working for six hours. Please _ _ _ _ _.9. 最后最后, 我们没有完成工作我们没有完成工作, 因为所给的因为所给的 时间不够。时间不够。 _ _ _, we didnt finish the work because we didnt have enough time.stop to have a restIn the end10. 在公共场合发表演讲对我来说是一个在公共场合发表演讲对我来说是一个 特殊的记忆。特殊的记忆。 Making a speech in public is _ _ _ for me.a specialmemorySection D (For More Practice) I. 从方框中选择合适的短语从方框中选择合适的短语, 并用其适并用其适当的形式完成句子。当的形式完成句子。exercise ones brain, live a healthy life, a balanced diet, slow down, lots of1. People should have _ every day because its good for their health.2. If you want to have a good memory, you should often _.a balanced dietexercise your brain3. Everyone has to _ to keep healthy. 4. _ regular exercise makes your brain become sharp.5. If you dont often get enough sleep, you brain will _.live a healthy lifeLots ofslow downII. 根据汉语提示写单词根据汉语提示写单词, 补全句子。每补全句子。每空一词。空一词。6. 这周末你计划做什么这周末你计划做什么? What do you _ _ _ this weekend?7. 每天有一个好的睡眠很重要。每天有一个好的睡眠很重要。 _ _ _ _ a good sleep every day.plan to doIt s important to have8. 我们必须给大脑足够的时间休息。我们必须给大脑足够的时间休息。 We must _ our brains _ _ _ _.9. 考试之前要保持放松的状态。考试之前要保持放松的状态。 _ _ before your exams.10. 如果你尝试一些新事物如果你尝试一些新事物, 你就能保持你就能保持 大脑活跃。大脑活跃。 If you try something new, you can _ _ _ _.keep your brain activegiveenough timeto restStay relaxed参考答案参考答案语法运用语法运用 实战演练实战演练I. 1. If 2. unless 3. if 4. Unless 5. ifII. 6. I wont go abroad if I dont get the chance.7. She will go shopping every day unless she has no money.8. If you light a candle, it burns.9. My mother won t let me surf the Internet unless I finish my homework.10. It will be cheaper if we take a bus.III. 11. I wont go to sleep unless I finish my homework.12. If you dont receive the invitation, you cant go to the meeting.13. Unless you can remember the passage, you must read it again and again.14. You wont live here if you don t have enough money.15. Unless you finish your work, the boss wont let you go.16. He wont stop playing computer games if he is not tired.IV. 17. A18. A19. B20. C21. D短语收藏夹短语收藏夹1. At the beginning 2. Switch off 3. took out 4. get a toothache 5. poured out of 6. Stay relaxed 7. slow down 8. in the middle of 9. put; into随堂练随堂练Section AI. 1. e 2. d3. c4. g 5. a 6. f 7. b 8. j 9. h 10. iII. 11. is; takes 12. sleep; feel 13. work; are 14. return; won t be 15. wont let; tidyIII. 16. If there is no water, fish die.17. My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.18. I run every morning unless bad weather stops me.19. If you arent careful, you will make a mistake.20. If Im free this Sunday, I will visit you.Section BI. 1. used to eat 2. the best day of my life 3. feel bad about 4. give me an example5. Glad to meet youII. 6. a 7. an 8. and 9. better 10. because 11 . creating 12. In 13. our 14. problems 15. haveSection C1. take out 2. making a funny noise 3. poured out of the machine 4. At the beginning5. in the middle 6. put; into your wallet 7. some notes 8. stop to have a rest 9. In the end 10. a special memorySection DI. 1. a balanced diet 2. exercise your brain 3. live a healthy life 4. Lots of 5. slow downII. 6. plan to do 7. It s important to have 8. give; enough time to rest 9. Stay relaxed 10. keep your brain active八年级英语八年级英语 Unit 7 听说题听说题I. 1. B2. C3. C4. A5. BII. 6. By using them to make sentences and writing them down for many times.7. Because a picture is worth a thousand words.8. By using our brains as often as possible and having a good rest every day.III. 9. Just read and write.10. Because their lives are different.11. Japanese.IV. 请用英语描述下图请用英语描述下图, 至少六句话。至少六句话。 A few years ago, there used to be a lot of trees near our school. And many birds lived there. Later, people cut down all the trees. Then the birds flew away and the environment became worse than before. Luckily, our school encouraged us to plant trees there and all of us took part in the activity. Now there are more trees and birds came back. And we can hear birds sing there again.写作一招鲜写作一招鲜writing tips【一展身手一展身手】 听完同学们不同的记忆之后。你想跟听完同学们不同的记忆之后。你想跟大家分享自己的一段美好的记忆。要求大家分享自己的一段美好的记忆。要求: 80词左右。词左右。 写作本篇作文可能用到的词江、短语写作本篇作文可能用到的词江、短语: wonderful, take care of, worm (虫虫), let it go。A wonderful memory_A wonderful memoryI have a wonderful memory to share with you. About one year ago, I found a bird on the road after a heavy rain one day. Its wings were hurt and it couldnt fly. I took it back home and took good care of it. I tried to found some worms in the garden to feed the bird. When I gavethe worms to it, it ate happily. It was so lovely and I liked it very much. I let it go after it got well. It gave me a wonderful memory. Now I often think of it.
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