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UNIT 1:内容提要单词:Birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange歌曲:1. Hello again 2.Dont play in the street卡通故事:Dont play in the street行动故事:The banana skin多元智能开展语言技能看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解内容;向别人打招呼并问好;唱歌Hello again 。认知、运动和社交能力在词汇中仔细听并记住哪些单词被说过; 在图画帮助下学习歌曲的歌词; 按节奏和曲调唱歌;能跟上故事的表达;从附页中取下拼图,然后将其放在正确的位置上并粘好; 对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p2 歌曲儿童用书录音带A2 Hello againOne, two , three , four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten . Hello again. Red and pink andbrown, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and blue (Comeon!)Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion, hippo snake, rain and wind sun, jump and clap and run.(Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots ofwords.(Oh yes!)儿童用书 p3 听力练习儿童用书录音带A5What is it?1.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A peach.Boy: Thats right.2.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A plum.Boy: Thats right.3.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A n orange.Boy: Thats right.儿童用书 p3 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带A5Whats on Maxs plate?An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. Whats on Maxs plate?儿童用书 p4 卡通故事故事录音带1 Dont play in the streetStoryteller:Its morning. Time to go to schoolLinda:Have an apple, Max.Max:Thanks. One, two, three. Apples, apples, I like apples, I like applesLinda and Benny: Stop it, Max.Max:Apples, apples, I likeooooh! My apple!Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max! Oh, Max.Max:Thanks Linda. Thanks Benny.Linda and Benny:Dont play in the street Max!Max:Ok.儿童用书 p5 歌曲儿童用书录音带A6 Dont play in the street!Dont play in the street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Eyes wide open andears wide open, look left and right, look left and rig ht, look left and right. Oh yes! Dont play inthe street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, lookleft and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Dont play in the street. Dont play inthe street. Dont jump around and fight!儿童用书 p6 行动故事儿童用书录音带A8 The banana skinWalk down the street. Youre hungry. Open your bag. Take out a banana. Peel it. Throw the skinaway. Take a bite and walk on. You slip on the banana skin. Ouch!活动用书 p3 听力练习活动用书用书录音带A1 Im hungry, Mum.Maria: Im hungry, Mum.Mum:Have an apple, Maria.Andy:Can I have a banana, Dad?Dad:Here you are, Andy.Andy:Thank you.Tom:Can I have an orange, Mum?Mum:Here you are, Tom.Tom:Thanks Mum.Sandra: Im hungry, Dad.Dad:Have a pear, Sandra.Sandra: Thanks. YummyKaren:Can I have a peach, Mum?Mum:Here you are, Karen.Karen: Thanks. Mum.Bob:Im hungry, Dad.Dad:Have some nuts, Bob.Bob:Thanks, Dad.Max:Linda, can I have some grapes?Linda:Here you are, Max.Max:Thank you, Linda. Grapes, yummy.Benny:Im hungry, Max. Give me some plums, please.Max:Here you are, Benny.Benny:Thank you.未配录音局部活动用书第2 页顺着每条线来描 并分别在Linda, Benny, Max的 T 恤衫上画上相应的水果。UNIT 2: SHOPPING内容提要单词和短语:Potatoes; onions; carrots; green/red peppers; tomatoes; cucumbers短剧:At a shop歌谣:My vegetable soup卡通故事:The blue balloon听力练习:1. Going shopping 2.Good morning多元智能开展语言技能理解并能说出水果和蔬菜的复数形式;学习新词组的发音和意义; 说出一个人喜欢或不喜欢哪种水果和蔬菜。认知、运动和社交能力能够和同伴一起听说对话; 找出隐藏图画中的各种蔬菜并说出数量; 将找出的蔬菜按数量涂色。教材内容儿童用书 p7 听力练习儿童录音带A9VegetablesOne:PotatoesTwo:OnionsThree: CarrotsFour:Green and red peppersFive:TomatoesSix:Cucumbers儿童用书 p9 短剧故事录音带 2.At a shopLinda, Benny:Good morning.Shop assistant:Good morning.Linda:Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers please.Shop assistant:Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers.Max:Linda, the flowers please.Linda:No, Max.Benny:Oh! How much is it?Shop assistant:Two pounds.Benny:Oh, Two pounds. Here you are.Linda, Benny:Good bye.Shop assistant:Good bye.Max:Good bye. Flowers, yummy儿童用书 p10 歌谣儿童用书录音带A11.My vegetable soupPotatoes tomatoes Tomatoes, potatoesCucumbers, cucumbers. Mmmh.Green peppers, red peppers.Red peppers, green peppers.Onions, onions. Mmmh.Carrots, carrots .All in my soup.My veggie, my veggie, my vegetable soup.儿童用书 p10 听力练习儿童用书录音带A10.Going shopping1.Girl:Good morning.Man:Good morning.Girl:3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers, please.Man:Alright. 3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers.Girl:How much is it?Man:One pound.Girl: Here you are.Man:Thank you.2.Boy:Good morning.Man:Good morning.Boy:5 cucumbers, 8 carrots and 8 green peppers, please.Man:5 cucumbers, 8 carrots andMan:8 green peppers.Boy:How much is it?Man:Three pound.Boy:Here you are.Man:Thank you.3. Girl: Good morning.Man:Good morning.Girl:6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers, please.Man:6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers.Girl:How much is it?Man:Two pounds.Girl:Here you are.Man:Thank you.儿童用书 p11卡通故事故事录音带3. The blue balloonMouse:The blue balloon, please.Cat:Two pounds, please.Mouse:Here you are.Cat:Heres your balloon.Mouse:Help, help!Elephant: Look, we must help the mouse. Hippo, get on my back.Hippo:Lion, get on my back.Lion:Monkey, get on my back.Monkey:Snake, get on my back.Snake:Got you.Mouse:Thank you. Thank you, my friends.活动用书 p6 听力练习活动用书录音带2. Good morning1.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:A blue and yellow ball, please.B:Here you are.A:How much is it?B:Two pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Look what Ive got.2.A: Hello.B:Hello.A:An apple, please.B:Here you are.A:Thank you. Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Yummy.3.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:The red car, please.B:Here you are.A:How much is it?B:Ten pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.4.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:The little black car, please.B:Here you are.A:Oh, its lovely .How much is it?B:Three pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Youre hungry, arent you?未配录音局部1 儿童用书第 7 页下半局部让孩子根据自己的喜好来涂颜色。2 儿童用书第 8 页让孩子找出每种蔬菜的数量,按方格右侧提示的颜色将对应数量的蔬菜涂色。3 活动用书第 4 页让孩子数每种蔬菜的数量,将数量写在这页下面的方格中。4 活动用书第 5 页建下剪下 41 页中蔬菜和水果的图片,根据自己的喜好将相应的图画贴在第 5 页的两个竖栏中。UNIT3: IN THE HOUSE内容提要单词与短语:a sofa; a chair; a lamp; a table; a cupboard; a telephone; a TV; curtains听力练习:Theres a green sofa听力迷宫:Whats in Maxs room?卡通故事:Maisie and her bird歌曲:Maisie多元智能开展语言技能观看故事录像和教师将故事时能够理解故事内容;逐渐能够将故事。认知、运动和社交能力理解儿童用书录音带中的词组并在响应的图画联系起来; 理解故事的表达; 从附页中取下拼图,放在正确的位置上并粘好;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p12 听力练习儿童用书录音带A13 Theres a green sofaTheres a green sofaan orange chair,a pink lamp,a grey table,a blue cupboard,a red telephone,a brown TV,and there are yellow curtains.儿童用书 p12 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带14. Whats in Maxs roomOkay? Here we go:A green lamp,A blue table,Pink curtains,A red TV,A blue cupboard,A brown chair,And a yellow sofa!Whats in Maxs room?儿童用书 p13-14 卡通故事故事录音带 4 Mashie and her birdStory teller: This is Maisie. Maisie likes birds.Mashie: The yellow bird. How much is it?Shop assistant: Ten pounds.Mashie: Ok, Here you are.Shop assistant: Heres the bird.Mashie: Were home, birdie.Story teller: Look at this! A yellow sofa ,yellow curtains, a yellow table, a yellow lamp, a yellowTV, a yellow telephoneand a yellow bird.Mashie: Oh! Sorry birdie. Birdie? Where are you, birdie? Oh, sorry birdie.Storyteller: Maisies got an idea. She makes trousers for her bird. The bird is sad.Friend: Trousers for a bird? Thats stupid .A bird is a bird. Mmh. Ive got an idea.Mashie: What a brilliant idea. Thanks.儿童用书 p15 歌曲儿童用书录音带A15 MaisieHer name is Maisie,And shes so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, here we go.Shes got yellow jeans and shes got yellow socks.Shes got yellow T -shirt and shes got yellow shoes.Shes got yellow sofa and shes got yellow lamp.Shes got yellow curtains and shes got yellow chairs.Oh, my dear Maisie,Im not so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!未配录音局部1活动用书第 7 页让孩子剪下 41 页中的家具图片,再根据第7 页方块给出的颜色将相应的图片卡粘上。2活动用书第 8 页让孩子比拟 A,B 两幅图,找出相同点和不同点。3活动用书第 9 页先根据自己的喜好分别将 A,B 两图的家具涂上颜色。完成后 A 问 B 家具所涂的颜色,在自己的B 图中涂上对应颜色,B 问 A 家具所涂的颜色,在自己的 A 图中涂上对应的颜色。都完成后共同检查所图颜色是否正确。4活动用书第 10 页让孩子从 43 页中剪下数字和单词,做第10 页中的题,根据计算结果将相应的单词图片粘好。UNIT4: CLOTHERS内容提要单词与短语:socks; shoes; a woolly hat; a dress; trainers; a sweater; a coat; a skirt听力练习:1. Colour the dress yellow 2.Susan is wearing a white T-shirt行动故事:1. Time for school2. Its raining3. Joe is at home.韵律诗:My dog卡通故事:The woolly hat多元智能开展语言技能理解一段话并将相应的图画涂色;在图画的帮助下说韵律 ;逐渐能够讲故事;能够听出故事中的错误并改正;用英语清楚地表达加减法。认知、运动和社交能力看图片卡说出相应单词; 两人一组活动时能够发出及执行有关颜色的指令; 在图画迷宫中找出同样类型的服装并记录相应的数量; 做简单的加减运算;选择性内容;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p16 听力练习儿童用书录音带A17.clothesa woolly hat; a dress; a cap; jeans;a T-shirt; shoes; trainers; socks;a sweater; a coat and a skirt儿童用书 p17 行动故事儿童用书录音带A18.Time for schoolTime for schoolLook for your trainers. Theyre under your bed.Look for your sweater. Its under the cupboard.Look for your coat.Shout, wheres my coat? Your dog jumps up. Woof.Theres your coat. In the dogs basket. Yuck!儿童用书 p18 韵律诗儿童用书录音带A19 My dogWhat makes my dog happy?Blue jeans, blue socks, red trainers, a yellow sweater,a red hat and a big bone on his mat.What makes my dog angry?Brown jeans, pink socks, orange trainers, a pink sweater, a green hat and a big cat on his mat.儿童用书 p19 卡通故事故事录音带5 The wooly hatStoryteller: Father Bear has a hobby. He makes woolly hats.Father Bear: Joe, this hat is for you.Joe:Oh! Thank you.Storyteller: Joe is not happy.Joe:I hate it. Aaargh!Storyteller: Its time forschool.Joe:Bye, Dad.Father Bear: Bye-bye, Joe.Joe:Bye-bye, woolly hat!Storyteller: Ah! Its Fred, the fox.Fox:Oh, what a lovely hat.Storyteller: Fred puts the hat on. Joe is in the classroom.Other animals: Ah! What a lovely hat! Wonderful!Joe:Stupid me!活动用书 p11和 p43 听录音并涂色活动用书录音带3.Color the dress yellowColour the dress yellow.Colour the shoes brown.Colour the cap pink.Colour the coat grey.Colour the hat green.Colour the skirt red.Colour the trainers black.Colour the socks orange.Colour the sweater blue.活动用书 p12 和 p45 听录音并粘贴名字活动用书录音带4.Susan is wearing a white T-shirtSusan is wearing a white T-shirt, a red sweater, a blue skirt, blue socks and yellow trainers.Debra is wearing a white T-shirt, a yellow sweater, a green skirt, yellow socks and white trainers.Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, black socks and white trainersMike is wearing an orange cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, green socks and blue trainers.活动用书 p13 行动故事活动用书录音带5.Its rainingIts raining. Wheres your cap?Look under your bed. Look on the TV .Look in your schoolbag. Look under the cupboard.Look out of the window.Theres your cap. There are three little birds in it.活动用书 p14 行动故事活动用书录音带6.Joe is at homeStoryteller: Joe is at home. Hes sad.Joe:Stupid me. My lovely hat. Ah. Ive got an idea. I can make a woolly hat. Oh, no!Joes dad:Let me help you, Joe.Joe:Yes, please. Thank you, Dad.Fred:Hello, Joe.Joe: Hello, Fred.Fred:What a lovely colour.Joe:Thanks, Fred.UNIT5 FAMIL Y内容提要单词:shirt; glasses; brother; sister; mum/mummy; dad/daddy; grandpa; grandma; family;韵律诗:Im Emily故事拼图;Story1-3卡通故事:The raccoons and beaver歌曲:The clever raccoons听力练习:Situation 1-6多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中的韵律诗并根据录音带的内容涂色; 全班、分组或单独说韵律诗; 分角色表演。认知、运动和社交能力:用动作表演单词意思并根据图片卡说出单词;分组齐声说;或两人一组或单独说韵律诗。教材内容儿童用书 p20 韵律诗儿童用书录音带A20Im EmilyHi. Im Emily. And Im the clown of my family.I put on my brothers glasses, my sisters skirt,My grandpas socks, my daddys shirt,My mummys shoes, and my grandmas hat.And then I look like that.儿童用书 p21 故事拼图儿童用书录音带A21 Story11. Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.Grandpa: Thank you, Emily. Oh, my flowers.2. Tom:The pizza is very good, Grandma.Grandma: Thank you, Tom.Emily:Can I have some ketchup, please?Grandma: Tom, help your sister.Tom:Here you are.Emily:Yuck!3. Mum:Three cucumbers, pleaseShop assistant: Here you are.Emily:Can I have a banana?Mum:Yes, of course.Emily:Yummy!儿童用书 p22 卡通故事故事录音带6 The raccoons and the beaverStoryteller: The raccoons are going for a picnic. Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie.Ronnie:Lets go to the river.Rosie:Yes, great!Mum and Dad: OK.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Its a beaver .over there.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Lets help him.Storyteller: Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his sister want to help. They swim across the river.Beaver: Help!Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: Pull! Pull!Crow: Cut off his tail. Cut off his tail.Dad: Go away.Mum: Ive got an idea.Beaver: Help! Help!Mum: Just a minute.Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: One, two three.Jump.Beaver: It works.Storyteller: The beaver is very happy. Mum, Dad, Rosie and her brother Ronnie are happy too.Rosie: Now lets have our picnic.All: Yes. Great. Mmh. Thats good. Yummy.儿童用书 p23 歌曲儿童用书录音带A22 The raccoonsThe clever raccoons are helpful, the clever raccoons are strong.Ronnie and Rosie, Dad and Mum, the clever raccoons, oh, here they come!Sh! Oh here they come! A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose.Thats Rosie, the clever raccoon, thats Rosie the clever raccoon.Thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother, thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother.活动用书 p17 听力练习活动用书录音带7 Grandma?1. Max: Grandma?Grandma: Yes, Max.Max: I cant find my sunglasses.Grandma: Look, Max. Theyre on the TV.Max: Oh, thank you, Grandma.2: Max: I cant find my cap, Linda.Linda: Oh, Max!Max: Where is it, Linda?Linda: Youre wearing it, Max.Max: Stupid me!3: Max: Grandpa, I cant find my scissors.Grandpa: There they are, Max. On the table.Max: Oh, thank you. Grandpa.4. Max: Mum, wheres my green sweater?Mum: Sorry, Max, I dont know.Max: Aaaaah, I know where it is. Its in my schoolbag.5. Max: Dad, I cant find my plane.Dad: Its over there, Max. Under the bed.Max: Oh, yes. Thanks.6. Max: I cant find my woolly hat.Benny: Look, Max. Its under the cupboard.Max: Thanks, Benny.未配录音局部1.儿童用书第 24 页-先让孩子读出每幅图,然后将每行中不属于一类的那幅划掉。2.活动用书第 15 页-孩子用相应颜色的笔顺着线描,找出所有家庭成员最喜欢的食物。3.活动用书第 16 页-让孩子在图中找出 Linda, Benny 和 Max。然后在图画上涂色。UNIT6: TIME内容提要听力练习:1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.2. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. Whats the time?短剧:Late for school歌谣:Whats the time?多元智能开展语言技能:能够询问和告知时间整点时间 ; 能够理解儿童用书录音带中的简单对话; 能够理解有关时间的练习内容。认知、运动和社交能力:指定不同故事情境中所提到的时间;识别钟表上的时间整点时间 。教材内容儿童用书 p25 听力练习儿童用书录音带A24 Talking about time.1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.Boy:Oh, Mum.Women: Its nine oclock.Boy:Okay.1.Man: Oh, no. Stop it. Whats the time? Oh, its seven.Okay. Lets go.2.Girl 1: Whats the time, Ann?Girl 2: Five oclock.Girl 1: Five oclock! I must go home then.3.Ghost 1: Uuuuh. Whats the time?Ghost 2: Its twelve oclock.Ghost 1: Uuuuh.5. Max: Whats the time, Linda?Linda:Ten oclock.Max:Im so tired.Linda: Go to sleep now.Max:Ok.6. Teacher: Ok, children. Its four oclock now. See you tomorrow.Children: Bye, Miss Baker.Teacher: Bye.儿童用书 p26 听力练习儿童用书录音带A25 whats the time?1. Girl:Excuse me, Elephant.Whats the time?Elephant: Its nine oclock.Girl:Thank you, Elephant.2. Girl:Excuse me, Lion. Whats the time?Lion:Its one oclock.Girl:Thank you, Lion.3. Girl:Excuse me, Dog. Whats the time?Dog:Its seven oclock.Girl:Thank you, Dog.4. Girl:Excuse me, Rabbit. Whats the time?Rabbit: Its three oclock.Girl:Thank you.5. Girl:Excuse me, Monkey. Whats the time?Monkey: Its five oclock.Girl:Thank you, Monkey.6. Girl:Excuse me, Cat. Whats the time?Cat:Its eight oclock. Girl:Thank you.儿童用书 p27 短剧故事录音带 7 Late for school.Max:Good morning.Linda and Benny: Good morning, Max.Linda:Benny, this is my sweater.Benny:No, it is not.Linda:Yes, it is. Your sweater is over there.Benny:Let go!Linda:Give me my sweater!Benny: And you give me my trainers!Linda:Stop it, Benny!Benny:Give me my trainers!Linda:No! Stop it, Benny! Go away!Max:Hey, look what time it is!Benny:Nine oclock.Linda:Oh, no! Were late for school!Benny:Lets go. Hurry up!Linda:Ok. Lets go.Max:Bye-bye. Ha, ha, ha.儿童用书 p28 歌谣儿童用书录音带A26 Whats the time?Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its seven oclock.Its seven oclock.Get out of bed.Get out of bed.Linda: Oh, Im tired.Oh, Im tired.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its eight oclock.Its eight oclock.Time for school.Time for school.Linda: Ok, lets go.Ok, lets go.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its one oclock.Its one oclock.Lets have lunch,Lets have lunch.Linda: Great. I am hungry.Great. I am hungry.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its nine oclock.Its nine oclock.Linda: Time for bed.Time for bed.Good night.Good night.未录音局部1.活动用书第 18 页-把图中的物品分类。2.活动用书第 19 页-让孩子剪下 45 页中的小钟表, 选择 9 个粘贴在 19 页 的宾果游戏小方格中。孩子准备一支铅笔,教师可慢速读出一些时间, 孩子听到后在相应的图画上画叉,第一个全部画完 9 个格子的人为胜利者。UNIT7: THE MAGICIAN内容提要单词:Motorbike; circus; magician卡通故事:The Magician听力练习:Picture1-8歌曲:Twenty pink elephants多元智能开展语言技能:理解故事录像带或故事录音带中的动画故事; 能够识别并纠正教师在讲故事时成心说错的内容;通过动作表演故事;在通过动作表演故事的过程中逐渐参加语言。认知、运动和社交能力:从儿童用书的附录中取出可粘贴图片, 按照正确的顺序摆放好, 并粘贴好;一边随着音节重音踏步点地,一边说出单词;能够将包含错误的故事同原版故事相比拟; 通过动作来表演不同角色。教材内容儿童用书 p29-p30 卡通故事故事录音带8 The magicianStoryteller: Max is at the circus. And heres the magician.Magician:Wheres my hat? Where is it?Max:Hello. Can I help you?Magician:Yes, please. I cant find my hat.Max:The monkeys got it. Here you are.Magician:Thank you. You can make a wish.Max:Great. Erm.Erm Id like a bike.Magician:Abracadabra, six, four, two. A bike, a bike, a bike for you.Max:Oh! Thanks Magician.Magician:Goodbye, Max.Max:Goodbye Magician.Storyteller: Max is riding his bike. He is happy. Then he sees a motorbike.Max:Id like a motorbike.Storyteller: Max goes back to the circus. The Magician isnt there.Max:Ah, here it is. Abracadabra, Nine-six-three. A motorbike, a motorbike for me! Oh!Help!Magician:Motorbike, motorbike, hey, hey, hey. Abracadabra, go away!Max:My beautiful bike.儿童用书 p31 听力练习儿童用书录音带A28 Max is riding his bike.Picture one. Max is riding his bike.Picture two. Max is playing his guitar.Picture three. Max is washing his facePicture four. Max is dancing rock n roll.Picture five. Max is listening to the raccoon.Picture six. Max is watching a video.Picture seven. Max is eating a cactus.Picture eight. Max is standing on his head.儿童用书 p32-33 歌曲儿童用书录音带A29 Twenty pink elephantsLadies and gentleman, welcome to the circus!Twenty pink elephants are standing on their heads. Twenty pink elephants are standing on theirheads.Forty blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Forty blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes.Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll. Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll.Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails. Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails.A hundred green raccoons are playing their Guitars. A hundred green raccoons are playing theirGuitars.Ladies and gentleman: Here is the magician. Here is the magician and he says: Hey, abracadabra,zero, go away! Zero, go away, zero, go away!Two pink elephants are standing on their heads. Two pink elephants are standing on their heads.Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes.Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll. Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll.Eight orange mice are standing on their tails. Eight orange mice are standing on their tails.Ten green raccoons are playing their Guitars. Ten green raccoons are playing their Guitars活动用书 p21 听力练习活动用书录音带8 Look, Linda.1.Benny: Look, Linda. Grandpas dancing rock n roll.Linda: Cool!2.Benny: Listen. Grandmas playing her Guitar.Linda: Great!3.Linda: Wheres Mum?Benny: Shes watching TV .4.Benny: Look at grandma, Linda. Shes standing on her head.Linda: Wow!5.Benny: Wheres Grandpa?Linda: Hes watching TV.6.Benny: Look, Linda. Mums riding a motorbike.Linda: Wow!7.Benny: Look. Grandpas making a sweater.Linda: Oh, lovely!8.Linda: Listen. Mums playing her Guitar.Benny: Cool.9.Linda: Look. Grandmas dancing rock n roll.Benny: Hooray!活动用书 p22 听力练习活动用书录音带9 A hundred-brownA hundred-brownseventy-redForty-orangeNinety-bluesixty-yellowthirty-blackEighty-greenfifty-pinktwenty-grey活动用书 p23 听力练习活动用书录音带10 A hundred-blueA hundred-bluesixty-redTwenty-red and blueNinety-orangeFifty-pinkTen-orange and greenEighty-brownforty-greyZero-yellow and pinkSeventy-yellowthirty-green未录音局部1.儿童用书 34 页-让孩子完成加法算式, 并写出答案。 然后根据左上角的图示将数字所对局部涂上相应颜色。2.活动用书 20 页-让孩子给魔术师画上脸,想象自己就是魔术师,在帽子中画上自己想变的东西。UNIT8: MY BODY内容提要歌谣:Bend your knees听力练习:1. Find Biff.2. Max: My tummy hurts.行动故事:Wilbur gets out of bed.短剧:My tummy hurts.多元智能开展语言技能:学习新单词的发音和意义。在游戏中 听懂并执行发出的指令。认知、运动和社交能力:将图片卡和相应的单词对应起来; 用相应的手势来表达词汇和指令的意义; 将单词与数字对应起来并用数字给图画标序号。教材内容儿童用书 p35 听力练习儿童用书录音带B1 Head, mouthOne-head. Four-eyes. Sevenarms. Tentoes. ThirteenkneesTwo-mouth. Five-ears. Eight-teeth. Eleven-legs. Fourteen-hairThree-feet. Six-hands. Nine-nose.Twelvefingers.儿童用书 p35 歌谣儿童用书录音带B2 Bend your kneesSpeaker1: Bend your knees.Touch your toes.Clap your hands.Touch your nose.Speaker2: Bend your knees.Touch your toes.Clap your hands.Touch your nose.Speker1: Shake your fingers.Touch your hair.Stamp your feet.Touch your chair.Speker2: Shake your fingers.Touch your hair.Stamp your feet.Touch your chair.Speker1: Shake your head.Jump up high.Grow and grow.Touch the sky.Speker2: Shake your head.Jump up high.Grow and grow.Touch the sky.儿童用书 p36 听力练习儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monsterOk now. Close your eyes. Monster one has got four orange eyes, six green teeth, two big yellowears, four arms and three legs. Once more: Monster one has got four orange eyes, six green teeth,two big yellow ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 1.Close your eyes again. Monster two has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth, four yellow ears,six arms and two legs. Once more: Monster two has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth, fouryellow ears, six arms and two legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 2.Close your eyes. Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, four pink ears, fourarms and three legs. Once more: Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, fourpink ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 3.Close your eyes again. Monster four has got two yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears,two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 4. Once more: Monster four has gottwo yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes. Fillin number 4.儿童用书 p37 听力练习儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monsterDraw the monster and colour it.The monster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs. Once more: Themonster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs.儿童用书 p37 故事组装儿童用书录音带B6 My body1.Linda: Max!Max: (sighs with relief)2. Man:Have an apple.Linda: Thank you. Yuck!3. Woman: What a lovely lamp. Oh, Im sorry.儿童用书 p39 短剧故事录音带 9 My tummy hurts.Benny:Max? Can you help me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Linda:Max? Can you help me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Linda:Max! We are going shopping.Max:Coming!Linda:Oh, my basket. Max, can you get it for me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Benny:Ill get it, Linda. Lets go.Linda, Benny and Max: Hello.Shop assistant: Hello.Benny:2 oranges and 2 apples, please.Shop assistant: 2 oranges and 2 apples, Here you are.Linda:How much is it?Shop assistant: One pound.Linda:Here you are.Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a chocolate.Max:Thanks.Benny:Sorry, Max. No chocolate for you. Your tummy hurts.Benny and Linda: Thank you. Yummy.活动用书 p24 页听力练习活动用书录音带11 Look at Maxs pictureLook at Maxs picture.Colour the mens eyes pink. Colour his nose blue . Colour his hair orange. Colour his ears grey.Colour his arms yellow. Colour his hands red. Colour his legs brown. Colour his feet orange.活动用书 p25,p45 听力练习活动用书录音带12 Find BiffFind Biff. Hes got green hair, big red eyes, a small brown nose, small pink ears, a big orangemouth and blue teeth.Find Boff. Hes got green hair, small red eyes, a big brown nose, small pink ears, a big orangemouth and blue teeth.Find Taffy. Shes got pink hair, small green eyes, a small brown nose, big pink ears, a big yell owmouth and orange teeth.Find Tiffy. Shes got pink hair, big green eyes, a small blue nose, small pink ears, a big yellowmouth and green teeth.活动用书 p26 行动故事活动用书录音带13 Wilbur gets out of bedWilbur gets out of bed. He shakes his arms. He shakes his knees.He bends his knees. He says hello to his dog. (His dog collapses from Wilburs bad breath.)Wilbur runs into the bathroom. He cleans his teeth.活动用书 p27 听力练习活动用书录音带14 One. My tummy hurtsOne. Max: My tummy hurts.Two. Max: My knee hurts.Three. Max: My eyes hurt.Four. Max: My nose hurts.Five. Max: My feet hurt.Six: My arm hurts.未录音局部儿童用书 38 页-两个孩子掷塞子走棋,并念出相应棋子所在处的单词。UNIT9: BREAKFAST内容提要单词:cornflakes; muesli; milk; butter; honey; jam; hot chocolate; toast;听力练习:1. Speaker: Linda2. On Monday Max has got hot chocolate with rolls and honey.歌谣:Whats in your bowl?行动故事:Youre hungry.卡通故事:Grass is boring歌曲:Breakfast多元智能开展语言技能:执行包含有新单词的指令; 理解儿童用书录音带中单词和简短陈述的意义; 在听力练习的根底上,用角色表演的形式,表达喜爱或不喜爱哪些早餐。认知、运动和社交能力:排列新单词图片卡;依照指定的韵律说出单词。教材内容儿童用书 p40 有节奏地说单词儿童用书录音带B7 Cornflakes, muesliCornflakes, muesli, milk, butter, honey, jam, hot chocolate, toast, rolls, brown bread, tea.儿童用书 p40 听力练习儿童用书录音带B9 I like cornflakesSpeaker: Linda.Linda:I like cornflakes and milk. And.Yeah, I like h ot chocolate. I dont like toast or rolls orjam.Speaker: Benny.Benny:I like muesli and brown bread with butter and honey. I dont like tea.儿童用书 p41 歌曲儿童用书录音带B11 BreakfastOn Monday I have muesli. On Tuesday I have cornflakes. On Wednesday I have toast with jam.On Thursday I have rolls. On Friday I have brown bread. On Saturday and Sunday I have a lot ofpancakes. And then I go and play, oh yeah! Hip hip hoo-ray! And then I go and play!儿童用书 p41 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B10 Cornflakes, milkCornflakes, milk, tea, jam, butter, toast, honey, brown bread, rolls, muesli.What has Max got for breakfast?儿童用书 p42 歌谣儿童用书录音带B13 Whats in your bowl?Speaker1: Whats in your bowl, your bowl, your big red bowl?Speaker2: Peaches and nuts, honey and milk, A big banana and lots of grapes. Thats in my bowl,my bowl, my big red bowl.儿童用书 p43 行动故事儿童用书录音带B15 Youre hungryYoure hungry. Get a big bowl.Get a banana, some cornflakes, some milk and some nuts.Peel the banana and take a bite. Mmmmm.Drink some milk. Lovely.Taste the cornflakes and the nuts.Put it all in your bowl. Look in your bowl.You are not hungry any more.儿童用书 p44 卡通故事故事录音带10 Grass is boringStoryteller: Its Monday.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa. Grass, grass, grass. Boring.Storyteller: Its Tuesday. The sheep has got an idea.Sheep:Baaaa. Fish. Yummy. One, two, three, baaaa!Storyteller: Well.fishing isnt easy. Its Wednesday.Sheep:Baaaa. What a lovely bone.Dog:This is my bone. Go away.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller: Its Thursday.Squirrel:Have a nut.Sheep:Oh, thank you. Ouch!Storyteller: Its Friday.Sheep:Baaaa.Im hungry.Stork:Here you are.Sheep:No, no, thank you very much.Storyteller: The sheep runs home.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller: On Saturday the sheep is very happy.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.活动用书 p30 和 p47 听力练习活动用书录音带15 On Monday Max has got chocolate.On Monday Max has got chocolate with rolls and honey.On Tuesday he has muesli.On Wednesday he has a banana and an apple.On Thursday he has cornflakes with milk.On Friday he has tea and toast.On Saturday he has milk, rolls and jam.On Sunday he has got chocolate, toast with butter and honey.UNIT10: TRAVLING内容提要生词:walk; juicy; bus stop; station; walk faster短语:by car/underground/bus/train/plane.歌谣:Come to my party卡通故事:Timmy歌曲:Juicy apples多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中的简单对话; 有节奏地分组说歌谣; 发现并纠正故事中的错误; 听教师读单词或看到两张图片卡时能找出两个发音押韵的单词。认知、运动和社交能力:两人一组练习新单词; 分小组表演故事中的场景; 能够将包含有错误的故事同故事原文进行比拟;找出押韵的单词并将图画涂上与提示相匹配的颜色。教材内容儿童用书 p45 上半局部 听力练习儿童用书录音带B16 how do you get to school?Speaker: Maria, how do you get to school?Maria:I walk.Speaker: And what about you, simon? How do you get to school?Simon:By car. My father takes me.Speaker: And you, Pamela?Pamela: By underground.Speaker: Mmh. And you, Ben, how do you get to school?Ben:By bus.儿童用书 p45 下半局部 歌谣 儿童用书录音带 B17 Speaker1: Come to my partySpeaker1: Come to my party on Saturday at eight. Listen how to get there. And dont be late.Speaker2: You cant go by underground. No, no, no. You cant walk or go by bike. No, no, no.Speaker1: You cant go by car.You cant go by bus.You cant go by train.You cant go by plane.Speaker2: I live far away. I live on a star. Take my rocket. Aaaaaaah儿童用书 p46 卡通故事故事录音带B11 TimmyStoryteller: Juicy peaches. Oh.and heres Timmy.Timmy:One peach, two peaches, three peaches, four. Five peaches, six peaches, sevenpeaches, more! One peach, two peaches, three peaches, four.Five peaches, six peaches, sevenpeaches, more! Phew! What a heavy basket.Storyteller: Timmy goes by bike to the bus stop.2 boys:What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:Ok.Here you are.Storyteller: Timmy goes by bus to the station.2 girls:What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:Ok. Here you are.Storyteller: Then Timmy goes by train.Woman and 2 children: What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:ok. Here you are.Storyteller: It starts raining. Timmy walks faster. What a strong wind. Oh, hi, Timmy. Whats inyour basket?Friend:Sorry, no peaches.Timmy:Oh, apples. I love apples.Friend:One apple, two apples, three apples, four. Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!One apple, two apples, three apples, four. Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!儿童用书 p47 歌曲儿童用书录音带B19 Juicy apples.One apple, two apples, three apples, four.Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!One apple, two apples, three apples, four.Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!I love juicy apples,I eat them everyday.They keep me fit.So listen to what I say; Oh please eat.未录音局部1. 儿童用书 48 页-让孩子将押韵的单词图片的外圈涂上相同颜色。2. 活动用书 31 页 -让孩子从 49 页剪下列图片,粘在 31 页相应的空白处,描出图中的单词。3. 活动用书 32 页-A,B 先根据自己的喜好分别将A,B 两图的交通工具涂上颜色。 完成后 A问 B 交通工具所涂颜色,在自己的B 图中涂上对应颜色。B 问 A 交通工具所涂颜色,在自己的 A 图中涂上对应颜色。都完成后共同检查所涂颜色是否正确。UNIT11: ON A FARM内容提要韵律诗:Im a little kitten行动故事:Put on your shoes.卡通故事:Eddie, the earthworm歌曲:Earthworm song多元智能开展语言技能:借助动作和图画的帮助学习韵律诗(Im a little kitten);理解一系列指令;逐渐能够讲故事,并能模仿不同的角色。认知、运动和社交能力:齐声而有节奏地说单词, 并伴随着相应的动作;在班级前面独立地背诵韵律诗; 遵守游戏的规那么。能将指令与动作联系起来,并能够执行打乱顺序的指令。教材内容儿童用书 p49 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B21 Sheep, chickSheep, chick, hen, cow, duck, horse, ketten.Which animals is Max going to paint?儿童用书 p49 韵律诗儿童用书录音带B22 Im a little kittenMiaow.Im a little kitten with soft white fur.I can roll a ball and I can purr.儿童用书 p50 行动故事儿童用书录音带B23 Feed the hens.Put on your shoes.Take some corn.Go outside.Call the hens.Feed the hens.Go to the hen house.Look for eggs.Pick up an egg.Crack. Theres a chick.儿童用书 p51 卡通故事故事录音带12 Eddie, the earthwormStoryteller: Its a lovely morning on the farm. This is Eddie, the earthworm.Eddie:Hi, everybody.Cow:Moo. Who are you?Eddie:Hi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Cow:I give milk. What about you?Eddie:Erm, erm.I live underground.Cow:Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is sad.Hen:Who are you?EddieHi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Hen: I lay eggs. What about you?EddieErm, erm.I live underground.Hen: Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is sad.Bee: Who are you?EddieHi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Bee: I make honey. What about you?Eddie Erm, erm.I live underground.Bee:Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is very, very sad.Girl:Hello, Eddie. You look sad. Whats theproblem?EddieI cant give milk. I cant lay eggs and I cant make honey.Girl:Eddie, youre the king of the garden.Eddie:Really?Girl:Yes.The flowers love you, the vegetables love you, and the trees love you.Chorus:Eddie, Eddie is the king of the garden. Eddie, Eddie, everybody loves you.Storyteller: Eddie is happy again.Eddie:Oh, Thank you. Thank you very much.儿童用书 p52 歌曲儿童用书录音带B24 Earthworm songHens lay eggs, cows give milk,And bees make honey.Lots of eggs, lots of milk, and lots of honey.But Eddie, Eddie is the king of the garden.Eddie, Eddie, everybody loves you!But Eddie is the king! (Oh yes!)未录音局部1.活动用书 33 页-让孩子在图中找出所学过的所有单词。2.活动用书 34 页-让孩子根据自己的喜好把小动物涂上颜色。3.活动用书 35 页-先让孩子说出图中都有哪些种动物,再比拟两图中同种动物的数量。UNIT12: WATER内容提要生词:boat; bubble, sea; river短语:Sailing is great fun! Blow a bubble. Burst on your hair.故事迷宫:Water听力练习:Lets ride your bikes, Linda.行动故事:1. You are hot 2. You are reading a book.卡通故事:The grasshopper and the frog歌曲:My little boat韵律诗:1. Blow a bubble. 2. Blow a bubble.多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中三个小故事, 并排列表演; 理解行动故事指令; 理解故事内容; 唱歌;说韵律诗作相应动作。认知、运动和社交能力:能够理解对话并表演;将图画用数字正确标序; 从附页中取下粘贴画, 按顺序粘好将歌词与动作联系起来,按正确的曲调和节奏说唱;教材内容儿童用书 p53 故事迷宫儿童用书录音带B26 Water1.Girl: Can I have a glass of water, please?Waitress: Here you are.GirlThank you. Here you are Blacky.2.Boy1: Come on Peter. Lets clime the tree by the river.Boy2: Ok, lets.Boy1: Watch out, Peter.Boy2: Ouch.3.Girl 1: What can we do, sue?Girl 2: Lets play ball.Girl 1: Ok.Girl 2: Give us the ball back!Boy: Come and get it.儿童用书 p54 行动故事儿童用书录音带B27 Youre hotYoure riding your bike. Youre hot. Stop and get off your bike. You can see a lake. Go down tothe water. Cool off. Dive into the water. Aargh! Theres something in your mouth. Its a frog.儿童用书 p55 卡通故事故事录音带13 The grasshopper and the frogStoryteller: The grasshopper lives near the river.Grasshopper: Nice green grass. Yummy. How can I get across? Ah, theres a boat. Aaah! Hello.Frog:Hi.Grasshopper: Can you teach me to swim?Frog:Swim?Grasshopper: Yes, I want to eat the lovely grass over there.Frog:I can take you across.Grasshopper: Oh great. Thank you.Frog:Got you. Ha ha ha ha.Grasshopper: Youre stupid, frog.Frog:Stupid? Me?Grasshopper: Look. Im not very fat. Take me across the river. I can eat the grass over there.Then you can eat a grasshopper.Frog:Ha ha ha ha. Good idea.Storyteller: The frog takes the grasshopper across the river.Frog:Here we are. Have some grass. Then I will eat you.Grasshopper: Thank you, frog. Thanks a lot. Hee hee hee hee.儿童用书 p56 上歌曲儿童用书录音带B28 My little boatSailing, sailing. Come on, everyone.Sailing, sailing. Sailing is great fun!In my little boat, Im going to the sea.Sailing down the river come with me.儿童用书 p57 下韵律诗儿童用书录音带B30 Blow a bubbleBlow a bubble.It goes high upBlow, blow. in the air.Make it big.Then it burstsLet it grow.On your hair.活动用书 p36 听力练习活动用书录音带16 Lets ride our bikes, Linda.Benny: Lets ride our bikes, Linda.Linda: Yes, great!Benny: Lets have some orange juice.Linda: Ok.Linda: Lets play ball, Benny.Benny: Good idea!Benny: Lets swim across the river.Linda: All right, lets go!Linda: Lets climbthe tree, Benny.Benny: Great!Benny: Lets watch TV, Linda.Linda: Yes, Lets.Linda: Lets have our picnic here.Benny: Good idea!Benny: Lets go shopping, Linda.Linda: Ok.Linda: Lets go by underground.Benny: Good idea!活动用书 p37 行动故事活动用书录音带17 Yourereading a bookYoure reading a book. A man jumps into the water.Theres water on your book. Youre angry. Take your hippo.Swim across to the man. He cant see you. Shout, Aaargh! The man falls into the water.活动用书第 p38 和 p51 韵律诗活动用书录音带18 Blow a bubbleBlow a bubble.Ahhh, the wind!Blow, blow.Hold on tight.Make it big.Then you fly.Let it grow.Through the sky.UNIT 13 HOLIDAY内容提要小测验:Hello! Welcome to the Playway end-of-the-year quiz.歌曲:Holiday boogie多元智能开展语言技能:能够区分出故事中错误的句子并加以改正;通过口头表达和在图片上画勾来答复下列问题;认知、运动和社交能力:理解图画形式的问题并在正确的图画上画勾; 对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案; 记住歌曲的曲调和歌词并能正确地唱出来。教材内容儿童用书 p57 小测验儿童用书录音带B31 End of the year quiz.Hello! Welcome to the playway end-of-the year quiz.Here are eight questions for you. Listen and tick.Here we go.Question1: What colour is Maisies bird? What colour is Maisies bird?Question2: What colour is the balloon in the mouse story?What colour is the balloon in the mouse story?Question3: Whats the foxs name? Whats the foxs name?Question4: What colour is Freds woolly hat?What colour is Freds woolly hat?Question5: Rosie the raccoon has a brother. Whats his name?Rosie the raccoon has a brother. Whats his name?Question6: Max can make a wish. He gets a. Max can make a wish. He gets a.Question7: Whats in Timmys basket?Whats in Timmys basket?Question8: Whos Eddie? Whos Eddie?儿童用书 p59 歌曲儿童用书录音带B32 Holiday BoogieThis is the holiday boogie, yeah!This is the holiday boogie, yeah!Come on, boys.Come on, girls.Lets sing the holiday boogie, yeah!Lets have fun in the sun.Bye-bye, bye-bye, see you again!未录音局部1.儿童用书 58 页-几个孩子字掷塞子,根据提示下棋。2.活动用书 39 页-让孩子将上半局部中最喜欢和第二喜欢的头像画在下方横线上。UNIT 14 CHRISTMAS内容提要生词和短语:a guitar, a CD, a watch, Christmas tree, silver bells, a golden star, a little snowman,some golden angels.歌曲:The Christmas tree故事:A Christmas present行动故事:A Christmas card听力练习:Christmas present多元智能开展语言技能:观看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解;逐渐能够讲故事;进而表演故事。认知、运动和社交能力:听并指出正确的图画;根据指令将附页中的粘贴画取下并粘好;唱歌和指图能够协调。教材内容儿童用书 p60 上半局部 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B34 Christmas presenta guitar;a computer game;a car;a sweater;a CD;a cap;a watch;What are the presents?儿童用书 p60 下半局部和 p81 歌曲儿童用书录音带B35 The Christmas treeTake some silver bells, take a golden star.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Take a little snowman, Take some golden angles.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.儿童用书 p61 听力练习儿童用书录音带B34 Christmas present1.Grandma: What would you like for Christmas, Sarah?Sarah:A guitar.2. Dad:What would you like for Christmas, Tom?Tom:Hmmmmmm. A bike.3. Boy:What would you like for Christmas, Mum?Mum:Id like a new watch.4. Girl:Kitty, What would you like for Christmas?Kitty:Miaow.Girl:I know. A mouse.5. Benny:Max, What would you like for Christmas?Max:A woolly hat.6. Max:Linda, What would you like for Christmas?Linda:A computer game.儿童用书第 p62-63 故事故事录音带 14A Christmas presentStoryteller: Its Christmas Eve. Linda, Benny and Max are at home. Down by the river, a carstops.Man:Get out, stupid dog!Storyteller: The dog is sad. He runs over to the boat.Second man:Go away, you stupid dog!Storyteller: The dog is sad and runs away. He is very cold and hungry. He sees another dog in thegarden.Dog:Woof. Im cold and hungry.Second dog:Woof. Woof. Go away.Storyteller: The dog runs away again. Now the dog is at Benny and Lindas house.Linda, Bennyand Max are asleep.Max:Whats that? Oh, hello, doggie. Come in. You look cold. Mmh. What can I do?Storyteller: Listen. Its Father Christmas.Father Christmas: Hello, Max.Whos this?Max:Oh, hello, Father Christmas. What can I do with this doggie?Father Christmas: Mmh.Ive got an idea.Old woman:Oh, what a lovely Christmas present.Dog:Woof. Woof.儿童用书 p64 行动故事儿童用书录音带B38 A Christmas cardTake a piece of paper. Put it on your desk. Draw a Christmas tree. Colour it. Cut it out. Glue it ona card. Write Merry Christmas and your friends name. Give it to your friends. Your friend smilesand says, “Thank you.未录音局部活动用书 40 页-让孩子从每组图中找出与最上方相同的一张图片,标上数字。UNIT 1:内容提要单词:Birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange歌曲:1. Hello again 2.Dont play in the street卡通故事:Dont play in the street行动故事:The banana skin多元智能开展语言技能看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解内容;向别人打招呼并问好;唱歌Hello again 。认知、运动和社交能力在词汇中仔细听并记住哪些单词被说过; 在图画帮助下学习歌曲的歌词; 按节奏和曲调唱歌;能跟上故事的表达;从附页中取下拼图,然后将其放在正确的位置上并粘好; 对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p2 歌曲儿童用书录音带A2 Hello againOne, two , three , four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten . Hello again. Red and pink andbrown, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and blue (Comeon!)Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion, hippo snake, rain and wind sun, jump and clap and run.(Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots ofwords.(Oh yes!)儿童用书 p3 听力练习儿童用书录音带A5What is it?1.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A peach.Boy: Thats right.2.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A plum.Boy: Thats right.3.Boy: Close your eyes.Girl: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth.Girl: Mmh.Boy: What is it?Girl: A n orange.Boy: Thats right.儿童用书 p3 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带A5Whats on Maxs plate?An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. Whats on Maxs plate?儿童用书 p4 卡通故事故事录音带1 Dont play in the streetStoryteller:Its morning. Time to go to schoolLinda:Have an apple, Max.Max:Thanks. One, two, three. Apples, apples, I like apples, I like applesLinda and Benny: Stop it, Max.Max:Apples, apples, I likeooooh! My apple!Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max! Oh, Max.Max:Thanks Linda. Thanks Benny.Linda and Benny:Dont play in the street Max!Max:Ok.儿童用书 p5 歌曲儿童用书录音带A6 Dont play in the street!Dont play in the street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Eyes wide open andears wide open, look left and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Dont play inthe street. Dont play in the street. Dont jump around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, lookleft and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Dont play in the street. Dont play inthe street. Dont jump around and fight!儿童用书 p6 行动故事儿童用书录音带A8 The banana skinWalk down the street. Youre hungry. Open your bag. Take out a banana. Peel it. Throw the skinaway. Take a bite and walk on. You slip on the banana skin. Ouch!活动用书 p3 听力练习活动用书用书录音带A1 Im hungry, Mum.Maria: Im hungry, Mum.Mum:Have an apple, Maria.Andy:Can I have a banana, Dad?Dad:Here you are, Andy.Andy:Thank you.Tom:Can I have an orange, Mum?Mum:Here you are, Tom.Tom:Thanks Mum.Sandra: Im hungry, Dad.Dad:Have a pear, Sandra.Sandra: Thanks. YummyKaren:Can I have a peach, Mum?Mum:Here you are, Karen.Karen: Thanks. Mum.Bob:Im hungry, Dad.Dad:Have some nuts, Bob.Bob:Thanks, Dad.Max:Linda, can I have some grapes?Linda:Here you are, Max.Max:Thank you, Linda. Grapes, yummy.Benny:Im hungry, Max. Give me some plums, please.Max:Here you are, Benny.Benny:Thank you.未配录音局部活动用书第2 页顺着每条线来描 并分别在Linda, Benny, Max的 T 恤衫上画上相应的水果。UNIT 2: SHOPPING内容提要单词和短语:Potatoes; onions; carrots; green/red peppers; tomatoes; cucumbers短剧:At a shop歌谣:My vegetable soup卡通故事:The blue balloon听力练习:1. Going shopping 2.Good morning多元智能开展语言技能理解并能说出水果和蔬菜的复数形式;学习新词组的发音和意义; 说出一个人喜欢或不喜欢哪种水果和蔬菜。认知、运动和社交能力能够和同伴一起听说对话; 找出隐藏图画中的各种蔬菜并说出数量; 将找出的蔬菜按数量涂色。教材内容儿童用书 p7 听力练习儿童录音带A9VegetablesOne:PotatoesTwo:OnionsThree: CarrotsFour:Green and red peppersFive:TomatoesSix:Cucumbers儿童用书 p9 短剧故事录音带 2.At a shopLinda, Benny:Good morning.Shop assistant:Good morning.Linda:Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers please.Shop assistant:Six tomatoes, four green peppers and three cucumbers.Max:Linda, the flowers please.Linda:No, Max.Benny:Oh! How much is it?Shop assistant:Two pounds.Benny:Oh, Two pounds. Here you are.Linda, Benny:Good bye.Shop assistant:Good bye.Max:Good bye. Flowers, yummy儿童用书 p10 歌谣儿童用书录音带A11.My vegetable soupPotatoes tomatoes Tomatoes, potatoesCucumbers, cucumbers. Mmmh.Green peppers, red peppers.Red peppers, green peppers.Onions, onions. Mmmh.Carrots, carrots .All in my soup.My veggie, my veggie, my vegetable soup.儿童用书 p10 听力练习儿童用书录音带A10.Going shopping1.Girl:Good morning.Man:Good morning.Girl:3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers, please.Man:Alright. 3 tomatoes, 2 onions and 5 red peppers.Girl:How much is it?Man:One pound.Girl: Here you are.Man:Thank you.2.Boy:Good morning.Man:Good morning.Boy:5 cucumbers, 8 carrots and 8 green peppers, please.Man:5 cucumbers, 8 carrots andMan:8 green peppers.Boy:How much is it?Man:Three pound.Boy:Here you are.Man:Thank you.3. Girl: Good morning.Man:Good morning.Girl:6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers, please.Man:6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers and 4 green peppers.Girl:How much is it?Man:Two pounds.Girl:Here you are.Man:Thank you.儿童用书 p11卡通故事故事录音带3. The blue balloonMouse:The blue balloon, please.Cat:Two pounds, please.Mouse:Here you are.Cat:Heres your balloon.Mouse:Help, help!Elephant: Look, we must help the mouse. Hippo, get on my back.Hippo:Lion, get on my back.Lion:Monkey, get on my back.Monkey:Snake, get on my back.Snake:Got you.Mouse:Thank you. Thank you, my friends.活动用书 p6 听力练习活动用书录音带2. Good morning1.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:A blue and yellow ball, please.B:Here you are.A:How much is it?B:Two pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Look what Ive got.2.A: Hello.B:Hello.A:An apple, please.B:Here you are.A:Thank you. Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Yummy.3.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:The red car, please.B:Here you are.A:How much is it?B:Ten pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.4.A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:The little black car, please.B:Here you are.A:Oh, its lovely .How much is it?B:Three pounds.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Bye-bye.B:Bye.A:Youre hungry, arent you?未配录音局部1 儿童用书第 7 页下半局部让孩子根据自己的喜好来涂颜色。2 儿童用书第 8 页让孩子找出每种蔬菜的数量,按方格右侧提示的颜色将对应数量的蔬菜涂色。3 活动用书第 4 页让孩子数每种蔬菜的数量,将数量写在这页下面的方格中。4 活动用书第 5 页建下剪下 41 页中蔬菜和水果的图片,根据自己的喜好将相应的图画贴在第 5 页的两个竖栏中。UNIT3: IN THE HOUSE内容提要单词与短语:a sofa; a chair; a lamp; a table; a cupboard; a telephone; a TV; curtains听力练习:Theres a green sofa听力迷宫:Whats in Maxs room?卡通故事:Maisie and her bird歌曲:Maisie多元智能开展语言技能观看故事录像和教师将故事时能够理解故事内容;逐渐能够将故事。认知、运动和社交能力理解儿童用书录音带中的词组并在响应的图画联系起来; 理解故事的表达; 从附页中取下拼图,放在正确的位置上并粘好;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p12 听力练习儿童用书录音带A13 Theres a green sofaTheres a green sofaan orange chair,a pink lamp,a grey table,a blue cupboard,a red telephone,a brown TV,and there are yellow curtains.儿童用书 p12 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带14. Whats in Maxs roomOkay? Here we go:A green lamp,A blue table,Pink curtains,A red TV,A blue cupboard,A brown chair,And a yellow sofa!Whats in Maxs room?儿童用书 p13-14 卡通故事故事录音带 4 Mashie and her birdStory teller: This is Maisie. Maisie likes birds.Mashie: The yellow bird. How much is it?Shop assistant: Ten pounds.Mashie: Ok, Here you are.Shop assistant: Heres the bird.Mashie: Were home, birdie.Story teller: Look at this! A yellow sofa ,yellow curtains, a yellow table, a yellow lamp, a yellowTV, a yellow telephoneand a yellow bird.Mashie: Oh! Sorry birdie. Birdie? Where are you, birdie? Oh, sorry birdie.Storyteller: Maisies got an idea. She makes trousers for her bird. The bird is sad.Friend: Trousers for a bird? Thats stupid .A bird is a bird. Mmh. Ive got an idea.Mashie: What a brilliant idea. Thanks.儿童用书 p15 歌曲儿童用书录音带A15 MaisieHer name is Maisie,And shes so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, here we go.Shes got yellow jeans and shes got yellow socks.Shes got yellow T -shirt and shes got yellow shoes.Shes got yellow sofa and shes got yellow lamp.Shes got yellow curtains and shes got yellow chairs.Oh, my dear Maisie,Im not so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!未配录音局部1活动用书第 7 页让孩子剪下 41 页中的家具图片,再根据第7 页方块给出的颜色将相应的图片卡粘上。2活动用书第 8 页让孩子比拟 A,B 两幅图,找出相同点和不同点。3活动用书第 9 页先根据自己的喜好分别将 A,B 两图的家具涂上颜色。完成后 A 问 B 家具所涂的颜色,在自己的B 图中涂上对应颜色,B 问 A 家具所涂的颜色,在自己的 A 图中涂上对应的颜色。都完成后共同检查所图颜色是否正确。4活动用书第 10 页让孩子从 43 页中剪下数字和单词,做第10 页中的题,根据计算结果将相应的单词图片粘好。UNIT4: CLOTHERS内容提要单词与短语:socks; shoes; a woolly hat; a dress; trainers; a sweater; a coat; a skirt听力练习:1. Colour the dress yellow 2.Susan is wearing a white T-shirt行动故事:1. Time for school2. Its raining3. Joe is at home.韵律诗:My dog卡通故事:The woolly hat多元智能开展语言技能理解一段话并将相应的图画涂色;在图画的帮助下说韵律 ;逐渐能够讲故事;能够听出故事中的错误并改正;用英语清楚地表达加减法。认知、运动和社交能力看图片卡说出相应单词; 两人一组活动时能够发出及执行有关颜色的指令; 在图画迷宫中找出同样类型的服装并记录相应的数量; 做简单的加减运算;选择性内容;对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案。教材内容儿童用书 p16 听力练习儿童用书录音带A17.clothesa woolly hat; a dress; a cap; jeans;a T-shirt; shoes; trainers; socks;a sweater; a coat and a skirt儿童用书 p17 行动故事儿童用书录音带A18.Time for schoolTime for schoolLook for your trainers. Theyre under your bed.Look for your sweater. Its under the cupboard.Look for your coat.Shout, wheres my coat? Your dog jumps up. Woof.Theres your coat. In the dogs basket. Yuck!儿童用书 p18 韵律诗儿童用书录音带A19 My dogWhat makes my dog happy?Blue jeans, blue socks, red trainers, a yellow sweater,a red hat and a big bone on his mat.What makes my dog angry?Brown jeans, pink socks, orange trainers, a pink sweater, a green hat and a big cat on his mat.儿童用书 p19 卡通故事故事录音带5 The wooly hatStoryteller: Father Bear has a hobby. He makes woolly hats.Father Bear: Joe, this hat is for you.Joe:Oh! Thank you.Storyteller: Joe is not happy.Joe:I hate it. Aaargh!Storyteller: Its time for school.Joe:Bye, Dad.Father Bear: Bye-bye, Joe.Joe:Bye-bye, woolly hat!Storyteller: Ah! Its Fred, the fox.Fox:Oh, what a lovely hat.Storyteller: Fred puts the hat on. Joe is in the classroom.Other animals: Ah! What a lovely hat! Wonderful!Joe:Stupid me!活动用书 p11和 p43 听录音并涂色活动用书录音带3.Color the dress yellowColour the dress yellow.Colour the shoes brown.Colour the cap pink.Colour the coat grey.Colour the hat green.Colour the skirt red.Colour the trainers black.Colour the socks orange.Colour the sweater blue.活动用书 p12 和 p45 听录音并粘贴名字活动用书录音带4.Susan is wearing a white T-shirtSusan is wearing a white T-shirt, a red sweater, a blue skirt, blue socks and yellow trainers.Debra is wearing a white T-shirt, a yellow sweater, a green skirt, yellow socks and white trainers.Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, black socks and white trainersMike is wearing an orange cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, green socks and blue trainers.活动用书 p13 行动故事活动用书录音带5.Its rainingIts raining. Wheres your cap?Look under your bed. Look on the TV .Look in your schoolbag. Look under the cupboard.Look out of the window.Theres your cap. There are three little birds in it.活动用书 p14 行动故事活动用书录音带6.Joe is at homeStoryteller: Joe is at home. Hes sad.Joe:Stupid me. My lovely hat. Ah. Ive got an idea. I can make a woolly hat. Oh, no!Joes dad:Let me help you, Joe.Joe:Yes, please. Thank you, Dad.Fred:Hello, Joe.Joe: Hello, Fred.Fred:What a lovely colour.Joe:Thanks, Fred.UNIT5 FAMIL Y内容提要单词:shirt; glasses; brother; sister; mum/mummy; dad/daddy; grandpa; grandma; family;韵律诗:Im Emily故事拼图;Story1-3卡通故事:The raccoons and beaver歌曲:The clever raccoons听力练习:Situation 1-6多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中的韵律诗并根据录音带的内容涂色; 全班、分组或单独说韵律诗; 分角色表演。认知、运动和社交能力:用动作表演单词意思并根据图片卡说出单词;分组齐声说;或两人一组或单独说韵律诗。教材内容儿童用书 p20 韵律诗儿童用书录音带A20Im EmilyHi. Im Emily. And Im the clown of my family.I put on my brothers glasses, my sisters skirt,My grandpas socks, my daddys shirt,My mummys shoes, and my grandmas hat.And then I look like that.儿童用书 p21 故事拼图儿童用书录音带A21 Story11. Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.Grandpa: Thank you, Emily. Oh, my flowers.2. Tom:The pizza is very good, Grandma.Grandma: Thank you, Tom.Emily:Can I have some ketchup, please?Grandma: Tom, help your sister.Tom:Here you are.Emily:Yuck!3. Mum:Three cucumbers, pleaseShop assistant: Here you are.Emily:Can I have a banana?Mum:Yes, of course.Emily:Yummy!儿童用书 p22 卡通故事故事录音带6 The raccoons and the beaverStoryteller: The raccoons are going for a picnic. Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie.Ronnie:Lets go to the river.Rosie:Yes, great!Mum and Dad: OK.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Its a beaver .over there.Beaver: Help!Rosie: Lets help him.Storyteller: Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his sister want to help. They swim across the river.Beaver: Help!Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: Pull! Pull!Crow: Cut off his tail. Cut off his tail.Dad: Go away.Mum: Ive got an idea.Beaver: Help! Help!Mum: Just a minute.Mum, Dad, Rosie, Ronnie: One, two three.Jump.Beaver: It works.Storyteller: The beaver is very happy. Mum, Dad, Rosie and her brother Ronnie are happy too.Rosie: Now lets have our picnic.All: Yes. Great. Mmh. Thats good. Yummy.儿童用书 p23 歌曲儿童用书录音带A22 The raccoonsThe clever raccoons are helpful, the clever raccoons are strong.Ronnie and Rosie, Dad and Mum, the clever raccoons, oh, here they come!Sh! Oh here they come! A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose.Thats Rosie, the clever raccoon, thats Rosiethe clever raccoon.Thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother, thats Ronnie, hes Rosies brother.活动用书 p17 听力练习活动用书录音带7 Grandma?1. Max: Grandma?Grandma: Yes, Max.Max: I cant find my sunglasses.Grandma: Look, Max. Theyre on the TV.Max: Oh, thank you, Grandma.2: Max: I cant find my cap, Linda.Linda: Oh, Max!Max: Where is it, Linda?Linda: Youre wearing it, Max.Max: Stupid me!3: Max: Grandpa, I cant find my scissors.Grandpa: There they are, Max. On the table.Max: Oh, thank you. Grandpa.4. Max: Mum, wheres my green sweater?Mum: Sorry, Max, I dont know.Max: Aaaaah, I know where it is. Its in my schoolbag.5. Max: Dad, I cant find my plane.Dad: Its over there, Max. Under the bed.Max: Oh, yes. Thanks.6. Max: I cant find my woolly hat.Benny: Look, Max. Its under the cupboard.Max: Thanks, Benny.未配录音局部1.儿童用书第 24 页-先让孩子读出每幅图,然后将每行中不属于一类的那幅划掉。2.活动用书第 15 页-孩子用相应颜色的笔顺着线描,找出所有家庭成员最喜欢的食物。3.活动用书第 16 页-让孩子在图中找出 Linda, Benny 和 Max。然后在图画上涂色。UNIT6: TIME内容提要听力练习:1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.2. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. Whats the time?短剧:Late for school歌谣:Whats the time?多元智能开展语言技能:能够询问和告知时间整点时间 ; 能够理解儿童用书录音带中的简单对话; 能够理解有关时间的练习内容。认知、运动和社交能力:指定不同故事情境中所提到的时间;识别钟表上的时间整点时间 。教材内容儿童用书 p25 听力练习儿童用书录音带A24 Talking about time.1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.Boy:Oh, Mum.Women: Its nine oclock.Boy:Okay.1.Man: Oh, no. Stop it. Whats the time? Oh, its seven. Okay. Lets go.2.Girl 1: Whats the time, Ann?Girl 2: Five oclock.Girl 1: Five oclock! I must go home then.3.Ghost 1: Uuuuh. Whats the time?Ghost 2: Its twelve oclock.Ghost 1: Uuuuh.5. Max: Whats the time, Linda?Linda:Ten oclock.Max:Im so tired.Linda: Go to sleep now.Max:Ok.6. Teacher: Ok, children. Its four oclock now. See you tomorrow.Children: Bye, Miss Baker.Teacher: Bye.儿童用书 p26 听力练习儿童用书录音带A25 whats the time?1. Girl:Excuse me, Elephant. Whats the time?Elephant: Its nine oclock.Girl:Thank you, Elephant.2. Girl:Excuse me, Lion. Whats the time?Lion:Its one oclock.Girl:Thank you, Lion.3. Girl:Excuse me, Dog. Whats the time?Dog:Its seven oclock.Girl:Thank you, Dog.4. Girl:Excuse me, Rabbit. Whats the time?Rabbit: Its three oclock.Girl:Thank you.5. Girl:Excuse me, Monkey. Whats the time?Monkey: Its five oclock.Girl:Thank you, Monkey.6. Girl:Excuse me, Cat. Whats the time?Cat:Its eight oclock. Girl:Thank you.儿童用书 p27 短剧故事录音带 7 Late for school.Max:Good morning.Linda and Benny: Good morning, Max.Linda:Benny, this is my sweater.Benny:No, it is not.Linda:Yes, it is. Your sweater is over there.Benny:Let go!Linda:Give me my sweater!Benny: And you give me my trainers!Linda:Stop it, Benny!Benny:Give me my trainers!Linda:No! Stop it, Benny! Go away!Max:Hey, look what time it is!Benny:Nine oclock.Linda:Oh, no! Were late for school!Benny:Lets go. Hurry up!Linda:Ok. Lets go.Max:Bye-bye. Ha, ha, ha.儿童用书 p28 歌谣儿童用书录音带A26 Whats the time?Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its seven oclock.Its seven oclock.Get out of bed.Get out of bed.Linda: Oh, Im tired.Oh, Im tired.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its eight oclock.Its eight oclock.Time for school.Time for school.Linda: Ok, lets go.Ok, lets go.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its one oclock.Its one oclock.Lets have lunch,Lets have lunch.Linda: Great. I am hungry.Great. I am hungry.Linda: Whats the time?Whats the time?Benny: Its nine oclock.Its nine oclock.Linda: Time for bed.Time for bed.Good night.Good night.未录音局部1.活动用书第 18 页-把图中的物品分类。2.活动用书第 19 页-让孩子剪下 45 页中的小钟表, 选择 9 个粘贴在 19 页 的宾果游戏小方格中。孩子准备一支铅笔,教师可慢速读出一些时间, 孩子听到后在相应的图画上画叉,第一个全部画完 9 个格子的人为胜利者。UNIT7: THE MAGICIAN内容提要单词:Motorbike; circus; magician卡通故事:The Magician听力练习:Picture1-8歌曲:Twenty pink elephants多元智能开展语言技能:理解故事录像带或故事录音带中的动画故事; 能够识别并纠正教师在讲故事时成心说错的内容;通过动作表演故事;在通过动作表演故事的过程中逐渐参加语言。认知、运动和社交能力:从儿童用书的附录中取出可粘贴图片, 按照正确的顺序摆放好, 并粘贴好;一边随着音节重音踏步点地,一边说出单词;能够将包含错误的故事同原版故事相比拟; 通过动作来表演不同角色。教材内容儿童用书 p29-p30 卡通故事故事录音带8 The magicianStoryteller: Max is at the circus. And heres the magician.Magician:Wheres my hat? Where is it?Max:Hello. Can I help you?Magician:Yes, please. I cant find my hat.Max:The monkeys got it. Here you are.Magician:Thank you. You can make a wish.Max:Great. Erm.Erm Id like a bike.Magician:Abracadabra, six, four, two. A bike, a bike, a bike for you.Max:Oh! Thanks Magician.Magician:Goodbye, Max.Max:Goodbye Magician.Storyteller: Max is riding his bike. He is happy. Then he sees a motorbike.Max:Id like a motorbike.Storyteller: Max goes back to the circus. The Magician isnt there.Max:Ah, here it is. Abracadabra, Nine-six-three. A motorbike, a motorbike for me! Oh!Help!Magician:Motorbike, motorbike, hey, hey, hey. Abracadabra, go away!Max:My beautiful bike.儿童用书 p31 听力练习儿童用书录音带A28 Max is riding his bike.Picture one. Max is riding his bike.Picture two. Max is playing his guitar.Picture three. Max is washing his facePicture four. Max is dancing rock n roll.Picture five. Max is listening to the raccoon.Picture six. Max is watching a video.Picture seven. Max is eating a cactus.Picture eight. Max is standing on his head.儿童用书 p32-33 歌曲儿童用书录音带A29 Twenty pink elephantsLadies and gentleman, welcome to the circus!Twenty pink elephants are standing on their heads. Twenty pink elephants are standing on theirheads.Forty blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Forty blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes.Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll. Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll.Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails. Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails.A hundred green raccoons are playing their Guitars. A hundred green raccoons are playing theirGuitars.Ladies and gentleman: Here is the magician. Here is the magician and he says: Hey, abracadabra,zero, go away! Zero, go away, zero, go away!Two pink elephants are standing on their heads. Two pink elephants are standing on their heads.Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes.Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll. Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock n roll.Eight orange mice are standing on their tails. Eight orange mice are standing on their tails.Ten green raccoons are playing their Guitars. Ten green raccoons are playing their Guitars活动用书 p21 听力练习活动用书录音带8 Look, Linda.1.Benny: Look, Linda. Grandpas dancing rock n roll.Linda: Cool!2.Benny: Listen. Grandmas playing her Guitar.Linda: Great!3.Linda: Wheres Mum?Benny: Shes watching TV .4.Benny: Look at grandma, Linda. Shes standing on her head.Linda: Wow!5.Benny: Wheres Grandpa?Linda: Hes watching TV.6.Benny: Look, Linda. Mums riding a motorbike.Linda: Wow!7.Benny: Look. Grandpas making a sweater.Linda: Oh, lovely!8.Linda: Listen. Mums playing her Guitar.Benny: Cool.9.Linda: Look. Grandmas dancing rock n roll.Benny: Hooray!活动用书 p22 听力练习活动用书录音带9 A hundred-brownA hundred-brownseventy-redForty-orangeNinety-bluesixty-yellowthirty-blackEighty-greenfifty-pinktwenty-grey活动用书 p23 听力练习活动用书录音带10 A hundred-blueA hundred-bluesixty-redTwenty-red and blueNinety-orangeFifty-pinkTen-orange and greenEighty-brownforty-greyZero-yellow and pinkSeventy-yellowthirty-green未录音局部1.儿童用书 34 页-让孩子完成加法算式, 并写出答案。 然后根据左上角的图示将数字所对局部涂上相应颜色。2.活动用书 20 页-让孩子给魔术师画上脸,想象自己就是魔术师,在帽子中画上自己想变的东西。UNIT8: MY BODY内容提要歌谣:Bend your knees听力练习:1. Find Biff.2. Max: My tummy hurts.行动故事:Wilbur gets out of bed.短剧:My tummy hurts.多元智能开展语言技能:学习新单词的发音和意义。在游戏中 听懂并执行发出的指令。认知、运动和社交能力:将图片卡和相应的单词对应起来; 用相应的手势来表达词汇和指令的意义; 将单词与数字对应起来并用数字给图画标序号。教材内容儿童用书 p35 听力练习儿童用书录音带B1 Head, mouthOne-head. Four-eyes. Sevenarms. Tentoes. ThirteenkneesTwo-mouth. Five-ears. Eight-teeth. Eleven-legs. Fourteen-hairThree-feet. Six-hands. Nine-nose.Twelvefingers.儿童用书 p35 歌谣儿童用书录音带B2 Bend your kneesSpeaker1: Bend your knees.Touch your toes.Clap your hands.Touch your nose.Speaker2: Bend your knees.Touch your toes.Clap your hands.Touch your nose.Speker1: Shake your fingers.Touch your hair.Stamp your feet.Touch your chair.Speker2: Shake your fingers.Touch your hair.Stamp your feet.Touch your chair.Speker1: Shake your head.Jump up high.Grow and grow.Touch the sky.Speker2: Shake your head.Jump up high.Grow and grow.Touch the sky.儿童用书 p36 听力练习儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monsterOk now. Close your eyes. Monster one has got four orange eyes, six green teeth, two big yellowears, four arms and three legs. Once more: Monster one has got four orange eyes, six green teeth,two big yellow ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 1.Close your eyes again. Monster two has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth, four yellow ears,six arms and two legs. Once more: Monster two has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth, fouryellow ears, six arms and two legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 2.Close your eyes. Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, four pink ears, fourarms and three legs. Once more: Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, fourpink ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 3.Close your eyes again. Monster four has got two yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears,two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number 4. Once more: Monster four has gottwo yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes. Fillin number 4.儿童用书 p37 听力练习儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monsterDraw the monster and colour it.The monster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs. Once more: Themonster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs.儿童用书 p37 故事组装儿童用书录音带B6 My body1.Linda: Max!Max: (sighs with relief)2. Man:Have an apple.Linda: Thank you. Yuck!3. Woman: What a lovely lamp. Oh, Im sorry.儿童用书 p39 短剧故事录音带 9 My tummy hurts.Benny:Max? Can you help me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Linda:Max? Can you help me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Linda:Max! We are going shopping.Max:Coming!Linda:Oh, my basket. Max, can you get it for me?Max:Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts.Benny:Ill get it, Linda. Lets go.Linda, Benny and Max: Hello.Shop assistant: Hello.Benny:2 oranges and 2 apples, please.Shop assistant: 2 oranges and 2 apples, Here you are.Linda:How much is it?Shop assistant: One pound.Linda:Here you are.Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a chocolate.Max:Thanks.Benny:Sorry, Max. No chocolate for you. Your tummy hurts.Benny and Linda: Thank you. Yummy.活动用书 p24 页听力练习活动用书录音带11 Look at Maxs pictureLook at Maxs picture.Colour the mens eyes pink. Colour his nose blue. Colour his hair orange. Colour his ears grey.Colour his arms yellow. Colour his hands red. Colour his legs brown. Colour his feet orange.活动用书 p25,p45 听力练习活动用书录音带12 Find BiffFind Biff. Hes got green hair, big red eyes, a small brown nose, small pink ears, a big orangemouth and blue teeth.Find Boff. Hes got green hair, small red ey es, a big brown nose, small pink ears, a big orangemouth and blue teeth.Find Taffy. Shes got pink hair, small green eyes, a small brown nose, big pink ears, a big yellowmouth and orange teeth.Find Tiffy. Shes got pink hair, big green eyes, a small blue nose, small pink ears, a big yellowmouth and green teeth.活动用书 p26 行动故事活动用书录音带13 Wilbur gets out of bedWilbur gets out of bed. He shakes his arms. He shakes his knees.He bends his knees. He says hello to his dog. (His dog collapses from Wilburs badbreath.)Wilbur runs into the bathroom. He cleans his teeth.活动用书 p27 听力练习活动用书录音带14 One. My tummy hurtsOne. Max: My tummy hurts.Two. Max: My knee hurts.Three. Max: My eyes hurt.Four. Max: My nose hurts.Five. Max: My feet hurt.Six: My arm hurts.未录音局部儿童用书 38 页-两个孩子掷塞子走棋,并念出相应棋子所在处的单词。UNIT9: BREAKFAST内容提要单词:cornflakes; muesli; milk; butter; honey; jam; hot chocolate; toast;听力练习:1. Speaker: Linda2. On Monday Max has got hot chocolate with rolls and honey.歌谣:Whats in your bowl?行动故事:Youre hungry.卡通故事:Grass is boring歌曲:Breakfast多元智能开展语言技能:执行包含有新单词的指令; 理解儿童用书录音带中单词和简短陈述的意义; 在听力练习的根底上,用角色表演的形式,表达喜爱或不喜爱哪些早餐。认知、运动和社交能力:排列新单词图片卡;依照指定的韵律说出单词。教材内容儿童用书 p40 有节奏地说单词儿童用书录音带B7 Cornflakes, muesliCornflakes, muesli, milk, butter, honey, jam, hot chocolate, toast, rolls, brown bread, tea.儿童用书 p40 听力练习儿童用书录音带B9 I like cornflakesSpeaker: Linda.Linda:I like cornflakes and milk. And.Yeah, I like hot chocolate. I dont like toast or rolls orjam.Speaker: Benny.Benny:I like muesli and brown bread with butter and honey. I dont like tea.儿童用书 p41 歌曲儿童用书录音带B11 BreakfastOn Monday I have muesli. On Tuesday I have cornflakes. On Wednesday I have toast with jam.On Thursday I have rolls. On Friday I have brown bread. On Saturday and Sunday I have a lot ofpancakes. And then I go and play, oh yeah! Hip hip hoo-ray! And then I go and play!儿童用书 p41 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B10 Cornflakes, milkCornflakes, milk, tea, jam, butter, toast, honey, brown bread, rolls, muesli.What has Max got for breakfast?儿童用书 p42 歌谣儿童用书录音带B13 Whats in your bowl?Speaker1: Whats in your bowl, your bowl, your big red bowl?Speaker2: Peaches and nuts, honey and milk, A big banana and lots of grapes. Thats in my bowl,my bowl, my big red bowl.儿童用书 p43 行动故事儿童用书录音带B15 Youre hungryYoure hungry. Get a big bowl.Get a banana, some cornflakes, some milk and some nuts.Peel the banana and take a bite. Mmmmm.Drink some milk. Lovely.Taste the cornflakes and the nuts.Put it all in your bowl. Look in your bowl.You are not hungry any more.儿童用书 p44 卡通故事故事录音带10 Grass is boringStoryteller: Its Monday.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa. Grass, grass, grass. Boring.Storyteller: Its Tuesday. The sheep has got an idea.Sheep:Baaaa. Fish. Yummy. One, two, three, baaaa!Storyteller: Well.fishing isnt easy. Its Wednesday.Sheep:Baaaa. What a lovely bone.Dog:This is my bone. Go away.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller: Its Thursday.Squirrel:Have a nut.Sheep:Oh, thank you. Ouch!Storyteller: Its Friday.Sheep:Baaaa.Im hungry.Stork:Here you are.Sheep:No, no, thank you very much.Storyteller: The sheep runs home.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller: On Saturday the sheep is very happy.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.活动用书 p30 和 p47 听力练习活动用书录音带15 On Monday Max has got chocolate.On Monday Max has got chocolate with rolls and honey.On Tuesday he has muesli.On Wednesday he has a banana and an apple.On Thursday he has cornflakes with milk.On Friday he has tea and toast.On Saturday he has milk, rolls and jam.On Sunday he has got chocolate, toast with butter and honey.UNIT10: TRAVLING内容提要生词:walk; juicy; bus stop; station; walk faster短语:by car/underground/bus/train/plane.歌谣:Come to my party卡通故事:Timmy歌曲:Juicy apples多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中的简单对话; 有节奏地分组说歌谣; 发现并纠正故事中的错误; 听教师读单词或看到两张图片卡时能找出两个发音押韵的单词。认知、运动和社交能力:两人一组练习新单词; 分小组表演故事中的场景; 能够将包含有错误的故事同故事原文进行比拟;找出押韵的单词并将图画涂上与提示相匹配的颜色。教材内容儿童用书 p45 上半局部 听力练习儿童用书录音带B16 how do you get to school?Speaker: Maria, how do you get to school?Maria:I walk.Speaker: And what about you, simon? How do you get to school?Simon:By car. My father takes me.Speaker: And you, Pamela?Pamela: By underground.Speaker: Mmh. And you, Ben, how do you get to school?Ben:By bus.儿童用书 p45 下半局部 歌谣 儿童用书录音带 B17 Speaker1: Come to my partySpeaker1: Come to my party on Saturday at eight. Listen how to get there. And dont be late.Speaker2: You cant go by underground. No, no, no. You cant walk or go by bike. No, no, no.Speaker1: You cant go by car.You cant go by bus.You cant go by train.You cant go by plane.Speaker2: I live far away. I live on a star. Take my rocket. Aaaaaaah儿童用书 p46 卡通故事故事录音带B11 TimmyStoryteller: Juicy peaches. Oh.and heres Timmy.Timmy:One peach, two peaches, three peaches, four. Five peaches, six peaches, sevenpeaches, more! One peach, two peaches, three peaches, four.Five peaches, six peaches, sevenpeaches, more! Phew! What a heavy basket.Storyteller: Timmy goes by bike to the bus stop.2 boys:What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:Ok.Here you are.Storyteller: Timmy goes by bus to the station.2 girls:What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:Ok. Here you are.Storyteller: Then Timmy goes by train.Woman and 2 children: What lovely peaches. Can we have one?Timmy:ok. Here you are.Storyteller: It starts raining. Timmy walks faster. What a strong wind. Oh, hi, Timmy. Whats inyour basket?Friend:Sorry, no peaches.Timmy:Oh, apples. I love apples.Friend:One apple, two apples, three apples, four. Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!One apple, two apples, three apples, four. Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!儿童用书 p47 歌曲儿童用书录音带B19 Juicy apples.One apple, two apples, three apples, four.Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!One apple, two apples, three apples, four.Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more!I love juicy apples,I eat them everyday.They keep me fit.So listen to what I say; Oh please eat.未录音局部1. 儿童用书 48 页-让孩子将押韵的单词图片的外圈涂上相同颜色。2. 活动用书 31 页 -让孩子从 49 页剪下列图片,粘在 31 页相应的空白处,描出图中的单词。3. 活动用书 32 页-A,B 先根据自己的喜好分别将A,B 两图的交通工具涂上颜色。 完成后 A问 B 交通工具所涂颜色,在自己的B 图中涂上对应颜色。B 问 A 交通工具所涂颜色,在自己的 A 图中涂上对应颜色。都完成后共同检查所涂颜色是否正确。UNIT11: ON A FARM内容提要韵律诗:Im a little kitten行动故事:Put on your shoes.卡通故事:Eddie, the earthworm歌曲:Earthworm song多元智能开展语言技能:借助动作和图画的帮助学习韵律诗(Im a little kitten);理解一系列指令;逐渐能够讲故事,并能模仿不同的角色。认知、运动和社交能力:齐声而有节奏地说单词, 并伴随着相应的动作;在班级前面独立地背诵韵律诗; 遵守游戏的规那么。能将指令与动作联系起来,并能够执行打乱顺序的指令。教材内容儿童用书 p49 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B21 Sheep, chickSheep, chick, hen, cow, duck, horse, ketten.Which animals is Max going to paint?儿童用书 p49 韵律诗儿童用书录音带B22 Im a little kittenMiaow.Im a little kitten with soft white fur.I can roll a ball and I can purr.儿童用书 p50 行动故事儿童用书录音带B23 Feed the hens.Put on your shoes.Take some corn.Go outside.Call the hens.Feed the hens.Go to the hen house.Look for eggs.Pick up an egg.Crack. Theres a chick.儿童用书 p51 卡通故事故事录音带12 Eddie, the earthwormStoryteller: Its a lovely morning on the farm. This is Eddie, the earthw orm.Eddie:Hi, everybody.Cow:Moo. Who are you?Eddie:Hi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Cow:I give milk. What about you?Eddie:Erm, erm.I live underground.Cow:Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is sad.Hen:Who are you?EddieHi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Hen: I lay eggs. What about you?EddieErm, erm.I live underground.Hen: Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is sad.Bee: Who are you?EddieHi.Im Eddie, the earthworm.Bee: I make honey. What about you?Eddie Erm, erm.I live underground.Bee:Underground? Stupid.Storyteller: Eddie is very, very sad.Girl:Hello, Eddie. You look sad. Whats the problem?EddieI cant give milk. I cant lay eggs and I cant make honey.Girl:Eddie, youre the king of the garden.Eddie:Really?Girl:Yes.The flowers love you, the vegetables love you, and the trees love you.Chorus:Eddie, Eddie is the king of the garden. Eddie, Eddie, everybody loves you.Storyteller: Eddie is happy again.Eddie:Oh, Thank you. Thank you very much.儿童用书 p52 歌曲儿童用书录音带B24 Earthworm songHens lay eggs, cows give milk,And bees make honey.Lots of eggs, lots of milk, and lots of honey.But Eddie, Eddie is the king of the garden.Eddie, Eddie, everybody loves you!But Eddie is the king! (Oh yes!)未录音局部1.活动用书 33 页-让孩子在图中找出所学过的所有单词。2.活动用书 34 页-让孩子根据自己的喜好把小动物涂上颜色。3.活动用书 35 页-先让孩子说出图中都有哪些种动物,再比拟两图中同种动物的数量。UNIT12: WATER内容提要生词:boat; bubble, sea; river短语:Sailing is great fun! Blow a bubble. Burst on your hair.故事迷宫:Water听力练习:Lets ride your bikes, Linda.行动故事:1. You are hot 2. You are reading a book.卡通故事:The grasshopper and the frog歌曲:My little boat韵律诗:1. Blow a bubble. 2. Blow a bubble.多元智能开展语言技能:理解儿童用书录音带中三个小故事, 并排列表演; 理解行动故事指令; 理解故事内容; 唱歌;说韵律诗作相应动作。认知、运动和社交能力:能够理解对话并表演;将图画用数字正确标序; 从附页中取下粘贴画, 按顺序粘好将歌词与动作联系起来,按正确的曲调和节奏说唱;教材内容儿童用书 p53 故事迷宫儿童用书录音带B26 Water1.Girl: Can I have a glass of water, please?Waitress: Here you are.GirlThank you. Here you are Blacky.2.Boy1: Come on Peter. Lets clime the tree by the river.Boy2: Ok, lets.Boy1: Watch out, Peter.Boy2: Ouch.3.Girl 1: What can we do, sue?Girl 2: Lets play ball.Girl 1: Ok.Girl 2: Give us the ball back!Boy: Come and get it.儿童用书 p54 行动故事儿童用书录音带B27 Youre hotYoure riding your bike. Youre hot. Stop and get off your bike. You can see a lake. Go down tothe water. Cool off. Dive into the water. Aargh! Theres something in your mouth. Its a frog.儿童用书 p55 卡通故事故事录音带13 The grasshopper and the frogStoryteller: The grasshopper lives near the river.Grasshopper: Nice green grass. Yummy. How can I get across? Ah, theres a boat. Aaah! Hello.Frog:Hi.Grasshopper: Can you teach me to swim?Frog:Swim?Grasshopper: Yes, I want to eat the lovely grass over there.Frog:I can take you across.Grasshopper: Oh great. Thank you.Frog:Got you. Ha ha ha ha.Grasshopper: Youre stupid, frog.Frog:Stupid? Me?Grasshopper: Look. Im not very fat. Take me across the river. I can eat the grass over there.Then you can eat a grasshopper.Frog:Ha ha ha ha. Good idea.Storyteller: The frog takes the grasshopper across the river.Frog:Here we are. Have some grass. Then I will eat you.Grasshopper: Thank you, frog. Thanks a lot. Hee hee hee hee.儿童用书 p56 上歌曲儿童用书录音带B28 My little boatSailing, sailing. Come on, everyone.Sailing, sailing. Sailing is great fun!In my little boat, Im going to the sea.Sailing down the river come with me.儿童用书 p57 下韵律诗儿童用书录音带B30 Blow a bubbleBlow a bubble.It goes high upBlow, blow. in the air.Make it big.Then it burstsLet it grow.On your hair.活动用书 p36 听力练习活动用书录音带16 Lets ride our bikes, Linda.Benny: Lets ride our bikes, Linda.Linda: Yes, great!Benny: Lets have some orange juice.Linda: Ok.Linda: Lets play ball, Benny.Benny: Good idea!Benny: Lets swim across the river.Linda: All right, lets go!Linda: Lets climb the tree, Benny.Benny: Great!Benny: Lets watch TV, Linda.Linda: Yes, Lets.Linda: Lets have our picnic here.Benny: Good idea!Benny: Lets go shopping, Linda.Linda: Ok.Linda: Lets go by underground.Benny: Good idea!活动用书 p37 行动故事活动用书录音带17 Youre reading a bookYoure reading a book. A man jumps into the water.Theres water on your book. Youre angry. Take your hippo.Swim across to the man. He cant see you. Shout, Aaargh! The man falls into the water.活动用书第 p38 和 p51 韵律诗活动用书录音带18 Blow a bubbleBlow a bubble.Ahhh, the wind!Blow, blow.Hold on tight.Make it big.Then you fly.Let it grow.Through the sky.UNIT 13 HOLIDAY内容提要小测验:Hello! Welcome to the Playway end-of-the-year quiz.歌曲:Holiday boogie多元智能开展语言技能:能够区分出故事中错误的句子并加以改正;通过口头表达和在图片上画勾来答复下列问题;认知、运动和社交能力:理解图画形式的问题并在正确的图画上画勾; 对照正确答案独立检查自己的答案; 记住歌曲的曲调和歌词并能正确地唱出来。教材内容儿童用书 p57 小测验儿童用书录音带B31 End of the year quiz.Hello! Welcome to the playway end-of-the year quiz.Here are eight questions for you. Listen and tick.Here we go.Question1: What colour is Maisies bird? What colour is Maisies bird?Question2: What colour is the balloon in the mouse story?What colour is the balloon in the mouse story?Question3: Whats the foxs name? Whats the foxs name?Question4: What colour is Freds woolly hat?What colour is Freds woolly hat?Question5: Rosie the raccoon has a brother. Whats his name?Rosie the raccoon has a brother. Whats his name?Question6: Max can make a wish. He gets a. Max can make a wish. He gets a.Question7: Whats in Timmys basket?Whats in Timmys basket?Question8: Whos Eddie? Whos Eddie?儿童用书 p59 歌曲儿童用书录音带B32 Holiday BoogieThis is the holiday boogie, yeah!This is the holiday boogie, yeah!Come on, boys.Come on, girls.Lets sing the holiday boogie, yeah!Lets have fun in the sun.Bye-bye, bye-bye, see you again!未录音局部1.儿童用书 58 页-几个孩子字掷塞子,根据提示下棋。2.活动用书 39 页-让孩子将上半局部中最喜欢和第二喜欢的头像画在下方横线上。UNIT 14 CHRISTMAS内容提要生词和短语:a guitar, a CD, a watch, Christmas tree, silver bells, a golden star, a little snowman,some golden angels.歌曲:The Christmas tree故事:A Christmas present行动故事:A Christmas card听力练习:Christmas present多元智能开展语言技能:观看故事录像和听教师讲故事时能够理解;逐渐能够讲故事;进而表演故事。认知、运动和社交能力:听并指出正确的图画;根据指令将附页中的粘贴画取下并粘好;唱歌和指图能够协调。教材内容儿童用书 p60 上半局部 听力迷宫儿童用书录音带B34 Christmas presenta guitar;a computer game;a car;a sweater;a CD;a cap;a watch;What are the presents?儿童用书 p60 下半局部和 p81 歌曲儿童用书录音带 B35 The Christmas treeTake some silver bells, take a golden star.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Take a little snowman, Take some golden angles.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Put them on the Christmas tree and sing along with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.Join hands and start dancing around the big tree and sing“Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas with me.儿童用书 p61 听力练习儿童用书录音带 B34 Christmas present1. Grandma: What would you like for Christmas, Sarah?Sarah: A guitar.2. Dad: What would you like for Christmas, Tom?Tom: Hmmmmmm. A bike.3. Boy: What would you like for Christmas, Mum?Mum:Id like a new watch.4. Girl: Kitty, What would you like for Christmas?Kitty: Miaow.Girl: I know. A mouse.5. Benny: Max, What would you like for Christmas?Max: A woolly hat.6. Max: Linda, What would you like for Christmas?Linda: A computer game.儿童用书第 p62-63 故事故事录音带 14A Christmas presentStoryteller:Its Christmas Eve. Linda, Benny and Max are at home. Downby the river, a car stops.Man: Get out, stupid dog!Storyteller: The dog is sad. He runs over to the boat.Second man: Go away, you stupid dog!Storyteller: The dog is sad and runs away. Heis very coldand hungry.He sees another dog in the garden.Dog: Woof. Im cold and hungry.Second dog: Woof. Woof. Go away.Storyteller: The dog runs away again. Now the dog is at Benny andLindas house.Linda, Benny and Max are asleep.Max:Whats that? Oh, hello, doggie. Come in. You lookcold. Mmh. What can I do?Storyteller:Listen. Its Father Christmas.Father Christmas: Hello, Max.Whos this?Max: Oh, hello, Father Christmas. What can I do withthis doggie?Father Christmas: Mmh.Ive got an idea.Old woman: Oh, what a lovely Christmas present.Dog: Woof. Woof.儿童用书 p64 行动故事儿童用书录音带 B38 A Christmas cardTake a piece of paper. Put it on your desk. Draw a Christmas tree. Colourit. Cut it out. Glue it on a card. Write Merry Christmas and yourfriends name. Give it to your friends. Your friend smiles and says,“Thank you.未录音局部活动用书 40 页-让孩子从每组图中找出与最上方相同的一张图片,标上数字。PLAYWAY-2 级家庭辅导手册(1-12 单元
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