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三年级英语上册unit41课时Animals PartyListen and watch .1.Listen and repeat.(听并跟读。听并跟读。)2.Pair work.(分角色朗读分角色朗读。)3.Show the dialogue.(表演对话。表演对话。)Learn the text .(学习课文)(学习课文) Whats this ? Its a pig. It is big.Practise .(练习)(练习) Whats this ? Its a cat. It is fat.Practise .(练习)(练习) Whats this ? Its a duck.Its in the truck.truck卡车卡车Practise .(练习)(练习) Whats this ? Its a dog.Its on the log.log木头木头Practise .(练习)(练习) Whats this ? Its a bear.pearPear梨梨Chant :Play games.Look and say quickly.(快速读出单词。快速读出单词。) catdogbearpandapigduckWhats missing?Listen and say quickly.(仔细听,快速说出动物名称。)(仔细听,快速说出动物名称。)Its a _ .1.Whats this? catIts a _ .2.Whats this? duck3.Whats this? Its a _. dog Lets check it.(课堂检测。)(课堂检测。)Read and match.(读一读,连一连。)读一读,连一连。)( ) A. A.Its a dog . ( ) B. B.Its a pig. ( ) C. C.Its a duck . ( ) D. D. Its a bear. ( ) E. E.Its a cat . D A B E C 你们真棒!你们真棒!A:Whats this?Whats this?B: Its a bear.Its a bear.A: Whats this?Whats this?B: Its a pig.Its a pig.Sing a song.We should love and protect the animals .(我们应该爱护动物。) 乔湾小学乔湾小学三年级的小朋友在三年级的小朋友在今天的课堂中表现优秀,特发此今天的课堂中表现优秀,特发此状,以示鼓励!状,以示鼓励! 2012017 7年年1 11 1月月Homework1.跟读本单元单词和课文,背会微信群展示;跟读本单元单词和课文,背会微信群展示;2.画自己喜欢的动物,用英语介绍给家长。画自己喜欢的动物,用英语介绍给家长。(也可以剪出老师发的图片,用英语介绍给同(也可以剪出老师发的图片,用英语介绍给同伴)伴) Its a bear. Whats this ?Chant it.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow. Whats this ? Its a panda.a doga pigA:Whats this?B: Oh, its a duck.A: Do you like it?B: Yes. Its lovely.A: What colour is it?B: Its black.PractiseHomework1.画出自己喜欢的动物,画出自己喜欢的动物,并用英语介绍给家长;并用英语介绍给家长;2.根据本课内容,自编根据本课内容,自编chant,发语音到班级群,发语音到班级群展示。展示。How is the dog?Is it cool?dog快速选择,并能上台展示朗读。快速选择,并能上台展示朗读。Read and match.(读一读,连一连。)读一读,连一连。)( )1.Its a dog . A. ( )2.Its a pig. B. ( )3.Its a duck . C.( )4. Its a bear. D.( )5.Its a cat . E. C A B E D Chant it. Whats this ? Its a duck.dogcatpigWhat animals can you see? Chant it.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.结束结束
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