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当一个句子充当当一个句子充当宾语时,这个句子就称个句子就称为宾语从句。从句。 宾语从句与主句之从句与主句之间由从属由从属连词来来连接。接。(1)由由连词that引引导的的宾语从句从句:当当谓语动词表示肯定的概念,如表示肯定的概念,如hope, say, believe,be sure 等等时,其后面的句子一般用,其后面的句子一般用that引引导。that无意无意义,可以省略。,可以省略。e.g.我想他几天后就会好了。我想他几天后就会好了。I think (that) hell be all right in a few days.语法焦点宾语从句(一)从句(一)(2)由由连接接词if或或whether引引导的的宾语从句从句:其中其中if/whether意意为“是否是否”,“是不是是不是”,宾语从句用从句用陈述述语序。多用于序。多用于谓语动词为dont know, wonder, ask等等动词时,e.g. 你知道他是否会来你知道他是否会来吗?Do you know if/whether hell come?语法焦点宾语从句(一)从句(一)(2)由由连接接词if或或whether引引导的的宾语从句:从句:whether和和if在从句中不充当任何句子成分,在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起只起连接作用,但不能省略。一般可以通用,接作用,但不能省略。一般可以通用,但在下列情况下,但在下列情况下,whether不可不可换用用if。从句中有从句中有or not时; 有些有些动词(如(如discuss)后面只能跟)后面只能跟whether;从句充当从句充当介介词宾语时; 连接接词后后接不定式接不定式时。语法焦点宾语从句(一)从句(一)1.We are sure that he _ (go) to school tomorrow.2.Our father said that he _(will) buy a new computer.3.I hear that he _(swim) in the sea yesterday.4.I asked if he _ (can) hike to the top of the mountain.5.Im not sure whether there _(be) some animals in the zoo.一、用所给动词的正确形式填空。一、用所给动词的正确形式填空。will go/is going 强化训练would swamcouldare写作指导介介绍自己最喜自己最喜爱的的节日是本日是本单元的写作内容。写此元的写作内容。写此类作文作文时要介要介绍节日名称及其日名称及其时间,谈论人人们所做所做的事和所吃的食物,的事和所吃的食物,还要介要介绍自己喜自己喜欢的原因以及的原因以及对节日的感受。日的感受。 常用句型常用句型归纳如下:如下: 1.My favorite festival is2.It is celebrated in/on3.During this festival,people4.Its my favorite festival because5.It makes me feel 写作示例以以My Favorite Festival为题,结合自合自己己对该节日的感受,写一篇日的感受,写一篇80词左右的左右的短文。短文。经典示范My Favorite FestivalMy favorite festival is Christmas. It is celebrated on December 25th.On Christmas Eve,my whole family gets together and sits around the table to have a big dinner. On the table,there is lots of Christmas food,such as turkey,fish and honey apples. On Christmas Day,I get up early and greet my parents by saying “Merry Christmas!”. They give me some presents. So I like Christmas Day. It makes me happy and excited.
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