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初三总复习初三总复习 词性转换、词义辨析词性转换、词义辨析 如何做词性转换题如何做词性转换题 要做好词性转换题,首先要确定要做好词性转换题,首先要确定所填词在句子中的成分,正确判所填词在句子中的成分,正确判断其词性,并运用词性转换的变断其词性,并运用词性转换的变化规律。同时要注意其形式变化,化规律。同时要注意其形式变化,如如名词名词注意单复数,注意单复数,动词动词注意时注意时态和语态,态和语态,形容词、副词形容词、副词注意原注意原级、比较级、最高级等。级、比较级、最高级等。 1)当所填的词在句中作主语、宾语、表语时,)当所填的词在句中作主语、宾语、表语时,需将所给的词性换成相应的名词填入。需将所给的词性换成相应的名词填入。1. Some famous _ are going to give lectures in our university in August. ( science ) ( 2001 ) 2. More people are getting to know the _of the environmental protection. ( important ) ( 2005 ) 3. Patrick is going to be a(n)_ when he grows up. ( engine ) ( 2002 ) 2)当所填的词在句中作定语、表语或宾语补)当所填的词在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语时,须将所给的词性换成相应的形容词足语时,须将所给的词性换成相应的形容词填入。填入。4. _ food is convenient to cook so its a craze in supermarkets. ( freeze ) ( 2005 ) 5. Such cold weather is quite _ in June and people have to wear warm clothes again. ( usually ) ( 2003 ) 6. Lucy looks _ in Mums shoes. ( fun ) ( 2003 ) 7. Do you find the dictionary _ in your study? ( use ) 3)当所填的词在句中为状语修饰动词、形容)当所填的词在句中为状语修饰动词、形容词或另一副词时,需将所给的词转换成相应词或另一副词时,需将所给的词转换成相应的副词填入。的副词填入。8. It rained _ last night and the river rose two feet. ( heavy ) ( 2005 ) 9. Li Ming is running much _ than Wang Hai. ( slow ) 10. That man is _ ill. Send him to the hospital at once. ( serious ) slow 一般用作形容词,作副词仅一般用作形容词,作副词仅表示表示“钟表走得慢钟表走得慢”等。等。 4)当句中缺谓语动词时,需将所给的词转换)当句中缺谓语动词时,需将所给的词转换成相应的动词填入,并要注意时态、语态、成相应的动词填入,并要注意时态、语态、语气、单复数。语气、单复数。 11. I _ we see a film about the Anti-Japanese War. ( suggestion ) ( 2005 ) 12. Wang Wei, the young pilot, _ for our country. He will live in our hearts forever. ( dead ) ( 2001 ) 13. This temple is too old. It _ soon. ( build ) 5)注意兼类词)注意兼类词 14. He got up early in order to catch an _ bus. ( early ) early 既可用作副词,也可用作形容词既可用作副词,也可用作形容词 对词语的辨析首先要注意它们对词语的辨析首先要注意它们的词义,同时,要注意它们的的词义,同时,要注意它们的搭配,搭配, 更要注意它们的性质和更要注意它们的性质和用法。用法。词义的辨析、词的搭配和用法词义的辨析、词的搭配和用法 主要根据词义来辨析主要根据词义来辨析 buy sell borrow lend 1) Kathy _ some biscuits instead because Mr Hill had _ all his bread. A. bought, bought B. sold, sold C. bought, sold D. sold, bought bring take send carry fetch 2) Please _ the old chair away and _ me a new one. A. take, take B. take, bring C. bring, take D. bring, bring 3) At that time my father saved money to _ me to school. And my grandma _ me to school every day. A. send, sent B. take, took C. take, sent D. send, took bring 带来。带来。 bringhere take 带去。带去。 takethere 词组:词组:take sth. away(把某物拿走把某物拿走) take sth.wtih sb(随身(随身带)带)/take sb. to a place(带某人去某处)(带某人去某处) send 送,寄。送,寄。 词组:词组:send a letter/parcel, send sb. a present send sb. to school (抽抽象的象的)送去上学等。送去上学等。 carry 携带,搬运(无方向)。携带,搬运(无方向)。 carry a baby, carry a box等。等。 fetch (去)拿来,取来(包含了一个来回)(去)拿来,取来(包含了一个来回)根据词语的搭配来辨析根据词语的搭配来辨析 4) My parents _ about 1,000 yuan for my school education each year. A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay ( 1999 ) spend pay cost take Sb. spend time / money on sth. / ( in ) doing sth.Sb. pay money for sth. Sth. cost ( sb. ) moneyIt takes sb. time / money to do sth. ( sb. buy / purchase sth. for some money )1. Last year, we went on an _ tour to Australia. It was very interesting to learn so much about the country. ( education )2. Pudong is developing _ than before. ( quick )3. Real _ is more valuable than money. ( friend )4. Ive read the book from _ to end. ( begin )5. All the _ teams sent to countries affected by tsunami have returned home. ( medicine )6. Benjamin Franklin _ a way to make ships safer and more efficient by inventing watertight bulkheads. ( development )7. Three men _ a bank last night. ( robbery )8. I heard a big _ in the corridor of our building yesterday. ( argue )9. The students are talking _ in the classroom. ( noise )10. The man is quite _ today. He wears a dress. ( usually )
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