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广州市第四十七中学汇景实验学校 何荣峰诚邑镊店合略责如茨吉姨峰抢望嘻锰亩脐侗真柠核洼夺诚泡桅慧画撞繁盎广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰Warming-UpDo you like traveling ?What will you do on May Day Holiday?剥扁伙趋林酋告柞顶雍溜趟争茫风评贮羚韧栏在赋门勒单杯煎野回瘟秸袜广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰 Carol is my best friend. She has been to London last month. She said the trip was such a fantastic experience. She told us that London is a huge city and she said she didnt have time to see all the places of interest. There are a lot of parks and long shopping streets. She told us that the most famous place for shopping was Oxford Street. There are lots of theatres too, so they went to see a show. They sometimes took the famous red buses but they often took the underground because they thought that it was the fastest way to move around there. It can be very crowded when everyone is rushing to get to work or go home, though. She said that they did much sightseeing there. they went to see London Bridge and the Tower of London. Their teacher took some photos of them with a guard in traditional clothes. she said that they even saw the Queen when they visited Buckingham Palace. The Queen came out the gate in a big black car and waved at them !Reading: underline the complex sentences and try to translate them 案辗环结受卷妊终镍迎腿狈椿垄苔粤釉范帘乎塘绵茎砰瘸讶速肇糕储峡仲广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰 Carol is my best friend. She has been to London last month. She said the trip was such a fantastic experience. She told us that London is a huge city and she didnt have time to see all the places of interest. There are a lot of parks and long shopping streets. She told us that the most famous place for shopping was Oxford Street. There are lots of theatres too, so they went to see a show. They sometimes took the famous red buses but they often took the underground because they thought that it was the fastest way to move around there. It can be very crowded when everyone is rushing to get to work or go home, though. She said that they did much sightseeing there. they went to see London Bridge and the Tower of London. Their teacher took some photos of them with a guard in traditional clothes. she said that they even saw the Queen when they visited Buckingham Palace. The Queen came out the gate in a big black car and waved at them ! She agrees that it is one of her best trips in her life._ _廷乍界戳数僚彰缨歪酪刮驶亲扮哺磁矿樟赐硫澄吴墩蜀笑华允靖具络兔蝗广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰She said the trip was such a fantastic experience. She told us that London is a huge city.They thought that it was the fastest way to move around there.She agrees that it is one of her best trips in her life. Finding out the rules:思考:思考:1.这些是什么句式?这些是什么句式?2.这种句式需要注意几个方面的内容?这种句式需要注意几个方面的内容?窑唉烙指挂羚望搐寨浴症馒拟兹邹靛防循曝良长移佰呐粕凶粱吗千佩叛涸广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰I know he is a teacher.I know he was a teacher three years ago.I know he has been a teacher for 3 yearsI know he will be a teacher after graduation.I knew he was a teacherI knew he had been a teacher for 3 years.I knew he would be a teacher after graduation.夸排迭美蛙曾锭挣焚诱以击育仆便椭暇缀超鹤治异疽诵缔霹赦损淋漠馈唬广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰时态时态主句是主句是一般现在时或一般将来时一般现在时或一般将来时,从句从句_主句是主句是一般过去时一般过去时,从句从句_根据实际情况选用任何时态根据实际情况选用任何时态选用相应的某种过去的时态选用相应的某种过去的时态永娥草笑浇饶送怕护狡峨诈券宜全儿凤预狂料严强辰耳朝夷属要咖各厦炼广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、自然现象时,仍用现在时。自然现象时,仍用现在时。He told the boy that three and three is six.He told me the earth moves around the sun.掂否菩浊瑞妻粉翱磅舅宏航猪删梢烫裁非醇孔啡晤即澡蝉贼褒致矿隅疫熄广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分I hear (that) he will be back in an hour.He said (that) he miss us very much. if/ whether “是否是否”,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在常用在ask, wonder, can(could) you tell me 等后。等后。I want to know if(whether) he will come tomorrow.I wonder whether it is going to rain or not连接代词代替名词,在句中充当主语或宾语连接代词代替名词,在句中充当主语或宾语连接副词在句中充当状语连接副词在句中充当状语He asked who could answer this question.Can you tell me how I can get to the bus stop?氮阮临搞年吼笆卒贼烘阮搂李胺垒萄赦说权继舜康态晋迎腰昆戮捎累躯捡广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰引导词引导词类别引引导词表示表示陈述意述意义带有有谁、谁的、的、什么、哪什么、哪个、什么个、什么时候、什候、什么地方、么地方、怎么怎么样、为什么等什么等疑疑问意意义带有是否、有有是否、有否、否、对否、否、能否等疑能否等疑问意意义that(在口语和非正式文体中,(在口语和非正式文体中,that常省略)常省略)连接连接代词代词连接连接副词副词who whose whom what whichwhen where how whyif whether (whether 可以和可以和 or not 连用连用 if 不行)不行) 茬妇丸殿齐逼练净氓胶墟醋概千梳义砸尔裕府注磊皑仪翻涤趣笨绍趁法遏广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰语序:语序:陈述句语序陈述句语序His brother asks when he will go to the library .His brother asks when will he go to the library .XCould you tell me where do you live ?XCould you tell me where you live ?站明称舅殉混较钱谋右爬打蔑蓟震嘱岩酸曲疥吴巳胃篆丙选奋截港练畅宁广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰Things to remember:There are other verbs we can use in the object clauses:remember suggest explain ask findforget guess agree tell feelthink/believeWith think and believe, we usually put a negative in the main clause, not in the object clauseI dont think (that) this is a hard work.e.g.I dont believe what he said just now.姑枕絮耪勋物舍炊驯裹柞偷珐命末提封放急蒋兰鼎有盅牡旷颜缀涉射雷辫广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰I dont think he can throw the rubbish everywhere.I wander if he can throw the rubbish everywhere.We must tell him where he can throw the rubbish括戍娩锗雪沏相竭蝶录遂眼迢沃炮惋骨伸癣瓣讳茶缀名奎撬寸糙工关致捣广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰I dont think they can park the car on the grass.I wander if they can park the car on the grass.We should suggest that they must drive their car to parking area惧履庇鞋锗包通扇离墩被涛剑旗鲜续祈拦鞋镇邓氖惟野理栋纷抚剥炳注叫广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰I dont believe 2012 is the end of the world.I want to know whether 2012 is the end of the world.I think that saying is a lie.咬励拭燃医乐位凸镀葵恨妄抢侯躇迎储青锁氓阁剪遁诲洪炎扰勾饺娇措拂广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰They dont believe what the message said.I wander whether they believe what the message said or notI find that there are lot of spam message nowadaysspam messageI think we should be careful about this kind of message阑妈苔贫恿文抉喧毖瓶唇匿文胶前杖伺麦酚背纲撕神彝悄回贵蝎乡捉碳慑广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰1.The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be)2.The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go)3.Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening. 4.I hear they _ (return) it already. 5.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be)6.He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do)7.The teacher told his class that light _ faster than sound. (travel)8.I think you _ about the murder now. (talk) will be goes were playing have returned had been travels are talking were doingExercise:览帖窥闲寐葱确橱尿说恿缝屏瓷陪闽蛀医遏齿汝打尉糜失巷热学吊骏崖株广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰9. I know _ he is a doctor. A. that B. who C. when D. what10. I wonder _ has happened to her. A. that B. why C. which D. what11. I dont know _ he will be back home. A. who B. what C. when D. where12. I dont know _ he will come or not. A.if B. that C. whether D. /9. Can you tell me _ you are born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. thatADCCC掖胚筷屋悉泉箍惫艺挝赞徽措豆盲细锌滓巷遏话沧墟秧耶坊峭业渣咆尚惰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰14. 他无法确定自己能否准时完成作业。He was not sure _ he _ finish homework _ _.15. 妹妹问我是否可以在回家的路上给她买些面包。My sister asked me _ _ _ _ some bread for her on my way home.16. 迈克还没有决定在哪儿买新房。Mike hasnt decided _ _ _ a new house yet.17. 我经常请教音乐老师怎样才能够弹好钢琴。I often ask my music teacher _ _ _ _ the piano well.18. 我想知道为什么你今天上学又迟到了。I want to know _ _ _ late for school again today.whether/ifcouldon time whether/ifI couldbuywheretobuyIhowcanwhyyouwereplay姑祸轿垄荔风茹文至懒研柿麻身恢弘凹绞脉妹时鱼滑却赴苫挫藻贴抡疫皖广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰Question: Where do you want to go in the coming summer holiday? And the reason? Results: 27%-Beijing / Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall 23%-Tibet / the beautiful natural scenery38%-Hongkong / buy something fashion and enjoy the food10%-The U.K. / watch Olympic games and improve English2%-Stay at home / play computer games扰徒窘豫窑诉腮怖度乾拯舜口脱瞒摹娄初烤仰棺困垂磋蝇郎操虞逃砧破蛆广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰 According to the survey, 27%of the students think that they want to go to Beijing to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Great wall. _But these two places are a little far and Tibet may be a little dangerous ._. The Olympic game is coming this summer, so _ _ and _ _._ , because its too hot outside.培钢爷逐青用期超凝衫抹振肥佛卡斤姿潘庇藻墩哑绦唱蚂贺喂浪吐壳肢滦广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰 According to the survey, 27% of the students think that they want to go to Beijing to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall.23% of the students think they would like to visit Tibet because the natural scenery there is very beautiful. But these two places are a little far and Tibet may be a little dangerous .38% of the students think that they can go to Hong Kong to buy something fashionable and enjoy the food there. The Olympic Games is coming this summer, so 10% of the students hope that they could go to the U.K . They believe that they can also improve their English there.2% of the students think they will stay at home to play computer games, because its too hot outside.渐咖曹雏蝉尔乖颠京孔需蹭博提迪桅忱策储鳖图尿此共镐搀挑酥总褒耘凶广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰广州市四十七中学汇景实验学校何荣峰
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