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words gameUnit 2 Topic 2Section A1、play game(touch your nose)一、学习准备一、学习准备 a、我能写出下列表示服装的单词,我最棒。、我能写出下列表示服装的单词,我最棒。1、T恤衫 2、鞋 3、帽子4、大衣 5、长裤 6、连衣裙 7、灰色8、蓝色9、紫色10、白色11、粉红色12、金黄色 b、回顾上节所学内容,做以下各题。、回顾上节所学内容,做以下各题。1、I a round face. _ face is round. 2、she short hair.You long hair.3、Do you have big eyes?Yes ,I .4、 She have big eyes?No,she .5、We are_(在同一个)school,but (在不同的)grades.1. Learn colors: black, white, red, pink, purple, yellow, orange, green, blue, gray, brown, blond.2. Learn wh-questions: what color is / are? Its / Theyre3. Learn to describe people with colors. Listen, look and say.Pay attention to the intonation.Oh, he is my friend, Yukio.Who is that boy?1、Look at the picture,do you know whats happen?(试着简单的描述出故事的大概)2、Find some sentences about appearance and make up some new sentences to use it.找出描写外貌的词语,并试着用这些词语再造几个新句子。3、Read 1a ,can you find any other important points?(读对话,你发现新知识了吗?找到并举例说明。)4、Can you retell 1a?(根据你知道的信息,你能试着背下对话吗?) Name CountryHair (color) Eyes (color) Yukio Michael America Kangkang ChinaJapanblackblackblackblueblackblond2.Introduce the three boy.Example: Yukio is my friend.He is from Work alone1.Complete the table according to 1a.A: What color is this? B: Its pink. blackwhiteorangepinkyellowgreenblueredpurplebrowngrayAsk and answer about colors. green hand 生手,新手生手,新手black tea 红茶红茶white lie 善意的谎言善意的谎言 green-eyed 嫉妒嫉妒/眼红眼红a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人可鄙的人,卑鄙的人black dog 忧郁、不开心的人忧郁、不开心的人black leg 骗子骗子You look blue. 你看起来闷闷不乐你看起来闷闷不乐. Describe a classmate (描述描述一个同学一个同学) and let the class guess (让大家猜是谁让大家猜是谁).Homework观察你组内同学的衣服的颜色,观察你组内同学的衣服的颜色, 并把它们写下来并把它们写下来
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