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UNIT 1 My names Gina.Section B (1a-1f)Introduce some of your classmates to the teacher.Hello, Im Hello, Im His name isHis name isHer name isHer name isHe isHe isShe isShe isLETS STUDY ENGLISH NUMBERS. one two three four零零 zero 0 1 2 3 4 fivesixseven eightnine 5 6 7 8 9 4 7 8 09 7 5 5 3 6 1 79 8 2 45 6 4 08 4 7 62 2 4 16 0 3 9Three+ four = Six +three =Eight-two = Two+ six =Nine-six = Three +four =One+ eight = Four-two =Five+ three = Seven-three =sevensixthreenineeighttwofoursevennineeightDo some exercises1a. Listen and repeat.0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight1 one 3 three 5 five 7 seven 9 nine119120122110Do you know these numbers?Fire(火灾)(火灾)car accident(车祸车祸)medical accident(急救)(急救) call the police(报警)(报警)电话号码的读法逐个读逐个读数字,其中其中0读作读作zero或读字母或读字母O的音的音。相连的相同两位数可读作相连的相同两位数可读作“double+数字数字”。eg. 54613读作读作five four six one three 120读作读作one two zero或或 one two o 119读作读作double one nine 122读作读作one double two 练习读下列这些电话号码526-8935 387-9924342-0943 702-3680766-3713 931-7653200-1945 352-2734639-2379 831-40251 b. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number._ _ _ - _ _ _ _27 86926Whats your telephone number, Li Xin?Its 281-9176.1c.Ask for and give your phone number.PAIRWORK与同桌练习询问和回答电话号码的对话A:Whats your telephone number ?B:Its .1. Tom _ a. 929-31 _ _2. Linda _ b. 398-61 _ _ 3. Bob _ c. 278-79 _ _4. Mary _ d. 555-80 _ _1d. Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.cbad1. Tom _ a. 929-31_ _2. Linda _ b. 398-61_ _ 3. Bob _ c. 278-79_ _4. Mary _ d. 555-80_ _cdba1e.Listen again. Complete the phone numbers in 1d. 2 82 449601f.Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner.SUMMARY一、数字数字0-9 的英语的英语表达:0 zero; 1 one; 2 two; 3 three; 4 four;5 five; 6 six; 7 seven; 8 eight; 9 nine.二 、电话号码的读法 逐个读逐个读数字,其中其中0读作读作zero或读字母或读字母 O的音的音。相连相连的相同两位数可读作的相同两位数可读作“double+数字数字”。SUMMARY三、询问、回答电话号码的句型:句型: Whats your telephone number/phone number? Its . / My telephone number is /phone number is .HOMEWORK背诵数字零至九。课后询问同学的电话号码和QQ号,并编成对话写下来。写五段对话。
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