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龙抬头Dragon Heads-raising Day龙抬头日二月二日,这是个传统的节日。在帝国资本主义(君主专制)的时代时,清代的潘荣陛就这样写道:第二天是龙抬头的日子。Dragon Heads-raising Day falls on the second day of the second lunar month, which is a traditional festival. In Imperial Capital Accounts About Seasons, Pan Rongbi in Qing Dynasty wrote the following: The second day is the Dragon Heads-raising Day. 袭击;落到,轮到君主专制时代这一天村民们会铺一条小路进入房子,然后绕着水缸再走到外面。这就是所谓的请龙回屋。人们会在都城里用炒糜子粉,小麦蛋糕,和其他的东西作为食物。期望着丰收。On the day, villagers made an ash path into the houses , then wind around the water vats from the outside. This is called leading the dragons back to houses. People in the capital city fry broomcorn millet flour, cakes made of wheat flour , and other things as their food. Looking forward to harvest.windn.风;气流;吞下气;管乐器;vt.蜿蜒;缠绕;上发条;adj.管乐的;铺路 make a path糜子粉用法 Look forward to+doing/n.龙支配着风和雨,所以在古代,每当有干旱,人们会做稻草龙。然后在稻草龙的前面,人们表演杂技,唱歌和跳舞,做扭秧歌,锣,鼓,旗帜一路领先。Dragons dominate wind and rain. So in ancient days, every time when there was a drought, people would make a straw dragon.Then in front of the straw dragon, people perform acrobatics, singing and dancing, doing yangge dance, gongs, drums and flags leading the way.v.支配,影响;占有优势;在中具有最重要的特色;在中拥有最重要的位置; in front of在.(范围外)的前面in the front of在.(范围内)的前面by the way 顺便说一下in a way 在某种程度上 all the way 一路上, 沿路 从远处, 特地 自始至终游行队伍经过,人们将水洒在稻草龙与舞龙者。他们相信龙王会感激并为人类做出充足的雨水。Everywhere contingent of parade passed,people would sprinkle water over the straw dragon and the dragon dancers.They believe that the Dragon King would feel grateful and then make plentiful rain for the mankind.Contingent adj.依情况而定的;取决于; n.分遣队;代表团;Parade v.游行;展览;招摇过市;接受检阅; n.检阅;游行;一系列;炫耀;大量的 修饰可/不可数名词alotoflotsofplentyofagreat/large/smallquantityofothercustoms吃水饺叫吃“龙耳”,吃米饭叫吃“龙子”,吃馄饨叫吃“龙牙”,蒸饼也在面上做出龙鳞状来,称“龙鳞饼”。这一天妇女忌动针线,为的是免伤龙的眼睛,就连小孩剃头也叫“剃龙头”。出自:原版英文网http:/www.en8848.com.cn/谢谢观赏!余佩玲 王许诗
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