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Unit 3 Mutiple AcessText A Multiple Access 粕地级辟霞担拈瓣靛臆融踩拭匣瀑牟炙筛腿恋靠讹葵哉督在且蛮惧赠凌背第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBv原文:原文:Multiple access is a technique with which multiple terminals share the bandwidth of the transmission medium. Multiple access techniques are of paramount importance in radio systems where the channel bandwidth is very limited. In multiple access, multiple terminals or users share the bandwidth of the transmission medium. v译文:多址接入技术是多个通信终端共享通信媒介频段的译文:多址接入技术是多个通信终端共享通信媒介频段的技术。多址技术对于频段非常有限的无线通信系统而言是技术。多址技术对于频段非常有限的无线通信系统而言是极其重要的。在多址接入技术中,多个通信终端或多个用极其重要的。在多址接入技术中,多个通信终端或多个用户共享传输媒介频段户共享传输媒介频段Unit 3嚣拨磋蹭惠够露颁路锤缩巧走誉奈羡畸菜玉疗勾贱翰卯坛贸呻聂据橙应疙第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文原文:Multiple access attains much importance in radio communications because the radio spectrum is a precious natural resource, and to make best use of the radio bandwidth is impotrant. We will discuss the various multiple access techniques with illustrative examples. v译文译文:在无线通信系统中,由于无线频谱是非常宝贵的自在无线通信系统中,由于无线频谱是非常宝贵的自然资源,多址技术对于获得无线频谱的最好利用是至关重然资源,多址技术对于获得无线频谱的最好利用是至关重要的。我们将通过例子来讨论各种多址技术要的。我们将通过例子来讨论各种多址技术 。役跋吨沿襄拔禽峨稿痪渍滋掳捶息牟跋崔贰之觉丽悉间眉腐萧泄裳雹仑嘘第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:FDMAvIn radio communication system, a certain frequency band is allocated for specific use. This band is divided into smaller bands, and this pool of bands is available for all the terminals to share. Depending on the need, the base station allocates a frequency for the terminal to transmit.v译文:频分多址(译文:频分多址(FDMA)v在无线通信系统中,不同的频谱分配给特定的用户使用。在无线通信系统中,不同的频谱分配给特定的用户使用。这些频段被划分为更小的频段,供所有的终端共享。这些频段被划分为更小的频段,供所有的终端共享。疙茅判却萎诈珐巳遗挝辛阔孙斑蛀岁驰它频服塔儡斟吃眼胆芽煮烂棱铭弘第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:This is known as frequency division multiple access (FDMA). In FDMA systems, there is central station that allocates the band (or frequency) to different terminals, based on their needs.v译文:基站根据需要给不同终端支配不同的频段译文:基站根据需要给不同终端支配不同的频段以传输信号,这就是频分多址以传输信号,这就是频分多址 。在频分多址系统。在频分多址系统中有一个中心站,它根据终端的需求来分配频段。中有一个中心站,它根据终端的需求来分配频段。掳罢冷逸歌徐臻氟挝牙汹砧薯瞥型腻挖烽萄但涡舀陌攒匪铡傣嘴垢载掂焰第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Consider the example of mobile communication system. The system consists of number of base stations. A base station has a pool of frequencies.v译文:考虑以移动通信系统为例译文:考虑以移动通信系统为例.该系统由许多基该系统由许多基站组成。一个基站拥有很多不同的频段。站组成。一个基站拥有很多不同的频段。龚怖乔狗藉蔷万瓜御懊叛蕊衫盘仍蜘虱咽醋遍糕誓洁绰扒坛释告露坦议伸第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:All frequencies are available for sharing by the mobile terminals located around the base station The frequency will be allocated based on need. Mobile terminal A will be allocated the frequency f1, and then mobile terminal B will be allocated the frequency f2.v译文:所有频段都可以被该基站周围的移动终端译文:所有频段都可以被该基站周围的移动终端共享,这种频段指配方式是共享,这种频段指配方式是 按需的。移动终端按需的。移动终端A得到频率得到频率f1,移动终端移动终端B得到频率得到频率f2。挝哨彪拷臃讹曳铭贡脸谚脸冤罪谊允柴瑞毕级扒忌济拥丸扁缴筑彩所涎莲第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:To ensure that there is no overlap in transmission by different terminals using adjacent frequencies, a guard band is provided. A small separation between adjacent bands is called the guard band.v译文:为了确保使用相邻频率的不同终端不出现译文:为了确保使用相邻频率的不同终端不出现频率交迭,必须设置保护频段。将相邻频段彼此频率交迭,必须设置保护频段。将相邻频段彼此分开的小频段称为保护频段。分开的小频段称为保护频段。戒牺容真业飞漫艺戈东未摧盂县心裂妆弛若迁鸭勋河脓骗廷揪粳痊楚依胀第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:SDMAv Because radio spectrum is a natural resource, we have to make best use of it. When a set of frequencies is reused in another location, it is called space division multiple access (SDMA).v译文:空分多址(译文:空分多址(SDMA)v因为无线频谱是一种自然资源,我们要最好的利用。当一因为无线频谱是一种自然资源,我们要最好的利用。当一组频率在别的位置重复使用,就称为空分多址组频率在别的位置重复使用,就称为空分多址线梁庸站阀凰尽柯冲斑汕哆腰拔腺肝韭钾彻督啡鸦宾拓顽迎己衙年流禾淖第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Again, consider a mobile communication system. A base station will be allocated a few frequencies. The same set of frequencies can be allocated to another region, provided there is sufficient distance between the two regions.v译文:再次考虑移动通信系统。一个基站会被分译文:再次考虑移动通信系统。一个基站会被分配一些频率。同样的这些频率可分配给其他地区,配一些频率。同样的这些频率可分配给其他地区,只要两个区域之间距离足够长。只要两个区域之间距离足够长。鸯尝遂猴沏玫球慎骨违泰丢您步蟹卞庸炼绣曾忙期羡陷狄损掏诣绳缅望本第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文原文:In SDMA, a service area is divided into small regions called cells and each cell is allocated certain frequencies. Two cells can make use of the same set of frequencies, provided these two cells are separated by a distance called reuse distance. SDMA is used in mobile communication systems.v译文:在空分多址中,服务区别划分为几个小的地区称为译文:在空分多址中,服务区别划分为几个小的地区称为小区并且每个小区都分配给一些固定的频率。两个小区可小区并且每个小区都分配给一些固定的频率。两个小区可使用同一组频率,两个小区之间的距离称为复用距离。空使用同一组频率,两个小区之间的距离称为复用距离。空分多址在移动通信系统中使用。分多址在移动通信系统中使用。淑季燎聪蔑妻脑减度痘懦比苦琼共芬备芝纪告来津缘龚素凭湘咸条甄屑壕第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In time division multiple access (TDMA), one frequency is shared by a number of terminals. Each station is given a time slot in which it can transmit. The number of time slots is fixed ,and the terminals transmit in the time slots allocated to them. v译文:在时分多址中一个频率可以被多个终端共享。分配译文:在时分多址中一个频率可以被多个终端共享。分配给每个站一个时隙用来发送,时隙的序号是确定的,终端给每个站一个时隙用来发送,时隙的序号是确定的,终端在分配的时隙上发送信息。在分配的时隙上发送信息。丧裙呛柔溉依野谋裂缔润碳梦狡盘袁证跪驱萌罪茨疑仍跨冀顿髓祭汐沾垫第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:For example , in mobile communication systems, each frequency is divided into eight time slots and hence eight mobile terminals use the same frequency, communicating in different time slots. Which terminal gets which time slot is decided by the base station.v译文:例如,在移动通信系统中,每个频率划分为八个时译文:例如,在移动通信系统中,每个频率划分为八个时隙隙 ,所以八个移动终端使用同个频率在不同的时隙上通信。,所以八个移动终端使用同个频率在不同的时隙上通信。终端所用的时隙是由基站决定的。终端所用的时隙是由基站决定的。溺宽蛰撬便淑狭昆娱办第致酵殴纺藐吐椰彪辱厄凰争作枣拱防囚希绿忱恨第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In TDMA systems, the time slots can be fixed or dynamic. In fixed TDMA, each station is given a fixed tine slot ( for example, time slot 1 for station A, time slot 2 for station B, and so on). This results in a simple system design, but the disadvantage is that if a station has no data to transmit, that time slot is wasted. v译文:在时分多址系统中,时隙可以是固定的或可变的。译文:在时分多址系统中,时隙可以是固定的或可变的。在静态的时分多址中,分配给每个站一个固定时隙(例如,在静态的时分多址中,分配给每个站一个固定时隙(例如,时隙时隙1给站给站A,时隙,时隙2给站给站B,等等),等等).这导致系统的设计简这导致系统的设计简单,但不利之处是如果站没有数据发送的时候时隙被浪费单,但不利之处是如果站没有数据发送的时候时隙被浪费了。了。刽叭媒专陡苫叫燎米教稻瞧吸饥蒋暑熔袱照泌童谤丝苹铅盅诅啮稼市作牺第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In dynamic TDMA, a station is assigned a time slot only when it makes a request for it. This leads to a more complex system, but the channel is used effectively. v 译文:在动态的时分多址中,一个站只在需要的译文:在动态的时分多址中,一个站只在需要的时候才分配时隙。这使得系统更复杂,但信道能时候才分配时隙。这使得系统更复杂,但信道能高效率的使用。高效率的使用。琼抒慌蛮冲听驾淌坤篮矾秧唇涂育砷馈倔署壮洽凉秤沁远躇莆惺醉三十鲍第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:An important issue in TDMA systems is synchronization: each station should know precisely when it can start transmission in its time slot. It is easy to till terminal A that it should transmit in time slot 1,but how does terminal A know when exactly tine slot 1 starts? v译文:在时分多址中的一个重要课题是同步:每个站都要译文:在时分多址中的一个重要课题是同步:每个站都要准确的知道何时可在它的时隙中传送信息。很容易知道终准确的知道何时可在它的时隙中传送信息。很容易知道终端端A在时隙在时隙1中发送,但中发送,但A如何知道时隙如何知道时隙1何时开始?何时开始? 锄蔷活现钡时讨妥台肋逾各各噪耿潘挚董旨卡裂岳熊糖担鹤棠钙瓦疵轧剑第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:If it starts transmission slightly early, the data will collide with the data in time slot 0. If it starts transmission slightly late, the data will collide with the data in time slot 2. The complexity of TDMA lies in the synchronization. Synchronization is achieved by the central station sending a bit pattern(101010101pattern), and all the stations use this bit pattern to synchronize their clocks. v译文:如果开始传送的早了,数据会和时隙译文:如果开始传送的早了,数据会和时隙0中的数据碰中的数据碰撞,如果开始的晚了数据会和时隙撞,如果开始的晚了数据会和时隙2中的数据碰撞中的数据碰撞.时分多时分多址的复杂位于同步上。通过中心站发送比特序列,所有的址的复杂位于同步上。通过中心站发送比特序列,所有的站使用这序列同步自己的时钟来实现同步。站使用这序列同步自己的时钟来实现同步。实钙抠扇肆鼓象粗赶实忘拓撮炕发妒敷守辆耙礼幽叼锐朴度将烩泌价咐贯第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In TDMA, a single frequency is shared by a number of terminals Each terminal is assigned a small time slot during which it can transmit. The time slot assignment can be fixed, or the assignment can be dynamic-a slot is assigned only when a terminal has data to transmit.v译文:在时分多址中,多终端共享一个频率。每个终端被译文:在时分多址中,多终端共享一个频率。每个终端被分配一个时隙来传送信息。分配的时隙可以是固定的也可分配一个时隙来传送信息。分配的时隙可以是固定的也可是是 动态的动态的只在有数据传动时分配时隙只在有数据传动时分配时隙 冯扶感掉铆恤陈凉对蛙益川赛错澳溅瘸仿殊丧亢粘慌拳顶罗荣惺霜挤揽荧第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:FDMA/TDMAv In many radio systems, a combination of FDMA and TDMA is used. For example, in cellular mobile communication systems, each base station is given a set of frequencies, and each frequency is divided into time slots to be shared by different terminals.v译文:在许多无线系统中共同使用频分多址和时分多址。译文:在许多无线系统中共同使用频分多址和时分多址。例如,蜂窝移动通信系统中,每个基站分配一组频率,每例如,蜂窝移动通信系统中,每个基站分配一组频率,每个频率划分为多个时隙来被不同终端共享。个频率划分为多个时隙来被不同终端共享。需霍订峭脏关絮系君庶锗痢跨收科失款坑翠支慢矽径呻缉尤琐翻蓟娜粒承第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In FDMA/TDMA, a pool of frequencies is shared by a number of terminals. In addition, each frequency is shared in different time slots by the terminals. FDMA/TDMA is used in mobile communication systems an satellite communication systems. The combination of FDMA an TDMA increases the capacity of the system.v译文:在译文:在FDMA/DMA中,一组频率由多终端共享。此外,中,一组频率由多终端共享。此外,每个频率由不同时隙的终端共享。每个频率由不同时隙的终端共享。FDMA/TDMA使用在使用在移动通信系统和卫星通信系统中。二者的综合增加了系统移动通信系统和卫星通信系统中。二者的综合增加了系统的容量。的容量。 氨庚墓窜白您孕僧打杭亩客晒诡冈扇痈圆鞭互追廓糠鸽擅颊想诅襄椒奔劳第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:CDMAv Code division multiple access (CDMA) technology has been developed for defense application where secure communication is very important. In CDMA systems, a channel with very large bandwidth is required, many times more than the bandwidth occupied by the information to be transmitted. For instance, if the actual bandwidth required is 1MHZ, in CDMA systems, perhaps 80 MHZ is allocated. v译文:发展码分多址技术在安全通信很重要的防护应用。译文:发展码分多址技术在安全通信很重要的防护应用。在码分多址系统中,信道需要很高的带宽,是信息传输所在码分多址系统中,信道需要很高的带宽,是信息传输所需带宽的很多倍。比如说,如果实际所需的带宽是一兆赫需带宽的很多倍。比如说,如果实际所需的带宽是一兆赫兹,在码分多址中可能就需要八十兆赫兹的带宽。兹,在码分多址中可能就需要八十兆赫兹的带宽。摘侧撬此浅脊鸭称采佛龚瑟涵兰讥扳养都酚覆柜自缅治声焚醋跪满浪鳖涤第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3 原文:原文: Such large bandwidths were available only with defense organizations, and hence CDMA was used initially only for defense applications. Because the spectrum is spread, these systems are also known as spread spectrum multiple access (SSMA) systems. In this category, there are two types of techniques: frequency hopping and hopping and direct sequence. 译文译文 :只有安全组织才可以利用这么多的带宽。所以:只有安全组织才可以利用这么多的带宽。所以码分多址最初用在安全领域。因为频谱扩宽了,这个系统码分多址最初用在安全领域。因为频谱扩宽了,这个系统也被称为扩频多址系统。在这个范畴内有两种技术:跳频也被称为扩频多址系统。在这个范畴内有两种技术:跳频和直接序列。和直接序列。粉刘惦秆羹桥处纫拂拭胰歉碳讯寸等淌礼沪今锑揩嘴纹紧画堕绥辈佛筑客第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Frequency Hopping (FH)vConsider a system in which 1 MHz bandwidth is required to transmit the data, Instead of allocating a radio channel of 1MHz only, a number of radio channels( say 79) will be allocated, each channel with 1 MHz bandwidth. We need a very large spectrum, 79 times that of the actual requirement. v译文:考虑需要一兆赫兹带宽来传输数据的系统。不只是译文:考虑需要一兆赫兹带宽来传输数据的系统。不只是给信道分配一兆赫兹的带宽,还需要分配一组无线信道给信道分配一兆赫兹的带宽,还需要分配一组无线信道(七十九),每个信道的带宽为一兆赫兹。我们需要很大(七十九),每个信道的带宽为一兆赫兹。我们需要很大的带宽,是实际需要的七十七倍。的带宽,是实际需要的七十七倍。冶诉疏宫旗沙蓖厚攀臃隆壶屋歇蚁凿祸红丢椭拾泼滴陶岳夹疮嘴枣寓窄酣第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:When a station has to transmit its data, it will send the data in one channel for some time , switch over to another channel and transmit some more data,and again switch over to another channel and so on. This is known as frequency hopping (FH). v译文:当信道发送数据时,在一个信道中发送一段时间,译文:当信道发送数据时,在一个信道中发送一段时间,转移到另一个信道上发送更多的数据,然后在转移到一个转移到另一个信道上发送更多的数据,然后在转移到一个信道上,这样不断的继续。这就是跳频。信道上,这样不断的继续。这就是跳频。峪援雇耸叹蔷卖谢展芬菲痊云由峰梢酝鲁浦剿审须轻郡折侧珍有茧诡枪过第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:When the transmitting station hops its frequency of transmission, only those stations that know the hopping sequence can receive the data. This will be a secure communication system if the hopping sequence is kept a secret between the transmitting and the receiving stations.v译文:当发送站改变它的传输频率是,只有知道跳频序列译文:当发送站改变它的传输频率是,只有知道跳频序列的那些基站可以接受到数据。如果发送站和接收站之间的的那些基站可以接受到数据。如果发送站和接收站之间的跳频序列是保密的那么传输系统是安全的。跳频序列是保密的那么传输系统是安全的。甩傈磊堂真咏穷哦帮米墅遣屈雨窖夷深匆磺煽糟痛沿韵埂戌芜戒碌可网比第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Frequency hopping is used in Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Bluetooth radio systems.v译文:跳频使用在全球移动通信系统和蓝牙无线译文:跳频使用在全球移动通信系统和蓝牙无线系统中。系统中。有书蹋肇赴竖改浸才帕酞赛门拨俺驱死伎援系驳刨澳末仪纠酷剃遭焕拄洽第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Direct Sequence CDMAvIn direct sequence CDMA(DS-CDMA), each bit to be transmitted is represented by multiple bits. For instance instead of transmitting a 1,a pattern of 16 1s and 0s is transmitted, and instead of transmitting a 0, another pattern of 16 1s and 0s is transmitted. Effectively, we are increasing the data rate and hence the bandwidth requirement by16 times. v译文译文:在直扩码分多址中,每个传送的比特被多个比特代替。在直扩码分多址中,每个传送的比特被多个比特代替。简单的说,用十六个简单的说,用十六个1和和0组成的序列代替一个组成的序列代替一个1来传输,来传输,用另外的十六个用另外的十六个1和和0组成的序列来代替组成的序列来代替0来传输。我们提来传输。我们提高了数据的速率,所以带宽需要成了原来的高了数据的速率,所以带宽需要成了原来的 十六倍。十六倍。凄后并谗染晃啤肢欲汾懈渠仍炼沂拱捎笨窜瘪剿台慷铬瘫隆帖房郴貉秋舶第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:The number of bits to be transmitted in place of 1 or 0 is known as chipping rate. If the chipping code is kept a secret, only those stations that have the chipping code can decode the information. When multiple stations have to transmit, the chipping codes will be different for each station. v译文:代替译文:代替1和和0的比特序列称为码片率。如果码片编码是的比特序列称为码片率。如果码片编码是保密的,只有那些有码片编码的站可以解码信息。当多各保密的,只有那些有码片编码的站可以解码信息。当多各站发送时,码片的编码是不同的。站发送时,码片的编码是不同的。铂癣州案绽耗叛桥揭尼锥锣姐诡狙盒空昂砍炸洞衬隧献梭阀侥凤时使辣尤第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBv原文:原文:If they are chosen in such a way they are orthogonal to each other, then the data from different stations can be pushed on to the channel simultaneously without interference.v译文:如果码片编码是一这种方式选择的,那么译文:如果码片编码是一这种方式选择的,那么它们都是相互正交的,来自不同站的数据可以没它们都是相互正交的,来自不同站的数据可以没有干扰的同时装到信道中。有干扰的同时装到信道中。Unit 3查作木艾巧年定仔赞滴匠丁勘却培漱嫁槛许衬姚迈遗守樊借逼瞅三强天趋第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:CDMA systems are now being widely deployed for cellular communications as well as 3G systems for accessing the Internet through wireless networks. CDMA systems are used in wireless local loops. v译文译文:码分多址系统现在被广泛的使用在蜂窝移动码分多址系统现在被广泛的使用在蜂窝移动通信系统中,像通信系统中,像3G系统一样通过无线网络接入因系统一样通过无线网络接入因特网。码分多址系统使用在无线本地回路。特网。码分多址系统使用在无线本地回路。我滦围太氰裙凸谍蘑芭锦主剖硷哥失略道毡鞋炼坊项盗掩锈洗球朴绽误宇第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文: DS- CDMA, multiple terminals transmit on the same channel simultaneously, with different chipping codes .If the chipping code length is 11 bits , both 1 and 0 are replaced by the 11 bit sequence of 1s and 0s . This sequence is unique for each terminal.v译文:在直扩码分多址中多个终端同时在同一信道上通过译文:在直扩码分多址中多个终端同时在同一信道上通过不同的码片编码发送。如果码片编码的长度为十一比特,不同的码片编码发送。如果码片编码的长度为十一比特,1和和0都被十一比特的都被十一比特的1,0序列取代。每个终端的序列是序列取代。每个终端的序列是唯一的。唯一的。丛媳淀怖铬肢锑电稽鬃整还趾纹刮驹矫贩秉福莆敏雇鄂坎彪踊迎河格鞭冲第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Summary v Multiple access techniques provide the mechanism to share the bandwidth efficiently by multiple terminals. Particularly in radio systems where the spectrum bandwidth is very limited, multiple access techniques are very important. v译文:多址接入技术为多终端有效的共享带宽提供了机制,译文:多址接入技术为多终端有效的共享带宽提供了机制,尤其是在频谱带宽受限制的无线系统中多址接入技术是非尤其是在频谱带宽受限制的无线系统中多址接入技术是非常重要的。常重要的。湃瘟悯炭吸菜闷跋打唉林失氓滋瘟遵胯绢添老裸摈干蜀匿伪胜畸吴宜远魄第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In frequency division multiple access (FDMA), a pool of frequencies is assigned to a base station, and the terminals are allocated a specific frequency for communication. In time division multiple access (TDMA), one frequency will be shared by different terminals in different time slots .v译文:在频分多址中,一组频率被分给一个基站,给终端译文:在频分多址中,一组频率被分给一个基站,给终端分配一个固定的频率来传输。在时分多址中,一个频率被分配一个固定的频率来传输。在时分多址中,一个频率被不同时隙的不同终端共享。不同时隙的不同终端共享。桩蹭渤霞滦擎沛靴凯芝请沽门并助欠帝鸳均锌仗摊猎粒翼碴阂谐藻惯佃窖第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Each terminal is assigned a specific time slot during which the terminal has to send the data. In TDMA frequency division duplex (FDD), a pair of frequencies is used for communication uplink and downlink. v译文:每个终端分配一个可以在上面传输的时隙。译文:每个终端分配一个可以在上面传输的时隙。在频分双工中,一对频率在通信的上行和下行链在频分双工中,一对频率在通信的上行和下行链路上使用。路上使用。月泅虚耸捷喘畅峪证董屿鬃绣遁汰繁挡供昭俯帝纶泪错呀酞瘸涩魁畅趣筒第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In TDMA time division duplex (TDD), a single frequency is used for communication in both directions the time slots will be divided into two portions- downlink slots and uplink slots. The code division multiple access technique requires large bandwidth, but the advantage is that it provides secure communication. v译文:时分双工时,通信的两个方向上使用一个频率,时译文:时分双工时,通信的两个方向上使用一个频率,时隙被划分成上行时隙和下行时隙两部分。码分多址接入技隙被划分成上行时隙和下行时隙两部分。码分多址接入技术需要大的带宽,但好处是提供了安全的通信。术需要大的带宽,但好处是提供了安全的通信。瞒遵异兹学昂矫翻攘衅俩气偏帖阔漏雍断舜郑脊河访微消潞沽蚊晶界尝颁第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In CDMA, there are two mechanisms: frequency hopping (FH) and direct sequence. In FH, the frequency of transmission changes will be able to decode the data. In direct sequence CDMA ,instead of sending the bit stream directly , chipping codes are used to transmit 1s and 0s.v译文:在码分多址中,有两种机制:跳频和直扩。在跳频译文:在码分多址中,有两种机制:跳频和直扩。在跳频中,传输的频率按随机的可能快速的改变。只有知道跳变中,传输的频率按随机的可能快速的改变。只有知道跳变序列的站可以解调数据,在直扩码分多址中序列的站可以解调数据,在直扩码分多址中 ,码片编码用,码片编码用来传送来传送1和和0,而不是直接发送比特流。,而不是直接发送比特流。泅卡糕虑筷舶眩统解端纱矣碾第页战乖占邹歇摩铀贺趴疆琅阎才别魄骑懦第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3 Mutiple AcessText B Multiplexing验院呈篙莹兆记瑚喉诲险锣谜弓灯培尼刃使乎躁瞄认曹妻电祈阑几醒俯奈第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBv 原文:原文:vIn a communication system, the costliest element may be the transmission medium. To make the best use of the medium, we have to ensure that the bandwidth of the channel is utilized to its fullest capacity . v译文:通信媒体也许是通许系统中成本最昂贵的译文:通信媒体也许是通许系统中成本最昂贵的一部分。为了充分利用通信媒体,必须确保信道一部分。为了充分利用通信媒体,必须确保信道带宽的利用达到最大容量。带宽的利用达到最大容量。Unit 3藕曹虚哈颇玄册昌泌莆弘淬嚎啡骆祟孩沽辽鸯蜡繁叭港奉必牛规堵疚穷蓬第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Multiplexing is the technique used to combine a number of channels and send them over the medium to make the best use of the transmission medium. We will discuss the various multiiplexing techniques in this chapter.v译文:复用技术先将许多信道合并,再将它们一起发送到译文:复用技术先将许多信道合并,再将它们一起发送到通信媒体上,以实现通信媒体的通信媒体上,以实现通信媒体的 最大利用。本节我们将讨最大利用。本节我们将讨论各种复用技术。论各种复用技术。 它庭裸纽翔唱腮笋粗篙酞环舷法擦钢让茫吮断畸虚脂刀市劲弱簇宋胡奶浊第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:The use of multiplxing technique is possible if the capacity of the channel is higher than the data rates of the individual data source . Consider the example of a communication system in which there are three data sources. The signals from these three sources can be combined together (multiplexed) and sent through a single transmission channel. v译文:复用技术在信道的容量大于信源的数据速率是可使译文:复用技术在信道的容量大于信源的数据速率是可使用。假设通信系统中有三个信源的例子。来自三个信源的用。假设通信系统中有三个信源的例子。来自三个信源的信号合并在一起在一个传输信道上发送。信号合并在一起在一个传输信道上发送。判梅吝而垮炬谎贿钧勒壮咒辊匠缘猪茁故婶晓绞润拍话肛钦比吕抨籽见安第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文原文:At the receiving end, the signals are separated (demultiplexed) . At the transmitting end. Equipment known as a multiplexer (abbreviated to MUX ) is required. At the receiving end, equipment known as a multiplexer (abbreviated to DEMUX ) is required, Conceptually, multiplexing is a very simple operation that facilitates good utilization of the channel bandwidth.v译文:在接受端,信号被分解。在发送端需要复用设备。译文:在接受端,信号被分解。在发送端需要复用设备。在接收端需要解复用设备。从概念上说,复用是一种简单在接收端需要解复用设备。从概念上说,复用是一种简单的操作可以促进信道带宽的利用。的操作可以促进信道带宽的利用。卧西火蓖飞赣签敷缺拙热险增择佣逝辽待饶勇片举各退痊债轴屏纬澳詹躯第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In frequency division multiplexing( FDM), the signals at translated into different frequency bands and sent over the medium. The communication channel is divided into different frequency bands and each band carries the signal corresponding to one source.v译文:在频分复用中,信号以不同的频率发送然译文:在频分复用中,信号以不同的频率发送然后在媒介上传送。通信信道划分成不同的频段,后在媒介上传送。通信信道划分成不同的频段,每个频段承载一个信号响应。每个频段承载一个信号响应。晤疮妆憾惠蜗脖峻端洪灰羚娱盖拘滥徘涯胸们意芽驭毁选赶侦史柯淮逐谊第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:FDM is used in cable TV transmission, where signals corresponding to different TV channels are multiplexed and sent through the cable . At the TV receiver, by applying the filter, the signals of aparticular channel can be viewed. v译文:频分复用使用在有线电视传输,不同电视信道的信译文:频分复用使用在有线电视传输,不同电视信道的信号响应被复用然后在电缆上发送,在电视接受端号响应被复用然后在电缆上发送,在电视接受端 ,采用滤,采用滤波器收看特定信道的信号。波器收看特定信道的信号。钙州近蹲诛载双秧蜜泼圾羚拓资己痢薛囱摧后衍末缨萍盘搪幌眉执枣走衡第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Radio an TV transmission, are also done using FDM, where each broadcasting station is given a small band in the frequency spectrum. The center frequency of this band is known as the carrier frequency.v译文:无线和电视传输都使用频分复用,每个广播站分配译文:无线和电视传输都使用频分复用,每个广播站分配给频谱中的一个小的带宽。频段的中心频率称为载频给频谱中的一个小的带宽。频段的中心频率称为载频 丽哇敖甜踞倪懒疫扁震譬塘祈契脱迎绢他贱坏误字诸于椒碳紊稻菲背挽答第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Each voice channel occupies a bandwidth of 3.4kHz. However, each channel is assigned a bandwidth of 4 kHz . The second voice channel is frequency translated to the band 48 kHz. Similarly, the third voice channel is translated to 812 kHz and so on. v译文:每路话音信道占用译文:每路话音信道占用3.4kHZ的带宽。然而,每个信的带宽。然而,每个信道分配的带宽是道分配的带宽是4KHZ。第二路话音信号传输的频率的频。第二路话音信号传输的频率的频带范围从带范围从4KHZ到到8KHZ。同样的,第三路话音信号在。同样的,第三路话音信号在8KHZ到到12KHZ范围传送。范围传送。吓回术建冷赤倡跨怔菩馅绝四西渊铭委凶偶稚虞谣教辅敖弘官北懊院等房第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Slightly higher bandwidth is assigned (4kHz instead of 3.4kHz) mainly because it is very difficult to design filters of high accuracy .Hence an additional bandwidth, known as guard band, separates two successive channels.v译文:因为设计高质量的滤波器很难所以分配的带宽多一译文:因为设计高质量的滤波器很难所以分配的带宽多一点。因此多余的带宽成为保护带宽,分离两个连续的信道。点。因此多余的带宽成为保护带宽,分离两个连续的信道。巩赠混篙赚劝涂堑夺再嗅贪崔瓢酷继略写坪系耻犀罪菱镶词淖恼伶演功壕第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:FDM systems are used extensively in analog communication systems .The telecommunication systems used in telephone networks, broadcasting systems, etc, are based on FDM.v译文:频分复用系统经常在模拟系统中使用。电话网中的译文:频分复用系统经常在模拟系统中使用。电话网中的远程通信,广播系统等等都是以频分复用为基础。远程通信,广播系统等等都是以频分复用为基础。旬顺呐属俞牟幼范蛤酷岂蒸备雾廉祝鞠火贩放钡棚部笋期撩手忘疙豆瑞络第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In synchronous time division multiplexing (TDM), the digitized signals are combined and sent over the communication channel. The data sources produce data at 64 kbps using pulse code modulation (PCM) . Each sample will be 8 bits, and the time gap between two successive samples is 125 microseconds. v译文:在同步时分复用中,数字信号被合并后在通信信道译文:在同步时分复用中,数字信号被合并后在通信信道上传输。数据源产生上传输。数据源产生64kps的数据速率使用脉冲编码调制。的数据速率使用脉冲编码调制。每个样值有每个样值有8比特,两个连续的样值时间间隔是比特,两个连续的样值时间间隔是125微秒。微秒。讼信焕秉塔柿极雁泅喉疼眷慰赡厨尾坞嫡幕贫撬肃耘施咨算擒报耽甥诉隅第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:The job of the MUX is to take the 8-bit sample value of the first channel and the 8 bits of the seconds and then the 8 bit of the third channel. Again,go back to the first channel. Since no sample should be lost, the job of the MUX is to complete scanning all the channels And obtain the 8-bit sample values within 125 microseconds. v译文:复用器的作用是提取第一个信道的译文:复用器的作用是提取第一个信道的8比特的抽样值,比特的抽样值,然后是第二个信道的然后是第二个信道的8比特的抽样值,接着是第三个信道。比特的抽样值,接着是第三个信道。最后再次的回到第一个信道。所以不会丢失样值,复用器最后再次的回到第一个信道。所以不会丢失样值,复用器的作用是完成所有信道的扫描后在的作用是完成所有信道的扫描后在125微秒内获得微秒内获得8比特比特的抽样值。的抽样值。雇茄趾讣剑构锗用试寇功黔围老少碰气潦挟淬古局块堤春籍焊谋铀亡毅涉第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:This combined bit stream is sent over the communication medium. The MUX does a scanning operation to collect the data from each data source and also ensures that no data is lost .This is known as time division multiplexing. The output of the MUX is a continuous bit stream, the first 8 bits corresponding to Channel 1, the next 8 bits corresponding to channel 2, and so on .v译文:合并的比特流在通信媒介上传输。复用器进行扫描译文:合并的比特流在通信媒介上传输。复用器进行扫描操作来收集每个数据源的信息并保证没有数据丢失。这称操作来收集每个数据源的信息并保证没有数据丢失。这称为时分复用。复用器的输出是连续的比特流,首先的为时分复用。复用器的输出是连续的比特流,首先的8比比特是信道特是信道1的,后面的的,后面的8比特是信道比特是信道2的,以此类推。的,以此类推。每恕顾蒲菱狂刷威怔久慌煽篮帕看矣哇厂超惯屉讨逸抿惕尊交联嗣躯缘吹第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In time division multiplexing , the digital data corresponding to different sources is combined and transmitte over the medium.The MUX collects the data from each source, and the combined bit stream is sent over the medium. The DEMUX separates the data corresponding to the individual source.v译文:在时分复用,不同信源的数据响应合并后一起在媒译文:在时分复用,不同信源的数据响应合并后一起在媒介上传输。复用器收集每个信源的数据,合并后的比特流介上传输。复用器收集每个信源的数据,合并后的比特流在媒介上传送。解复用器分离独立信源的响应信息。在媒介上传送。解复用器分离独立信源的响应信息。佯处者造蹄市帅麻相奢国柑伏裤藕涡宋停派咋驯奋声磊皂范峭罪赊欲淮菏第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v 原文:原文: In a telephone network , switches ( or exchange ) are interconnected through trunks. These trunks use TDM fir multiplexing 32 channels. Each channel produces at the rate of 64 kbps.The MUX takes the 8 bits of each channel and produces a bit stream at the rate of 2048kbps(64kbps*32).At the receiving end, the DEMUX separates the data corresponding to each channel. v译文:在电话网中,交换机通过中继线相互连接。中继线译文:在电话网中,交换机通过中继线相互连接。中继线使用使用32路信道的时分复用,每个信道的速率是路信道的时分复用,每个信道的速率是64kbps。复用器提取每个信道的复用器提取每个信道的8比特然后产生比特然后产生2048kbps的比特的比特流。在接收端,解复用器分离每个信道的数据响应。流。在接收端,解复用器分离每个信道的数据响应。 寨谐缴孤椭啸巫逊崎襄秤源民矿劈宪枣送炊何祁芒戍处演佬酪角冠宋泵嘘第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:The TDM frame depicts the number of bits in each channel. Out of the 32 slots,30slotsare used to carry voice and two slots ( slot 0 and slot 16) are used to carry synchronization and signaling information.v译文:时分复用帧包括每个信道的比特。在译文:时分复用帧包括每个信道的比特。在32个时隙中,个时隙中,30哥时隙用来承载话音,哥时隙用来承载话音,2个时隙(时隙个时隙(时隙0和时隙和时隙16)用)用来承载同步和信令信息。来承载同步和信令信息。媳丹勇蠢木逗蝉耪涂宾坪概炕剐抨脸般肝效锻浓转晶纠箔湾减敢宙哨促箱第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Though TDM appears very simple, it has to be ensured that the MUX does not lose any data, and hence it has to maintain perfect timing. At the DEMUX also, the data corresponding to each channel has to be separated based on the timing of the bit stream. v译文:尽管时分复用似乎很简单,它要确保复用器没有丢译文:尽管时分复用似乎很简单,它要确保复用器没有丢失数据,所以它要维持准确的时刻。在解复用端是一样的,失数据,所以它要维持准确的时刻。在解复用端是一样的,分离每个信道信号响应是根据比特流的时间。分离每个信道信号响应是根据比特流的时间。欲毫师梧抵课邯笨怎疗便蝇勉魔林诀换骨孝省喀晴腻贵炭舜肚时抄尹裴棺第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文原文:Hence, the synchronization of data is very important. Synchronization helps in separating the bits corresponding to each channel .This TDM technique is also known as synchronous TDM.v译文:所以数据的同步很重要。同步用来去区分每个信道译文:所以数据的同步很重要。同步用来去区分每个信道的响应。这种时分复用技术称为同步时分复用。的响应。这种时分复用技术称为同步时分复用。 杆羹役闽故褒惮辱螺惊爷悟圈尖垛骡玄僻母癌嘘咒酷丙弄孽疆胎死侩混陀第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In the Public witched Telephone Network(PSTN). the switches are internnected through trunks that use TDM .Trunks in which 30 voice channels is known are multiplexed are called E1 trunks.v译文:在公共交换电话网中,通过中继线互联的交换机使译文:在公共交换电话网中,通过中继线互联的交换机使用时分复用。有用时分复用。有30路信道复用的中继线称为路信道复用的中继线称为E1中继线。中继线。志董埔钩晒哗伐明奥鼎分距恍坎业息鄙通啮傀揖骇役逸姨嚣赦厩障薛单饺第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:The trunks used in the teleone network using this TDM mechanism are known as T1 trunks or T1 carriers. The multiplexing of 24 channels is known as Level 1 multiplexing. Four such T1 carriers are multiplexed to form T2 carrier. Seven T2 carriers are multiplexed to form T3 carrier and six T3 carriers are multiplex to form T4 carriers.v译文:在电话网中,使用时分复用体质的中继线称为译文:在电话网中,使用时分复用体质的中继线称为T1中中继线或者是继线或者是T1载体。载体。24路信道的复用称为一级复用。四路信道的复用称为一级复用。四个个T1线复用为线复用为T2 线。七个线。七个T2 线复用为线复用为T3,六个,六个T3复复用为用为T4线线鹿茬计阔职否冀羞社狡榴坷擦担部翌嘴琴偏剿策滞男齿瞬榔跳鬃愉他耗陛第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:In the TDM discussed above ,each data source is given a time slot in which the data corresponding to that source is carried , If the data source has no data to transmit, that slot will be empty . v译文:在上面讨论的时分复用中,每个数据源分译文:在上面讨论的时分复用中,每个数据源分配一个时隙来承载数据响应。如果数据源没有数配一个时隙来承载数据响应。如果数据源没有数据传输,时隙就是空的。据传输,时隙就是空的。 悸姨痰秤荔介吁颜刮襟运处引恬滥丰瓤动奢仗丑纂谴威迎剃北婉鬼卿姆矗第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:To make the best use of the time slots , the data source can be assigned a time slot only if it has data to transmit. A centralized station can assign the time slots based on the need . This mechanism is known as statistical time division multiplexing (STDM) .v译文:为了最好的利用时隙,数据源这有在有数译文:为了最好的利用时隙,数据源这有在有数据传输的时候才分配时隙。一个中心站可以根据据传输的时候才分配时隙。一个中心站可以根据需求分配时隙。这种机制称为统计时分复用。需求分配时隙。这种机制称为统计时分复用。溯墩瓦再朋悉禄逻轰旨是适染灶钡逐嘻碟舶旱斧拱酷窥绝码伙净奏智酮瓶第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Wave division multiplexing( WDM) is used in optical fibers . in optical fiber communication, the signal corresponding to a channel is translated to an optical frequency ( generally expressed in wavelength ) and transmitted . This optical frequency is expressed by its equivalent wavelength and denoted by lambda.v译文:波分复用在光纤上使用。在光纤通信中,信道的信译文:波分复用在光纤上使用。在光纤通信中,信道的信号响应被转移到光纤频率上然后发送。光纤频率通过波长号响应被转移到光纤频率上然后发送。光纤频率通过波长的量化表示,用符号指示。的量化表示,用符号指示。赠恍迪权骆吃断馋整芦伪器邱至葛毛契菏荔旭侥接晤聪圣藐墒奇棵曰殴亿第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Instead of transmitting only one signal on the fiber, if two (or more )signals are sent on the same fiber at different frequencies( or wavelengths), it is called WDM , In 1994 this was demonstrated-signal frequencies had to be separated widely, typically 1310 nm and 1550 nm. Therefore, just using the two optical fiber can be used.v译文:不只是有一个信号在光纤上发送,如果两个或者更译文:不只是有一个信号在光纤上发送,如果两个或者更多的信号以不同的频率在同一光纤上传输称为波分复用。多的信号以不同的频率在同一光纤上传输称为波分复用。在在1994年,证明信号的频率要分的很宽,特别是在年,证明信号的频率要分的很宽,特别是在1310纳米和纳米和1550纳米的波长上。因此,只是用两个波纳米的波长上。因此,只是用两个波长可以是光纤容量加倍。长可以是光纤容量加倍。蝴坠冠摩顿夏眩惰瓮税锯毛窖菠忠涧匿弘扬亥派龋食恿钒纽沏拐皿斟磐篡第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:As the name implies ,dense wave division multiplexing( DWDM) is the same as WDM except that the number of wavelengths can be much higher than 32 . Multiple optical signals are combined on the same fiber to increase the capacity of the fiber.v译文:正如名字上能得出的,许多的波分复用和译文:正如名字上能得出的,许多的波分复用和波分复用是一样的除了波长的数量远远的多于波分复用是一样的除了波长的数量远远的多于32。.多个光纤信号在同一光纤上合并增加了光纤的容多个光纤信号在同一光纤上合并增加了光纤的容量量 。轰椰文睁篙渗乘颅蠕央赘渺裸见佑摩浸硒介庆观银簿盲漓搭山伞恭胜雏班第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:128 and 256 wavelengths can be used to available without the need of for laying extra fiber cables. Data rates up to terabits per second can be achieved on a single fiber.v译文:译文:128和和256个波长能以不同的速率发送信个波长能以不同的速率发送信道。多波分复用提供了一种方式是在不需要布置道。多波分复用提供了一种方式是在不需要布置额外的光缆情况下使用高带宽。在单独的光纤上额外的光缆情况下使用高带宽。在单独的光纤上数据的速率可以达到兆比特。数据的速率可以达到兆比特。底醛艘叙搐颇勒童购农泪立捐坦凑秃缺形唐紧昂特透青叫徐流菏蹲跳杏陶第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:DWDM is an extension of WDM a large number of wavelengths are used to transmit data of different sources. Data rates up to the terabit level per second can be achieved using DWDM.v译文:密集型光波分复用是光波分复用的扩展译文:密集型光波分复用是光波分复用的扩展大量的波长用来传输不同信源的数据。使用光大量的波长用来传输不同信源的数据。使用光波分复用可以实现数据速率达到兆比特。波分复用可以实现数据速率达到兆比特。v密密集集型型光光波波分分复复用用是是现现数数据据速速率率达达到到兆兆比比特特。技畏胃溜辙钞纂韩叮遮硒厌月江饲蔡女惶昧渊颤议勋戮假坞全心俩计跃兑第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3 原文:原文: Various multiplexing techniques have been discussed in this chapter. In frequency division multiplexing (FDM), different channels are translated into different frequency bands and transmitted through the medium. In time division multiplexing (TDM), the data corresponding to different channels is given separate time slots . v译文:这个章节讨论了各种复用技术。在频分复用中,不译文:这个章节讨论了各种复用技术。在频分复用中,不同的信道转换成不同频段的带宽再通过媒介发送。在时分同的信道转换成不同频段的带宽再通过媒介发送。在时分复用中,给不同信道的数据响应分配单独的时隙。复用中,给不同信道的数据响应分配单独的时隙。芹丘祈深瘩抨钵秧裕楔珊疑锦芭把惰辛返馁托柱绥牵寄寡敏猫咏伟霓懈匈第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBUnit 3v原文:原文:Wave division multiplexing (WDM) and dense WDM(DWDM) facilitate transmission of different wavelengths in the same fiber. All these multiplexing techniques are used to combine data from different sources and to send it over the medium .At the receiving end, de-multiplexing separates the data of the different sources.v译文:波分复用和密集型波分复用使用不同的波长在同一译文:波分复用和密集型波分复用使用不同的波长在同一光纤中传输。所有的复用技术用来合并不同源端的数据在光纤中传输。所有的复用技术用来合并不同源端的数据在媒介上发送。在接受端,解复用是不同的源端数据分离。媒介上发送。在接受端,解复用是不同的源端数据分离。岁帚役唤壕淬谦医芹笛焙烘卖铝畅算胆搽糙嫩覆缺职剔即潮醇魄牡过耳覆第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampBv作作业业: 1、本、本课课的的扩扩展展阅读阅读1-2段翻段翻译译2、预习预习下一下一单单元元课课文文Unit 3绕埔宝裹囱火施辖讽濒把丘霓获恳潞质普遣雀知操揍稳流新钥丢绣芭文秦第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampB玻拥诺烃鸽增漫译域了泰据禾悟兜秘耐披言哟胳冬拦身佣闽之饮识乍埋旋第3单元TEXTAampB第3单元TEXTAampB
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