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Chapter 16Endocrine SystemSample of endocrine test resultsWhat are they?Pituitary gland/hypophysisAdenohypophysis腺垂体前叶neurohypophysis垂体神经部,神经(性)垂体(垂体后叶)Hormones secreted by hypophysisoGH/somatotropin生长激素oProlactin/lactogenic hormone催乳素oThyrotropin/thyroid-stimulating hormone促甲状腺激素oACTH(=adrenocorticotropic hormone) /adrenocorticotropin/corticotropin促肾上腺皮质激素Hormones secreted by hypophysisoGonadotropic hormones促性腺激素nFSH=follicle-stimulating hormone促卵泡激素nICSH=interstitial cell-stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone促间质细胞激素,促黄体激素oMSH/melanotrophin=melanocyte-stimulating hormone促黑色素细胞激素oVasopressin/ADH=antidiuretic hormone后叶加压素,抗利尿激素ooxytocin(后叶)催产素,缩宫素Hormone secreted by pineal bodyomelatonin退黑激素Hormones secreted by thyroid glandoThyroxine甲状腺素nTetraiodothyronine (T4)四碘甲腺原氨酸nTriiodothyronine (T3)三碘甲腺原氨酸nProtein-bound iodine (PBI)ocalcitonin降血钙素(一种调节血中含钙量之荷尔蒙)Hormones secreted by parathyroid glandsoParathyroid hormone or parathormone甲状旁腺激素Hormones secreted by adrenal glands (I)oCorticosteroids = adrenocortical hormones肾上腺皮质激素nMineralocorticoids矿质(肾上腺)皮质激素oAldosterone醛固酮nGlucocorticoids糖皮质激素oCortisol考的松,皮质醇ocorticosterone肾上腺酮; 皮质脂酮nSex hormonesoAndrogenoEstrogenHormones secreted by adrenal glands (II)adrenal medullary hormone oCatecholamines儿茶酚胺nEpinephrine=adrenaline肾上腺素nnorepinephrine去甲肾上腺素Hormones secreted by pancreasoGlucagon胰高血糖素(alpha cells)oInsulin (beta cells)Other endocrine glandsPartsHormonesFunctionsthymusthymosinDevelopment of immune systemstomachgastrinDigestion of foodplacentachorionic gonadotropin(HCG)Ovary to maintain the uterine liningpregnancysmall intestinesecretin肠促胰液素cholecystokinin缩胆囊素Pancreas to produce bicarbonateGallbladder to contractheart (atria)atriopeptin心房肽 What hormone has this function?oRegulating the biological clock of the bodyomelatoninWhat hormone has this function?oRegulating the activities of several other endocrine glands such as thyroid, adrenals, reproductive glandsoAnterior pituitary hormonesWhat hormone has this function?oregulating the rate of metabolismoThyroxineoParathormoneocorticosteroidsWhat hormone has this function?oDecreasing the concentration of calcium in the bloodocalcitonin降血钙素What hormone has this function?oDecreasing the concentration of glucose in the bloodoinsulinWhat hormone has this function?oRegulating the development of secondary sex characteristicsoAndrogenoEstrogenWhich endocrine gland is responsible for?oDiabetes insipidus尿崩症oAddisons diseaseoDwarfismoPheochromocytoma嗜铬细胞瘤 oDiabetesomyxedema黏液腺瘤ovirilism男性化ohypercalcemia高钙血症oPituitary glandoAdrenal glandoPituitary glandoAdrenal glandoPancreasoThyroid glandoGonadsoParathyroid glandsTests for endocrine systemoRAIU放射性碘摄取nRadioactive iodine uptake testoITT胰岛素耐量试验ninsulin tolerance testoTBG甲状腺素结合球蛋白nThyroxine-binding globulinoACTH test促肾上腺皮质激素试验oLH test促黄体激素试验nLuteinizing hormone testoAldosterone and renin test醛固酮肾素试验Translate the following case presentation into ChineseoA 47-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of recurrent hypercalcemia.oThe patient had been admitted 14 years earlier because of hyperparathyroidism, with an increased level of calcium (12.3 mg per deciliter 3.1 mmol per liter), markedly increased levels of alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone (293 pg per milliliter; normal range, 10 to 60), and a low phosphorus level (1.8 mg per deciliter 0.58 mmol per liter). Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left lower pole of the thyroid gland. Translate the following case presentation into ChineseoA 64-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of hyperadrenocorticism. oThe patient had a history of angina pectoris and had undergone five-vessel coronary-artery bypass surgery nine years before admission. He had long-standing heartburn, and for two years had had intermittent upper abdominal pain that responded to ranitidine. The results of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were normal. Six months before admission, he began to bruise easily; weakness, emotional lability, moon facies, and peripheral edema developed; and his weight increased by 5 kg. Three months before admission, a tremor developed in his hands. One month later, bouts of tachycardia and bradycardia occurred, and a dual-chamber electronic pacemaker was implanted. Shortly thereafter, atrial flutter with exertional dyspnea developed and did not respond to medical treatment.
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