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Unit5Lesson25 Reading reading ,reading a bookWriting,writing ,writing an emailWatching watching ,watching TVPlaying playing, playing footballPlaying playing, playing basketballFlying,flying,flyingakiteSinging singing, singing a songDancing dancing ,Im dancingmake a callcallmaking a call.IamplyWhat are you doing?I Im playing football.I Im playing basketball.play computer gamesIm playing computer games .I Im我我正在正在 I Im playing football.I Im flying a kite.I Im singing.I Im swimming.Im watching TV.A:Wht are you doing?B:I Im How about you?A:I Im wash wash the clotheswashing the clothes.Sheis clean clean the roomcleaning the room.SheisWhat is she doing?She is dancing.She is reading a book. email write an emailwriting an email.HeisWhat is he doing? He is playing basketball.He is reading a book.双簧游戏:两人一组,背对背,背后的小朋友说句子,前面的小朋友做动作。What is he/she doing?He/She isLetschntLetschntSinging,singing,Iamsinging.Olala,olala,olala,olala.Dancing,dancing,IamdancingBongcaca,bongcaca,bongcaca,bongcaca.Washing,washing,sheiswashing.Xishuashua,xishuashua.Writing,writing,heiswriting.Sha,sha,sha,sha,sha,sha.LetsgoandseewhatisLilyandherparentsdoing?Newwords:holdon等一会等一会parents父母亲父母亲busy忙碌忙碌Listenandanswerthequestions.(听并且回答听并且回答问题!)(1).WhatisLilydoing?(2).Whatisdaddoing?(3).Whatismumdoing? Listen and read.ItsSaturdaymorning.lilyiscallinghergrandpaathome.L:Hello!ThisisLilyspeaking.L:CanIspeaktoGrandpa?G:Hi,Lily.ThisisGrandpaspeaking.G:Areyoucomingherewithyourparentsthismorning?L:Sorry,Grandpa.Wereallverybusytoday.Dadiswritinganemailonthecomputer.MumiswashingtheclothesG:Oh,dear!AndWhatareyoudoing,Lily?L:Iamcleaningmyroom.G:Youreagoodgirl.WhatisLilydoing?She is making a call.What is dad doing?He is writing an email on the computer.What is mum doing?She is washing the clothes.WhatisLilydoing?She is cleaning the room.我在打扫房间。You are good.Lets celebrate!124563Whatishedoing?He is playing basketball.Whatareyoudoing?I Im watching TV.连词成句:is,reading,a,He,bookIIm reading book .Whatareyoudoing?I Im playing computer games.Whatareyoudoing?Ihaveanewstorybook,Imathome.TheAngryBirdsismyfavouritecomputergame.Im.I Im reading book.Im playing computer games.Whatisshedoing?She is cleaning the room.Now,I want to say.do some houseworkclean the roomwash the clothesHelpparentswithsomethingthatyoucantryyourbesttodo.像Lily那样,帮父母做力所能及之事1.Copy the new words 3 times.2.帮助父母做一件力所能及的家务活。帮助父母做一件力所能及的家务活。WhoiswinnWhoiswinner?er?Singing, singing, I am singing.Olala, olala, olala, olala.Dancing,dancing,I am dancing.Bongcaca, bongcaca,bongcaca,bongcaca.Washing, washing,she is washing.Xishuashua, xishuashua,xishuashua,xishuashua.Writing,writing,he is writing.Sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha, sha.pairwork1.A: Whos he? A B: Hes my dad. He is writing an email. 2.A: Whos she? B B: Shes my mum. She is cleaning the room.3.A: Whos he? C B: Hes my uncle. He is making a call.4.The girl is me. D Im washing the clothes.课堂检测。将下列对话与对应的图片连线。课堂检测。将下列对话与对应的图片连线。She is cooking and washing the clothes.1.将26课内容熟练读给家长听。2.帮助父母做一件力所能及的家务活。I m from Korla Experimental School. My name is Apple .I like travelling.Lets sing together. Magic eyes.看到你认识的单词迅速站起来并大声读出来。(Say the words as quickly as you can!)doactcleandancemakegoplaylistenreadsingspeakwrite cleaning the room.Im making a call.She is washing the clothes.She is He is writing an email.Lets play a gameI act ,you guess!任务说明:自由选择任务,答对即可获得字母下方的星标数。He/Sheisdoing. He issinging a song.I am cleaning the room.playing basketball.Yao MingHes _.He is
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