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Dog,dog,what can you Dog,dog,what can you do? I can run after do? I can run after you.you.Panda,panda,what can you Panda,panda,what can you do? I can eat so much do? I can eat so much bamboo.bamboo.Mouse,mouse,what can you do? Mouse,mouse,what can you do? I can hide in the shoe.I can hide in the shoe.Mike,mike,what can you do? Mike,mike,what can you do? I can draw animals in the zooI can draw animals in the zoo. .What can Amy do ?段洼小学段洼小学 赵文姗赵文姗12345water the flowerssweep the floorempty the trashclean the bedroomcook the mealsA: Hello,A: Hello,B: Hello,B: Hello,A: A: What can you do?What can you do?B: Great!See you!B: Great!See you!B: B: I Im helpful. m helpful. I can I can What about you?What about you?A: A: I Im helpful,too.m helpful,too.I I cancanA: Bye!A: Bye!
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