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Unit 2 We didnt see the queen.Teaching Aims:1.To get information from the e-mail about holiday journeys2、Phrases read the newspaper send an email fly home say hello togo-wentdo-buy-take-read-see-readboughtdidsawtookWHAT DID I DO ON CHILDRENS DAY?Did you ? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.went shopping(go-went)did some shopping(do-did)presentsbought presents(buy-bought) TOOK SOME PHOTOS(TAKE-TOOK)read newspapers in the library (read-read)saw the animals (see-saw)wrote a postcardwrite-wrotesent an emailsend-sent-What did you do on Childrens Day?-I went to the park/In pairs: Ask and AnswerNext summer holiday I want to travel to London. But I dont know much about it . What is it famous for? Can you tell me?Big BenBuckingham PalaceTower BridgeRiverThamesHydeParkhaidBRITISHMUSEUM1.Where did Bettys Granny go?2.How did she go there?3.How was the holiday?She went to London.She went there by plane.It was short but great.Listen and answer Read the email and say Say true (T) or false (F).Say true(T) or false(F).1.They arrived last Sunday .2.They went for a walk in Hyde Park . 3.They bought lots of presents .4.On Wednesday they saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace .5.On Thursday they saw the River Thames and visited Tower Bridge .6.Today they spend the day at the hotel.7.She did some shopping on Friday .8.Jenny went for a walk in the park .TTFFFFFFWhat did they do on each day?Day Places to visit Things to do Mon. Hyde Park Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Big Ben Buckingham PalaceBritish Museum Chinese restaurantTower Bridgearrived by plane, went to hotel, went for a walksaw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, bought some presents visited the British Museum, had dinner in a Chinese restaurant relaxed in the morning, went to Tower Bridge and looked at the citydid some shopping, read the newspaper, wrote some postcards, sent some emails.flying homeSaturday is May 1,we will have a holiday.May Day is coming , Lets make a plan of the holiday trip.The Great WallTianan Men1. When and where will you go?2. Who will go with you?3. How will you go there?4. What will you do or see?5. Do you think how it will be like? Last summer we wentShanghai The beautiful pictures of LiaochengDont forget to buy some Dont forget to buy some presents presents for your parents or dear friends when for your parents or dear friends when you go out for holiday.you go out for holiday. 在你外出旅游时在你外出旅游时, ,别忘了给亲朋好友买点礼物哟别忘了给亲朋好友买点礼物哟! !HOMEWORK When you come back, write a passage about your journey. (难忘的旅游忘的旅游) Then send it to me. My email addess is Mr.liu163.com1. When and where did you go?2. Who went with you?3. How did you go there?4. What did you do or see?5. How was it like?
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