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英美概况英美概况 US Foreign PoliciesObama Defends Libya War, but Wants It not costlyU.S. President Barack Obamaforcibly defended his decision torush American-led military strikeson Libyas Moammar Gadhafi,who he called a tyrant (暴君制统治者)continue to give a helping hand to those who desire for freedom and democracyto prevent Gadhafis government forcesfrom killing rebels and civilians in Libyadid not want another protracted war, likethe Iraq war, to haunt him and anger Americanpublicdid not disclose how the military interventionwould come to an endActions:US likely to help Taiwan upgrade F-16sTaiwan Premier Wu Den-yihconfirmed Tuesday that theUnited States is likely to helpthe island upgrade its F-16 A/Bfighters as it is reluctant to armTaipei with more advancedjets.Taiwan has been pressingfor the more powerful F-16 C/Ds,saying it badly needs theweaponry as a bargaining chipagainst its former bitter rivalChina.The US Congress in 1979passed the Taiwan Relations Actrequiring the United States toprovide the island with defensiveweapons.A sale of F-16 C/Ds to Taiwanwould be certain to ignite theanger of BeijingThe fate of a proposed armsdeal remains still uncertain,itcould jeopardise Washingtonsties with Beijing. IntroductionI.Foreign policies during Cold War i.Arms race ii.containment II.Foreign policies after Cold War i.Clinton administration ii.Bush administration iii.Obama administration III.Sino-American relations i.overall sino-American relations ii.important isues between the two countriesI.Foreign policies during Cold Wari.when:1945-1991ii.why:to contain Soviet expansion and to finally bring about change in Soviet political system iii.what:arms race containment1.Arms racewhat:America and Russia massively built up stockpiles of nuclear weapons to contain the expasion of the other sidehow:a new strategy of MAD -each side have enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the other side -neither side will dare to launch a first strike prevent any direct full-scale conflicts between the 2 countriesresults:federal budget outlays for national defense grew dramatically dragged the Soviet Union into bankruptcy2.Containmentwhat:to prevent the spread of communism and to oppose communist nationshow: (1)1948,Truman put forward the Truman doctrine (2) fight 2 wars Korea war:US and China face to face on the battlefield Vietnam war:US military withdrew from Vietnam (3)build expensive new weapons and defense system that the SU couldnt matchresults:in the late 1980s Russian communism collasped and the SU dissloved,the Cold War endedII.Foreign Policies After Cold Warwhen:1991-up to nowwhy:to maintain American dominance in the world as long as possible and to remake the world in American imagewhat: (1) Clinton administration (2) Bush administration (3) Obama administration1. Clinton administrationwhat:engagement and expansionhow:take a more active part in the world affairs and will more actively promote market economy and American style democracy in the world.for what:national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy.2.Bush administrationwhat:Unilateralism, Faith in Military strengtheffects:(1)drew strong criticism from countries all over the world (9.11 terrorist attacking) (2)terrorism became a matter of the 20th century actions:created DHS (Department of Homeland Security) began wars on terrorism targeting both terrorist organizations and governmnt that supported them3.Obama administrationwhat:the Obama doctrinefor what:re-establish Americans standing in the world;creat dialogue with friends, partners and adversaries based on mutural respect; and work togther in building partnership .actions:moving to end the war in Iraq; refocusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan (p17) reactions:praise(change from Bush doctrine) critics(overly idealistic and naive) .Sino-American Relationsi.Overall Sino-American Relationsii. Important issues between the two countriesiii. Conclusioni. Overall Sino-American relationsProcess:1. A frozen relationship (1949-1979)2.Frozen relationship thew .( in 1972)3. Sino-U.S Diplomatic relations were officially established.(1979)4. Generally been stable (since 1979)5. The U.S gov. approved permanent normal trade status with China.(In 2000)6. Sino-U.S relations further develop in a full range (during Bush Administration)7. Irritants and stabilizing factors coexist in Sino-American relations (recent years)ii. Important Issues between the Two Countries1.Human rightsa. America criticized about Chinas human rights b. China has published a White Paper detailing human rights by the U.S, as well as its own progress in this area2. Military SpendingThe U.S often mentioned that Chinas militarybudge is a threat 3. Taiwan Issue The U.S has stated to the One-China policy, butit does not indicate whether it agrees with thatposition.Additionally, U.S exports weaponry to Taiwanand supports its separation from PRC.China warned the U.S not to sell arms andannounced that it might penalize some companies involved in selling arms to Taiwan.4.U.S-China Economic Relations1)U.S investment in mainland China covers a wide range.2)The U.S and China agree to hold regular highlevel talks about economic issues and othermutual concerns by establishing the China-U.Sstrategic economic dialogue.5. Currency DisputeBoth countries have placed the blame withone another.The U.S require China to raise the value ofRMBChina criticized the U.S for unfair monetarypolicies. Conclusionpresent situation:1)The U.S influence remains strong, but it is declining ineconomic output compared to the rising nations such as China,India, Russia, Brazil and EU2)Substantial problems remain.Prospect of the relation: All six powers have similarinterests in stability and terrorism prevention and trade,if they can find common ground, then the next decadesmay be marked by peaceful growth and prosperity. Thank you!(*_*) O(_)O (o)/
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