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Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister.Section B(1a1e) 一、根据句意选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。1My best friend Alice is a good _2Mozart was _ in music when he was young.3I _ love my children.4It is _ for us to learn English well.5I really dont _ what other people think of me.listenertalentedtrulyimportantcare二、按要求完成下列句子。1他总是喜欢和我做同样的事情。(翻译句子)He always likes _ me.2我的老师非常关心我。(翻译句子)My teacher _ very much.3这个女孩有音乐天赋吗?(翻译句子)Is the girl_?4比尔是个有趣的男孩,他总是逗我们发笑。(翻译句子)Bill is a funny boy and he always _5杰克和他的好朋友迈克都性格外向。(翻译句子)Jack and his best friend,Mike _to do/doing the same things as cares about me talented in musicmakes us laughare both outgoing6I have short hair.My sister has long hair.(合并为一句)My sister _ hair _ me.7Andy doesnt get up as early as Jack.(改为同义句)Andy gets up _ Jack.8Tina plays the piano well.Lisa plays the piano well,too.(改为同义句)Tina plays the piano _ Lisa.has longer thanlater than as well as 三、单项选择。1.Her parents _ doctors in the Peoples Hospital.Aboth areBare bothCall are Dare all2Im not good _ music,but Im talented _ sports.Aat;with Bfor;inCat;in Dfor;with123456BCBABA3Our English teacher is very funny.He often makes us _ in his class.AwatchBlaughCreadDPlay4We must _ our classmates because they are our friends.Acare about Bshout atClook like Dbe strict5_ me,a good friend likes to do the same things _ me.AFor;of BFor;asCAs;to DAs;for6Its nice _ Li Xin _ me with my English study.Afor;to help Bof;to helpCfor;help Dof;help四、在下列空缺处填入一个适当的句子使对话完整、正确。A:Hello,Jack.B:Hi,Susan.A:1. _B:Larry is my best friend.A:2. _B:Because he likes doing the same things as I do.And he is good at sports.A:3. _B:Yes,very much.I usually play sports with him.A:4. _Who is your best friend?Why do you like him?Do you like doing sports,too?Do you often do sports?B:Yes,I almost do sports every day.A:5. _B:Tennis.I often play it with Larry.A:Is he good at playing tennis?B:Yes,of course.And he is better than me at it.What sport do you like best?
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