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Unit 2 School life TaskDuty report: whats my ideal school like? 3-minute speechAsk and answer in pairs (students finish the questionnaire before class)Ask questions about the questionnaire.S1: What time do you hope to go to school on weekdays?S2: .S1: What time do you hope your school finishes every weekday?S2: .S1: How much homework do you hope to have every day?S2: .S1: What do you hope to do at lunchtime?S2: .S1: What is your favourite subject? Why? How many classes do you want to have ?S2: .Some places I want to have in my ideal schoolSome activities I want to do in my ideal schoolphysicsOf all the lessons,I like physics best.lunchtimeWe like chatting with each other at lunchtime.badmintonStudents play badminton after school.I hope our school will finish at 3 p.m.finishListen to partB on P29 Answer the questionsWhen does the school finish?How much homework does he have?Read the article and finish the passage My ideal school _ at 9 a.m and _ at 3 p.m. We dont _ early in the morning and we dont have _ homework every day. Our classes are _, we only have _ students in each class. We can choose our _ subjects to study and we can have them _. At lunchtime ,we can _ and _ in our _ and _ dining hall. My ideal school has a big _, a _ and a _.We have _ for lots of _ activities and we go on a _ every month.How to write about your ideal schoolschool day starting timeschool day finishing timelunchtimesubjectsfacilities(设施设施)after-school activities9 a. m3 p. man hourMaths and computera library, a football field, a swimming poola school trip书面表达(10分) 以“My ideal school” 为题,写一篇英语短文:1.审审1. Paragraphs2.Key points3.tense4.Add something more2.写写Write down your article by yourself. (个人独立起草个人独立起草)3.改改Check it by yourself.(个人自改个人自改)Check it in groups.(组内互改组内互改)4.评评Students evaluate in groups and the teacher evaluate评分细则: 1. 段落不清、书写潦草均扣1分;人称错误扣2分。 2. 主体时态错误扣2分。 3. 要点每缺少一点扣1分。 4. 词数不少于80词。 5.符合以上要求但是句式单一,缺少过渡不能给满分。写作评价标准(写作评价标准(32个字)个字)段落分明,要点齐全; 时态恰当,结构正确;句式多样,过渡自然;观点合理,书写规范。Evaluate in groups.(小组反馈评价)评价性语言+ 打分Homework:Write the article on your writing book
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