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历年学位英语考试真题练习及答案历年学位英语考试真题练习及答案历年学位英语考试真题练习及答案世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。以下是店铺为大搜索整理的历年学位英语考试真题练习及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!Passage 6Television broadcasts are ( 1 ) to an area that is within the (2)of the sending station or its relay(中转站). (3) television relays areoften placed on hills and mountains so that they can (4) a widerregion, they still cannot cover more land thanone from the hilltop(5)a clear day However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere,(6) there is a relay station on a satellite that (7) around the earth,it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which thesatellite is (8). Three satellites (9) turning around over the equator(赤道) send any television program to any part of the earth.(10)makes it possible for world (11)of newspaper to give the newsin all countries at the same time.( 12 ) it may be possible for asubscriber (订户) to a televised newspaper to (13) a button andsee a newspaper page (14) his television screen. He could alsodecide when he wants the page ( 15 ), ( 16 ), by dialing differentnumber such as ( 17 ) on a telephone dial, he could choose thelanguage or the, edition of the paper he wants to read.It seems strange to think that, even today, methods of the(15)are not entirely useless.For example, sometimes (19) agencieswhich use radio and Telstar also use pigeons to (20) messagesbetween offices in large cities because the pigeons are notbothered by tragic problems.1. A. prohibited B. bounded C. limitedD. shifted2. A. rangeB. viewC. milesD. distance3. A. EvenB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. Whenever4. A. coverB. spreadC. helpD. pass5. A. inB. duringC. onD. at6. A. and thenB. by farC. whenD. and if7. A. spinsB. revolvesC. jumpsD. circles8. A. watchedB. visibleC. spottedD. protected9. A. alwaysB. temporarilyC. permanendyD. periodically10. A. ThisB. ThatC. WhatD. Which11. A. populationB. editionsC. articlesD. reports12. A. The other dayB. In the futureC. SomedayD. One day13. A. touchB. pressC. suppressD. thumb14. A. atB. inC. onD. by15. A. turnB. to turnC. turningD. to be turned16. A. alsoB. moreoverC. andD. then17. A. whatB. theseC. thoseD. ones18. A. passedB. pastC.-old daysD. out-of-date19. A. pressB. conferenceC. newspapersD. books20. A. bringB. takeC. distributeD. sendPassage 6参考答案及解析1.【解析】C。本题考查词义辨析。limit 限制,局限;prohibit 禁止;bound 跳跃,跳动;shift 转移。C 符合题意。2.【解析】A。本题考查词义辨析。range 射程,有效距离。如:it is beyond the range.超出了射程。本文指中转站能发射到的距离范围之内。3.【解析】B。本题考查句子的逻辑关系。根据上正文的逻辑关系,此处需要一个转折连词。4.【解析】A。本题考查词义辨析。cover 覆盖,包括,在后文也出现了。其他选项的意思分别是:spread 传播.help 帮助;pass 通过。5.【解析】C。本题考查介词的用法。通常我们说on a clear day ,即强调具体的某一天时间应该用介词on。6.【解析】D。本题考查句子的逻辑关系。根椐上下文的逻辑关系,用表示条件关系的句子。7.【解析】B。本题考查词义辨析。revolve around 绕转,公转(主要指星球和球体)。如:The earth revolves around the sun. 地球绕着太阳公转。这里指的是卫星绕着地球转动。spin 旋转(通常指以为轴);jump 跳跃;circle 转圈,在盘旋。8.【解析】B。本题考查语法知识和句子的含义。visible 能看见的,是形容词。其余的都是动词的被动语态,不符合语法和题意。9.【解析】C。本题考查词义辨析。 permanently 永久的,永恒的;always 总是,通常用于修饰动词;temporarily 临时的,暂时的;periodically 周期性地,定期地。C 符合题意。10.【解析】A。本题考查语法知识和句子的含义。因为此空前面是句号,所以不是从句,不需要用what、which 等连词。指示代词this、that可指代前面的句子内容或句子的一部分。this 是近指,因此选 A。11.【解析】B。本题考查词义辨析。这里指报纸的出版。population 人口;articles 文章;reports 报道。这三个词均不符合题意。edition 版本。12.【解析】C。本题考查词义辨析。someday 将来的某一天;theother day 前一天;oneday 有一天;in the future 将来,未来。C 符合题意。13.【解析】 B。本题考查词义辨析。press a button 按动按钮;touch 触摸,接触,强调触觉,一般不和button 搭配。如:Donot touch the book.不要摸那本书。suppress 镇压;thumb 用拇指翻动(书页等)。因此选 B。14.【解析】C。本题考查介词用法。on the television screen 在电视屏幕上。15.【解析】B。本题考查语法知识。根据语法规则,不定式修饰want、have 等动词的宾语时,并且句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语,应该用主动语态表示被动含义。如:We havenothing to do. 我们没有什么事情可做。I have two papers to write.我要写两篇论文。16.【解析】C。本题考查连词的用法。and 表示并列关系。17.【解析】C。本题考查语法知识。英语中,为了避免重复,可以用 that、those 来代替前面提到的名词。但是this、these 没有这种用法。如:My hobbies ale different from those of my collegeyears.我的兴趣和大学时代的兴趣不同了。18.【解析】B。本题考查固定搭配。methods of the past过去的方法。19.【解析】A。本题考查固定搭配。press agency 新闻机构。20.【解析】D。本题考查固定搭配。send message 发送信息。下载全文
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