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ks5u精品课件UNIT 5 FIRST AIDLanguage pointsks5u精品课件FALL ILLfall+ adj.illasleepawakesicksilentHis wife suddenly _ _ last week.She has _ _ for a week.fell illbeen illks5u精品课件INJURY (N.)injury to sth.do sb. an injuryIt is a severe injury to his reputation.他干活他干活时腿受了重腿受了重伤。He got injuries to the legs at work.hurtinjurewoundn肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛n意外或事故而受伤意外或事故而受伤n指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)ks5u精品课件He got _ in the fighting.He was badly _ in a car accident.Her words _ me deeply.I _ my back when I fell.My feet _ .woundedinjuredhurthurthurtks5u精品课件BLEED-BLOOD-BLOODY (V.) (N.) (ADJ.) 他在流鼻血。他在流鼻血。 His nose was bleeding.= He was _ .= He has a _ nose.bleeding at the nosebloodyks5u精品课件bleed forbleed sb. whitebleed to death为为而流血而流血, 悲痛悲痛榨干血汗榨干血汗出血过多而死出血过多而死lose bloodflesh and bloodnew/ fresh blood流血、失血流血、失血血肉之躯血肉之躯新人新人ks5u精品课件aid first aid n.v.help He came quickly to/ for her aid.thing or person that helps a hearing aidsupport in aid of sb./ sth.= in support ofaid sb. in/ within sth.ks5u精品课件在朋友的帮助下,在朋友的帮助下,I solve the problem.With the aid of a friendThe students are collecting money 资助慈善事业。资助慈善事业。in aid of charity他在事业上帮助我。他在事业上帮助我。He aided me in business.ks5u精品课件PROTECTAGAINST/ FROM 保护不受的损害PREVENTFROM DOING 阻止Wear sunglasses to _.You need warm clothes_.Nobody can _. (阻止他阻止他们结婚婚)protect your eyes from strong lightto protect you against cold prevent them from getting marriedks5u精品课件It is my duty to _ my students from being hurt when they are in danger. A. prevent B. save C. stop D. protectprevent sb. (from) doingstop sb. (from) doingkeep sb. from doingDks5u精品课件SENSE (N. & V.)five senses: 触觉触觉sense of touchfive sensessense of smellsense of hearingthe sixth sense!sense of touchsense of sightsense of tasteks5u精品课件幽默感幽默感责任感任感方向感方向感sense ofhumourdutydirectionThe man has _ . (无常识无常识)What he said _ .(没道理没道理)sense (v.) 感觉到感觉到补全句子。补全句子。Although she didnt say anything, _ .no common sensemade no senseI sensed that she didnt like the ideaks5u精品课件MILD-MILDER-MILDEST-MILDLYHe is the mildest man you could wish to meet.mild weathera mild climatemild, gentle, softThe punishment is very _ .The weather is _ .I like a _ pillow.He was a person of _ birth. (身世良好身世良好)He spoke in a _ voice.mildmildgentlesoftgentle/soft/ mildks5u精品课件Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned. depending on which layers of the skin are burned 为现为现在分词短语作伴随状语。在分词短语作伴随状语。Charles Darnay left France, preferring to give up his fortune. ks5u精品课件depend on 相信,依赖,依靠相信,依赖,依靠 You cant depend on John-he nearly always arrive late. The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. The amount you pay depends on where you live.ks5u精品课件Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn. take off (1) 脱下,脱掉脱下,脱掉 Take your coat off. (2) 休假,歇休假,歇(天天)假假 Take a few days off, Michael. (3) 开始有成就,开始成名开始有成就,开始成名 It was at this point that her acting career really took off. (4) 升空,起飞升空,起飞 The plane took off so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.ks5u精品课件JEWELLERY=JEWELRY 珠宝(总称) 不可数jewel 可数,珠宝,珍可数,珠宝,珍视的人、物的人、物The _ were kept in the safe.Many women like to buy as much _ as possible.Father always says I am his _ .jeweljewelleryjewels A.n My sister has _.A. a piece of jewellery B. a jewelleryC. a little of jewels D. a bit jewelleryks5u精品课件For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad. 对于二度烧伤,对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉,需把湿布放回冷水中,拧出水要保持湿布清凉,需把湿布放回冷水中,拧出水后放在烧伤面上,这样要反反复复地做一个小时后放在烧伤面上,这样要反反复复地做一个小时左右,直到不太痛时为止。左右,直到不太痛时为止。 squeeze (1) vt. 压,挤,榨,榨 He squeezed her arm sympathetically.ks5u精品课件(2) vt. 压出,出,挤出,榨出,用于出,榨出,用于 squeeze+n.+adv.&prepShe squeezed the water out of the sponge.(3) vi. 挤入,塞,用于入,塞,用于 squeeze+adv./prep. squeeze+adj.+adv./prep. Is the car full or can I squeeze in? He was so fat that he could not just squeeze through the door.ks5u精品课件 squeezesth. into sth. 挤成挤成sth. from/ out of sth. 挤出挤出sth. out 挤出挤出sth. out of sb. 敲诈敲诈ks5u精品课件OVER AND OVER AGAINList some phrases or words that have similar meaningover and overagain and againover and again once and againmany timesrepeatedlyfrom time to timenow and thennow and againsometimes多多次次有有时时ks5u精品课件补全句子全句子:Before you leave, you should _.The new regulations (条例条例) _ .in placeout of placein the place oftake ones placetake placein placein the proper or usual placein existence and ready to be used
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