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Module Two Education Unit Three Language in useGrammar人称代词 主格:宾格:指示代词 物主代词 形容词性:名词性:反身代词 不定代词 疑问代词 Iyou she he it we they meyouherhimitusthemthis thesethatthosemyyourherhisitsourtheirmineyourshershisourstheirsmyselfyourselfherselfhimselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselvessomeanybotheitherneitherallnoneeacheverymanymuchfewa fewlittlea littleotheranotheronesomebodynobodyanybodyeveryoneeverythingsomethinganythingnothing等whatwhichwhowhomwhose等 1,人称代词(1)主格与宾格的区分 人称代词在句中作主语时用主格形式, 作宾语和表语时 一般用宾格形式。如: _ told _ to get ready at once . 他们让我们马上准备好。 _ bought very nice birthday presents for _ and _. 他给你和我买了非常好的生日礼物。 -Who is_?是谁? -Its_ 是我。 另外, 宾格代词(特别是me )可以作主语, 主格代词 一般不单独使用, 也不用于带not 的简短回答中, 这些情况下 往往用宾格代词。 如: -Who wants a ride on my bike ? 谁想骑我的自行车? - _ ! Not _ !我! /我不想!TheyusHeyoumeitmeMeme (2) it 的用法 It 除用来代替上文中出现的事物以外, 还可以用来表示时间、 天气、 距离等。 例如: _s twelve oclock now . 现在是12点。 _s a fine day today . 今天天气不错。 _s twenty miles from here . (那儿)离这儿20英里。ItItIt (3) 人称代词 的顺序 当多个 人称代词并用时, 英语中人称代词的排列顺序与汉语不同。 汉语中喜欢说“你、 我、他、 ”, 而英语中通常要说_ , _ / _ and _ , 复数人称代词的排列顺序是_ , _ and _ . youhesheIweyouthey 2,指示代词 英语中有的用法可以借助汉语知识来帮助理解和记忆, 指示代词的用法就是如此。 汉语中可以用“这个、那个、 这些、 那些”时, 英语中一般就可用_ , _ , _和_.thisthatthesethose 3,物主代词 物主代词包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 名词性物主代词从意思上讲相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词” , 其作用与名词相同。 要特别注意his , 这个代词既可以是形容词性物主代词, 也可以是名词性物主代词。 例如: This is _ dictionary . 这是他的字典。 The dictionary is _ .这本字典是他的。 _ is the newest dictionary in our class .他的字典是我们班最新的。hishisHis 4,反身代词 英语中的 反身代词在句中常作宾语和同位语。 注意下面句子中反身代词的用法。 She hurt _ when she fell . 她摔倒的时候把自己伤着了。(宾语) May I introduce _ ? 我可以自我介绍一下吗?(宾语) You may go and ask the teacher_. 你可以去问老师本人(同位语, 加强语气) You must do it _ . 你必须自己做。(同位语, 加强语气)herselfmyselfhimselfyourself 5,不定代词 英语中不定代词很多, 用法也比较灵活, 这里只介绍常用的几个。 (1)Some 和any some 和any 都表示“一些”, 可以指人或其他可数的东西, 也可以指不可数的东西, 可用作主语、宾语, some 多用于肯定句, any 多用于疑问句、否定句和条件句。 例如: _of the students can speak German . 有些学生会说德语。 He had a lot of music CDs . Did he lend you _?他有很多音乐光盘。 他借给你一些了吗?Someany (2)neither 和none neither 和none 都表示否定的意思, 它们的区别在于:neither 表示对两者的否定, 而none 用于表示对三者以上的否定。 例如: I saw two boys at the door , but _ (of them ) is my brother . 我看到门口有两个男孩, 但他们都不是我哥哥(弟弟)。 _(of the students )in my class wants / want to take part in this trip. 我们班没有学生想参加这次旅行。neitherNone 另外, none 除指可数的人和物外, 还可以表示不可数的东西。 None 还可以表示“零” 这一数字概念。 I have a lot of money in my bag , but _ is mine . 我的包里有很多钱, 但都不是我的。 -How many postcards have you sent ? 你寄出了多少张明信片? -_ . 一张都没寄。noneNone (3)(a)little 和(a) few 表示数量的代词很多, 这里只对(a ) little和 (a )few 作简单介绍, 对于这一组代词, 一是要区分有冠词与无冠词的不同, 二是要区分little 与few的不同。 A little和 a few 表示肯定的概念, 而little 和few 表示否定的概念。 例如: -Do you have any water ?你有水吗? -Yes , but only a_ 有, 但只有一点儿。little _ is known about these areas of Mars . 人类不太了解火星上的这些地区。 He has many friends , but _ are true friends / but only _ are true friends . 他有很多朋友,却没有几个真正的朋友/ 却只有几个真正的朋友。 如以上各例句所示, ( a)little 用于不可数名词, 而(a ) few 用于可数名词。Littlefewa few (4)both 和all both 表示“两者都”, 而all 表示“全体, 一切” , 指三者及以上。 All 还可以指不可数的事物。 例如: -Which of the two shirts do you like ?这两件衬衫你喜欢哪件? -I like _ 两件都喜欢。 _ of the boys went to the cinema yesterday evening .昨晚所有的男孩都去看电影了。 _was changed .一切都被改变了。 both 和all 还可以用于主语之后。 例如: We _ / _ passed the exam .我们俩/ 大家都通过了考试。bothAllAllbothall (5)each 和either each 与either 都可以 表示“每一个”, each 可以表示两者或两者以上中的“每一个”, 而either 只能表示两者中的“每一个”。例如: _ of us / We _ got a beautiful card on that special day .在那个特殊的日子, 我们每个人都得到了一张漂亮的卡片。 -Which of the two shirts do you want ?这两件衬衫你想要哪件? -_ will do 哪件都行。 注意:either 表示二选一, 如上面一例, 表示“哪个都可以”, 说明购物者要买一件衬衣而不是两件都要, 如表示两件都要, 则用both .EacheachEither (6) 疑问代词 疑问代词用于构成特殊疑问句,包括_ , _ ,_ , _ , _ 等, 代词的选择根据句意要求而定。 Whatwhichwhowhomwhose 介词是一种用来表示人物、 事件之间关系的词。 在本模块中, 我们将重点介绍介词短语的使用和介词的兼词现象。1,介词短语及用法 介词不能单独构成句子成分, 必须以介词短语的形式来构成句子成分。这里重点介绍由“介词+名词”构成的介词短语,如in the park , by car , on Saturday , in front of the classroom 等。 这类介词短语在句中可以作状语、 定语和表语等。 (1), 作状语 The space pen worked in space , under water , even on ice .太空笔可以在太空中、水下, 甚至冰上使用。 He wrote long poems for children .他给孩子们写长诗。 (2), 作定语He seems to know the solution to the problem .他似乎知道这问题的解决办法 。We had a debate about womens lives now and in the past .我们就妇女现在与过去的生活状况展开了一场辩论。 (3) 作表语 Tom and Jack are from England .汤姆和杰克来自英格兰。 Our manager is on holiday in the south .我们经理正在南方度假。 许多介词短语已经成为固定表达方式, 我们可以把它们作为一个整体来记忆和使用, 如in the past , in the morning , at the weekend , after school 等。 2, 介词的兼词现象 有些单词既可以用作连词,也可以用作介词, 而有些单词既可以用作介词又可能用作副词, 应 注意区分它们在句子中的不同功能例如 : after 和before after和 before 两词既可以作连词,也可以作介词。 作连词时后面接从句, 作介词时后面接名词或动词的-ing 形式。 例如: What did you do after you called the police ? 报警之后, 你做了些什么?(after 为连词, 连接状语从句) I am going to the playground to play basketball after school .课后我要去操场打篮球。 (after 为介词, 与名词school 构成介词短语作状语) 试比较下面两句话: You should take off your shoes before you go into a Japanese home . You should take off your shoes before going into a Japanese home. 以上两句意思相同, 都表示“去拜访日本家庭的时候,入室前要脱鞋”, 但是第一句中before 为连词, 而第二句中before 为介词。 (2) above 和below above 和below 可以作介词,也可能作副词。 例如: Do not write below the line .请勿写在线下。(below和 the line 构成介词短语作状语) Please write to me at the address below.请按照下面的地址给我写信。 (below 为副词) 英语中兼作介词和副词的单词很多, 如about , behind , down , up , in , off , on , over , through , under 等。 Underline the correct words Anna :Hi , Bob . How did your exams go last term ? Bob : Great ! I got good marks in (1) both / each maths and geography . What about you ? Anna : I did really well in English . Thats (2)anything / something Ive always enjoyed . My marks in history and art werent so good because (3) none /neither is my favourite subject . What will you study this term ?_ Bob : Ive still got (4) a few / few days before I have to decide . Im going to speak to (5) both / all my teachers and ask for their advice . Anna : The teachers say that we must decide for (6) themselves /ourselves and that (7) none/ neither of them can tell us what to do . Bob : But I have to get (8) some / any information because there are so (9) much / many subjects and its very hard to choose ._ Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box . both each other His mine myself A good teacher is someone who is helpful and kind , like my history teacher , Mr. Miller . (1)_ knowledge of the subject is excellent . Because of him , I love history and even read history books by (2) _ after the lessons . Hismyself A friend of (3)_ called Mark also loves this subject and sometimes we lend (4)_ books or DVDs about history . I like reading (5)_ Western and Chinese history books , but I think Chinese history is my favourite subject .mineeach otherbothComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box . he her him himself our she their themselves they us we Johns homework is too difficult . _ is not able to do it _ , so Im going to help _ with it .Some people do not have time to wash _ pets _ ,so _ pay someone to do it at the pet shop .Hehimselfhimtheirthemselvesthey-Jane is doing a project about family history , _ has asked us to give _ some of _ photos that were taken when we were young . Have _ got any , Becky ?-Yes , there is a photo of _ with all the children in our family .Sheherourweus Complete the passage with the words in the box . You need to use one word more than once . at for in on The school cinema shows lots of foreign films . Next week (1) _ Friday and Sunday it is showing a French film called Never Say Goodbye . The story is set (2)_ Paris (3)_ the 1960s . The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes and starts (4)_ 6:30 and 9:30 (5)_ the evenings . Tickets are 5, but there is a special half-price ticket (6)_ students from our school . Please bring your student card if you want a cheap ticket .onininatinforComplete the sentences so they are true for you .I study _ subjects : English _.I dont study _.I take exams in _, but I dont take exams in _.My favourite sport is _, because _.I usually play sports on _.After-school activities , such as _ are very popular at our school .tenmaths ChinesephysicsChemistryhistorygeographyPEITand musicbiologyChinesemathsphysicschemistryand EnglishPEfootballit is excitingSundaysdancing and sportThank you!
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