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Unit 6 Tone & StyleA Clean, Well-lighted Place1ToneTone refers to the methods by which writers convey attitudes toward the subject matter, characters, or audience.For this reason, tone and attitude are often closely mingled together.2 TONE TONEThe distinction lies in the fact that tone refers not to attitudes but to those techniques of presentation that reveal these attitudes. Word choice and sentence structure help to create the tone of a work, which may be intimate or distant, bitter or affectionate, straightforward or cautious, supportive or critical, respectful or disdainful.3 StyleIt refers to the way in which the writer uses language, selecting and arranging words to say what he or she wants to say.In other words, style is made up of an authors choice and arrangement of diction to convey both a theme and the authors individuality.4A Clean, Well-lighted PlaceA Clean, Well-lighted PlaceErnest HemingwayLost Generation (迷惘的一代)Iceberg Theory 5Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961) An American novelist Short-story writer JournalistPulitzer Prize(普利策奖) in 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature in 19546Major WorksMajor WorksThe Sun also Rises (1926) 太阳照常升起太阳照常升起A Farewell to Arms (1929) 永别了,武器永别了,武器For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 丧钟为谁而鸣丧钟为谁而鸣The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 老人与海老人与海7“But man is not made for defeat. ” “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”8The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. 9Leaving out essential information of the story in the belief that omission can sometimes strengthen the plot of the novel.10Iceberg Theory11 All Hemingways protagonists struggle to keep seven-eighths of their character hidden below the surface of their conscious lives, showing only a cool exterior to the outside world.In prose style, only one-eighth of the full meaning of a story is revealed, and careful readers must probe their own experience to account for all that is below the surface.12“A Clean, Well-lighted Place”13SettingSettingIn a caf at a late night14Old manYoung waiterElder waiterDeathNothingnessCharacters15Youth and ageBelief and doubtLight and darknessSelfishness and compassionThemes.16What did he fear? It was not a fear or dread, It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada. 他怕什么?他不是怕,也不是发慌。他心里很有数,这是他怕什么?他不是怕,也不是发慌。他心里很有数,这是虚无缥缈。全是虚无缥缈,人也是虚无缥缈的。人所需要虚无缥缈。全是虚无缥缈,人也是虚无缥缈的。人所需要的只是虚无缥缈和亮光以及干干净净和井井有条。有些人的只是虚无缥缈和亮光以及干干净净和井井有条。有些人生活于其中却从来没有感觉到,可是,他知道一切都是虚生活于其中却从来没有感觉到,可是,他知道一切都是虚无缥缈的,一切都是为了虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈,为了虚无无缥缈的,一切都是为了虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈,为了虚无缥缈。缥缈。17Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee. 我们的虚无缥缈就在虚无缥缈中,虚无缥缈是你的名字,我们的虚无缥缈就在虚无缥缈中,虚无缥缈是你的名字,你的王国也叫虚无缥缈,你将是虚无缥缈中的虚无缥缈,你的王国也叫虚无缥缈,你将是虚无缥缈中的虚无缥缈,因为原来就是虚无缥缈。给我们这个虚无缥缈吧,我们日因为原来就是虚无缥缈。给我们这个虚无缥缈吧,我们日常的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈是我们的,我们的虚无缥缈,因常的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈是我们的,我们的虚无缥缈,因为我们是虚无缥缈的,我们的虚无缥缈,我们无不在虚无为我们是虚无缥缈的,我们的虚无缥缈,我们无不在虚无缥缈中,可是,把我们打虚无缥缈中拯救出来吧;为了虚缥缈中,可是,把我们打虚无缥缈中拯救出来吧;为了虚无缥缈。欢呼全是虚无缥缈的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈与汝同无缥缈。欢呼全是虚无缥缈的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈与汝同在。在。18(parody) (parody) 的的手手法法,戏戏仿仿就就是是二二次次创创作作,有有可可能能达达到到反反讽讽的的效效果果,比比如如大大话话西西游游对对西西游游记记就就是是戏戏仿仿。首首先先戏戏仿仿的的是是主主祷祷文,没错,就是今天美国宾馆依然常见的主祷文。文,没错,就是今天美国宾馆依然常见的主祷文。Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; amen.圣母玛利亚的祷文。圣母玛利亚的祷文。Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.19Nihilism 虚无主义虚无主义Friedrich Nietzsche ni:t ni:t (尼采)Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism(极端怀疑论)that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. 20DIY Why is Nada or “Nothing” repeated in the story?What are the symbolic meanings of the “light”, “night”, or “shadows” in the story?21How to Read Fiction?1 Look at the plot2 Analyze the characters3 Identify the setting4 Examine the narrative point of view5 Analyze the style, tone, and language6 Focus on symbolism and allegory7 Identify the themes221. What conflicts occur in the story?2. How are these conflicts developed or resolved?3. Who are the protagonist or antagonist?4. What are the characters most striking traits?5. At what time period and in what geographic location does the action of the story occur?6. How does the setting affect the characters of the story?237. How does it determine the relationship among the characters?8. How does the setting affect the plot?9. Does the setting create a mood or atmosphere for the story?10. In what way does the setting reinforce the central ideas that the story examines?11. What person (s) is/are telling the story?2412. Is the story told in the first person or in the third person?13. Does the writer make any unusual use of diction or syntax?14. Does the writer use imaginative figures of speech? Pattern of imagery?15. What styles or levels of speech are associated with particular characters?2516. Does the narrators tone reveal his or her attitude toward characters or events?17. Is the tone of the story playful, humorous, ironic, satirical, serious, solemn, bitter, formal, or informal?18. Does the author use any objects or ideas symbolically?19. Does the same object have different meanings at different places in the story?2620. What is the central theme? And what other themes are explored?21. What elements of the story develop the central theme?22. How does the title of the story contribute to readers understanding of the central theme?27How to Read Fiction?1 Look at the plot2 Analyze the characters3 Identify the setting4 Examine the narrative point of view5 Analyze the style, tone, and language6 Focus on symbolism and allegory7 Identify the themes281. What conflicts occur in the story?2. How are these conflicts developed or resolved?3. Who are the protagonist or antagonist?4. What are the characters most striking traits?5. At what time period and in what geographic location does the action of the story occur?6. How does the setting affect the characters of the story?297. How does it determine the relationship among the characters?8. How does the setting affect the plot?9. Does the setting create a mood or atmosphere for the story?10. In what way does the setting reinforce the central ideas that the story examines?11. What person (s) is/are telling the story?3012. Is the story told in the first person or in the third person?13. Does the writer make any unusual use of diction or syntax?14. Does the writer use imaginative figures of speech? Pattern of imagery?15. What styles or levels of speech are associated with particular characters?3116. Does the narrators tone reveal his or her attitude toward characters or events?17. Is the tone of the story playful, humorous, ironic, satirical, serious, solemn, bitter, formal, or informal?18. Does the author use any objects or ideas symbolically?19. Does the same object have different meanings at different places in the story?3220. What is the central theme? And what other themes are explored?21. What elements of the story develop the central theme?22. How does the title of the story contribute to readers understanding of the central theme?33
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