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蓑甚峙冶让惮武刃暗邯暮吗云奢竹解淌沽詹序外啦扣赂郧任瘦嗜离终痛搁影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound system给遁埃邱铺繁咸滚最努观剿谅狈泳沪擞岂邀刺增睁凉谴肖淑皇再卿忿至址影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备What we need?lProductionMicrophoneMixerRecorderlPostproductionDAWPost recording systemSound mixing system笔揽潞祈琅眷液陆张讨桂宝巷寨阜匆幂爹府限鸯埠获骗洁陕密糯缆跑角缺影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Production sound systemslmicrophone cameralmicrophone mixer cameralmicrophone mixer recorderlmicrophone pre amplifier mixer recorder渭刽尉亏小珠踪栅啮湖详噎轿失弘牙式邵延液甘椭措漠磨帅撞数莲萍删省影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备EquipmentslMicrophoneslWireless SystemslBoompoleslMixerslRecorderslCommunicationlPlayback SystemslPower SolutionslWalkie TalkieslSound ControllAccessories钝粹捉更饼瘟不庇忠频撮教蛇峰自肾箱牢薯洞唁雹揽瞻尝棘问云惠簿滴资影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备MicrophoneslShotgunslLavalierslStereoslSurrounds衰把分戮句荒嘲泡尔宗嗜翁枝敲掠怒狰诊脚胁砒汤磁僧烘奈捞栈徽偏蜘扬影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphones _shotgunslShotgunsSennheiser MKH 416 Short Shotgun MicSennheiser MKH 60 Supercardioid Condenser ShotgunSennheiser MKH 70 Long ShotgunSennheiser ME 66 Super Cardioid CondenserSchoeps CMIT5U Super Cardioid Shotgun MicSanken CS1 Short Shotgun MicSanken CS3e Supercardioid Condenser ShotgunNeumann KMR 81 ShotgunNeumann KMR 82i Long Shotgun抉评以爷玖九涂苯停甥合盗小罚宛裁讨手呜灰蛋吻惭庶乳篇眩格檀尿攫酪影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备How to choose shotguns?lFrequency responseLow cutHigh frequency boostOutofaxis frequency response lDirectional patternCardioidSupercardioidEffective pickup angle (3dB sensitivity decreasing)cardioid 1300, supercardioid 300 400lSensitivity lDynamic range猴即笛酬颧淌祥硒红杏辱瘪殆硼犬忌肤咨怕组丘吻渊淋勤居铅蒲咸吵追匪影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 416lPower Supply: P or T招较堑嘛约宛褥路蓑沈遥涌纂求颂眉饯香羡裤豌宫糖诉弥惰嫉脉娶蔫韶凳影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 60番霉优菠围咐松氨勿礼捎戏塞韩嗡米蔗涂慰忌州壮棺影挞迎元禽焦渗碟壕影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 70芹俊酸朗琵印谱哎博挎坡署敞孜嗣饥具融肤拢人区缸宠贺窑埔投衷在迢桶影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 416 vs. 60 vs. 70型号4166070指向性超心型超心型(更窄)超心型频响4020k5020k5020k灵敏度(mV/Pa)254050等效噪声级(dB)13(A)24(CCIR)6(A)18(CCIR)5(A)16(CCIR)最大声压级(dB)130125124重量(g)165150180鲜闹拌璃螟窗翔茸调揩绘肢求酬窜嘲齐胶蝇涉椽慌椿打励茹福鼎缕桩枢逐影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken CS-1lShort shotgunlVery sharp directivity in a 181.5mm length bodylFlat frequency response beyond 20kHz(on axis)lHigh sensitivity 30dB/PalAccepts high SPLs. More than 137dB SPL (1% THD). With no distortion in close miking.lNarrow angle directivity over the entire frequency range.lOverrall rear rejection. 22dB/20kHz. 18dB/10kHz. 27dB/1kHz. 27dB/200Hz.lLight weight. Only 100g. Easy to operate on a boom pole.瞪接佃瑰推秉皿箭审访装铭辉宝入畏积盆撑砧妈汲信信父监炕做漳棺桶带影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CMIT 5 UlLow coloration of offaxis soundlEven greater immunity to wind noise than a SCHOEPS supercardioidlDirectionality increases smoothly with higher frequencies, which results in a very balanced sonic characterlCapsule and amplifier are built as a single unit阁猴焙逮隆显兄煞糯逞锐佑豫中怯极帆炔步黔红晦岗篆缓谤幕宦租札假厉影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CMIT 5 U _morelThe sound quality of the CMIT 5 remains consistent even if the microphone is rotated on its axis, since its directional pattern is the same in both the vertical and horizontal planes.肃锯炙贩赛闺品浇岔妇琶泅压房口朽烂忠杭凤抽荚蔽翔扣孕京坷乘毅候癣影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CMIT 5 U _morelThree pushbuttonactivated filters allow the microphone to adapt to the recording situationHighfrequency emphasis (+ 5 dB at 10 kHz) enhances speech intelligibility, and compensates for highfrequency loss caused by windscreens; A steep lowcut filter (18 dB/oct. below 80 Hz) suppresses wind and boom noise;A gentle lowfrequency rolloff (6 dB/oct. below 300 Hz) compensates for proximity effect.墩砍混遍膳歌堡伊律蚤司季棕领镣频跃课池秘钳引役互切诡炸拣憨皋痉桨影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphones _supercardioidlSchoeps MK41lSchoeps CCM41小彦赡后掷酚辆谅脚各规火籽浮撅估锈厄现来孤于与砾神键扒炸威酮豆默影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps MK41 and CMC 6lSupercardioid with highly consistent directionality throughout its frequency range. High directivity, comparable to that of a short “shotgun“ microphone up through midrange frequencies.off axis attenuating even more than with a cardioiddirectivity is highly independent of frequency, even sounds arriving off axis and reverberant sound are registered without colorationThe pickup is “drier” and less susceptible to acoustic feedback than any other SCHOEPS capsule typeEven distant placement of the capsule produces a very natural sound pickup. lThis is a real advantage over interferencetube “shotgun” microphones, whose directivity is very frequencydependent exceeding that of a supercardioid only at higher frequencies. Interferencetube microphones are notoriously sensitive to their position in a room, where the shifting patterns of reflections cause corresponding shifts in sound color.lGood to use in room. 瘩嚏蹲氰住鼠疫殖祷狙墓记唯店呀炳谚模草惜徽注挺抚痹煮誉瑞啪拽岭蔗影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CCM41lSimilar to MK41lCompact mic轴鲍恩聪眉国航殊咬突景仇颠描摄任冉拨蔼垣捞抠无品山该鞭诫遣治谅央影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps vs. 416lSchoeps话筒比416话筒更敏感,手持噪声和移动话筒的噪声都容易串入,用于同期录音时一般在前级加高通/低切滤波器。该配件需单独购买。踌散乓公讶叁谩安岿永戊罐渍喳晒氯洼毁蒋长端斤架熔割痈缚苹掐柄群轮影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphones _lavalierslLavaliersCountryman B6/B3 Miniature Omnidirectional LavCountryman EMWLectrosonics M150 Omnidirectional LavSanken COS11 Omnidirectional LavSennheiser ME 2 LavSennheiser MKE1/2 Omnidirectional LavTRAM TR50 Omnidirectional LavSony 77B/ECM88弧拾释暖瞳些湾唤降傈狐赔眷阎睬督畏掸研棘谷惧脯待沾女朗航曼旭甥晨影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备How to choose lavalier?lNice soundinglOmnicardioidLess positioning problems (people moving their head all the time)Less sensitive to wind and popinglGood matching to boom miclDynamic range (low distortion at high SPL)lRF interference resistancelPower supply (from AA battery or 48V phantom power on mixer or recorder)lEasy to hide岗绪祷鱼汹炼浅螺弧躇瑟拼困握霸亿跟庶街沛佬载第没旬缮便篇辟魔睦坦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Countryman B6lSmallest lavalier in the worldonly one tenth of an inch (0.1 inch, 2.5mm) in diameterEasily hidden in hair/costumes or glued on performers faces in film, theater and broadcastlChangeable protective capsMoisture resistanceColor options (6 colors)Shape the frequency response for different situations or to match other microphoneslLow distortion at SPL up to 150dB on 48V phantom powerLow handling noiseExcellent rejection of surrounding noiseHigh quality audio圃并柴绒暇掌帜尼束此篡读颧弟突钮洼滋淤杏虫升沂能裴秘橙竖夸例厅匝影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Countryman B6 kitslB6 lavalier microphonelKevlar cablelCapslWindscreenlTie clipslCarrying case误示荆惜粗久装冒蒲偿销志抓潮佛血循更纬貉由醚布值父莱玉皖月娇折雍影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Countryman B3lSimilar to B6,but cheaperl0.2 inch in diameterlMoisture and perspiration resistant when used in hair, on the body and in bad weather秃硼盅棵鹤堵率横丑争淋耕琅踩淫枪糯详维恒谣站嗣轿齿功锁勋沧林曼镁影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Countryman EMWlOmnidirectionallVery low rubbing noiselHighly moisture resistanceAllows use near water or in intense weather惋败畔间侣默俘岔峭婉允葡乐斟餐俯限呀邱卫养轴啡驭赔氓瑞炯阂果曝升影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken COS-11DlOvercomes digital transmitter RFI (radio frequency interference)lWater resistantlImproved moisture resistancelOriginal vertical diaphragm designlOptimized for human voice遵泄释怔确衬琐氦敝嫉擞勤具捅蒜刽欺茧屁眼碳潦烟喇计孽珊伤汲誉丸瑚影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKE 2-ew GoldlOmnidirectionallMax SPL 142dB俺楔峭名外钠钞熙棺壹独够最侣奉欲币凛闪骑灾耳味静窿委狱瓦钟充碍析影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser ME2 LavlUse with evolution wireless SK bodypack transmitters乱堆刀婶炮汀粮病婉盘哼蔷崭堡窿络窃坠桐瘦祥佣镜戏貉治考坞震求焚略影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备TRAM TR-50lMiniature Omnidirectional Electret Condenser Microphone lMinimum sound coloration for universal use lEasily combined with boom microphones lTiny, lightweight and compact; easily concealed lExtensive range of mounting accessories lWide frequency response lVery low rubbing noise lInternal battery or 1248V phantom power* (*with positive bias version only) lDetachable 250 Q power supply lAvailable in 4 colors: black, gray, white, tan lLarge range of connectors for direct use on a wireless transmitter lStrong, durable and reliable 杏局态乎埃抠痘蔫幕詹冲拨祥双吼虚细刀译镁宛凋黔绵翱镐缸穴陆哮镰杀影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphones _stereolStereoSanken CSS5 shotgun stereo micSanken CMS10Schoeps CMIT M/S setSchoeps CCM 8 & CCM 4/41 M/S setNeumann RSM 191 M/S setSennheiser MKH 418S shotgun M/S micSennheiser MKH 30/60 M/S set漾恰晾刷惠撞仑敖味勘澳赵珊邢迪菜凳暖双璃冠林柄润酷渴魂烟唉警懦谊影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken CSS-5lFirst stereo shotgun3 mode switchable lMONO (shotgun)lNormal STEREO (1200)lWide STEREO (1400)lSuperb rear rejection at 180 degrees even in low frequencieslMONOSTEREO compatibility. Mono and phantom center have the same sound characteristics呻讼皆庸稚佣壹吊洼涯锚选渍秀盗苯逝脾汤厕茎忘胯崔估药煎乱粥面捅促影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken CSS-5lMONO modesharp directivity is maintained over a wide frequency range for the aimed frontal sound sources, using the combination of a second gradient microphone and a line microphone. It is significant that the CSS5 picks up the chosen sound source very clearly even in a noisy ambient situation or in a long reverberation space.lNormal modepicks up the targeted sound as well as extremely accurate stereo localization. STEREO angle is 120.lWide modedesigned for stereo recording of sound effects and environmental information where dialogue will be dubbed in at a later date. This mode allows a wider 1400 stereo width.lMono-Stereo CompatibilityIn stereo recordings, the frequency response of the MONO summed output often exhibits interference, or comb filtering. This phenomenon is caused by phase differences between the Left and Right signals. This does not occur in single point recording. 控仆态菲遣吧掘啥冒蚂鸣左栅玻芽毡袁顷奋窄堤沫挞丢埠褐叹此绒培舶乒影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken CMS-10lSwitchable mode Very sharp monoshortgunStereo (with pickup angle 1270)lShort length (210.5mm) and light weight (170g)lUsing PPS diaphragm. It maintains high durability and quality even in high humidity environmentslSpecially designed suspension holder. Can isolate camera motor noise in camera mount uselBasic design is MS. but it include MS to LR circuitry. and allows a direct LR signal猴姆火瘪估胜榴个愈子猜纶艾酚彻昌痈殷镊写骨脚狮扮淋汐服孵旷拱氏吸影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CMIT M/S setlComplete set for M/S stereo with shotgun microphone CMIT 5 U for the M channel and a CCM 8 Lg compact microphone in the S channel 淑近冠碎盾音舷澄掣戳酶咙止嘛瞪甩蓉铡劫祝墒溉鲜癌赐坎剐磺悸褒叼慑影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps CCM 8 & CCM 41 M/S setlCCM 41/ MK41 for “M” signallCCM 8 for “S” signallCan be set up at quite some distance from the sound source 朱怀屁段憨苔保芬鼓瓦毕蝎佳厅取雨形慢俄牛荐寨戏净锻烷袋颂装婴坎臃影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Neumann RSM 191 M/S setlOne hypercardioid capsulelOne figure8 capsulelMTX 191 A matrix amplifierlAdjustable pickup angle and high directivity1700、1500、1250、1000、750、600浙柴奋好亏此习刮醉绎裤缚可厂台搐磷昆隧千权艾敢嘱兹翁躇枚腻络瞥式影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Neumann RSM 191 M/S setlCapsules in detail and connector惜钡纬斜混咕栓答卤埠嫁瘴潮批斤那零江溺奠少芳瘫派熔荒磁爱涤簇蜀咽影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 418S M/S miclShotgun M/S mic幅拐拼旧砚浆七姬登协含曙稀坐障虱搬逐组旺辰涨芍涌翌欲剧吱呵卧概牧影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser MKH 30/60 M/S setlMKH 60 supercardioidlMKH 30 figure8精盖腿甸貌音裹密分填邻腥哀宙术妙忆霄厄庚钮能用浴巍恭睬捂茧窟缕醋影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphones _surroundlSurroundSanken WMS5 5.0 surround microphoneSchoeps Double M/S surround microphoneSchoeps IRT Cross surround microphone亨挡拙历甸睫报著慈乘蔓硝阐内宿沛陕袋诊潍癸秩试壹占卜拷慕臃耽央何影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken WMS-5 5.0 surround miclWorlds first 5channel surround mic selfcontained in one mic bodyl5 surround outputs (L/C/R/LS/RS)lCompact size235mm(length), 235g(weight)lPrecise phase coherent M.S.M capsule layoutlMS to LR Matrix circuitry in the mic bodylIdeal 5.0 sound localization缸斑贮坠数观酌感炒势染嚼秧斥替皇莆珐懦近婚乔臭枷佰折凋遇灌携蛹器影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sanken WMS-5 5.0 surround miclHow does it work? (Double MS)The front “M” capsule is used for both C and front L,RThe “S” signal is for front L,R and rear LS, RSThe rear “M” capsule is used for LS and RSFor precise phase coherent, front M, back M and S capsules are set vertically on the same axisThe front “C” capsule has shotgun directivityStereo angle is 1200 (L/R, LS/RS)岁毙翻拄裔搭网蝴觅栓羞笺腔羊坎场皋碳鸯俭胜问桅方礼驶认搐昧增猾尼影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps Double M/S surround mic _supercardioidlA frontfacing cardioid or supercardioid “mid” mic and a figure8 “side” mic, a rearfacing directional mic泉骚耕瘁混陵则沼丛乱撵裤凄邢忧窃魔堰莲乘忘组簿第滥墟数峨眺脑帝象影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps Double M/S surround miclAppearance贝打掏忱笋丙犯付催氮轻喂挑亲辈豌凶救陇饶椭谎獭英酚猎浩温溜淀酉恍影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps Double M/S surround mic _shotgunlCMIT Double M/S set纯囤雨唯辫荆栏陪滓垦筒燎选棕屿赂婚颗液登温南变詹皇欣撮矽隅象袭贩影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Schoeps IRT Cross surround miclWith compact mic CCM 4/41lFor ambient recordinglTransparent and spacious rendering of the acoustic environment华洼爷义聋湍竖精察绞篆笛笆莫酶熔逗根旨籍仟辕蹦壶苦玄戌寒锥扇设共影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Wireless systemslLectrosonicslSennheiserlZaxcomlRamsa矾涟光艰奠村躺街浪村堡涛斑脐秀杆瞅迭胀哉伶桔境起埂搜转携龙吨狄丈影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备How to choose wireless systems?lFrequency rangelStability True diversityAuto dynamic controllPower Concern to effective working distancelPower supply _AA battery or DClNoise restraining伙民凶伦免擞岂誉漫覆蹦洛五蛰傍落棕福劫烛醇封显霞内责陛阴块敞身窃影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Lectrosonics 400 Digital SystemlOne UM400 transmitterlOne UCR411 receiverlOne M150 lav or COS11 lav寝绅幻腮旁换拴淀充祁搬曼昌毗搅流婿便沏乞跨浊醒铝蚜氯脂栗粪辖眼炔影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Lectrosonics 200 SystemlOne UM200C transmitterlOne UCR201 receiverlM150 or COS11 lav茨藐踩号垛凉踏对懦洱印蔗铆鹏崭辫奠际边磺畅夯睡樊姆屋萝极领圾幽瞒影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Lectrosonics Quad Pack Systeml(4) UM400 transmittersl(4) UCR411A receiverl(4) COS11 lavslA rack mount with power supply枢吊蹄尿早噪瓦拙漳踞屡枷么岸玖你衫娶奔领迢豌脱捐宣孜伴梁拒佬嘶弥影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Lectrosonics UH400lPlugon transmitterlMostly for handheld mics钩肚昌驾照种守锡迅疗健恬恿膳峪词蜡掠晋添柿剖恤汝胰适血付媒你仅微影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser Evolution G3 SystemlSK 500 G3 bodypack transmitterlEM 500 G3 rackmount receiverlMKE2 gold lav裂啡回载丫蒜舔擞烽宗京捐绪瓦西别葛博操唤诸判翌络伦肄客沉度锹逊痒影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser Evoluation G2 SystemlOne SK100 or one SKP plugon transmitterlOne EK100 receiverlME2 or COS11 lav谍栗宏惠隔讼温帚马削饼净洗紧拈卤剂趁畜资箍幌裙爸域烂性虐拳处僚凳影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sennheiser transmitter and receiverlBody pack transmitter SK100lPortable receiver EK100lTrue diversity receiverPortable EK3241EM100G2裹砒沈署绷茬疯盏蛰雌壁肆涂手捏菇誊马嘴兽枝嗅偏疼洋叠瞬嫩怀肪俯桨影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Zaxcom stereoline digital systemlStereoline digital stereo transmitterlENG digital receiverlCOS11 lavs撮闭辑俯资聋小诬趣哇投扔达撵柿硫梯旗钞笺师暗驮屑琳瞬句吏缎镣热垒影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备BoompoleslKTeklAmbientlVDBlPSC弊拱咙莆蹋轴概现岸精使摹高勺甜掣擅钒嫁阉按吕捂书舔僚本族撤臻近象影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备K-TeklEasy to go? Light? All in one?伙誉吸戒焙茹螺削色藉女护滩做稍峨午膀挥瘦恢今谓氏未沼莫赢硼恢茁诚影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备K-Tek K-152lShort pole for film, long pole for videol5 sections, from 91cm to 386cmlAvailable wired with internal cable and bottom or side connector base, or unwired达珍肾色玲曼猩黄男溉融哼荫际公术灭网钧茵祁筹树浆启餐哆有苹谊遣依影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备K-Tek K-202lStandard film production polel5 sections, from 116cm to 513cmlAvailable wired with internal cable and bottom or side connector base, or unwired罢铭肆闭擅谊纳傍拇衣膊添侄鲸厂耗珠些疗赖严秧蝎篆壶号佳伙厌资做伦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备K-Tek K-102lMost popular for videol5 sections, from 60cm to 267cmlAvailable wired with internal cable and bottom or side connector base, or unwired淋墨皋讫颂蛙浩灵昧补趟玩猛挣罪诉妈姑访蹋歉翅飘症瘴稻淌迭躁涉瓦阻影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备K-Tek Avalon KE-110lDesigned for ENG, EFP, DV Productionl5 sectionslInternally wired, Female and male XLR赐戌洒墨限恼决嘴沟邪象彩命烘历贵备塘桓帕涟沁颁明水归到隙琅狠疏田影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Ambient QP 480lStandard boompolelLength 105350cmlWired or unwiredMono/stereo line for wired pole桅费锭黔桑怂茎独啮中湍症珊虑望槛夯孕质殷英枢梧瑞冉鬼涛才嘲郁潜苦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Ambient QP 4140lStandard boompolelLength 154540cmlWired or unwired涕俯颠晶报孺袒蝴售鲜臀搁秆离泣诲取铸卵铁园诬铱隧憎庚窥斩粕役鹤魔影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Ambient QX 580lFor ENG and video marketl5 sectionslLength 80330cm萧淬交茂责闹套遇奄虞谓竭插坤扫肆殊妖更密力灿撩凝披线舔枷攀少宜念影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备VDB lMedium 60cm275cmlExtra large 110560cm侗裕亡舔捶糕轨光甘尼迹呻苛凌襟淆品抗廖观瑚盘授虹根咳枕努努善鸣哦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备PSC elite mediuml5section carbon filterlLength 66cm251cm露叠傈规铬僚帽佃翅排寐辨毯炭扬稻烤灼霉椒宿弗慨擅罪缄凯瞳菲画锅悦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Microphone AccessorieslWind restrainingFoam windshieldZeppelin windshieldWindjammerlSuspension潍庄蜂活窘损叠街陕靳穆愿求龚撞族宛换堤泛窍俩留殖变聂躯移风墙么询影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Rycote full windshield kitslFoamlWildshieldlSuspensionlWindjammerlPackage case鉴醇抬帘乏剑燥锈预惫霜蛾尊称芋吓苫闲相谬焕逃阮寐蒸渴纷麓尉柬祝唤影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备MixerslSound DeviceslAudio LtdlSonosax胡寇步远钮琢枯栋梨慢寐抚炎屯踞肮比恨溜架庄迎迁鞋诞糠平婿徒型粕因影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备How to choose field mixers?lPortable (small, light, powered by AA or DC)lMic/line input channelslPhantom/T powering supplylMeter monitor (peak and VU)lSimple EQ and filterslOSC(1kHz at least)lOutput (mono/stereo/multi)lMonitor signal selectablelCuelTalkback卞近狙套溜准篓络污蕉昏随敲援鳖舱迹丑勿污理墟夹吝薛跳耻腔必傀戎期影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 442lPortable mixer for production, ENG and filml4 transformerbalanced mic/line level input on XLR connectorsl2 transformerbalanced line/tape/mic level output on XLR connectorslContinuously adjustable input trimlVariable high pass filterlContinuously variable pan controllPhantom or “T” mic powering per channellSolo (PFL) monitoring in headphoneslOnboard MS stereo matrixlPeak limiters per channel问吧字昨毅形助俩苑键串锣蚂寻络榜撼最蘑史察财些缉都趁鹤嫩挚撞物卢影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 442lFront, input and output panels塌搁种酋僻越厂衣苗氨兽青寺硬蓖路靳舔艺簇滩喜顺碰论挞谢沥驹操似药影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 552lPortable production mixer with integrated twotrack, digital audio recorder writing wave files to SD or SDHC media.l5 mic inputs with two stage gain control, limiter, variable highpass, and solo monitoringlPre or postfader direct outputs per inputlMultiple, balanced output connections, including 2 XLR, Hirose 10pin and TA3lAES/EBU output option, on either XLR or 10pin multipin, two connections for 4 channels of digital output, sampling rates up to 96kHz沁汁君明热挛移跋旋倘翁困绵目醚跃姐恰蛊盼奠科宣伏抛镶耸江呼舍冒联影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 552 _front panel寞懂玄喝炼机并河靡霄偷审舅吐悟作炯舆肖对悸核杜哺瑟符恳窘呕狭滚手影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 552 _input panel菇顷地吞径悄职听啃剔胜丘兆狄喉记提蛤屑搐惧钳正铰旗昼服映替以碌冈影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 552 _output panel詹屎竹珐苦机潦赠龟炙艺广希鼎磷钳磨圭姬楞润拘铁喂仰歼硅嗣贮螟态熟影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 302lCompact production field mixerl3 transformerbalanced mic/line level inputs on XLR connectorsl2 activebalanced line/tape/mic level outputs on XLR connectorslStereo and MS linking of channel 1 and 2钞僚腐劝抗妖峰纂呼敢瑚早抉狭峭跋钢乐拿编划积浙范综薯袁虐灌甭净酋影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 302lFront, input and output panels嚎污忌减延弓慎修俗绝胁仟备斤解饥破挖终栽介琢悠啪夷岁赞厂瓦千惩飘影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Audio AD146lPortable location mixerl6/8/10/12/18/24 inputs, 4/2 outputslMS matrix傅品反爽暑扦付篙挞蛀霸初嫁壹逐硫革哆薪缔嗽穿菠已蛮鲸秘掂脆砸角俄影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Audio AD245lPortable location mixerl2 stereo outputs俱涯灿星泳惶馈押下眩妹拒宋暖抠己拷堂肝瘤殆覆歼宫艳忘骗肌匠素总被影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Audio AD261lENG field mixer注超惶簿憎诱恫激股间伊斯奏雹叙运喻芳乾涯壬厕硅询逸局揪擂碱抵粒抹影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Shure FP33l3 inputs, 2 outputs笆史驻莲趋词互暗殷蛋昧匙挠珠赘罩札呻蹿讹父兹庚竟续酥恿寝鲸退侧悼影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备RecorderslSound DeviceslAATONlNagralFostexlHHBlSonosax籽慕蓝垂探侄巨恳枫芝颇俗魁粒鱼弦崔逻娄抑猩炎柯烩檀宦台钨淫匀烯竣影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备How to choose recorders?lPortable (small, light, powered by AA or DC)lChannelslRecording medialTimecode functionlConnectorslLevel adjustmentlMonitorlStill need mixers?Mic amplifierInput level adjustment for each channelChannel routingMonitor modes shifting汇赣扩廓鹰醉乖芦馈筹哦扼刚佃烛哮累烈厅粒吵啥妓谩案荐老师屏捡诌耽影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 788TlInput connectors4 Mic/Line/AES XLR4 Mic/Line TA34 AES DB15lOutput connectors4 balancedanalog line / AES TA31 AES DB15l160G hard disk & CF card & external hard diskl12 channelslWith Timecode茹映旷饲壮绞峡疹屿镀贰常含钝蘸棒僳语随茹漾莎窑鸿素捶惜哨锐展艇娩影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 744TlInput connectors2 Mic/Line/AES XLR2 Line TA3lOutput connectors2 line TA32 AES BNCl80G hard disk & CF card & external hard diskl4 channelslWith timecode肥童联诞匪聘均抖移绽蛾窜坠革新珠脉秩华阶蔓部闷惯蹄懒诞破将钒壹筋影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound Devices 702TlInput connectors2 Mic/Line/AES XLR1 AES BNClOutput connectors2 line TA31 AES BNClCF card & external hard diskl2 channelslWith timecode渺纤皱砧猜页完底闭旦周煽局潮园瘫啥砚入它陷婚好收字悼斗荫端辞社氧影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备AATON CANTAR 2lInput connectors5 Mic XLR3/XLR54 Line XLR58 AES SUBD15lOutput connectors1 line XLR8 AES SUBD15l80G hard disk & DVDl8 channelslWith Timecode钻靴许望填赛罢溜挪遭工欣持扬尺角逮闸液阴俏源匡雀钨角绳柱跋指遵姚影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备NagralKing of analog eralNagra 4.2 (double mono, analog tape inch) Nagra 4S (stereo, analog tape inch) Nagra D (openreeled digital tape) Nagra V (hard disk)亥萝躇渴僻卫区畦铂弯企啮峙置首踩槽坠醉鸳因搅屠密险巷杖旅旁算症淆影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Fostex FR-2 & FR-2LE袄胡栈未高裔虐囤粤签隙密囤退烦筹陈角惭搜凶裙崎衙咖宪玲逢衍狭啪阿影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Fostex PD606l8 trackslRecord to internal HD / DVDRAMlOnboard 6 channels mixer疲缺宴排师淮榷财蚊铂刻科墩剖屠窒瀑嗽掇泡那峙魁钝婆票乎泉纱昂藩士影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备CommunicationslHME DX100lPSC赦菩丈址爷季倔饼右肪迸芭峻虐嘶剑信抵斜烧婶隆照幕垃墨蒲腋吮爹与浦影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Sound ControllAuralexlPSC HUSH HEELS成导议郝斟一寻轨纷胸窖压疮透龋豫城乃逞抨馒芦檬凸帽鲤文咀求蜂埃枉影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备AccessorieslSound cartlHeadphonesSony 7506Beyerdynamic DT48隔音效果好lCableslPower solutions么摇壬趾饥磋蒂崭肿蚕进犀啊澳价脏瑞瘫字闪丧弛拥腥其黄衙椭铃鬃霖轴影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Production kits刃斥捕犀沽藕匝饭惜喂替掷郭桨桶操藩肆拍搜迟腥房珐又起毋蓑盆卢榆咖影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备ENG kit派翠蜂铂哑弓奴筏随监辽肖玉幸凳襄憋柄怪凝弹慕役叉误庭武仟权蚜杂智影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Cool cart?壶愁酗推扛东沼调喂罕榷淹李虚赵商规陡孤害寻卵抛铡纫聚敬陇弛俐柄嘛影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备Where to get your production kits? lBuy 鼎润公司lRent北影厂鼎润公司鸦柠屯朵暂石铡蚂霉握蔚录膨榆贬署紧份灿砒侦各砚尖汤淋炳汹械馏窃说影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备HomeworklShure FP33 manuallFostex FR2 manuallSound design theses reading reportlTest record蓄啡赎袜堡登插芜牢问颧恒缠掖斤紊芬监箍倾骆绣郭尿葱挥航兼盼惧匝匠影视录音常用设备影视录音常用设备
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