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Diction (2)Sept. 15-21Diction: Choice of WordsAttitudeFavorableWordsNeutralWordsUnfavorableWordsStyleOrFormalityFormalWordsCommonWordsColloquialWordsSlangWordsHow do you like this paragraph?It was fine last weekend, so we went to the countryside and had a good time. We saw many things and people there. We did many things there, too. It was such an unforgettable weekend.Words: General and SpecificParts of Parts of SpeechSpeechGeneral General WordsWordsSpecific Specific WordsWordsNNprofessionalsprofessionalsscientists, doctors, teachers, scientists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, etc.lawyers, journalists, etc.V Vlaughlaughcackle, chuckle, giggle, roar, cackle, chuckle, giggle, roar, guffaw, snigger, titter, etc. guffaw, snigger, titter, etc. Adj.Adj.a good mana good mankind, honest, generous, selfless, kind, honest, generous, selfless, brave, ambitious, etc.brave, ambitious, etc.Adv.Adv.He speaks He speaks impressively.impressively.He speaks He speaks precisely/concisely/confidently.precisely/concisely/confidently.He is eloquent./His speech is He is eloquent./His speech is humorous.humorous.NoteCompared with other words, some words are general or specific in meaning.professionalsscientiststeacherslawyersdoctorsphysicists chemistsbiochemistsClassifi-cationFunctionsUsedGeneral WordsTo express an abstract and vague idea, to describe a writers feelings toward a person, place, or thing. In introduction, conclusion, topic/concluding sentencesSpecific WordsTo make writing clear, exact, vivid and strikingWhen providing supporting detailsSample SentencesnAdolf Hitler was born in Europe. nAdolf Hitler was born in Austria.nMrs. Goodwin is very old. nMrs. Goodwin is seventy-two years old.nJohn weighed much more than his brother, Bill. nJohn looked like the middle linebacker that he was, whereas his brother, Bill, was a tall, thin long-distance runner.nThe class read a Shakespearean play. nThe class read As You Like It. nThe class read Shakespeares As You Like It. n nJimmy was funny. n nJim tells jokes constantly, ones that leave a person rolling on the floor in laughter. In order to write precisely, we need to expand our vocabulary and watch for vague words. TipHouseMansion 豪宅豪宅Villa 度假别墅度假别墅Chateau 乡间别墅乡间别墅Bungalow 平房平房Cottage 尤指乡间尤指乡间的小屋的小屋Cabin 尤指森林、尤指森林、山区里的小木山区里的小木屋屋Hut 尤指木头、尤指木头、泥巴、草、石头泥巴、草、石头砌成的只有一砌成的只有一两间房的小屋子两间房的小屋子Shack 简陋的小屋简陋的小屋子如窝棚、棚子如窝棚、棚房房Shanty 穷人住的、穷人住的、不结实的、简陋不结实的、简陋的小屋子的小屋子Shed 常构成复常构成复合词储藏室合词储藏室 a bicycle/tool shed Barn 谷仓、畜棚;谷仓、畜棚;美公共汽美公共汽车、卡车等的车、卡车等的车库车库 Ways of WalkingCreep 蹑手蹑脚地走蹑手蹑脚地走Limp 一瘸一拐地走一瘸一拐地走Pace 徘徊徘徊Pad 轻轻地走轻轻地走Plod/trudge 因疲因疲劳或负重而沉重劳或负重而沉重缓慢地走,步履艰缓慢地走,步履艰难地走,费力地走难地走,费力地走Shuffle 拖着脚步走,拖着脚步走,挪步走挪步走Stroll 散布、溜达、闲逛散布、溜达、闲逛Stagger 受伤、醉酒后受伤、醉酒后摇摇晃晃地走摇摇晃晃地走Stomp 因生气重步走,因生气重步走,小孩子噔噔地走小孩子噔噔地走Tiptoe 踮着脚走踮着脚走Adjectives to Describe Foodappetizing 色、香引起食欲色、香引起食欲的的tasty美味的美味的, delicious 美味的、美味的、香的香的flavoursome (flavorful) 味道丰富味道丰富的的Flavourless (flavorless) 无味的,无味的,Spicy加有香料的,用香料调味加有香料的,用香料调味的的, hot 辣的辣的nourishing, nutritious 有营养有营养的的Wholesome 有益健有益健康的;康的;abundant 充足的充足的Fresh 新鲜的,新鲜的,decaying 腐烂的腐烂的tender嫩的,嫩的, tough 咬不动的咬不动的Replace the general words in the following sentences with specific ones to convey a clearer idea.1.The famous movie star bought many houses all over the world.2.Lovebirds on campus often spend a lot of time walking around.3.The food served in this restaurant is really good.ClothesJacket, waistcoat (vest), blouse, shirt, Jeans, flared trousers (pants), trousers (pants)Pyjamas (pajamas), nightdress (nightgown), polo neck (turtleneck), cardigan, sweater, tracksuit (sweats), tracksuit bottoms (sweatpants), anorak (jacket), fleece, overcoat, raincoat, cagoule (jacket), trench coatVocabulary Expansion: Different Ways of LaughingGuffaw: to laugh noisily 哄笑哄笑atCackle: to laugh in a loud, unpleasant way 嘎嘎地笑嘎嘎地笑(with delight);母鸡等;母鸡等咯咯叫咯咯叫Roar:to laugh very loudly 哈哈大笑哈哈大笑(with laughter)Chortle:to laugh loudly with pleasure or amusement 快乐地哈哈快乐地哈哈大笑大笑 with delight多是当众的多是当众的 Chuckle: to laugh quietly, Chuckle: to laugh quietly, especially because you are especially because you are thinking about something thinking about something funny funny 轻声笑,尤指想到滑轻声笑,尤指想到滑轻声笑,尤指想到滑轻声笑,尤指想到滑稽事时发笑稽事时发笑稽事时发笑稽事时发笑(at)(at)通常是低声或无声的通常是低声或无声的通常是低声或无声的通常是低声或无声的, , 也也也也可为单独思考和阅读的反响可为单独思考和阅读的反响可为单独思考和阅读的反响可为单独思考和阅读的反响 Snigger/snicker: to laugh in a Snigger/snicker: to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way, quiet unpleasant way, especially at something rude especially at something rude or at someones problems or or at someones problems or mistakes mistakes 窃笑、暗笑,尤指窃笑、暗笑,尤指窃笑、暗笑,尤指窃笑、暗笑,尤指对无礼行为或他人的问题或对无礼行为或他人的问题或对无礼行为或他人的问题或对无礼行为或他人的问题或错误发笑错误发笑错误发笑错误发笑(at)(at)Titter:to laugh quietly, especially in a nervous or embarrassed way 窃笑,尤指紧张或者窃笑,尤指紧张或者为难地笑为难地笑Giggle: to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous 因为感到有趣、因为感到有趣、为难或紧张而傻笑为难或紧张而傻笑Translate the following sentences .1.他想起捉弄他们的事就忍俊不禁。2.他们排队等候时,紧张地傻笑着。3.当我开始讲话的时候,听众中有人嘎嘎地笑了起来。4.听到这个笑话,男孩子们哄笑起来。5.他看上去那么滑稽,我们都哈哈大笑起来。6.比尔快乐地哈哈大笑。7.那些女生常聚在一起窃笑他浓重的口音。8.我发现他正在抄袭我的作文,他不好意思地冲我笑了笑。1.He chuckled to himself when he remembered the trick hed played on them. 2.They giggled/tittered nervously as they waited for their turn. 3.When I began to speak, someone among the audience cackled.4.All the boys burst out into a guffaw/roar (guffawed/roared) at the joke.5. He looks so funny, we all roared/chortled.6. Bill chortled/roared with delight. 7. Those girls often got together and sniggered/snickered at his strong accent.8. When I found/caught him copying my composition, he tittered/giggled at me.In order to write precisely, we need to form the habit of thinking concretely and analytically.TipSample paragraph: Point out the general and specific word(s) in the following paragraph and tell how the writer makes the paragraph effective. The beggars hair is extremely dirty. It seems that he never washes his hair. He keeps scratching his head, and the passers-by watch “snowflakes fall continuously. Suddenly a bird flies by and rests on his head, for it takes his hair for a comfortable nest.Exercise: Illustrate the following idea with supporting details.Smoking has many ill effects.1.The poisonous nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce smokers fitness. It is proved that smokers are more likely to suffer from lung cancer.2.When smokers smoke at home or at their workplaces, their family members and colleagues become passive smokers. As a result, these innocent peoples health will be unfavorably influenced. 3.As the price of a pack of cigarette ranges from ¥5 to more than¥100, smokers, poor or rich, will lose a sum of money, which they could have spent on books, nutritious food, sports, high quality of TV sets, etc., not on meaningless smoking.3. 3.Heavy smokers tend to have yellow teeth, yellow fingers and their mouth gives off disgusting smell. Not many people would like to stay with them for quite a long time.4. 4.When careless smokers throw the lit ends of cigarettes onto something easy to catch fire, a fire would break out. Such a fire may burn a house down or destroy a big forest.Problems with Student WritersThe ideas student writers convey are general and ambiguous for the followingtwo reasons: * no specific words are used to make the ideas clear * no concrete details are used to explain the ideas Revise the following paragraphs to make it effective.Some people are quite in favor of the campus opening to the public. They believe that people at all levels will be able to enjoy the university culture and learning atmosphere. For students from primary and middle schools, after touring famous universities they may have the incentive to become a university student. Revise the following paragraphs to make the ideas clearer.Some people are quite in favor of the campus opening to the public. They believe that people at all levels will be able to enjoy the university culture and learning atmosphere, for example, the posters, lecture rooms, labs and library. For students from primary and middle schools, after touring famous universities, they may have the incentive to become a university student. Revise the following paragraphs to make the ideas clearer.Some people are quite in favor of the campus opening to the public. They believe that people at all levels will be able to enjoy the university culture and learning atmosphere, by obtaining lots of new information from all kinds of posters, visiting labs and library, watching sport games or listening to lectures given by famous professors. For students from primary and middle schools, after experiencing colorful life on campus, they may have the incentive to become a university student. While others argue that the easy access to campus will lead to some problems. The pouring of tourists to the campus may not only break the normal order of university life. Whats worse, tourists often damages the beautiful environment.While others argue that the easy access to campus will lead to some problems. The pouring of tourists to the campus may break the normal order of university life. Some teachers complain that their work or research is often disturbed by the loud speakers of the tour guides. Whats worse, the careless littering from tourists often damages the beautiful environment.
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