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Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History MakersHow much do youknow about them?1._fought for the rights of black people in the USA.2. _led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China.3. _ invented the light bulb, the moving picture camera and many other things.4._ worked to help poor people in India.Match these descriptions with the photos Task III: Read and translate them into Chinese1.revolution_2.creat_ 3.invention_ 4.racism_ 5.experience_6.equal_ 6.influence_ 7.struggle_8.victory_9.protest_10.march_革命革命创造创造发明发明种族主义种族主义经验经验平等的平等的影响影响斗争斗争胜利胜利抗议抗议游行游行P24-2Well, I (1) _ Mother Teresa is important, because she spent her whole life working with poor and sick people. Im sorry, but I (2) _. (3) _, Dr Sun Yat-sen is very important. He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China.think dont agreeIn my opinionExpressing OpinionsYes, (4) _, but I think Thomas Edison is important, too. He created so many machines and inventions that we still use today.I (5) _ with you, but (6) _, I think Martin Luther King is also quite important, because he fought against racism and his actions changed American society. youre right agreepersonally Expressing Opinions1. Before listening, make sure you understand the task.2. If possible, try to guess the answer. Listening Strategies3. Dont panic! Just try to get the general idea for the first listening. WhenWhat happened1929. 1.15King was _in Atlanta, Georgia.childhoodHe often_ _. He was once asked to give a _to a white person. But he believed black and white people should enjoy_ _.1960sHe mainly organised _ protests to win_ for black people. He was _ into _17 times.1963He organised a_ to Washington D.C. and made his_ _there.1964He _ the Nobel Peace Prize.1965He organised a _protest. It was Kings first_ .1968He was_ by a white man who _ black people.WhenWhat happened1929. 1.15King was born in Atlanta, Georgia.childhoodHe often experienced racism. He was once asked to give a seat to a white person. But he believed black and white people should enjoy equal rights.1960sHe mainly organised peaceful protests to win rights for black people. He was put into prison 17 times.1963He organised a march to Washington D.C. and made his famous speech there.1964He received the Nobel Peace Prize.1965He organised a peaceful protest. It was Kings first victory.1968He was killed by a white man who hated black people.TFT1. Martin Luther King was from the United States.2. Martins first experience of racism was with a bus driver.3. His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses.4. He went to prison sixteen times for organising protests.FListen again and decide if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).5. He organised a march to Washington in 1963.6. He made a famous speech there beginning with the words : “I have a dream”7. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965.8. A white man killed him in 1968.TTFT【探究探究1】: 词汇学习词汇学习 Notice some useful phrases in the listening text and give the meanings词组互译词组互译1.在我看来在我看来 _ 2.为为(争取争取).而斗争而斗争_3.为反对种族主义而斗争为反对种族主义而斗争_4.赢得平等权利赢得平等权利_5.发表著名的演讲发表著名的演讲_ 6.获得诺贝尔和平奖获得诺贝尔和平奖_7.组织和平抗议组织和平抗议_in my opinionfight forfight against racismwin the equal rightsmake a famous speechreceive/win the Nobel Peace Prizeorganise peaceful protests8.组织游行示威游行示威 _9.被关被关进监狱_ 10.继续做某事做某事_11.周游世界周游世界_ 12.改改变人人们的的观点点_13. 获得医学学位得医学学位_ 14. 给某人某人让座座 _organise a marchbe put in prisoncontinue to do sth.travel around the worldchange peoples opinionsreceive a medical degreegive a seat to sb.Fight vi. 打架;与打仗,与斗争;反对提案n. 打架;战斗,斗志Fight for 为了(得到)而战Fight against 为了反对而战Fight with 和并肩斗争,用武器斗争Fight back 抵抗,反击,强忍住,恢复Fight about 争吵,争夺【探究2】:选用所给单词或词组补全句子。选用所给单词或词组补全句子。 fight, fight for, fight against, fight with, fight back, fight about1. My husband is angry at me. We had a _ over money.2. It is not important and not worth _ small matters.3. She doesnt think it is right to use animals for experiments, so now she _ animal rights.4. He _ racism, and his actions influenced American society greatly.5. Why did you _Kate this morning? 6. He is always taking advantage of you. Now its time for you to _.fightfighting aboutfights forfought againstfight withfight back1.工人工人们为争取他争取他们的的权利而斗争利而斗争2.2.她她满面笑容的面笑容的进了屋。了屋。3.3.我的老板同意我的老板同意给我我涨工工资。4.4.在我看来,摧在我看来,摧毁毁这幢大楼是个耻辱。幢大楼是个耻辱。 5.5.她的一生都致力于她的一生都致力于为穷苦和有病的人工作。苦和有病的人工作。The workers are fighting for their rights.She came into the room with a big smile on her face.My boss has agreed to give me a pay rise.In my opinion, its a terrible shame that the building was knocked down. She spent her whole life working (devoted to working)for poor and sick people.【训练2】单项选择单项选择( )1. The Chinese Communist Party _July1,1921. Ahas founded on B. was founded in C. is founded on D. was founded on ( )2. After a whole days discussion ,we agreed _the date of the meeting. A. to B. with C. on D. in( )3.The army officers _a revolution against the king. A. leading B. lead C. leaded D. led( )4. This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot. He _trying to save a child in the earth-quake. A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing( )5. Slowly the old woman took out her pocket book, and an old photograph _out of it. A. dropped B. was dropped C. was dropping D. had been droppedAgree with 1. -sb/ ones opinion 2. (天气,食物,工作)适合 3. 与一致我同意你说的I agree with what you said.这的 食物不和我胃口The food here doesnt agree with me.他的陈述与事实相符His statement agrees with the factsAgree to 1. 同意,接受sth 2. +do 他们同意这个计划They agreed to the plan.他们同意尽早离开They agreed to leave as soon as possible.Agree on 1. 双方协商后达成一致 2. +sth/doing我们不能商定一个价格吗?Can we agree on the price?他同意帮助我们He agreed to helping us.Agree in 在某方面同意
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