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1 新知预习课Unit 3 ComputersPeriodPeriodMatch the words(词汇连线)(词汇连线)1) n./vt .类型,打字类型,打字2 ) v. 发信号,信号发信号,信号3) adv.无论如何无论如何,即使如即使如 此此4) vt. 解决解决5) vt. 计算计算6) adj. 电子的电子的7) adj. 私人的,个人的私人的,个人的8) v.探索,探测,探究探索,探测,探究9) vi. 出现,发生出现,发生10) n. 目标目标 1) solve 2) explore3) goal4) signal5) type 6) arise7) electronic8) anyhow9) personal 10)calculateMatch the phrases(词组连线)(词组连线)1) from.on2) watch over3) in common4) after all5) as a result6) with the help of7) in a way8) deal with 1) 毕竟毕竟2) 处理;安排;对付处理;安排;对付3) 结果结果4)某种程度上某种程度上5) 在在.帮助下帮助下6) 看守;监视看守;监视7) 共有的;共同的共有的;共同的8) 从从.时起时起根据释义写出单词根据释义写出单词1) _: complete change in ways of thinking,working,etc2) _: connected computer system3) _: to make things easier4) _: to find answer using numbers5) _: able to be moved from place to place6)_: to work out the answer to a problem7)_: to travel around the area to find out about it8) _: completely9)_: anyway10)_: activity of managing moneyrevolutionnetworksimplifycalculatemobilesolveexploretotallyanyhowfinanceKey words1. in common共同的;共有的共同的;共有的(常和常和have连用连用) 1. have little in common 几乎无共同之处几乎无共同之处 2. have nothing in common 没什么共同之处没什么共同之处 3. in common with 和和.一样一样 4. have something in common 有一些共同之处有一些共同之处 5. have much /a lot in common 有很多相之处有很多相之处Practice1.They have nothing _. ( 毫无共同之处毫无共同之处) with each other in character.2._ with other boys (和其他男孩一样和其他男孩一样) ,he is also fond of football.3.I found that I have _ with him (我与他有很多共同之处我与他有很多共同之处).5.They are twins , but they have _._. (他们几乎没有共同点他们几乎没有共同点)in commonIn common much in commonnothing in commonKey words2. solve vt. 解决解决, 解答解答1.It was clever of you to _ the problem. 你很聪明解决了这个问题。你很聪明解决了这个问题。2. I cant _ the problem. 我解答不了这个难题。我解答不了这个难题。 3. Help me to _ my financial troubles. 请帮我解决经济困难。请帮我解决经济困难。4. An apology from him _ the quarrel. 他的道歉使争吵和解了。他的道歉使争吵和解了。5.An official was sent to _ the argument 一位官员被派去解决争端。一位官员被派去解决争端。solve solve solve settled settleKey words3. arise vi. . ( arose, arisen)出现,出现, 发生发生 1.A problem has _ in the Foreign Office. 问题已在外事办出现。问题已在外事办出现。2.This is the point where the difference _ . 这是产生分歧的地方。这是产生分歧的地方。3.Many difficulties have _ as a result of the changes. 由于变化许多困难产生了。由于变化许多困难产生了。4. Everyone knows the sun _ in the east. 每个人都知道太阳从东方升起。每个人都知道太阳从东方升起。5. Anyone who knows the answer to the question, please _ your hands. 知道答案的请举手。知道答案的请举手。arisen arise arisen rises raise Key words 4. signal n. 信号信号 vt. 发信号发信号1. She sent a _ that he was about to turn left. 她发出信号表示他要左转。她发出信号表示他要左转。2. We live too far from the city to _ a strong television signal.3.我们住的地方离城太远,收不到清晰地电视信号。我们住的地方离城太远,收不到清晰地电视信号。4. The police _ the traffic to move forward slowly. 警察指示交通缓慢前行。警察指示交通缓慢前行。signal receive /pick up signaled Key words5. goal n. 目标;目的;目的地;球目标;目的;目的地;球门;得分门;得分1. He has _.他已实现了他他已实现了他的目标。的目标。2.Youd better _ a goal before you start the training.在开始训练前你最好先设定目在开始训练前你最好先设定目标。标。3.They _ of their journey. 他们他们实现了旅途目标。实现了旅途目标。4.Baggio _ his first goal for Italy. 巴乔为巴乔为意大利进了头一个球意大利进了头一个球 。achieved his goal set reached the goal scored 根据首字母或汉意写出单词根据首字母或汉意写出单词1. John showed great interest in science and _ (科技科技) when he was young.2. Credit cards have resulted in a _(革命,(革命,革新)革新) in peoples shopping habits. 3. I cant tell natural flowers from _ (假(假的)的)ones in the shop. 4. It is said that dolphins are much more _ (聪聪明的)明的)than other animals. 5. The scientists _(计计算)算) when the spacecraft would reach the Moon. technology revolution artificial intelligent calculated 6. The English in this story has been s _ to make it easier to understand. 7. Computers are attracting u _ interest; even small children are learning how to use them. 8. Theyre carrying out a program to e _ outer space.9. This afternoon Ill t_ the letter for you.10. P_ speaking, his job will not be difficult if he has learned enough about computers.implified niversal xplore yped ersonallyMultiple Choice (单项填空)(单项填空)1. He was very smart and _the crossword in ten minutes. A. dealt B. ended C. solved D. settled2. If you want to _the narrow alley(胡同胡同) of old Beijing, youd better use the pedicab (三轮车三轮车).A. explore B. express C. exchange D. explode3. I cant tell you the exact time when I will get there,_, Ill be there as early as I can. ASo B. Anyhow C. Therefore D. Besides4. -Tom and Mary got married last month. -Are you kidding? They have _ in common. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything5. Many people trusted Jack and thought highly of him ,but ,_, I think he is actually dishonest. A. personally B. generally C. especially D. specially6.When the question _ at the meeting, no one could answer it. A. rose B. raise C. came D. arose7. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her ,_, she is a great musician.A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual.8. _, the cost of various repairs adds up to just over a hundred pounds.A. In common B. In general C. In total D. In particular9.Tony studies harder this term,_, he has made great progress in his lessons. A. As a result B. After all C. In spite of D. Instead of10. We cant _ on having a good weather for the outing. A. evaluate B. calculate C. predict D. concludeWriting : Computers I began only as a _(计算的)(计算的) machine in 1642 in France. I could _ (简化)(简化) difficult sums then. I could “think” _(逻辑地)(逻辑地). At that time it was considered a _(技术的)(技术的) revolution and the start of my “_(人工的)(人工的) intelligence”. _(随着)(随着) time went by, I have been made smaller and smaller. First as a PC ( _(个人的(个人的 ) computer), Then as a laptop. My memory has become _(如此)(如此)large that I can hardly believe it! As a result ,I _(完全的完全的) changed my shape. However I was always standing there lonely until later they gave me a family connected by a _(网络)(网络). Since the 1970s many new _(应用)(应用) have been found for me. I have been put into space_(火箭)(火箭) and sent to _(探索)(探索) the Moon and Mars. Anyhow my _( 目标)目标)is to provide humans with a life of high quality .Suggested answers calculating; simplify; logically; technological; artificial; As; personal; so; totally; network; applications; rockets; explore; goalHomeworkLearn the words and expressions by heart after class & get ready for the dictation next class.
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