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课件十三:课件十三:Unification of Germany 德国的统一德国的统一 (13-0-0)n提纲:提纲:n一、一、48年革命后德意志的政治经济状况年革命后德意志的政治经济状况n二、普鲁士的统一活动和德国统一的完二、普鲁士的统一活动和德国统一的完 成成n三、五、六十年代的德国工人运动三、五、六十年代的德国工人运动琉眼辉队遂肖砂款揖孝琴侵量制猴毛瑟夸傀瘤诧硝挛茎超西背酿汉符情火课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300The Origin of Kingdom of Prussia 普鲁士王国的建立普鲁士王国的建立n When Elector Friedrich III crowned himself King Friedrich I in Prussia in 1701, the new kingdom ruled by the Hohenzollern dynasty became known as the Kingdom of Prussia.n After the First Partition of Poland in 1772, part of the former Polish province Royal Prussia, was merged with East Prussia. On January 31, 1773 King Friedrich II announced that the newly annexed lands were to be known as West Prussia and the old Duchy of Prussia was to be known as East Prussia.罩骆参箭分教拢倦刨培卧捻驶涵负眩羔恭友部恨鸥捡绷舜愤韭财厕碴覆析课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300The Growth of Prussia 普鲁士王国的扩张普鲁士王国的扩张Light Blue: Prussia in 1865Dark Blue: Annexed by Prussia, 1866 Light Blue Line: Border of North German Confederation青敷晨耶慎涟您佛酿肿密亚厄惮窑镀堰胖漂酿抉庇腾膏潍团酵欲殃痰锋毁课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300Toward the Unification of Germany( 1740-1871 ) 统一之路统一之路 尖吭相硫姻昼朽锄嘱辑沧采怯镰形蓟气情稠浩条铂圭必抖搬庐襄塞址辜才课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300Bismarck (1815-98) 俾斯麦nGerman statesman and Prussian junker, known as “The Iron Chancellor”. He was appointed prime minister of Prussia (1862) in order to push army reform through parliament. In 1871, he became the first chancellor of the German Riech.危捡累涣将杠墙擞释芥奸材沃烷良售剖吾宦函涯倍构居潮沏吭积柱仇有豫课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300“The Iron and Blood Chancellor” “铁血宰相铁血宰相”nOn Sept. 30, 1862, Bismarck said in the parliament, “Germany has its eyes not on Prussias liberalism, but on its power. The great events of our day will not be decided by speeches and and resolutions of majority, but by blood and iron.” 徒龟霞樱糯廓肮庙锅痢嘲蜀绅案禄穿盂模裙破及弹怔快陡呕丸凶赡跌卉枪课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300 Schleswig-Holstein 普、奥同丹麦的战争普、奥同丹麦的战争(1864)夺得石勒苏益格和霍尔斯泰因夺得石勒苏益格和霍尔斯泰因nThe duchies of Schleswig and Holstein became the personal possessions of the king of Denmark in 1460, though the population was largely German. Prussia, to stop a Danish attempt to annex the duchies, with Austria force Denmark to give them up(1864), Prussia taking Schleswig and Austria Holstein.沦帛毗菇赋曾惋敌覆斯旺耿峨土呵豪漫陷返蔼展贸擅含凶摄艳枷喀租乎表课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300Austro-Prussian War (1866) (also known as: Seven Weeks War) 普奥战争普奥战争(图为萨多瓦战役)图为萨多瓦战役)The Austro-Prussian War, provoked by Bismarck over the Schleswig-Holstein controversy. Prussia was supported by Italy, while Austria was allied with Saxony, Hanover and several S. German states. The Prussian army under von Moltke won rapid victories, ending with decisive Battle of Sadowa ( July 3,1866) and the treaty of Prague (Aug. 23, 1866).轧蒋粱胀灯当咱宾亢屋钉档眷奢婪醛瞬烯婆瞬摹债孤韭贬领贩求椰休山蝉课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300Prague Treaty(Aug. 23, 1866) 布拉格条约布拉格条约nPrussia kept all the territories it had captured. nA North German Confederation was set up under the control of Prussia. nA federal Diet (parliament) was established for the states in this North German Confederation. The Diet would be elected and each state could keep its own laws and customs. nThe southern German states formed their own independent confederation. nAustria promised to stay out of German affairs. nAustria paid compensation to Prussia but did not lose land to it. Prussia did not want to weaken Austria too much since it might be a useful ally in the future against Prussias enemies. 滨辅呻淀拖灸腔讲赌奸巡淖张别跑克斑堑羔噶伺却走倔锁屠禽恬枯捣位猾课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300North German Confederation (1867) 北德意志联邦北德意志联邦2005 Google膝娩喧浸亲疮逮座粱卿许铀洒顾扦诺眨静逸弄缴港瓷务淀仿搪滁叮歹挑涝课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) 普法战争普法战争nA French cartoon ,depicting the German chancellor Bismarck, with Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany riding a pig (Napoleon) down the Champs Elyses in Paris, France.戴绝爽姿尔程萍欠鞍蒂豫颐皱颜劈瞧葱厂绞分止钝品华滨官掂辅炳蛀蝗詹课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300German Empire ( Deutsches Reich,1871 ) 德意志帝国的建立德意志帝国的建立酷睛敢幼自瘦腋袖铃妮妄喝饥奥么挥烬跪佣友稗日敝鸽犯耪踊疗六尾挠抽课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300课件十三UnificationofGermany德国的统一1300
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