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专题十三、情景交际常考点清单一 社会交往常考点清单二 情感态度常考点清单三 常见俗语、 谚语神孤侣史芽搂濒骤一捧惊侥虱芯伞酗蹄淫嘎方鸳邪中苇虫暮镶霸鸟司帕瑞专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际专题十三、情景交际常考点清单一 社会交往1.感谢 (Thanks) 2.道歉(Apologies) 3.邀请 (Invitations) 4.请求允许 (Asking for permission) 5.提供帮助 (Offering help) 6.约会 (Making appointments) 7.打电话 (Making telephone calls) 8.就餐 (Having meals) 9.劝告 (Advice ) 10.建议 (Suggestion) 袍纠雹菩撤缀槐蜡锯辊靡并私亮黍沃蔓闪凳厂贰队隋豪烈诛翠峻屏慑谴讯专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际1.感谢 (Thanks)1.Thank you (very much).2.Thanks a lot.3.Thank you for your help.4.Its very kind/nice of you.5.I appreciate your help.1.Its a pleasure.2.My pleasure 3.Dont mention it.4.Not at all.5.No problem. 6.You are welcome.7.Thats OK./all right.律牙浓镑潜涛狙见勃原曾骆容想厦谬儿埠遇下膜锅膀丧贬饰烩加蜘汪欢刀专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2.道歉(Apologies)A:1)Sorry./ Im sorry.2)Im sorry ( that ) Im late.3)Im sorry for losing your book.4)(Im) sorry to interrupt / trouble you.5)Excuse me, please.6)I beg your pardon.对不起,请原谅。B:1)Never mind.2)It doesnt matter.3)Thats OK./all right.4)Its OK./all right.5)No problem. 6)Its nothing.7)(You can) forget it.8)Thats all right.Thats OK./ all right.可以回答感谢、道歉No problem.1)可以回答感谢(不客气)、道歉(没关系)2)没问题。(乐于相助或事情容易做)隋记隶伯荚润艘玩版潍恕送梢检孵不浴汉贫驱纫风呈咽君诱垄培憋削凸制专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3.邀请 (Invitations)A:1)Would you like to go for a walk?2)May I invite you to dinner?3)What/How about having a swim?4)I wonder if we could go shopping.B:1)Thank you. Id like that, thanks.2)Yes, Id love to. That would be very nice.3)Sounds good/great.4)Why not?1)No, thank you.2)Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill.3)Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.4)Im sorry I cant. What about another time?Why not? 邀请的回答。建议。Its very nice of you感谢。回答邀请。What about? 邀请及回答。约会。建议。昧轴禾烽甸陌样坎笋鲁靶絮伦镐玲孤脐烘冒遏蝎零拿耀临刽虚奎脓糕固剿专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4.请求允许 (Asking for permission) 1. May I come in?2. Can / Could I use your telephone? Yes, you can.3. Is it all right if I sit here?4. I wonder/ I am wondering if I could smoke here?5. Would/Do you mind if I smoked/smoke here?1. Yes, please.2. Go ahead, please.3. Please do.4. Sure. / Certainly.5. Of course, you can . /Yes, you can.6. Thats all right.1. Im sorry; its not allowed.2. Im sorry, but you can smoke in the next room.3. Im afraid not. 4. Youd better not.5. Id rather you didnt.女趣蔬萄酥旷唱开太伙谅旗兰盖胀衫宵睹雾灵愉范课由双赚废鞍庆膳陆频专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际5.提供帮助 (Offering help) 1.Can I help you with that?2.What can I do for you?3.Do you want me to clean the room?4.Would you like me to help you?5.Let me take your bags.1.Yes, please.2.Yes, thanks.3.Thats very nice of you.4.Thank you. That would be nice/ fine.5.Thank you for your/the help.1.No, thanks.2.No, thank you.3.Thank you all the same.4.Thanks , anyway.5.Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.榨椽闸仅恃珍犊厉块田醚痘帧嘻鼎假蝶豢倦眠夕逻苹昂垮纵擎颓语跌鼓哇专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6.约会 (Making appointments) 1.Will you be free tomorrow?2.Do you have time this afternoon? 3.Id like to make an appointment with Jones.4.When /Where shall we meet?5.What time is convenient for you?6.Could we meet at 4:30?7.Lets make it at 4:30?8. How about tomorrow morning?1.Yes, Ill be free then.2.All right. See you then.3.Thats fine with me.1.Im afraid I have no time.2.Sorry, I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.咐瞥豹刨互采残袜靶鞘槽扒刽劣芍疗硷碌天够菲酪思九刺枣辖谱及之省咒专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际7.打电话 (Making telephone calls) 1.Hello! May I speak to Tom?2.Hello! Id like to speak to Mr. Green.3.Ill call back later/again.4.Ill ring him/her up again.5.Is that Liu Ying speaking?6.Can I leave a message?7.Extension six two two six, please.转1. Hello! This is Mary (speaking)! / Speaking!2. Hello! Whos that?3. Hello! Whos (that) speaking?4. Sorry. He/She isnt here right now.5. Sorry, I cant hear you.6. Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.7. Hold the line, please.不要挂断电话,继续维持通话。8. Hold on, please.别挂断。9. Just a moment, please.10.The line is bad/busy/engaged.11. Can I take a message?绒吹毙执杭哼肝往钮敛舍娶惑栽血杀玲裕翻劫娩滦濒撅粒融情缠勃瞻热景专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8.就餐 (Having meals) 1. Would you like something to eat/drink?2. Would you like some more fish?3. What would you like (to have)?4. What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?5. Which do you prefer, rice or noodles?6. Help yourself to some fish.1. Yes, Id like a drink.2. Id like rice and chicken.3. I prefer noodles to rice.4. I like green tea.5. Just a little, please.6. Its so delicious. Thank you.7. Can I have some more soup?1. No, thank you. Ive had enough.2. Ive finished, thank you.3. Its very delicious, but I cant eat any more.施赣倾纹田索釜酌脓错芒青赛吱繁皑窘样薯哄捍枣钞铁丛梢荚兽糜再袜敢专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际9.劝告 (Advice ) 1.Youd better go to see a doctor.2.You should listen to and read English every day.3.You need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary.4.If I were you, Id phone him now.5.Dont rush/push/hurry.6.Please stand in line.奄器氦蹄心苹瘩峭海州磐戊刹镰赞白茁酝齐栓养跳酌泡账姐讨琢验花秦邪专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际10.建议 (Suggestion)1.Lets go and have a look.2.Should we go now?3.Why not go to a movie? Have you considered doing?4.Why dont you buy a computer?5.What / How about a picnic this Sunday?6.Maybe it would be better to.7.Maybe we could.8.In my opinion, we should9.As far as I can see, the best thing would be to10.There are several things we could do.11.You may ask for help.军荤宅油襟汹勿蟹熟匪技疑吭呻呢梅丛疲搓填膨撅文叁芝岭缆舀瘩酒锚昼专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际I wonder if we could go shopping.邀请I wonder/ I am wondering if I could smoke here?请求允许May I invite you to dinner?邀请May I come in?请求允许Thats OK./ all right.可以回答感谢、道歉 Thats all right.回答请求允许。No problem.1)可以回答感谢(不客气)、道歉(没关系)2)没问题。(乐于相助或事情容易做)Let me take your bags. 提供帮助 Yes, please.回答请求允许。回答提供帮助 Thats very nice of you.回答提供帮助。Its very kind/nice of you.感谢Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill.回答邀请That would be nice/ fine.回答提供帮助。Yes, Id love to. That would be very nice.回答邀请Thank you for your/the help.回答提供帮助Thank you for your help.感谢Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.回答提供帮助Its very kind/nice of you.感谢空么婚凋趁允栅省辙兴垛验宋展谰绞在脸悠檀罩踏燎掸仿骂谎氢啼撵羊陵专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际How about tomorrow morning?约会What/How about having a swim? 邀请Im sorry I cant. What about another time?回答邀请Id like to make an appointment with Jones.约会Hello! Id like to speak to Mr. Green.打电话Would you like to go for a walk?邀请Thank you. Id like that, thanks.邀请Would you like me to help you?提供帮助Yes, Id love to. That would be very nice.回答邀请Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.回答邀请Im afraid I have no time.约会回答Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.回答邀请疤趴翘丛折刨组蓟今拨乙杜扮貌吁睛戴褒禹娩忽肄座琐慷慢夏孕划硷左圣专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际常考点清单二 情感态度一、态度1.可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)2.偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies)3.愿意和打算(Intentions and plans)4.希望和我愿望(Hope and wish)5.表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)二、情感1.高兴(Happiness)2.惊奇(Surprise)3.忧虑(Worries)4.安慰(Reassurance )5.满意(Sastisfaction)6.遗憾(Regret)7.同情(Sympathy)8.恐惧(Fear)9.愤怒(Anger)和猫欣酪苛喧尚坤沧限聊烘孜隋霓涂诡垦嫩处养人屈译秃锨怠若告臣舌板专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际1.可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)1.Its probable / likely / possible that 2.Sb / Sth is likely to do.3.It is possible (for sb.) to do4.It is likely to do5.He can/may come today.6.It may snow tonight.7.He may not come so early.8.He cant be in the office now.9.It is not likely to snow soon.10.Its impossible to finish my homework within one hour.Not likely不可能,才不会呢任填歹纳洛醒享盯述锥依贩秆婚澎蜡泽血海孙屠涨珐雌千慑书一煌荣晴赃专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2.偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies)1.I prefer tea.2.Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?3.I prefer tea to coffee.4.Id prefer to go by train.5.I like English better/ best.6.My favourite subject is physics.7.Id rather drink coffee than tea.8.Where would you rather go, London or Tokyo?宁愿做某事1 would rather do sth.2 would rather do sth. than do sth.3 would do sth.rather than do sth.4 would rather sb did sth5 prefer to do sth6 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth7 prefer doing sth to doing sth歼酋爪污拱糜筷杯栗诽夺卯罢须哩哈梁囱么裂饥难豢有劳封粕蜜诽尤蝴府专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3.愿意和打算(Intentions and plans)1. Ill go with you.2. Im going to see my head teacher this afternoon.3. Id like to make a phone call to her after class.4. I want/ hope to find an English penfriend.5. I plan to go to Hangzhou this summer.6.Bill intends to spend his vacation in California.7.We are ready to move to a new house.8. I am thinking of driving to Beijing.9. I wont see the movie again.10. Im not going to buy the book.11. I dont want to live in the big city.12. Id rather not live in the big city.韵超艘纱箩懂伏意式菌佑痢挝饯肌郝新请歌絮妖跪涣恋炔旺歉号暴敬焚犹专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4.希望和我愿望(Hope and wish)1.I hope to become a doctor.2.I hope it stays fine.3.I hope so./I hope not.(I hope/ expect/ be afraid not. I dont believe/think/guess/suppose so. I believe/think/guess/suppose not. )4.I wish to see you again.5.I wish I were younger.领筋喀瞒猛歹贾腿鲍镰航沃创铜累朔磋镣摆延田芦德餐绝订惰脯遍瘫祭尿专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际1)wish to doI wish to be independent.2) wish + 宾语+ 补语(n./ adj./ to do)I wish you well / safe. I wish you to remain.3) wish + 双宾语(表祝愿)I wish you good luck/success!I wish you a happy birthday!I wish you a pleasant journey!4) wish +从句(要用虚拟语气)1)对现在情况的虚拟wish+从句主语+动词过去式/were doing2)对过去情况的虚拟had done/could /would+have done3)对将来的主观愿望would /could/might+v象性蹈郎乎郎艳羚岛瓮纶沉瓶粮舆改假焦乓浆匿泄介慌近饱皮辣咸阻携炮专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际5.表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)1.Very good!2.Well done!3.Wonderful !4.Excellent !5.Come on!来吧,加油,得了吧,快说6.Cheer up!7.Keep trying!8.You can do it!9.You speak English very well ! 10.Your dress is beautiful !1.Thank you.2.OK. Ill try it again.表示最高程度、独一无二或绝对意义的词。9excellent(ly), extreme(ly), wonderful(ly), perfect(ly),absolute(ly), entire(ly), total(ly), only ,single耍捶急岗赞宙享祖宝增劝谢矾漏庞济洞蔷圣舶问调尺奎麓午管孜割卑太撑专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际二、情感1.高兴(Happiness)2.惊奇(Surprise)3.忧虑(Worries)4.安慰(Reassurance )5.满意(Sastisfaction)6.遗憾(Regret)7.同情(Sympathy)8.恐惧(Fear)9.愤怒(Anger)阶谱灌待卒挡濒敢舷煽握涤抚筹磅罗炬切畴完畴挝渺驴刃看苗汝陇警羌知专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际1.高兴(Happiness)1.How wonderful / nice !2.Thats lovely/ great/ wonderful!3.Im so happy.4.Im pleased to know that.5.Its well done.6.With pleasure.非常愿意,礼貌地表示乐意做别人让自己做的事情。嘉屑笺笼勿裹陷鼻乳感母顿惦抱磷鸽修发装镑城螺妮组柞祈餐钎嫉兑拭票专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2.惊奇(Surprise)1.Really !2.Oh dear!3.How nice to see you!4.How surprising!5.What a surprise!6.Im surprised.7.It surprises me that your English is so beautiful.8.Does that surprise you ?9.Is that so?10.Is this what you expected?11.How come?怎么会呢?伤懂拢辽渭廓弦澄卸餐逼塘箔涕拔轰一唉灭禁沫标毕宏瘁倘花捣挽忱睫阑专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3.忧虑(Worries)1.Whats wrong?2.Whats the matter?3.Whats the trouble?4.Anything wrong?5.What should we do?6.Is something worrying you?7.Are you worried about your health?便寡模做荧瞩靳甲吟删物狸佃结微沈涕屠规憨髓疟锤与男虑蔼某煌胯私夫专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4.安慰(Reassurance )1.There, there.好啦! 好啦!2.Dont be afraid.3.Dont worry.4.Not to worry.5.Itll be OK.6.Itll be all right.7.Its (quite) all right.8.Take your time.别着急,慢慢来。Take it easy.茅纷符江收叁桓鼠矣泛贫亿乖查较科凄蹋簿怯犊退靡预醒影带几棺睫哉习专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际5.满意(Sastisfaction)1.Good !2.Well done!3.Perfect !4.Wonderful , indeed .5.Thats fine.6.Thats better.7.Thats good enough.8.Im pleased with your spoken English.9.You guessed it, great.兜鳞跑姓蛰扯闷翠散诸榷惠舅衔柞哨胖还郴貌汤竿穴物论磅塞迄贞憨芽渠专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6.遗憾(Regret)1.Im so sorry !2.Its a great pity !3.What a shame !4.Thats too bad !5.I wish I had never given it up.6.If I had been there, he would not have made such a serious mistake.跋索打嚷拈春办泻帖甭斟爸傲季扒灸蔚吕匡特稗匡鸦窄筑矿欢不矛蚤沤姜专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际7.同情(Sympathy)1.Im so sorry !2.Im so sorry about your illness. 3.Im sorry to hear you are going away. 4.Please accept my deep sympathy.be /feel sorry about / for sth感到遗憾或懊悔be /feel sorry for sb对某人表同情梨碾酵域故郊桨弯啦剑巴骋恫夜扎测蓟扩苇闲囱神娱湛砍铰挚躇漱券熔旨专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8.恐惧(Fear)1.Help !2.How terrible!3.Im afraid of that dog.4.I dare not go out at night.5.Im frightened.6.Its frightening that7.You scared me!8.She is scared to death by9.He gets into a total panic when panic U C 惊慌,恐慌;(定语)没理由的10.Whats really scary is11.It makes my hair stand on end.毛发竖立枯爪屋只匡孕讯善阂忆肉妄诽灵妮游屏露向歧功脂雷瓷蕉冤投酸轧壹覆午专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际9.愤怒(Anger)1.Damn ! 该死 !2.Isnt it annoying !3.What a stupid idiot !愚蠢之人,白痴。稚招稳饶脂迷腾期尽兰完屠赎茧昂钮欢洱少束纫篡铜旨拦猿挝氨速妖愁库专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际Well done!表扬和鼓励Its well done.高兴How nice to see you!惊奇How nice ! 高兴How wonderful / nice !高兴Thats lovely/ great/ wonderful!高兴Itll be OK.安慰Itll be all right.安慰Its (quite) all right.安慰Its OK./all right.回答道歉Thats OK./ all right.可以回答感谢、道歉 Thats all right.回答请求允许。Im so sorry !遗憾,同情鞘合仑珠较实尸且校剧搅混庚护歪央瞪本姨扬化液须恼翱锭萝蕉短煌圾斑专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际常考点清单三 常见俗语、 谚语1.A bad workman always blames his tool.不会撑船怪河弯。2.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。3.A burden of ones choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。4.A close mouth catches no flies. 5.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。病从口入。鼠捕澈柿芬鲁谩灼骆叭蔫叫稠镀访怕挡腮袒苗暑喻矾童民罢再鄂胖逗锤额专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6.A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑长一智。7.A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易。8.A friend without faults will never be found.没有十全十美的朋友。9.A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。10.A good conscience is a soft pillow.不作亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。砖簿骏瞬汉梧尤鉴楚钥君掠变蜡荡惹圣诈橙紊俄卉淹矮沟番斤隆梢贿稍播专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际11.A good fame is better than a good face.美名胜过美貌。12.A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。13.All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。14. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。15. All that ends well is well.结果好就一切都好。柿帮梅堰刮对隧苏碳增跋筹趋琳氮羡胃滋卤伞恳羽述筋唁至莎悲罕拐霞沫专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际16. All that glitters is not gold.发光的不一定都是金子。17. All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事都是由难而易。18. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。19. A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。20. A man is known by his friends.什么人交什么朋友。嗽仙殉骋术盼榷多勤倘邓字革够乍俯扮董歹踪壬随扔扭爸直篇椎瞥浮组荣专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际21.A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长草。22.A merry heart goes all the way.心旷神怡,事事顺利。23.A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。24.A rolling stone gathers no moss. (苔,藓)滚石不生苔。25.A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。耸民菠沏权袖戏纵徊郝搐啮西器塔薯楔脖测铸肮葡换驴赣屉欧幂兆朝螺败专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际26.Bad news has wings.好事不出门,坏事传千里。27.Better late than never.吃做总比不做好。28.Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚,人以群分。 .(vi.群集,成群结队而行)29.Business is business.公事公办。30.Caution is the parent of safety.小心使得万年船。俐逾缝蓉讣斤茫任路坍候鹤侨刮软拿棍步胯登原聘愚饿众硕阵驹叹磋骗着专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际31.Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。32.Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。( wears away 磨损) drip滴落,滴下33.Content is better than riches.知足者常乐。34.Count ones chickens before they are hatched.蛋未孵先数雏。35.Creep before you walk.循序渐进。(creep悄悄地走)淆钦纸斥醇巩迹锁毫宁椿撩蒲迁誓谊弹瞒藏诌宁崔纱光杀玫绳幌贫浊挞变专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际36.Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。37.Dont claim to know what you dont know.不要不懂装懂。38.Dont make a mountain out of a molehill.不要小题大做。39.Dont put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置。 cart 二轮单马车。40.Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.不要自找麻烦。了隘畦亦筐颅堕搪呼廖虞懂饮撅茄窒制赋俯凋柬殃陌疥妮讹普殃获毁郡瞅专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际41.Dont try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。(suck 用嘴吸)42. Eat to live but not live to eat.人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。43.Even Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑必有一失。44.Every dog has his day.谁都有得意的时候。45.Every minute counts.分秒必争。狱疯乓挡巫锭忻肉勺见粳掌剖恿嫌潞旺釉子过命楚胯著关猪态拈标帆呻康专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际46.Fire is a good servant but a bad master.火是一把双刃剑。47.Four eyes see more than two.集思广益。48.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.众口铄金,积毁销骨。49.God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。50.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。歹今搂抬搅履兵绊曼闯妻期连拇经锯邱酉阔掳吁旅十瞳夏赊瞬仕戒懒蒲说专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际51.He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.自嘲者不会让人见笑。52.History repeats itself.历史往往重演。53.If you run after two hares you will catch neither.脚踏两条船,必定落空。54.It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。55.Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。族喜毖棵您歼凡纸颗窿免捌干碘双敲父眶秸补赘舵引函维直斥碳纹鬃锯伺专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际56.Learn to walk before you run.想先走,再学跑。57.Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。58.Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦。59.Let the cat out of the bag.泄露天机。60.Like auther like book.文如其人。钧瞒楔诛及岸呕诺洱罩度谎农代翘蛹氰况帕踞冬吟讼臀诣履潍锅所裤筑厚专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际61.Love me love my dog.爱屋及乌。62.Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高。人多力量大。63.Many heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。64.Misfortunes never come alone.祸不单行。65.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见心不想(烦恼)。轰呻盂隧筛溃坡肖捷稠把耐乃关州桶摇数寅欠齿脱檀靠绰揪允宴钒菏咯隐专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际66.One picture is worth a thousand words.百闻不如一见。67.Treat others as you want to be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。68.Something is better than nothing.有总比没有好。69.The more the merrier.越多越好。70.The sooner begun, the sooner done.早开始,早结束。亩对田菲拆兔巍谓馋沦蝗喝鄂镶水瑶翔拔憋然尔害掏妆葵课雀泰宙宽蔽眺专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际71.It is easier said than done.说比做容易。 72.He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后谁笑得最好。73.You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.牵马到河易,强马饮水难。74.Lets kill the fatted calf.75.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。设宴款待。版洽缀悍徊辆洞题再笺温居摈慕蚂贯估阐狱帆坍肥信蚤贬邮贰遁茎吱销舷专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际76.A golden key can open any door.钱能通神。77.Thats a no-brainer.这很简单。78.Dont be a wet blanket.别让人扫兴。79.Im all ears.我洗耳恭听。80.Dont pull my leg.别开我的玩笑。真诧电续啦佰而剔版昏噪亩非丘矮界俱猫绩然欲炳坝檬骄菠剩钳桂叔蝶越专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际81.The best things come in small packages.好东西往往是小东西。82.The more, the better.越多越好。83.Its better to give than to receive.施比受更为有福。84.Every little helps.聚少成多。85.It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。腋禾淋谨础淫窝馆瞻拟苯忱蠢彝留跌卞电孩走织赃遁夸取淆恋涸而姜像梅专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际86.Think twice before you do.三思而后行。87.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。88.Friends are thieves of time.朋友是时间的窃贼。89.Friends agree best at distance.朋友之间也会保持距离。90.Friends must part.再好的朋友也有分手的时候。淫樱就诀俄汪咳吠窄胰钞妙仑橇术垣枢写蚊疆审衍媚剁腕遁拽典搂崎樱汉专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际91.A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。92.Early birds catch worms.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。93.94.95.于逛赛讨襄系捡僵琉请秃醋浓梧兄嘿日汪瞪甸敦液圾蕾屯饯撂袍眠酚袱未专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际 一、高考题组一、高考题组1Bill, can I get you anything to drink? _.A You are welcome B No problemC I wouldnt mind a coffee D Doesnt matterA You are welcome回答谢谢;回答谢谢;B No problem回答对方的请求;回答对方的请求;1)可以回答感谢可以回答感谢(不客气不客气)、道歉(没关系)、道歉(没关系)2)没问题。(乐于相助或事情容易做)没问题。(乐于相助或事情容易做)C I wouldnt mind a coffee来杯咖啡吧来杯咖啡吧 D Doesnt matter/ Never mind回答道歉回答道歉虏氰词铡填僧礼回睡绽沟动矮课官努艳溪捷媒爬劫哑杠抠咬慈指笆汀碧潍专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2 John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh, _!A cheer up B well doneC go ahead D congratulationsA cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 B well done做得好C go ahead 干吧,说吧,用吧,进行吧,行,好,赞同别人的做法 D congratulations祝贺谎艰膊氦受婿又架澡窜屯叭擞初酝害频伎乘浅卷劳颧臼但臣经卷敏逞陈挡专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3 Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! _. He has changed so much.A Never mind B No problemC Not at all D Me neitherA Never mind Doesnt matter/ Never mind回答道歉 B No problem 1)可以回答感谢(不客气)、道歉(没关系)2)没问题。(乐于相助或事情容易做)C Not at all 回答感谢;根本不 D Me neitherA:I dont like noodles.B:Neither do I./Nor do I./I dont either./ Me neither./Nor me.跨竭哈潘扶圾灿雄遁坞葵躺已写睛逮说绸蹄翻戚此咽望蔡剿橇腥馋墟犊超专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4 It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?_.A No, thanks. B Yes, my pleasure.C No, never mind. D Yes, I do.No, thanks.是一种最常用的礼貌拒绝语。是一种最常用的礼貌拒绝语。5 Hey, you havent been acting like yourself. Everything OK?_.A Im fine, thanks. B Sure, it is.C Thats good. D Its OK.你今天表现很反常,没事吧?我没事,谢谢。根据你今天表现很反常,没事吧?我没事,谢谢。根据句意是问对方身体状况。句意是问对方身体状况。屑厚龙犹淋告腋乔悟调剔揽类许犹指泣烧肤默企苞掸旗计纸钒蜡喻麻胆驱专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6 _.A I dont think so. B No wayC Not at all D I wouldnt say noI wouldnt say no我不反对;乐意接受;奉陪,我不反对;乐意接受;奉陪,表示接受对方的邀请。表示接受对方的邀请。当不同意对方的观点或看法时,经常使用当不同意对方的观点或看法时,经常使用I dont think so. Do you want another drink?仅表示一仅表示一种邀请,不是观点或看法。种邀请,不是观点或看法。7 Is it OK if I take this seat?Sorry, _.A here you are B take itC its taken D never mindtake it 坐吧坐吧 its taken 有人坐了有人坐了庶敷龋刽劲撅仕咐础孟棉才莆使伶滞饥化余芳定直凶氖态僧迁芒噪棘军纶专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8 Sorry, do you mind if I smoke here?Yes, _.A you could B go ahead C I do D my pleasureyou could你可以;你可以; go ahead 干吧,说吧,用吧,干吧,说吧,用吧,进行吧,行,好,赞同别人的做法进行吧,行,好,赞同别人的做法 I do我介意我介意 ;my pleasure没关系没关系9 Could you be so kind as to close the window? _.A With pleasure B go aheadC Yes, please D Thats OKWith pleasure十分愿意十分愿意 非常愿意非常愿意 礼貌地表示乐礼貌地表示乐意做别人让自己做的事情意做别人让自己做的事情Thats OK不用谢不用谢 没关系没关系斌跑顶了谐记腆驱锥啪筹拥暮躬晶沾衫跌豺秽顺计唯激噶惮廉拇准呆辛寸专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际10 Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting._.A I practise every day B Thank you very much C No, I dont think so D Well, its not good enough根据英语习惯,如果对方表扬你,你应该表示谢意根据英语习惯,如果对方表扬你,你应该表示谢意含厦洼宅烛甚南率殖印枕挝续真闻依持递圾恢愧墩嫩诵亦咱漏惺浇祈滩局专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际11 Your mum is very kind. Yeah. My mum is pretty considerate, you know what _, she always arranges everything around me.A she means B you mean C I mean D we mean英语中,当说话者认为对方明白自己时,可以说英语中,当说话者认为对方明白自己时,可以说you know what I mean12 Were organizing a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come._! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.A Good luck B What a pityC Never do it again D Well doneNever do it again以后别这样了以后别这样了凹轩卷丹跃趋蚀殖故莹露摇吾箕课业韶诺戌单聂摊悯檄矫枪技搓领粪寞嗜专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际13 Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better._.A Id love to B Im with you on thatC Its up to you D Its my pleasurePut on a happy face露出笑脸露出笑脸Id love to表示欣然接受邀请表示欣然接受邀请14 Do you mind my opening the window? Its a bit hot in here._, as a matter of fact.A Go ahead B Yes, my pleasureC Yes, I do D Come on撩户淑疚活谱匿鸟影盛在粤描息仆琶菇态蠕米砖窒鸵汇焕下幂娘馒酋致灶专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际15 May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_A Come on! B Take care!C Go ahead D Hold on!Come on!加油,常用来鼓励,催促对方加油,常用来鼓励,催促对方 Take care!当心当心Go ahead go ahead 干吧,说吧,用吧,进行吧,干吧,说吧,用吧,进行吧,行,好,赞同别人的做法行,好,赞同别人的做法 Hold on!别挂断,常用于打电话中别挂断,常用于打电话中徊敬澳贡拴办扇塞猫潭瞬幼象殊底溶矾冈锭迢促势射伐价吏舍穿奸拉逃鲍专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际16 Would you please help me with the box?_A Yes, please B No, please dont C With pleasure D My pleasureWith pleasure十分愿意十分愿意 非常愿意非常愿意 礼貌地表示乐礼貌地表示乐意做别人让自己做的事情意做别人让自己做的事情17 You are confident about the job interview, arent you? _. Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they need.A Sure, I am B Its hard to sayC I hope so D Well, maybe门任抚先卷穿奈支粟垦朵淄鲍蛊芍分普苑炽逊瑶念疲祁新陋堆砧楷陋雅戊专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际18 Ken, _, but your TV is going too loud?Oh, Im sorry. Ill turn it down right now.A Id like to talk with youB Im really tired of thisC I hate to say thisD I need your helpI hate to say this我真不想说我真不想说仍披其贮席吮副政湃羌穿捆券腰规郎逛涪内供课肌虚频诽魄型艘低饺隐庭专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际19 Thank you for your MP4 player. Ill ask Mary to take it to you soon._. Ive bought a new one.A No sense B No hurry C No way D No useNo sense没意义没意义 No hurry不急不急 不用急不用急No way没门儿没门儿 No use没用没用20 My mother is preparing my favorite dishes. Go with me and have a taste, okay?_. And Ill be glad to meet your parents.A I think so B Id love toC Im sure D I hope soId love to = I would love to go with you and have a taste.凸瘴主螟断暂稳柜擒详洱社编樱侯钙位赫效汉周咕皮武瓜逊根诣沙粱碧柿专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际高考高考题二二1Do you mind if I record your lecture? _. Go ahead.A Never mind B No wayC Not at all D No. Youd better notNever mind没有关系,不能回答没有关系,不能回答Do you mind?;No way绝不跟绝不跟Go ahead矛盾;矛盾;Not at all 根本不根本不 No. Youd better not跟跟Go ahead矛盾矛盾盒游哆毖垦杏途贰园祥褒讽老折甥剐瞩宝祷浦戮裔道熬笆矿唆交绩尺颓忧专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2 It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. Thats right. _.A Many hands make light workB Something is better than nothing.C The more the merrierD The sooner begun, the sooner doneclear up (天气天气)变晴变晴clear sth up 清理清理 整理;说明整理;说明 解决解决Many hands make light work人多力量大人多力量大Something is better than nothing.有总比没有好有总比没有好The more the merrier越多越好越多越好The sooner begun, the sooner done早开始,早结束早开始,早结束痪起含臆鹊坚葱帅蜜炔锹楔畦艇肤靴浪款伪濒晴禾寝鹅竣番秀轩孟谎筷铃专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club. _ Thats great!A Have I ? B Pardon? C Congratulations! D Good idea!Have I ? = Have I been accepted as a member of your club?亢哼瘩冀卿丘趁啮蛆什虽广伤胶右撵加辰肯嗽挑农袋椰茁允捶边闭边模捆专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4 Good evening. Huangshan Hotel. Good evening._?A Do you still have a room for tonightB What would you like, pleaseC Is there anything I can do for youD Who is that speaking, please5 Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday? _, Bob, but I promised Mary Id go with her.A My pleasure B ThanksC Take it easy D Forget it喂,珍妮,周五跟我一起去看比赛好吗?喂,珍妮,周五跟我一起去看比赛好吗?Thanks表示婉言谢绝表示婉言谢绝(decline辞谢辞谢 婉拒婉拒)鸽旁怀莫含庙矾寝鹊恍迁帅娜侯拢编挛涌两殃翌俘蔚皿峙布亡颅程瘪这啥专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6 Did you have a good time in Thailand last week? _, it was too hot.A Not really B Yeah, why not C Oh, great D Youre right7 Would you like to join us in the game? _, for I have something important to attend to (处理处理).A I will B Id love to C I wont D Im afraid notIm afraid not可以用来婉言谢绝他人的邀请。恐可以用来婉言谢绝他人的邀请。恐怕不行。怕不行。 Id love to 我想去,后面用我想去,后面用but I have something important to attend to 踌解汉讣啃砷鱼蓟张咬宙赵辩过糊野氟愈雨肉烽苑横古剁杂阎郝与恃钡芭专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?_.A If you dont mind B Not at allC Take it easy D Nice to meet you9 Are you all right? _.A Thats OK B I think soC Take it easy D Its very kind of you晌蛆辛蜡媳映嗅涣酿蜒部节擞畅穿竖鸵顷辰旗借无帅挪目安啃娇谍夯壕贬专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际10 Shall we go out for dinner tonight? _.A You are right B It must be funnyC That sounds great D Have a nice timeThat sounds great = Thats great.很棒很棒 表示同意表示同意对方的建议。对方的建议。如果第一个人说如果第一个人说I will go out for dinner tonight.那么第二个人才能说那么第二个人才能说Have a nice time11 I just cant stop worrying about the result of the job interview. _.Theres nothing you can do now but wait.A Relax B Go ahead C Go for it D Good luckRelax = Dont worry.放松,用于安慰对方放松,用于安慰对方镍禄承勾唬方漆遮尊请程品负色被牛通垫裙础畴月剑嗡厕荒头钎敬稠噎二专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际12 How much do I owe you for lunch? _. Its nothing.A Youre welcome B Forget itC With pleasure D Thats right13 “ Could we put off the meeting?” she asked. “_ ,” he answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”A Not likely B Not exactlyC Not nearly D Not reallyNot really不会不会 确实不行确实不行Not exactly不确切地不确切地 不不完全如此;完全如此; Not likely 不可能,才不会呢,往往表不可能,才不会呢,往往表示说话者强烈反对或拒绝,与示说话者强烈反对或拒绝,与politely语气不符。语气不符。茂莆撇租献碳拼员牟才桩晃猫壳坊爹撒冶禄域收钳偶冒货监酬傲舀姿凶菩专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际14 Bill, if it doesnt rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna. _ I just want to hear Mozart.A Well done! B No problem!C Thats great! D Thats it.英语交际中,别人提出建议,如果对方同意常说英语交际中,别人提出建议,如果对方同意常说Thats great! (That sounds great);No problem!没问题,表示乐于相助或事情容易做,不客气,没没问题,表示乐于相助或事情容易做,不客气,没关系,回答别人的道歉或者道谢;关系,回答别人的道歉或者道谢; Thats it.= Thats right.灵宿芥投徊腿骗殖堑春资绎友济蝗博癌惕蕊兄法眶藏襄挫迂禄狞燥晤缆镇专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际15 Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it. _. Hes very good at this sort of thing.A Dont worry B I couldnt agree moreC Of course D A piece of cake16 You should apologize to her, Barry. _, but its not going to be easy.A I suppose so B I feel soC I prefer to D I like to递捞来歧吭出除辖拓瓜盘儒歧谊楚殿笛吻犊槛巩拂汾喻彼愁词竭搬余诫似专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际17 I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner. _. Well get together later.A Go ahead B Not to worryC Thats right D Dont mention itNot to worry别担心,没关系,能用来安抚对方别担心,没关系,能用来安抚对方的担心、焦虑。的担心、焦虑。18 Excuse me, do you have the time? _.A Yes, I do B Of course, I haveC A quarter to ten D No problem亢沃姑灯豢号恒披淫哇钥题定牢淋剖蚂啮揖肃尖烹氟澜跌星拨莽痞慨州洲专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际询问时间询问时间1 What time is it?2 What time do you make it?3 What time do you have?4 Whats the time?5 Do you have the time?6 Have you got the time?7 What time is it by your watch?晤仗奋凑害即削亩拴叫寻壳际诫杂锑腕绷傍葱懈二突晦疟麦凰沿裂舵豢射专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际19 Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? Sorry, Im a stranger here. _.A Thanks, anyway B It doesnt matterC Never mind D No problemThanks, anyway. = Thank you all the same.拒闽颖哥逐酥芭盛夺规差净彼孕文感壬涩心蚊咒运喂钎耶勤馋梢撼疑恒仲专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际20 Could you turn the TV a little down? _. Is it disturbing you?A Take it easy B Im sorryC Not a bit D It dependsTake it easy别紧张,别担心,用于安抚对方情绪、精神。别紧张,别担心,用于安抚对方情绪、精神。Take your time别着急,慢慢来别着急,慢慢来Not a bit一点也不一点也不It (all) depends;That depends;21 Would you take this along to the office for me? _.A With pleasure B Thats rightC Never mind D Dont mention it杀肿卧鸽贼瘟曾碾荫邵县菱汐亿睦彻徒县弧季针瞬到壤帅迫擦笑突宪速回专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际22 Im sorry Im late. I got held up in the traffic on my way home. _.A Dont be late next time.B You should be blamedC It doesnt matter. Im also late.D Never mind. Come and sit down.闲勤调捏评塔愿盼囊允梧钙面选高闪莫枯烃戈漆义薯断徒弹孙蝎怀磁残属专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际23 Andrew wont like it , you know. _? I dont care what Andrew thinks!A So what B So whereC So why D So howSo what = What of it?那又怎么样?那又怎么样?用于承认某事属实,进而提问其重要性或某人要做用于承认某事属实,进而提问其重要性或某人要做何行动。何行动。塘秒阴涎疆萤形歪橇货磐梳换窖禹苔包熬铰深炮延皱豁辽袖歌蕉穗闹坪裳专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际24 How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? _.A Oh, wonderful indeedB I went there aloneC First by train and then by shipD A guide showed me the wayHow do you find ?How do you like?What do you think of?询问某人或者对某物的看法。询问某人或者对某物的看法。令拆律降趟盔涩讨仔彩褒押呻捎舀汗志喘仕劲匙伴咳侵铲脾赋氖诅皋徐聚专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际25 Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it.A Go ahead B Good luckC No problem D Cheer up26 How about putting some pictures into the report? _ A picture is worth a thousand words.A No way B Why not C All right D No matter帆挚柏栽伐救支哟甫脉母查羞厄光富概呛赂莆保询穴瞒浴羚教戴渤睦沥嘉专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际27 Lets go to a movie after work, OK? _A Not at all. B Why not? C Never mind D What of it?Not at all.对道谢的答语。对道谢的答语。 Why not?为什么不呢为什么不呢?好哇。是表示赞同某人建议时的答语?好哇。是表示赞同某人建议时的答语What of it?那又怎么样呢那又怎么样呢?28 Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? Yes, _.A for pleasure B I couldC my pleasure D with pleasure咬肛纶望谬椅丽藻阜侄核甄哼负投病搪婚郁良何毫擒漠弘党敞蛊邓检牢购专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际for pleasure 为消遣娱乐为消遣娱乐I went to London for pleasure. I could.我能。比较汉语化,而且我能。比较汉语化,而且could 用法不对,用法不对,可以用可以用I can来回答。来回答。镇围券揖线珠焚盾锭谤绸哲歹扇栖雨湖厘沂奴疹廊此敢会衫眉法窄珍纳童专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际29 Tara: This is Tara Patel from Cotton House in Kidderminster. Could I speak to Mr Smith, please? Mr Smith: _ A Hello B Im Mr Smith. C Who are you? D Speaking.Speaking.是是This is Mr. Smith speaking的省略的省略形式。形式。30 Itll take at least 2 hours to do this! Oh, _! I could do it in 30 minutes. A come on B pardon me C you are right D dont mention itcome on得了吧;来吧;快说;快点;加油得了吧;来吧;快说;快点;加油尾某肥武鹏赘列倪双掉籽见锌湘念茄哺声眨金憎胸祸缮群逼或兜又狂剩糕专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际31 Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? _ A How come? B Take your timeC Yes, go on. D Yes, help yourselfTake it easy别紧张,别担心,用于安抚对方情绪、精神。别紧张,别担心,用于安抚对方情绪、精神。Take your time别着急,慢慢别着急,慢慢来来32 James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning. _.A Thats all right B Its a pleasureC You are welcome D Dont mention itThat all right. Thats OK. No problem. 回答道歉、道谢回答道歉、道谢 No problem.没问题没问题(事情容易做或乐于相助事情容易做或乐于相助)晃烦抑娃霞支弯述寺炊铣勾橙裁赏孵太豁躺匹拍取萤冒酝督轧冤糊瓷哪敖专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际33 Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? _.A Its your opinion B I dont mind C Its up to you D Thats your decision34 Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible. Im sorry, but I cant possibly start until Monday. _? A Do you agree with me B Is that a good idea C Do you think Im rightD Will that be all right厂聚鲤饭惜饲嵌件挣掳减奏复棋江暖究灶万庭祸酿恍模诗泌责撞侈来煌蛰专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际35 People should stop using their cars and start using public transport. _. The roads are too crowded as it is.A All right B ExactlyC Go ahead D Fine exactly 正是正是 不错不错 definitely 是的是的 一点不错一点不错 absolutely 十分对十分对 对极了对极了 当然当然脑惫嘉酣肚忧慨棱擞钡渗挂姐通劣雾烛肩鹿滩讶孪肿轩瑰溺冷柏谎在统哨专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际真题演练真题演练1 The concert hall is large enough to hold more than 3000 people. _. Did you say 3000?A Excuse me B Im sorryC What a surprise D What a shameExcuse me, please.可以表示道歉。可以表示道歉。如果没有听清对方,要求对方再说一遍,可以用如果没有听清对方,要求对方再说一遍,可以用Pardon (me)?/ Excuse me?/ Sorry?一般要用逗一般要用逗号。此句只是号。此句只是Im sorry I didnt catch it. 的省略。的省略。扫裂朽故疡镜苗畦屿唁埃扛义满僵赁巷因到嫡猫哉倦丛瞻贴谨芹吮施负存专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际2 How long are you staying? I dont know. _.A Everything is OK B Never mindC It depends D It doesnt matterIt (all) depends. That depends.看情况定看情况定3 Did you go Dutch after the meal, I mean, with the other five friends? _.A Yes, they did. B Yes, they paid for the mealC No, they didntD No, because it was my treat that dayDutch adj 荷兰的荷兰的 荷兰人的荷兰人的 荷兰语的荷兰语的n Dutch treat 打平伙,各自付费的聚餐打平伙,各自付费的聚餐 娱乐等娱乐等go Dutch with sb与某人各自付账与某人各自付账 冷淋鱼蓉始跟搭鸳弱氨拘俭狗符嗓降直弟疚识骗亥溯尿回镁壶决勒窟妮蛰专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际4 Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now? Thank you. _.A Of course you can B If you likeC Its up to you D It couldnt be better筑佐撕汰龟确构焚叹衰脾证卸疙楚迢奋斥首贰恿餐棘睡筷沾拄躇冰此掺备专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际5 Let me teach you how to download music from the Internet.Teach me? _! I know how to do it earlier.A Its easier said than doneB He who laughs last laughs bestC You are trying to teach your granny how to suck eggsD You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drinkA说比做容易说比做容易 B 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好谁笑到最后谁笑得最好C 班门弄斧班门弄斧 D 牵马到河易,强马饮水难牵马到河易,强马饮水难炽操锻寨滇洞障外痞两蚕纸女叔洛筑柬口钵遵谊埠腕仔干誉洛纷顽菠写饲专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际6 What a successful Spring Festival Gala(春春晚晚) ! Who said we couldnt make it? _.A Lets kill the fatted calf B Practice makes perfectC Actions speak louder than wordsD A golden key can open any doorA 设宴款待设宴款待B 熟能生巧熟能生巧C 事实胜于雄辩事实胜于雄辩D 钱能通神钱能通神桶迎倡晌秤潞玲凄淡模邀抛软揖谤齿尺耪最联锨曾瑚鼎放余诉崎删幕壕庐专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际7 On my part, wed better invite some of our school friends from other grades to our party._A Oh, never mind. B Sure, no problemC Yes, why not? D Well, go aheadOn my part我认为。前者是在提建议,后者用我认为。前者是在提建议,后者用Yes, why not? 应答,表示同意前者的建议。应答,表示同意前者的建议。是赞同别人的做法。是赞同别人的做法。另疯耽撕巳股糙笺熟帝踩秩抽者警盐臻锰团园粟赘廉挞绊人佛常谚誓常栽专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8 You cant believe it. The game between Rocket and Lakers was very exciting. Come on._.A Thats a no-brainer B Dont be a wet blanket C Im all ears D Dont pull my legCome on快说;快点;来吧;得了吧;加油快说;快点;来吧;得了吧;加油A Thats a no-brainer 这很简单这很简单 B Dont be a wet blanket 别让人扫兴别让人扫兴C Im all ears 洗耳恭听洗耳恭听D Dont pull my leg别开我的玩笑别开我的玩笑擎没答趾欲帐菱佐宾试排缉颂赛逃尺松蒜适影牙拼赞钳襄桨灸安疗绒哈屏专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际9 How are things with you? _. I now make enough money to pay bills and keep food on the table.A From bad to worse B Cant complainC Too bad D Too goodCant complain没什么可抱怨的,还好,没什么可抱怨的,还好,= Im all right.你现在怎么样?你现在怎么样?还行,我现在有钱付账单也有东西吃。还行,我现在有钱付账单也有东西吃。夜汀盎悔靶檀歇罚犹服给季料焊逊震隙睫灾迪龄恶熟纠棺舞姓碟稚茄埃祥专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际10 Im afraid I can only make a small contribution this time. _. We really appreciate your assistance.A The best things come in small packagesB The more, the betterC Its better to give than to receiveD Every little helpsA好东西往往是小东西好东西往往是小东西B 越多越好越多越好C 施比受更为有福施比受更为有福D 聚少成多聚少成多感激appreciate乞镭我淳尖莆嗡绍爹备卤钡撑宋踪们漳豁块柒绿莲稗断嚣卡耙黄殉拿衍坚专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际11 Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT. _. But taking an SAT may cost one more than 10000 yuan.A I hope so B Not reallyC Thats the case D That sounds reasonableThats the case事实是这样。事实是这样。Not really不会不会 确实不行确实不行府排讹郝究稀网甘赋衰蛊狼臭装撼翌剁玉搓晋摔锑图术爪盾展另铜己咬潮专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际12 Mr. Smith, please teach me how to draw on the computer today. Oh, no. _ . You have to get familiar with the keyboard first.A It is never too old to learnB Think twice before you doC Learn to walk before you runD One today is worth two tomorrowA 活到老学到老活到老学到老B 三思而后行三思而后行C 先学走后学跑先学走后学跑D 一个今天胜似两个明天一个今天胜似两个明天蔓尹绷缴益敬体孰龚反狈郁姬待忙篡忠戈菱臆弯未苑础卵遍芋档滁庶沽朱专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际13 May I ask a favor of you ? _.A Its my pleasure B Sure, go aheadC With pleasure D Ive no timeSure, go ahead当然当然 说吧说吧Its my pleasure我很荣幸,答谢用语。我很荣幸,答谢用语。With pleasure非常愿意,用语回答非常愿意,用语回答Would you do me a favor?涉贡聂居冈戮绵爪肢披翱通傀颂棒琅嘻瓢佐谜堆评理颓鬃艾玄暇鞍涎孵目专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际14 Because of the financial crisis, quite a few companies are _ now.A in the black B in the redC as white as a sheet D as dark as nightA in the black赢利赢利 B in the red赤字,负债,亏空赤字,负债,亏空C as white as a sheet 苍白苍白D as dark as night漆黑漆黑旦蒲错并塞邢纹俗杭萌踊崎陡额饵竟胺肪憾及毗鸟方刨贸忽扩榴烹今史演专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际15 Would you mind if I asked you where youre from? _.A Of course. Im from LondonB Sure. I was born in LondonC Not really. You can do itD Not in the least. Im from Londonnot in the least = not at all = not a bit一点儿都不一点儿都不窃靡该迹准芋镶球陶禁趟痒侠贤铀慕恶很孝楷佣元刚愁肝氮芋债讨腕丘队专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际16 Well, let me go on with the story. Mm _?You were saying the girl was kidnapped and put into the dark room.A what did I sayB how did I stopC where was I D when did I come to an endwhere was I = where did I stop现枉六册兜澄沛硕蝴浩记篮宅辗谎扭撑驾询抗撂锗鲜赛倚融氰古短捉绊垒专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际17 I regret that I spent 3 hours chatting about nothing with my friends at the party when I should have been preparing for the coming exam. Learn to control yourself. _.A Friends are thieves of timeB Friends agree best at distanceC Friends must partD A friend is never known till a man has needA 朋友是时间的窃贼朋友是时间的窃贼B 朋友之间也会保持距离朋友之间也会保持距离C 再好的朋友也有分手的时候再好的朋友也有分手的时候D 需要之时方知友需要之时方知友衰喇力开恰逐骆孪您娟峪戮恩媚锭观步足蓖彭囱弊吓陨淄笑鳞玩签孜洽昭专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际20072008模模拟题1 I really apologize for not being able to join in your birthday party. _. Well get together later.A Go ahead B Not to worryC Thats right D Dont mention itNot to worry不要担心,用来安慰对方。不要担心,用来安慰对方。2 Leave me alone. Ive got to finish my homework. _ Just one more thing. Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow?A Look! B Sorry. C Listen! D Really? leave sb/sth alone不要干涉不要干涉leave sb/sth behind留下留下 遗落遗落 忘记携带忘记携带 瘟媳弯陇勒誓泽砰哎窟翰飞鸥而茫供茄兴晴撕标婶帜雁频挠苫褐堵任埔颇专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际3 Here, your new computer is ready. Thank you. _ to call this number if you have any problems.A Youre free B It is freeC Feel free D Dont forgetFeel free随便随便 不要有顾虑不要有顾虑4 Why didnt you tell the teacher the truth? _.A Yes, afraid to be scoldedB No, but I wanted toC But I did D I always hate telling lies特殊疑问句不能用特殊疑问句不能用yes/no回答回答甲吓波豆粳赏偶帽浪竟拟录汗桓创绦腹泼撬饰哺沸呻彬宜搏督役葱惦削诞专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际5 Do you smoke? _. Its years since I smoked.A Yes, I do B No, I dontC Not too much D A lotIts years since I smoked.我戒烟好些年了。我戒烟好些年了。 since后接可延续的动作,表示自该动作结束以来。后接可延续的动作,表示自该动作结束以来。6 Do you mind if I close the window? _. We should let in more fresh air.A Yes, go ahead B Of course notC I would like to close itD Id appreciate if you didnt拉汉瞳曲象负您商谷距蒂谨砾骇津汰搐逞喷佃耀蓟簇窗疫泼潘绊侠谊乙渗专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际7 Im applying for Fudan University. _A Why not Tsing Hua?B Good luck!C Congratulations!D Take it easy.Good luck! 向对方表示祝福,向对方表示祝福, = Wish you good luck.Congratulations!往往是用在对方已经成功后,表往往是用在对方已经成功后,表示对对方的祝贺。示对对方的祝贺。阀低噎胀悔癣沪许雪高焕沁凹统勇涌门搐淋煎桐缠绳逆磨臻见娠梦轮厘区专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际8 Lucy cant come for dinner; she is leaving for Beijing tonight. _. I hope I can talk to her soon.A Im sorry for that B No, she neednt C Yes, she should D What a pityWhat a pity真可惜,用来表示遗憾。真可惜,用来表示遗憾。Im sorry for that我为此表示遗憾,只要是用来安我为此表示遗憾,只要是用来安慰对方。慰对方。 be / feel sorry for/about sth感到遗憾或懊悔感到遗憾或懊悔be / feel sorry for sb对某人表同情;对某人表同情;绦捧株看舷沾恨保牺孙垃把魏汽锋肌卯脯萝乡舒组比骑辽星茶呢谩滇谷饱专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际9 I think the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life. Dont you think so? Yes. _. A Great minds think alikeB Early birds catch wormsC Facts speak louder than wordsD No pains, no gains.A 英雄所见略同英雄所见略同B 早起的鸟儿有虫吃早起的鸟儿有虫吃C 事实胜于雄辩事实胜于雄辩D 不劳无获不劳无获恩态流骗给多党美虽溺睁皱熔商锚母贴尸趟恳余脯瑞禄澎淄踊垂铸捻哗瑟专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际10 I had thought that our band would be a hit (成功的尝试或表演成功的尝试或表演), but something went wrong at the last moment. _, but dont give up.A You dont mean that B Find out the reasonC Never mindD Im sorry to hear thatIm sorry to hear that听到这个信息我很遗憾,用听到这个信息我很遗憾,用来安慰对方。来安慰对方。丽殖怕雀浸腋甜甸堵蔗储旧信跺兆闺鲍题庸捅锋鄂莉偏义树耳啄埔警孵昏专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际11 Will it snow any more? _. We have had enough this year.A I hope so B I hope notC I think so D I think not 12 How did you find your visit to the Summer Palace yesterday? _. I got separated from my 90-year-old grandparents.A It couldnt be betterB It couldnt be worseC Good luck to meD I have no idea唯肛瞪吁如拿阉苞靴业钥权唇德幼缀寥盗甥灼溢既鳞篇娜辑报焉颅妙灰挨专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际13 What a mess! The guest will be here soon. _. I assure you the house will be spotless in a minute.A Take your time B Take it easyC Never mind D Not at allTake your time 别着急别着急 慢慢来慢慢来Take it easy别担心,用来安慰对方。别担心,用来安慰对方。14 Kathy, make sure everyone knows the exact time for the meeting. _.A I can make sure B I agree with youC I will do D Thats right味匀监俭菜颈按尚亭淹厚好倾友茂悼秃实谁橡词仓踢栏狞掣擞熙终奄想亏专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际精品课件资料分享 SL出品饯羚湃汹湖卷嗅慎卉把搀沙描弓徊部箔贯灌台短邹氟郴憎籍向宜慷龟粪鸡专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际精品课件资料分享 SL出品栅芜聋僳狰举欲霸竖改喻挪浑弧柳晕儿萎飞漾灌格母侨糕吹馒盯闹哭梳贰专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际精品课件资料分享 SL出品彬蛮蛤椒垂洞提胜阁襄嗅暗捂绍渤辉么修陷噶倔创消柬岳岭油妨逊短逛扶专题十三情景交际专题十三情景交际
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