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Script For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons !Options/Shape/FreeStyle into General tab: Tunings value is 0,1.8Select View/Render Style in the top banner.!Select Parallel mode8Check if No attenuation mode is selected8Activate the Materials display option!Open the View / Render Style tool bar!Select the Customized View Parameter icon!Check the Materials option!Click OKPreparing optionsPreparing optionsPreparing options1IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7IconsDesign studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch4Import the sketch8Click Create a Imersive Sketch icon8Select C-Car_4views.tif file.2IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons4Define the orientation and scale of the sketch for the elevation view8Click Left view icon8Drag the center of the X Y Z axis to bring it to the center of the front wheel of the car.8Right-click the lower right corner of the dotted white rectangle8Choose Edit8Type in X = 2870 mm 8Click Close in the Tuner box8Drag the edited point with the Zoom arrow to bring it to the center of the rear wheel of the carDesign studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch3IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7IconsRead in the second sketch4Relimit the 4views sketch8Select the corner of the rectangular box8Drag it to the grid as it shown.8Repeat this action from this point to this one 8Click OK in the sketch parameter definition box.4Put in place the sketch for the Top view8Select the elevation sketch.8 Copy paste the sketch with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V command.8Double-click on the new sketch.4Change the view8Click the Top view iconDesign studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch4IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons4Define the orientation and scale of the sketch for the Top view8Drag from the center of the axis to the center of the car of the top view (plane Y=0)8Drag the corner of the rectangular box.8Click OK in the sketch parameter definition boxDesign studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch5IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons4Put in place the sketch for the other side8Select the Top sketch.8 Copy paste the sketch with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V command.8Double-click on the new sketch.8Click Flip8Click OK Design studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch6IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7IconsDesign studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch4Return to a 3D view8Rotate the view using left and middle button of the mouse as usual8The sketches can still be moved along their normal direction8Select the red point of the glider8Drag into one of the top view sketch!Select the two top view sketches. Use Ctrl key.&Two white rectangles appear8Pull down the glider.8Expand Design Study components!Activte by Double-click into Design Study &Check if No attenuation mode is selected before to continue.G 7IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons4Create a planar patch for the center of the hood.8Use F5 to set the base of the glider to the XY plane& The Quick compass orientation toolbar appears.8Select the Top view icon8Select the Planar Patch icon!Select the XZ plane !Press the control key!Right click into the screen space to display the Edit orders panel!Modify, if it is necessary, the number of control point in V direction. Need to have U=3, and V=44Define a symmetry8Select the planar patch8Select the Control points icon8Select the Symmetry button!Use F5 to set the symmetry plane parallel to XZ plane!Right-click the symmetry plane handle and select Edit!Enter Y = 0!Click Close in the tuner box8Click OK to validate the symmetry plane8IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons4Shape the hood central patch in a top view8Using Translation in the plane (with privileged plane parallel to XY) and Linear Law, modify the rear edge of the patch to align it with the sketched edge.8With the same options, modify the front edge of the patch to align it with central part of the front edge of the hood on the sketch.!Modify the position of these control points. Design studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch9IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault SystemesScript For Automotive demonstration code CATIA V5R7Icons8Select this row and drag in Y- direction.Design studyDesign studyDesign study from Sketch from Sketch from Sketch10IBM Engineering Technology Solution & Dassault Systemes
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