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What do you know about carnival?Read the passage and answer the following questions.What was the possible reason why the slaves began to hold their own carnival?How was carnival changed when the slave trade was abolished?What role did carnival play in Caribbean islands?How can we understand what carnival is all about?Why were slaves needed in America?How did black people go to America?How did carnival start in America?Fill in the blanks with proper words from the text. When the slave trade was _ in 1838 the former slaves _ the carnival._ the passing of time, the white _ of the island began to take part in the carnival. Carnival became a way to _ different communities.abolishedtook overWithinhabitantsuniteCarnival today is an international, _experience. Millions of people were taken _ from their homes in Africa and _ to the New World _ slaves.multiculturalby forcetransportedas
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