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UNIT 7Unit7. Objectives. Suggested Teaching Plan. Background Information. Class PresentationPreviewUNIT 7Preview This is the 7th unit of Book Two. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to fulfill obligations. In the Reading and Writing section, Text A discusses the age-old topic of honesty, in which the writer advises us to be straightforward and honest with others. Text B illustrates the rewards for being honest the honest woodman was rewarded with two valuable axes. Practical Reading is a segment from a microwave oven operating manual.prev.UNIT 7. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to1. master the basic language and skills necessary to fulfill obligations;2. understand the main ideas of Text A, Text B and Text C, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts;3. know how to use the structure of V+V-ing or+Infinitive (3); 4. know how to write a personal letter (2);6. understand paragraph development (4). Obj.5. read a segment from a microwave oven operating manual;UNIT 7. Suggested Teaching PlanSuggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 7 Time Contents Plan s.t.p.1The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the students have a general idea of what this unit is all about. Then, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows:2 periods PreviewUNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.21) The Language for Fulfilling ObligationsListening and SpeakingGive a brief lead in talk on the nature and uses of fulfilling obligations;A.B. Present the necessary language by doing Ex. 1;UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.3C.Ask one student to read aloud the talk so students can check their completed answers;D.Organize an activity for Ex. 2 that will reinforce the useful language students picked up in Ex. 1.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.42) The Practice of Fulfilling ObligationsGo through the new words in the first conversation in Ex. 3;A.B. Have the students listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words;C.Ask them to answer the questions about the conversation;UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.5D. Tell them to look for the language used to fulfill obligations;Ask the students to role-play the conversation;E.Have them listen to the second conversation twice and complete the short passage accordingly;F.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.6Now have them discuss each of their completed answers in order to gain a better understanding of the conversation;G.Have them listen to the conversation again and complete the form as the speaker recounts it;H.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.7Afterwards, have them check their responses by acting out the conversation;I.Finally, organize a unique classroom activity for the students to reinforce the useful language previously learned by doing Ex. 4.J.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.83) Listening PracticeBefore ending, the teacher tells the students to do Ex. 5-10 as their assignment to review the functional and notional language picked up in the Listening and Speaking section. The teacher also tells them that they should be prepared to answer the questions in Ex. 9 and give an oralUNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.9presentation in class when they next meet.3 periods Review of the listening and speaking skills the studentshave learnedThe teacher begins with a review of the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous unit. The teacher asks several students to answer the questions in Ex. 9 of the Listening and Speaking section, UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.10and invites a few to share with their classmates their opinions on the topic of “Honesty, Responsibility and Commitment.” After that, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.)UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.11Text A & text-related exercises 1) StarterAfter a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher A. divides the class into several groups to discuss the questions in the starter for a few minutes;B. asks some students to present their opinions on the questions. (10 minutes)UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.122) Text AThe teacher A. lets the students answer the text-related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods);UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.13B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students homework according to the students different levels of English (one period).UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.141 period Grammar Review1) Grammar ReviewThe teacher talks about the difference belween V+V-ing and V+infinitive (3), and at the same time asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.142) Practical WritingThe teacher explains to the students how to write a personal letter (2) by doing Ex. 12 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex. 13 and Ex. 14 after class.Practical Writing UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.152 period Text B & text-related exercises 1) Text BWhile discussing the text with the students, the teacher calls on them to pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text, introducing briefly the concept of the topic sentence. Ex. 16 and 17 can be done either in or after class.UNIT 7Time Contents Plan s.t.p.162) Text CThis part should either be read by the students themselves as their homework or done in class.Practical ReadingBasic Reading Skills3) Basic Reading SkillsThe teacher explains to the students paragraph development (4), and asks them to do the exercises in Basic Reading Skills.UNIT 7. Background InformationJean de La FontaineFairyBIUNIT 7BI-EL1Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) A French poet, whose fables rank among the masterpieces of world literature. In his own time La Fontaine was considered a vagabond, dreamer, and lover of pleasure. A rustic character, he never was a real courtier and drifted happily from one patron to another. Because of the universal nature of his fables, La Fontaines poems about industrious ants, brave lions, and carefree grasshoppers are still widely read. UNIT 7BI-EL2 There are 243 fables originally written in French by the poet Jean De La Fontaine in the late 1600s. He spent 26 years writing his versions of the fables. Most of these are originals from La Fontaine and those that are not are often quite different and more eloquent than other aesops fables of the same title. UNIT 7Fairy A fairy is a whimsical creature from stories and mythology, often portrayed in art and literature as a minuscule humanoid being with wings.BI-CE1UNIT 7Class list. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingReading & WritingTime for Fun UNIT 7LSListening & SpeakingThe Language for Fulfilling ObligationsFulfilling ObligationsListening PracticeUNIT 7Lp-main1Listening PracticeListen to the following people talking and figure out the best response to each conversations implication.Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard. UNIT 7Lp-main2Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. Have an open discussion on the topic given below.UNIT 7To express an obligation is to make one feel it necessary to . A promise is to be abided by(遵守遵守) when ; a rule, observed when ; a contract(合同合同), fulfilled when . In a civilized(文明的文明的) society, obligations are regularly met by all, and nobody is expected to be them. Life is obligations.TL1You are going to listen to an instructor explaining the language necessary for fulfilling obligations. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.The Language for Fulfilling ObligationsInstructor:do something_it is made_established_signed_free of _full of _UNIT 7TL2Pick up the following sentences to fulfill obligations: Should I ? Am I supposed to ? Do I have to ? I ought to , oughtnt I? I feel obliged not to . Must I ? Is it necessary for me to ? Are we required to ? Are we under any obligation to ?put it back_do it your way_wait in line_keep quiet in the bus_delay the plan_read the document_pay income taxes_take this course_observe the rules_UNIT 7TL3 Are we obliged to ? Is it our duty to ? Im afraid you ought to Im afraid youre not supposed to . Im afraid you must . I think you have to . I think youre expected to . Youre not supposed to .sign the contract_protect the environment_do it right now_.sit in my class_keep your promise_meet the obligation_pay it back_make any noise here_UNIT 7TL4Now describe to the class both what your obligations as a student are, as well as what those of your classmates are. Try to use the language picked up in Ex. 1.UNIT 7CP-gtn1Fulfilling Obligations1)Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.Everythings going my way. 一切都称心如意一切都称心如意。movable 活活动动的的station 停放停放to be frank 坦率地坦率地说说roll up ones sleeves 卷起袖子卷起袖子UNIT 7CP-gtn2Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words. Wang Ying: Li Ming: Wang Ying: Li Ming: Wang Ying: Li Ming: Hi, Li Ming, ?Not much. Hows everything with you?Oh, everythings going . By the way, whats your blood type?Type B. Why?Didnt you see the movable blood bank ?Yes, its stationed by the library. Are you suggesting we to donate blood to the blood bank?whats up_my way_on campus_have an obligation _UNIT 7CP-gtn3Wang Ying: Li Ming:Wang Ying: Li Ming:Yeah. To be frank, I to do it. Think of the thousands of patients who are badly in need of blood. Our blood can save their lives, right?Come to think of it, Ive the same feeling. to do something for our fellow countrymen and women.I think to do it now. Lets go roll up our sleeves. Im with you! feel obliged _Its our duty _were supposed _UNIT 7CP-gtn4Wang Ying: Li Ming:Take care of yourself . Youre supposed to have a lot of nourishment(滋养品滋养品).Oh, OK. You too. after this though_UNIT 7CP-gtn5Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What is Li Mings blood type?Its type B.2. What is there over by the library?Theres a movable blood bank.3. What does Wang Ying feel obliged to do?She feels obliged to donate blood.UNIT 7CP-gtn64. What is the significance of blood donation according to Wang Ying?It can save patients lives.5. What does Li Ming say about it?He says that he has the same feeling and would like to do something for his fellow countrymen and women. UNIT 72) Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.CP-gtn7motorist 驾车驾车者者cool ones heels 等着等着in a good mood 心情好心情好fellow 家伙家伙groom 新郎新郎Dont count on it. 别别指望它了指望它了。UNIT 7CP-gtn8Listen to the conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just heard. A motorist was stopped while speeding down Main Street in a small town. He tried , but the police officer asked him to shut up and made him until the chief came back. The motorist urged the officer to , but was required to stay in jail all the same. A few hours later, the officer looked in on his prisoner and said that because the chief, to explain_cool his heelsin jail _listen to him_he was lucky _UNIT 7CP-gtn9who was at his daughters wedding, would be when he got back. The fellow in the cell replied that unfortunately he . in a goodmood _was the groom_UNIT 7CP-gtn10Listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class.Motorist: Officer: But officer. I can explain.Just be quiet. Im going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back._A police officer in a small town stops a motorist who is speeding down Main Street.UNIT 7CP-gtn11But officer, I just wanted to sayAnd I said to keep quiet! Youre going to jail!_Motorist: Officer: A few hours later the officer looks in on his prisoner.Officer: Motorist: Lucky for you that the chief is at his daughters wedding. Hell be in a good mood when he gets back. _Dont count on it. Im the groom. UNIT 7CP-gtn12What do you think one is obliged to do as a student, a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a mayor or a president? Try to use the language you have just picked up.UNIT 7Listen to the following people talking and figure out the best response to each conversations implication.1.CP-lp1scriptKEYA) Shes not feeling well. B) Shes running late for the meeting.C) Shes afraid of being late for lunch.D) Shes going to postpone her lunch.Listening Practice M: W: Q: Hi. Whats up? Well, its about lunch. Im afraid Im running late.What is the woman implying?UNIT 7CP-lp22.scriptKEYA) She has plenty of time.B) She knows where the airport is.C) The man doesnt have to see her off.D) The man is better at saying goodbyes.M: W: Q: Im sorry I cant get to the airport to see you off.Dont worry. Im not much good at saying goodbyes.What is the woman implying?UNIT 7CP-lp33.scriptKEYA) He came on time.B) He made it finally.C) Hes been here twice.D) He had no trouble getting here.W: M: Q: Did you have any trouble getting here?The directions in your letter were great.What is the man implying?UNIT 7CP-lp44.scriptKEYA) She likes to wear casual(休闲休闲) clothes.B) He can bring anything to the party.C) She is a partygoer(社交聚会常客社交聚会常客).D) He can wear almost anything. M: W: Q: What am I supposed to wear for the party?Its a fairly casual party. Well be in the yard. What is the woman implying?UNIT 7CP-lp55.scriptKEYA) The best way to learn English is to watch TV.B) He never watches anything in English on TV.C) It is hard to learn English by watching TV.D) He doesnt watch much TV.W: M: Q: Do you ever try to learn English by watching TV?They talk so fast that I cant make out the words. What is the man implying?UNIT 7CP-lp6Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.1.scriptKEYA) The fruit has not been washed yet. B) The seeds are not good to eat.C) You should not eat the skin.D) It is not good to eat it raw.M: W: Q: Can I eat this fruit as it is?No, you have to peel it first.What does the woman mean?UNIT 7CP-lp72.scriptKEYA) He wants the woman to take a picture of him.B) He isnt ready to show his pictures yet.C) The pictures are still being processed.D) He isnt ready to take pictures yet.W: M: Q: How are the pictures you took in New York? I cant wait to see them.Theyre not ready yet.What does the man mean?UNIT 7A) Reading is more useful than watching TV.B) Watching TV is better than reading a newspaper.C) The newspaper is a good source for learning English.D) A combination of reading and listening is most effective.CP-lp83.scriptKEYW: M: Q: Watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English. Its especially helpful when you check the same information in the newspaper.What does the man mean?UNIT 7CP-lp94.scriptKEYA) Everybody was surprised by his attendance at the party.B) He had expected to come to the party for a long time.C) It was impossible for him to come to the party.D) He stayed home to study for his exam.W: M:Q: Nobody expected that he would be able to come to the party.But he did.What can we learn from this conversation?UNIT 7CP-lp105.scriptKEYA) She will not make the decision for him.B) He doesnt have to make the decision right now.C) He should talk with the woman about the decision.D) Shell help to make the decision only if he asks for it.M: W: Q: I dont know what to do.You have to make your own decision, and theres not much time left.What is the woman implying?UNIT 7CP-lp11Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have just heard.luxury 豪豪华华behind the wheel 驾驶驾驶emergency 紧紧急情况急情况pretend 假装假装heart attack 心心脏脏病突病突发发shore 岸岸set the table 摆摆好餐桌好餐桌UNIT 71. The man enjoyed the luxury fishing boat together with his wife.2. He was quite concerned about the safety of each sailing.3. One day out on the lake the man had a heart attack and his wife managed to drive the boat to shore.4. Later that evening, the wife had a heart attack so her husband had to prepare their dinner.5. The wife asked her husband to take on her duty by using his strategy(策略策略).CP-lp12T_F_scriptF_F_T_UNIT 7 Although this married couple enjoyed their luxury fishing boat together, it was usually the husband who was behind the wheel operating the boat. Yet he was concerned about what might happen in an emergency. So one day out on the lake he said to his wife, “Please take the wheel, dear. Pretend that I am having a heart attack. You must get the boat safely to shore.” So she drove the boat to shore. Later that evening, the wife walked into the living room where her husband was watching television. She sat down next to him, switched the TV channel, and said to him, “Please go into the kitchen, dear. Pretend Im having a heart attack. You must set the table, cook the dinner, and wash the dishes.”TapescriptCP-lp13UNIT 7 One day when Sultan(苏丹丹, ,某些伊斯某些伊斯兰国家最高国家最高统治者的称号治者的称号) Ibrahim Aadham Balkhi was hunting , he saw an old fort(要塞要塞). There he saw a large pile of bricks. As he pulled the bricks , he found some treasure. “I will give it to some poor man,” he thought and ran out. Soon he met collecting twigs(小枝小枝). “Come with me,” he said, “I will show you a treasure that will keep you in comfort and happiness .”CP-lp14Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice.in a thick forest_off the pile_a poor man _for the rest of your life_UNIT 7CP-lp15 The old woodcutter looked up slowly, and quietly replied, “O good sir! Take the treasure yourself, you of it than I. I have known about the treasure .” When he heard this, Sultan Ibrahim felt very ashamed and full of wonder(惊惊讶) at of this poor man. “This woodcutter deserves(值得得) to be king , for I am only the slave(奴隶奴隶) of greed(贪欲欲),” he thought. The Sultan thought a lot about this and other such things and later gave up his empire(帝国帝国) so that he, too, should . have more need _since my childhood_the honesty _instead of me_lead a simple life_(182 words)UNIT 71. What did Sultan Ibrahim find while hunting in a thick forest?He found some treasure among a pile of bricks.CP-lp16Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally.2. What did Sultan Ibrahim say to the poor man he had met soon after the discovery of the treasure?He said, “I will show you a treasure that will keep you in comfort and happiness for the rest of your life.”UNIT 73. Why did the poor man refuse to accept the treasure?Because he believed that the king had more need of it than he did.4. What did the king wonder at?He wondered at the honesty of the poor man.5. What did the king do later? He gave up his empire and led a simple life. CP-lp17UNIT 7Have an open discussion on the topic given below.CP-lp18Try this discussionThese expressions may help your discussion:UNIT 7Theres nothing more important than those three qualities. Im going to marry an honest and committed partner who has a strong sense of responsibility. Dont laugh! Im serious. I like it when people honor their obligations and responsibilities. I only want honest friends around me. I hate it when people fake their feelings and even lie to me. In college we are taught not only skills but also how to be responsible members of society. College life builds character. It doesnt just train us for work. Character may be hard to measure, but its crucial. L&S-discuss1Try this discussion:Student A:Student B: Student C: UNIT 7L&S-discuss2Student D: I agree. But Im afraid Chinese education focuses more on skills than character training. The problem is especially noticeable in high schools. Students graduate with high grades and strong skills. But too often they are also immature and irresponsible. UNIT 7RW listReading & WritingText AText BHonesty Pays offThe Honest Woodman Practical ReadingText A Exercises Text B Exercises Basic Reading Skills Grammar ReviewPractical Writing UNIT 7StarterTell your classmates what you would do in the following situations and then read Text A to find what answers the author gives.Text AStarter1-1The situation A boy/girl asks you out. He/she is nice but you think you have nothing in common and you dont want to go. What would you tell him or her?Your answerThe authors answerUNIT 7Text AStarter1-2The situation Your boss asked you to post some important letters, but you threw them out with the trash. What would you say to him now when he asks about them? Your answerThe authors answerUNIT 7Text AStarter1-3The situation You lost your job and you want your friend to help you. What would you say to your friend?Your answerThe authors answerYou want to borrow a thousand dollars from someone. What would you say?UNIT 71 Mary has a problem. She says to her friend, “Harry wants to take me out. He is a nice enough guy but we have nothing in common. I dont want to go. What do I tell him?” Mary and her friend agonize over what to say.2 It is really not that complicated, Mary. What you say is, “Harry, you are a nice enough guy but we have nothing in common. I dont want to go.” Isnt it simple? Why complicate life?3 Another alternative “Harry, Ive been agonizing over what to say to you. I even asked my friend about how to tell you this you see, I think youre a nice guy but I dont want to date you.”Text A?article1CHHonesty Pays Off Andrew MatthewsNNUNIT 7Text A4 Honesty makes things so simple. Its not that humanity will love you more if you dont tell lies, but that honesty, with tact, is the easiest solution.5 Lets say that your boss asked you to post some important letters. Instead of posting them, you accidentally threw them out with the trash. You could go to great lengths to create stories and excuses, but it makes life so difficult. Isnt it easier to say, “Boss, Ive been a complete idiot. It is no fun telling you this but your proposals are now at the city dump!”?article2CHNNNUNIT 7Text AArticle3 CH6 When you are honest with people 7 Dont you appreciate people giving it to you straight? they admire and appreciate you; they trust you; they know where you stand; you can get more of what you want.N?UNIT 7Text AArticle4 CH8 A fellow came to see me recently. He hung around for a couple of hours, asking questions like, “What are you doing?” “Are you busy?” and “How is business?” I figured he was on a social visit. Days later I learned that he had just lost his job and he wanted work. Had he said, “I lost my job and I need some work,” I could have helped him. Isnt it strange? The man wouldnt even tell me that he needed work. Meanwhile, he couldnt pay his rent.NNUNIT 7Text A9 If you want something, say it. “I need help,” “I want to borrow a hundred dollars,” “I want you to stop hassling me.” If you want to date somebody, tell her. You say, “You are the most fascinating person at this whole party. I would like to take you out. What do you say?”10 Kids get what they want because they ask for it. It is part of their charm. When we are honest like children, people find us more charming too.article5?CHUNIT 7Text Aarticle6?CH11 Also, if you dont know something, be honest about it. It is so exasperating listening to teachers, colleagues, parents, and other “experts” who pretend to have all the answers. People always respect the person who is able to say, “I dont know.”In A Nutshell12 Be tactful and tell it like it is. Honesty with others is both a sign of respect for them and a sign of self respect and its so much simpler! (498 words) NUNIT 7Article1_popwin_titlee.g.Her hard work paid off when she got a big raise.Their more careful method paid off in the end.她的努力总算有了回报,她涨了一大笔工资。她的努力总算有了回报,她涨了一大笔工资。他们更为谨慎的方法最后取得了成功。他们更为谨慎的方法最后取得了成功。TTLanguage Pointspay off: (of a risky policy, course of action, etc.) bring good result; prove successful, rewarding, or worthwhile; work(冒(冒险的政策、做法等)的政策、做法等)带来好来好结果;取得成果;取得成功;功;值得;行得通得;行得通UNIT 71) What does the author think Mary should do?Mary should say what she thinks directly to Harry.Article1_popwin_QQuestion About These ParagraphsUNIT 7诚实总有回有回报安德安德鲁马修斯修斯 玛丽遇上了难题。她对她的朋友说:玛丽遇上了难题。她对她的朋友说:“哈利要约我出去。哈利要约我出去。他人挺好,但我们毫无共同之处。我不想去。我怎么对他说他人挺好,但我们毫无共同之处。我不想去。我怎么对他说呢?呢?”玛丽和她的朋友费尽心思考虑该怎么说。玛丽和她的朋友费尽心思考虑该怎么说。 其实这事并没有那么复杂,玛丽。你只要说:其实这事并没有那么复杂,玛丽。你只要说:“哈利,哈利,你是个不错的人,但我们毫无共同之处。我不想去。你是个不错的人,但我们毫无共同之处。我不想去。”这还这还不简单吗?为什么要把生活复杂化呢?不简单吗?为什么要把生活复杂化呢? 还有一种选择还有一种选择 “哈利,我一直在发愁不知道怎么哈利,我一直在发愁不知道怎么对你说。我甚至问过我的朋友该怎么把这话告诉你对你说。我甚至问过我的朋友该怎么把这话告诉你你知你知道,我认为你这人相当不错,但我不想和你约会。道,我认为你这人相当不错,但我不想和你约会。”Chinese Version Article1_popwin_TUNIT 7take sb. out: take sb. somewhere for exercise or recreation 带某人出去消遣、娱乐带某人出去消遣、娱乐 e.g. Her mother took her out for the day.My boyfriend took me out to a fancy restaurant for lunch. Article1_popwin_take sb. out她母亲带她出去玩了一天。她母亲带她出去玩了一天。T我的男友带我去了一家豪华餐厅吃午饭。我的男友带我去了一家豪华餐厅吃午饭。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7have sth./nothing/etc. in common: have some/no/etc. interests, beliefs, etc. that are equally shared 有一有一些些/ /毫无共同之处;有一些毫无共同之处;有一些/ /没有共同的兴趣、信念等没有共同的兴趣、信念等 Article1_popwin_have sth.1e.g. He has nothing in common with his wife; for example, he likes to stay at home and she likes to go out and enjoy herself. 他和妻子毫无共同之处。比方说吧,他喜欢待在家里,他和妻子毫无共同之处。比方说吧,他喜欢待在家里,而她喜欢出去玩。而她喜欢出去玩。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article1_popwin_have sth.2e.g. Jane and I have much in common. = I have much in common with Jane. 简和我有许多共同之处。简和我有许多共同之处。TUNIT 7common: a. usual or familiar; happening or found often and in many places; shared by, belonging to or done by two or more people 普通的;通常的;公有的;共同(做)的普通的;通常的;公有的;共同(做)的Article1_popwin_common1e.g.Cats are common pets in England.It is quite common for him to talk in his sleep.猫是英国的常见宠物。猫是英国的常见宠物。他常在睡梦中讲话。他常在睡梦中讲话。TTLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article1_popwin_common2e.g.The garden is common land. We have a common purpose.This attitude is common to most young people in big cities.公园是公有土地。公园是公有土地。我们有一个共同的目标。我们有一个共同的目标。TT大城市的年轻人大多抱这种态度。大城市的年轻人大多抱这种态度。TUNIT 7agonise/agonize /: vi. suffer great anxiety or worry intensely 极度忧虑(或担心极度忧虑(或担心)Article1_popwin_agonisee.g. She agonized for days about whether she should take the job.Stop agonizing over something you can do nothing about.她愁了好几天,考虑要不要接受这份工作。她愁了好几天,考虑要不要接受这份工作。T不要为你无能为力的事情而焦虑。不要为你无能为力的事情而焦虑。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article1_popwin_complicatedcomplicated: a. (of a machine, thought, action etc) very difficult to understand 复杂的复杂的e.g. The rules are very complicated and I doubt if many people can understand them.It all sounds very complicated.规则很复杂,我怀疑是否有很多人能理解。规则很复杂,我怀疑是否有很多人能理解。T这听上去很复杂。这听上去很复杂。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Why complicate life? 为什么把生活复杂化呢?为什么把生活复杂化呢?这是一句省略句。补充完整是:这是一句省略句。补充完整是:Why should we complicate life?Article1_popwinS_whye.g. The issue is complicated by the fact that a document is missing.These events will greatly complicate the situation. 一份文件的丢失使问题变得复杂了。一份文件的丢失使问题变得复杂了。T这些事件会使局势大大复杂化。这些事件会使局势大大复杂化。TLanguage Pointscomplicate /: vt. make more difficult to do, understand or deal with 使复杂化使复杂化 UNIT 7alternative /: n. choice of two or more possibilities; one of two or more possibilities 两者(或多者)择一,取舍,抉择;供选择的东西两者(或多者)择一,取舍,抉择;供选择的东西 Article1_popwin_alternativee.g. We have two alternatives.His idea seemed to offer a possible alternative to surgery.我们有两种选择。我们有两种选择。T他的主意似乎提供了手术之外的另一种选择。他的主意似乎提供了手术之外的另一种选择。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7date: v. meet regularly with sb. of the opposite sex 约会会 Article1_popwin_datee.g. Mary is dating Mark.I dont like the idea of my daughter dating when shes so young.玛丽和马克在约会。玛丽和马克在约会。T我不喜欢我女儿这么年轻就约会。我不喜欢我女儿这么年轻就约会。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Andrew Matthews / / 安德安德鲁马修斯修斯Article1_popwin_andrewLanguage PointsUNIT 7guy /: n. infml man 口口人;家伙;小伙子人;家伙;小伙子 Article1_popwin_guyLanguage PointsUNIT 7It is really not that complicated Why complicate life? 其实这事并不那么复杂其实这事并不那么复杂为什么要把生活复杂化呢?为什么要把生活复杂化呢?句中句中complicated是形容词,是形容词,complicate是动词。问句是一句省是动词。问句是一句省略句,补充完整是:略句,补充完整是:Why should we complicate life?Article1_popwin_N1Notes of Text UNIT 7Another alternative “Harry, Ive been agonizing over what to say to you. I even asked my friend about how to tell you this you see, I think youre a nice guy but I dont want to date you.” 还有一种选择还有一种选择 “哈里,我一直在发愁不知该怎么对你哈里,我一直在发愁不知该怎么对你说。我甚至问过我的朋友该怎么把这话告诉你说。我甚至问过我的朋友该怎么把这话告诉你你知道,你知道,我认为你这人相当不错,但我不想和你约会。我认为你这人相当不错,但我不想和你约会。” another alternative 后面补充完整是:后面补充完整是:another alternative to what you say。this 的同位语是破折号后面的一句话。的同位语是破折号后面的一句话。date是动词,意为是动词,意为“与与约会约会”。Article1_popwin_N2Notes of Text UNIT 72) Why should people be honest according to the author?Because honesty makes things simple. / Because honesty is the easiest solution.Article2_popwin_QQuestions About These Paragraphs3) Instead of being honest when they make mistakes what do people do?People try to create stories and excuses.UNIT 7Chinese Version 诚诚实实让让事事情情变变得得如如此此简简单单。这这倒倒不不是是因因为为如如果果你你不不撒撒谎谎,人人们们就就会会更更爱爱你你,而而是是因因为为诚诚实实,再再带带点点技技巧巧,是是最最容容易易的的解决方法。解决方法。 比比如如说说你你的的老老板板要要你你寄寄一一些些重重要要信信件件。你你不不但但没没寄寄,反反而而不不小小心心把把信信件件和和垃垃圾圾一一起起扔扔掉掉了了。你你可可以以绞绞尽尽脑脑汁汁编编造造谎谎言言和和借借口口,但但这这就就让让生生活活太太难难过过了了。这这样样说说难难道道不不是是更更容容易易吗吗,“老老板板,我我是是个个十十足足的的白白痴痴。告告诉诉你你这这件件事事绝绝非非趣趣事事,但现在你的提案已在城市垃圾场里了但现在你的提案已在城市垃圾场里了! !”Article2_popwin_TUNIT 7Article2_popwin_N1Its not that humanity will love you more if you dont tell lies, but that honesty, with tact, is the easiest solution. 这倒不是因为如果你不撒谎,人们就会更爱你,而是因为诚实,这倒不是因为如果你不撒谎,人们就会更爱你,而是因为诚实,再带点技巧,是最容易的解决方法。再带点技巧,是最容易的解决方法。Its not that but that 意为意为“这并不是(因为)这并不是(因为)而是(因而是(因为)为)”。Notes of the Text 又如:又如:UNIT 7Article2_popwin_N2e.g. Its not that I dont like his family, but that I think we have nothing in common.Its not that the exam is too difficult, but that you havent worked hard enough.不是我不喜欢他的家人,而是我认为我们毫无共同之处。不是我不喜欢他的家人,而是我认为我们毫无共同之处。T不是考试太难,而是你不够用功。不是考试太难,而是你不够用功。TUNIT 7Article2_popwin_N3You could go to great lengths to create stories and excuses 你可以绞尽脑汁编造谎言和借口你可以绞尽脑汁编造谎言和借口 在这里在这里,create stories意为意为“编造谎言编造谎言”,stories意为意为“谎言谎言”。Notes of Text UNIT 7Article2_popwin_N4It is no fun telling you this but your proposals are now at the city dump! 告诉你这件事绝非趣事,但现在你的提案已在城市垃圾场告诉你这件事绝非趣事,但现在你的提案已在城市垃圾场里了里了! ! Notes of Text UNIT 7humanity /: n. human beings collectively; the human race; people 总称总称人;人;人类;人们人类;人们Article2_popwin_humannitye.g. The deaths of so many people in the war was described as a crime against humanity.Humanity was threatened by another world war.那么多人在战争中失去生命被认为是对人类犯下的罪行。那么多人在战争中失去生命被认为是对人类犯下的罪行。T人类受到另一次世界大战的威胁。人类受到另一次世界大战的威胁。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_tacttact / /: n. skill at not offending people or at gaining goodwill by saying or doing the right thing (处事、处事、言谈等的)圆通,乖巧,机敏;外交手腕言谈等的)圆通,乖巧,机敏;外交手腕 e.g. Helping people who have marriage problems requires a great deal of tact and patience.I wish youd used a little more tact when you told her about her cat dying.帮助婚姻遇到问题的人要很有技巧和耐心。帮助婚姻遇到问题的人要很有技巧和耐心。T要是你在告诉她她的猫儿死去的消息时婉转一点就好了。要是你在告诉她她的猫儿死去的消息时婉转一点就好了。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_solutionsolution /: n. answer to a problem, question, difficulty, etc.(问题、疑难等的)解答;答案;解决(问题、疑难等的)解答;答案;解决办法办法e.g. They have worked out a quick solution for dealing with the problem.They were seeking a solution to the citys traffic problem.他们已经研究出了对付这个问题的快速解决方法。他们已经研究出了对付这个问题的快速解决方法。T他们正在寻求解决城市交通问题的办法。他们正在寻求解决城市交通问题的办法。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_lets say Lets say: lets suppose; for example 让我们假定;比如说让我们假定;比如说 e.g. Lets say the journey takes three hours, that means youll arrive at 2 oclock. Take any Chinese poet, lets say Li Bai, and study the way he describes emotions.如果说路上要花三个小时,那就意味着你会在两点钟到达。如果说路上要花三个小时,那就意味着你会在两点钟到达。T任选一位中国诗人,比如说李白,研究一下他描述感情的任选一位中国诗人,比如说李白,研究一下他描述感情的方法。方法。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_instead ofinstead of: in the place of; in substitution for; rather than 代替;而不是代替;而不是e.g. Since hes ill, Im going instead of him.Instead of stopping when the policeman shouted, he ran away.既然他病了,我就代他去吧。既然他病了,我就代他去吧。T警察喊他的时候,他非但没停下,反而拔腿就跑。警察喊他的时候,他非但没停下,反而拔腿就跑。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_gotogreatgo to great lengths (to do sth.): (be prepared to) do everything one can (to achieve sth.)(为达到目的)为达到目的)不遗余力,竭尽全力;不顾一切不遗余力,竭尽全力;不顾一切 e.g. He went to great lengths to get a photo of the queen. Now take good care of this book; I went to great lengths to get a copy for you. 他费尽周折搞到女王的一张照片。他费尽周折搞到女王的一张照片。T好好保存这本书。我费了好大的劲才替你弄到一本。好好保存这本书。我费了好大的劲才替你弄到一本。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_legthlength /: n. measurement or extent from end to end 长,长度度 e.g. The table is at least twelve feet in length.He measured the length and width of the table.These fish can reach a length of over two metres.这张桌子至少有这张桌子至少有12英尺长。英尺长。T他量了量桌子的长度和宽度。他量了量桌子的长度和宽度。T这些鱼能长到超过两米。这些鱼能长到超过两米。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_creat storiescreate stories: 编造谎言。编造谎言。stories意为意为“谎言谎言”。e.g. The boy says he lives in a big house with a swimming pool, but I think hes telling stories.那个男孩说他住在一座有游泳池的大房子里,不过我那个男孩说他住在一座有游泳池的大房子里,不过我认为那是他编的谎言。认为那是他编的谎言。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_idiotidiot /: n. very foolish person; fool 白痴;傻白痴;傻瓜,笨蛋,糊涂虫瓜,笨蛋,糊涂虫 e.g. Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and theres water everywhere. You stupid idiot thats a months work youve lost! 某个糊涂虫没关浴室的水龙头,水漫得到处都是。某个糊涂虫没关浴室的水龙头,水漫得到处都是。T你这个笨蛋你这个笨蛋一个月的工作都白干了!一个月的工作都白干了!TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_funfun /: n. amusement, enjoyment; that which causes amusement or merriment 娱乐,快,快乐;有趣的人(或物)有趣的人(或物) e.g. I dont see any fun of learning to play the piano.Our English teacher is great fun and we all like her.我觉得学习弹钢琴没什么乐趣。我觉得学习弹钢琴没什么乐趣。T我们的英语老师很有趣,我们都喜欢她。我们的英语老师很有趣,我们都喜欢她。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_proposal proposal /: n. act of suggesting or putting forward; thing that is suggested 提提议;建建议e.g. The government brought forward a new set of proposals on human rights.I welcome the proposal concerning the use of the land. 政府提出了一套关于人权的新提案。政府提出了一套关于人权的新提案。T我欢迎这份关于土地使用的建议。我欢迎这份关于土地使用的建议。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_dump dump /: n. place where rubbish may be unloaded and left; rubbish-heap 垃圾垃圾场;垃圾堆;垃圾堆e.g. take waste to the dump把垃圾送到垃圾场把垃圾送到垃圾场TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article2_popwin_trash trash / n. rubbish; garbage; things that one throws away 废物;垃圾物;垃圾 Language PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_Q4) What will happen to you if you are honest with people?You will benefit in the end. 5) What is strange about the authors friend who came to see him recently?He wouldnt tell the author he wanted work though he couldnt even pay his rent.Questions About These ParagraphsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_TChinese Version 当你诚实对人时当你诚实对人时 他们钦佩你、欣赏你;他们钦佩你、欣赏你; 他们信任你;他们信任你; 他们了解你的立场;他们了解你的立场; 你会得到更多你想要的东西。你会得到更多你想要的东西。 难道你不欣赏那些对你直言不讳的人吗?难道你不欣赏那些对你直言不讳的人吗?UNIT 7Article4_popwin_TChinese Version 最最近近有有人人来来看看我我。他他逗逗留留了了一一两两个个钟钟头头,问问我我 “最最近近在在干干什什么么?”“”“你你忙忙吗吗?”“”“生生意意还还好好吗吗?”等等等等诸诸如如此此类类的的问问题题。我我猜猜他他就就是是来来看看看看我我。好好几几天天之之后后,我我得得知知他他那那时时刚刚丢丢了了工工作作,他他想想找找工工作作。如如果果他他说说:“我我丢丢了了工工作作,我我需需要要工工作作,”我我本本可可以以帮帮他他。这这不不奇奇怪怪吗吗?他他甚甚至至不肯告诉我他需要工作,而那时他连房租都付不起。不肯告诉我他需要工作,而那时他连房租都付不起。UNIT 7Article3_popwin_ admireadmire /: vt. regard with respect, warm approval, delight, etc. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 e.g. You have to admire their courage.I couldnt help but admire his determination.你不得不佩服他们的勇气。你不得不佩服他们的勇气。T我不由得赞赏他的决心。我不由得赞赏他的决心。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_where where you stand: what is your attitude 你的立场你的立场 Language PointsUNIT 7我直截了当地告诉了他我直截了当地告诉了他我说我说“嘿!我已经有男朋友了。嘿!我已经有男朋友了。我不感兴趣,行了吧我不感兴趣,行了吧?!?!”Article3_popwin_giveittogive it to sb. straight: tell sb. sth. (usu. sth. unpleasant or critical) in a completely frank way 对某人直言不讳对某人直言不讳 e.g. To give it to you straight, I dont think shes the right person for the job.I gave it to him straight I said “Look, Ive got a boyfriend already and Im not interested, all right?!”实话告诉你,我觉得她不是那份工作的合适人选。实话告诉你,我觉得她不是那份工作的合适人选。TTLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_hangaround hang around: stay near in an idle way; remain idling in a place 闲呆着;在某处闲荡闲呆着;在某处闲荡 e.g. The bus was late so I had to hang around the bus station for a whole hour.“So what are you doing here? ” “Me, nothing Im just hanging around.”公共汽车晚点了,我不得不在公交车站晃荡了整整一个小时。公共汽车晚点了,我不得不在公交车站晃荡了整整一个小时。T“那么你在这儿干什么?那么你在这儿干什么?”“我?没干什么我?没干什么只是闲呆只是闲呆着。着。”TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_social on a social visit: 社交性的访问社交性的访问social /: a. of or in society; of or designed for companionship and recreation 社会的;社交的,社会的;社交的,交际的交际的e.g. I had such a good social life when I was at college.Most British schools organize social events for the students.我在大学时社交活动频繁。我在大学时社交活动频繁。T大多数英国学校为学生们组织社交活动。大多数英国学校为学生们组织社交活动。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_isnt Isnt it strange? It refers to the strange behavior of the authors friend. it 指后面一句指后面一句(The man wouldnt even tell me that he needed work. Meanwhile, he couldnt pay his rent.)的内容。的内容。Language PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_meanwhile meanwhile /: ad. in the time between two events; at the same time 其间;与其间;与此同时此同时e.g. She hid under the table meanwhile, the sound of boots on the stairs was coming nearer.The party is on Tuesday; meanwhile I have to shop and cook.她藏到了桌子下面她藏到了桌子下面与此同时楼梯上的靴子声越来与此同时楼梯上的靴子声越来越近。越近。T聚会是在星期二。在这期间我还要购物、做饭。聚会是在星期二。在这期间我还要购物、做饭。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_rent rent /: n. regular payment made for the use of sth., e.g. a house, land 租金;房租;地租租金;房租;地租e.g. How much do you pay in rent every month?He couldnt afford the rent by himself.你每月付多少房租?你每月付多少房租?T他一个人付不起房租。他一个人付不起房租。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_fellow fellow /: n. infml man or boy; chap 口口男人;男孩;小伙子;家男人;男孩;小伙子;家伙伙 Language PointsUNIT 7Article3_popwin_S_N1 Notes of Text they know where you stand: 他他们了解你的立了解你的立场UNIT 7Article3_popwin_S_N2 I figured he was on a social visit. 我猜他就是来看看我。我猜他就是来看看我。on a social visit 意为意为“社交性访问社交性访问”。Notes of Text UNIT 7Article3_popwin_S_N3.1Had he said, “I lost my job and I need some work,” I could have helped him. Isnt it strange? The man wouldnt even tell me that he needed work. Meanwhile, he couldnt pay his rent. 如果他说:如果他说:“我丢了工作,我需要工作,我丢了工作,我需要工作,”我本可以帮他。这我本可以帮他。这不奇怪吗?他甚至不肯告诉我他需要工作,而那时他连房租都不奇怪吗?他甚至不肯告诉我他需要工作,而那时他连房租都付不起。付不起。句中句中Had he said等于等于If he had said。Notes of Text UNIT 7Article3_popwin_S_N3.2In the literary style, the structures “were I/you/he etc., should I/you/he/etc. and had I/you/he/etc.” are used instead of “if I/you/he /etc. were, if I/you/he/etc. should and if I/you/he/etc. had.” 在较正式的文体里,在较正式的文体里,were I/you/he etc., should I/you/he/etc.和和had I/you/he/etc.可以替代可以替代if I/you/he /etc. were, if I/you/he/etc. should和和if I/you/he/etc. had。e.g. Were she my daughter, I could suggest several steps I consider good to take.她要是我的女儿,我就会提出一些我认为有益的做法了。她要是我的女儿,我就会提出一些我认为有益的做法了。TUNIT 7Article3_popwin_S_N3.3e.g. Had I realized what you intended, I would not have wasted my time trying to explain matters to you.Should you change your mind, let us know.如果我当时意识到你的本意,我就不会浪费时间跟你解释了。如果我当时意识到你的本意,我就不会浪费时间跟你解释了。T如果你要改变主意,请告诉我们。如果你要改变主意,请告诉我们。TUNIT 7Article4_popwin_Q 6) How can we get what we want?By asking for it.Question About These ParagraphsUNIT 7Article4_popwin_TChinese Version 如如果果你你想想要要什什么么,那那就就说说出出来来。“我我需需要要帮帮助助,”“”“我我想想借借100100美美元元,”“”“希希望望你你不不要要再再来来烦烦我我。”如如果果你你想想和和谁谁约约会会,那那就就告告诉诉她她。你你说说:“你你是是整整个个晚晚会会上上最最有有魅魅力力的人。我想带你出去。你看怎么样?的人。我想带你出去。你看怎么样?” 小小孩孩子子因因为为主主动动索索取取而而得得到到他他们们想想要要的的东东西西。这这是是他他们们魅魅力力的的一一部部分分。当当我我们们像像孩孩子子一一样样诚诚实实时时,人人们们也也会会觉觉得我们更有魅力。得我们更有魅力。UNIT 7Article4_popwin_hasslehassle /: vt. harass; annoy; bother(不断)打扰;(不断)打扰;使烦恼;烦扰使烦恼;烦扰 e.g. Shell hassle me until I agree to write the letter for her.He hassled me so much that I decided not to see him for a while.她会不断来烦我,直到我同意替她写信。她会不断来烦我,直到我同意替她写信。T他太烦我了,所以我决定暂时不见他。他太烦我了,所以我决定暂时不见他。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article4_popwin_fascinatingfascinating /: a. having great attraction or charm 有极大吸引力的;迷人的有极大吸引力的;迷人的 e.g. look/sound fascinatingWhat was fascinating to me was the way the animal moves.看起来看起来/听起来很吸引人听起来很吸引人 T吸引我注意的是那种动物移动的方式。吸引我注意的是那种动物移动的方式。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article4_popwin_what What do you say? = Do you like it? Do you agree to my suggestion? 你喜欢吗?你同意我的建议吗?你喜欢吗?你同意我的建议吗?e.g. I think we should tell him what do you say?What do you say to a walk? 我认为我们应该告诉他我认为我们应该告诉他你认为呢?你认为呢?T出去散散步怎么样?出去散散步怎么样?TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article4_popwin_charm charm /: n. power of pleasing, fascinating or attracting people; attractiveness; pleasing or attracting feature or quality 魅力;引人喜爱的特征;魅力;引人喜爱的特征;迷人的特征迷人的特征e.g. His natural charm made him very popular.a woman of great charm The idea of being a farmer has lost its charm for me by this time.他天生的魅力使他非常受人欢迎。他天生的魅力使他非常受人欢迎。T极富魅力的女人极富魅力的女人T到这个时候,做一个农夫的想法对我已经没什么吸引力了。到这个时候,做一个农夫的想法对我已经没什么吸引力了。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article4_popwin_charming charming /: a. having or showing charm; delightful 迷人的;妩媚的,可爱的;令人高兴的迷人的;妩媚的,可爱的;令人高兴的e.g. She looked small and gentle and altogether charming.They had a charming little cottage by the river.她看上去娇小、温柔,总的来说妩媚动人。她看上去娇小、温柔,总的来说妩媚动人。T他们在河边有一座漂亮的小房子。他们在河边有一座漂亮的小房子。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_ Q7) How do you show respect both to others and to yourself?Be honest with others.Question About These ParagraphsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_ TChinese Version 还还有有,如如果果某某件件事事你你不不知知道道,就就诚诚实实地地说说不不知知道道。听听那那些些装装着着什什么么都都知知道道的的教教师师、同同事事、父父母母和和其其他他“专专家家们们”讲讲话,真让人恼火。人们总是尊重能说话,真让人恼火。人们总是尊重能说“我不知道我不知道”的人。的人。简而言之 要要有有策策略略地地实实话话实实说说。对对别别人人诚诚实实既既表表明明对对他他们们的的尊尊重重,也是自我尊重的也是自我尊重的表示表示而且这样做要简单得多!而且这样做要简单得多!UNIT 7Article5_popwin_ exasperatingexasperating /: a. extremely annoying 使人恼怒的;激怒人的使人恼怒的;激怒人的e.g. exasperating delaysTime after time, he refused to help; its so exasperating.恼人的拖延恼人的拖延 T他一次又一次地拒绝给予帮助,真让人火冒三丈。他一次又一次地拒绝给予帮助,真让人火冒三丈。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_ expert expert /: n. person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particular field 专家专家 e.g. an expert on / in healthExperts say that the company will fail.健康方面的专家健康方面的专家 T专家们说这家公司将要破产。专家们说这家公司将要破产。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_ in a nutshell 1 in a nutshell: (express sth.) very simply, directly and in a few words only 简明扼要地(说),概括地(说);简而简明扼要地(说),概括地(说);简而言之言之 e.g. “Is he coming with us?” “In a nutshell, no.”Well, to put it in a nutshell, were going to have to start again. “他和我们一起走吗?他和我们一起走吗?”“简单地说吧,不。简单地说吧,不。”T呃,简而言之,我们得从头再来。呃,简而言之,我们得从头再来。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_ in a nutshell 2 nut /: n. fruit consisting of a hard shell with a kernel inside it that can be eaten 坚果果shell /: n. hard outer covering of eggs, of nut kernels, of some seeds and fruits, and of animals such as oysters, snails, crabs and tortoises(蛋、(蛋、坚果、种子、果果、种子、果实以及牡蛎、以及牡蛎、蜗牛、蟹、牛、蟹、龟等的)等的)壳壳nutshell /: n. hard covering around the kernel of a nut 坚果外壳果外壳 UNIT 7Article5_popwin_tactful tactful /: a. having or showing tact 圆通的,乖巧通的,乖巧的,机敏的的,机敏的 e.g. Shes very tactful when she deals with students and their problems. It would be tactful not to ask her about her exam. 她在处理学生和他们的问题时很有技巧。她在处理学生和他们的问题时很有技巧。T聪明的话,不要问她考试的事。聪明的话,不要问她考试的事。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_tell tell it like it is: sl, infml be honest; tell the truth 俚、口俚、口如实说来;说实话;实话实说如实说来;说实话;实话实说e.g. Let me tell it like it is: Things are tough and theyre going to get tougher. 让我实话实说吧:情况不妙,而且会越来越糟。让我实话实说吧:情况不妙,而且会越来越糟。TLanguage PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_colleague colleague /: n. person with whom one works, esp. in a profession or business 同事同事 Language PointsUNIT 7Article5_popwin_N Notes of Text Also, if you dont know something, be honest about it. 还有,如果某件事你不知道,就有,如果某件事你不知道,就诚实地地说不知道。不知道。also在在这里是修里是修饰整个句子的副整个句子的副词,放在句首,后用逗号,放在句首,后用逗号,表示增加一个相关事表示增加一个相关事实。 UNIT 7Text A Exercises Reading AloudUnderstanding the TextReading AnalysisVocabularyStructureTranslationTA-mainUNIT 7Read the following paragraph until you have learned them by heart. If you want something, say it. “I want help,” “I want to borrow a hundred dollars,” “I want you to stop hassling me.” If you want to date somebody, tell her. You say, “You are the most fascinating person at this whole party. I would like to take you out. What do you say?” Kids get what they want because they ask for it. It is part of their charm. When we are honest like children, people find us more charming too.Read the following1Reading Aloud UNIT 7Read the following2 Also, if you dont know something, be honest about it. It is so exasperating listening to teachers, colleagues, parents, and other “experts” who pretend to have all the answers. People always respect the person who is able to say, “I dont know.”UNIT 7Answer the following questions.Understanding-Answer1. What does the author think Mary should do?2. Why should people be honest according to the author?3. Instead of being honest when they make mistakeswhat do people do?4. What will happen to you if you are honest with people?5. What is strange about the authors friend who came to see him recently?6. How can we get what we want?7. How do you show respect both to others and to yourself?Understanding the Text UNIT 7Topics for Discussion.1.Do you agree that honesty pays off? Are there any situations in which you have to lie?2.If one of your good friends were to cheat on one examination, would you be honest and report it to the teacher? Why or why not?Topics-1UNIT 7Read text-1 Part Topic Paragraphs Main IdeaRead Text A again and complete the following table.Honesty makes 1-5 When people have problems, can be the easiest solution.Peoples attitude towards honesty6-7If you , they will appreciate you more.Reading Analysis things simple_.being honest _are honest with people_UNIT 7Read text-2 Part Topic Paragraphs Main IdeaSay8-11When you want something, youd better and say itwhat youwant_.be honest _directly_.Honesty_The summary_12 pays off.Now retell the main idea of the passage, using the informations in the table you have completed.UNIT 71.We made a(n) to build a new shopping center, but to our disappointment it was rejected.2. “The for the house is $250 per month, but I dont have to pay for food,” the young woman told her mother quite happily.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in1-1Vocabulary proposal_rent_admire meanwhile length solutionalternative proposal common rent expert social UNIT 7Vocabulary-Fill in1-23. The school organized many activities for the visiting students.4. “Our garden is very small. Its no more than 12 metres in ,” Mr. Smith told his visitor.5. The government has to say that there are no easy to the problems in this country.social_length_solutions_admire meanwhile length solutionalternative proposal common rent expert social UNIT 7Vocabulary-Fill in1-36. We can take a boat to Florida or, as an , we can fly there.7. He shouldnt have risked his life just to save a cat but you have to his courage.8. Here we are, sitting around arguing about politics. the fighting goes on and people are getting killed.alternative_admire_Meanwhile_admire meanwhile length solutionalternative proposal common rent expert social UNIT 7Vocabulary-Fill in1-49. 10. We are honored to have Professor Hawking with us today. He is one of the worlds leading on physics. They disagreed on many issues, but found some ground in their concern for poor children.experts_common_admire meanwhile length solutionalternative proposal common rent expert social UNIT 7Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in2-11. Shes so afraid of her uncle that she to avoid him.2. They two things they are both English and they are both left-handed.goes to great lengths _havein common _give it to sb. straight hang aroundinstead ofin a nutshell tell it like it is go to great lengths (to do sth.) have in commonpay offUNIT 7Vocabulary-Fill in2-23. , the situation is that sales have fallen and we have to sell the company.4. At least Roz always so you know what shes thinking.5. He had spent several weeks the club (俱俱乐部部) making friends with the rest of the group.In a nutshell_gives it to you straight _hanging around _give it to sb. straight hang aroundinstead ofin a nutshell tell it like it is go to great lengths (to do sth.) have in commonpay offUNIT 7Vocabulary-Fill in2-36. He worked very hard during the first two years in college; all that hard work when he came out top of his class. 7. His work is not very good, so when you see him, Dont be afraid that he may be angry.8. Why dont you help me with the housework sitting and going online all day long?paid off _tell it like it is_.instead of _give it to sb. straight hang aroundinstead ofin a nutshell tell it like it is go to great lengths (to do sth.)have in commonpay offUNIT 7Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.Structure-complete1-1Model:Its not that humanity will love you more if you dont tell lies, but that honesty, with tact, is the easiest solution.1. Its not that shes really angry, but that shes very tired_.(而是她很累而是她很累)Structure UNIT 7Structure-complete1-2Its not that the house is too expensive,2.but that it is not(而是它不而是它不够大大)big enough_.Its not that they asked too many questions,3. they were extremely rude(而是他而是他们极其粗极其粗鲁)but that_._but that they worry4. Its not that they cannot do it well_,(不是他不是他们做不好做不好这个工作个工作)too much in the process.but that I have promised5. Its not that I dont trust you_,never to tell it to anybody else. (不是我不信任你不是我不信任你)6. Its not that hes not intelligent_, but that hes too young. (不是他不不是他不够聪明明)UNIT 7Study the following example and then translate each of the following sentences into English.Structure-complete2-1Model:假如他假如他处在你的地位,他可能也会在你的地位,他可能也会这样做的。做的。1.Had he been in your position, hed probably have done the same._如果他如果他说:“我我丢了工作,我需要工作,了工作,我需要工作,”我本可以帮他。我本可以帮他。Had he said, “I lost my job and I need some work,” I could have helped him. UNIT 7Structure-complete2-2如果你当如果你当时提醒了我,我可能就不会忘了。提醒了我,我可能就不会忘了。2.Had you reminded me, I might not have forgotten._如果我如果我们听从了他的建听从了他的建议,可能就避免了,可能就避免了这场灾灾难。3.Had we followed his advice, we might have avoided the disaster._如果我如果我们赶上了赶上了10点点钟的火的火车,我,我们本来午餐本来午餐时间就会到了。就会到了。4.Had we caught the 10 oclock train, we would have got there by lunch time._UNIT 7Structure-complete2-3如果他如果他这学期努力的学期努力的话,他本可以通,他本可以通过考考试的。的。5.Had he worked hard this term, he could have passed the examination._UNIT 7TL1Translate the following sentences into English.1. 这两个毫无共同之两个毫无共同之处的人成了朋友。的人成了朋友。这倒不是因倒不是因为他他们从一开始就互相喜从一开始就互相喜欢,而是因,而是因为他他们曾在一起工作、互曾在一起工作、互相帮助相帮助过。The two, who have nothing in common, have actually become friends. Its not that they liked each other from the very beginning, but that they have worked together and helped each other._Translation UNIT 7TL2在在阅读中碰到生中碰到生词时,查词典是一种解决典是一种解决办法,法,还有有一个一个办法是根据上下文法是根据上下文( (context) )猜猜测单词的意思。的意思。2.When you meet new words while reading, looking up the words in the dictionaries is one solution. Another alternative is to guess the meaning from context._与其不辞辛苦地在与其不辞辛苦地在书里翻找,你里翻找,你还不如上网不如上网( (the Internet) )去去查。Instead of going to great lengths to check in books, youd better search on the Internet._3.UNIT 7TL3如果他如果他实话实说,就不会有今天,就不会有今天这样的的尴尬尬场面了。面了。4.Had he told the truth, he wouldnt have been in such an embarrassing situation._他的老板拒他的老板拒绝给他他涨工工资,并同,并同时向公司提向公司提议解聘他。解聘他。His boss refused to raise his pay. Meanwhile he proposed to the company that they fire him._5.简而言之,你的努力一定会得到回而言之,你的努力一定会得到回报的。的。In a nutshell, your effort will pay off._6.UNIT 7TL4Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined words.1. The airline paid for the mans hotel room and meals in New Zealand and for his flight back to California. (Text A, Unit 1, Book 2)那家航空公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费那家航空公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费用,还用,还支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用。UNIT 7TL52. You also believe that your job is important and contributes to the cause. (Text B, Unit 3, Book 2)3. “I also like animals,” I continued, “because they dont dwell on things of the past, nor use them as excuse for behavior in the present” (Text A, Unit 4, Book 2)你还相信你的工作是重要的,你还相信你的工作是重要的,你的工作有助于公司的事业你的工作有助于公司的事业。“我喜我喜欢动物,物,”我我继续道,道,“还因因为它它们不留恋不留恋过去的去的东西,西,也不把也不把过去的去的东西用作西用作现在行在行为的借口的借口”UNIT 7TL64. The conversation actually rolled into shared stories of animals theyd known, stories of animal loyalty and intelligence, their humor and innocence. (Text A, Unit 4, Book 2)事事实上,上,谈话变成了成了分享他分享他们所知的所知的动物故事,有关于物故事,有关于动物物的忠的忠诚和灵性的故事,有关于它和灵性的故事,有关于它们的幽默和的幽默和纯真的故事真的故事。UNIT 7TL75. I loved the project, McDonalds loved the project, the kids and adults loved it and so did the nursing and hospital staff. (Text B, Unit 6, Book 2)我我喜喜欢这个个项目目,麦当,麦当劳公司公司喜喜欢这个个项目目,孩子,孩子们和大人和大人们喜喜欢这个个项目目,护理人理人员和医和医务人人员也喜也喜欢这个个项目目。6. Also, if you dont know something, be honest about it. (Text A, Unit 7, Book 2)还有,如果某件事你不知道,就有,如果某件事你不知道,就诚实地地说不知道不知道。Teaching notes:UNIT 7TL-teaching notes1Teaching notes: 本单元英译汉练习操练的是本单元英译汉练习操练的是重复译技能重复译技能,重复译实际上也属于增,重复译实际上也属于增词译的范畴,只不过是增加同一词或词语而已。比较英汉两种语言,词译的范畴,只不过是增加同一词或词语而已。比较英汉两种语言,汉语使用重复词语较多,而英语则可能使用同义词、近义词、上义词、汉语使用重复词语较多,而英语则可能使用同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词等各种手段,更多的是使用代词,甚至省略。翻译时,为了使下义词等各种手段,更多的是使用代词,甚至省略。翻译时,为了使译文符合汉语的表达习惯,英语句子里有些省略的词或词组,或用代译文符合汉语的表达习惯,英语句子里有些省略的词或词组,或用代词指代的人或物按汉语表达方式予以再现,这样就在译文中加以重复词指代的人或物按汉语表达方式予以再现,这样就在译文中加以重复了。此外,重复的使用也使译文的意义更明确。比如在了。此外,重复的使用也使译文的意义更明确。比如在“Everyone had a different agenda for me. But I had my own.”句子中,句子中,“I had my own”后省略后省略agenda,在译文中补充重复,意义就明确了:每个,在译文中补充重复,意义就明确了:每个人都为我制定了不同的计划,可是我有我自己的计划。再如在练习的人都为我制定了不同的计划,可是我有我自己的计划。再如在练习的第一句中重复第一句中重复“支付了支付了”,在第三句中,在第三句中them指的是指的是things of the past,译文中重复了,译文中重复了“把过去的东西把过去的东西”。UNIT 7TL-teaching notes2However, when mathematicians tested Hans, they were amazed. Testing results showed that he had the ability of a 14-year-old schoolboy! (Text B, Unit 4, Book 2)不不过,当科学家,当科学家们测试汉斯斯时,他,他们都大都大为惊惊讶,测试结果表果表明,明,汉斯斯的能力竟达到了一个的能力竟达到了一个14岁学生的水平!学生的水平!In between those years she lost her listening and her memory.在在这些年期些年期间,她,她丧失了听力,失了听力,还丧失了失了记忆力力。1. 这里再提供一些句子供教学使用。这里再提供一些句子供教学使用。2. UNIT 7TL-teaching notes3They decided to increase taxes for the rich but not the middle classes.他他们决定决定增加富人的税收,但不增加中增加富人的税收,但不增加中产阶级的税收的税收。4. The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.首先是首先是由于由于成本上成本上涨,然后,然后又由于又由于遇到技遇到技术上的上的问题,这个个项目目现在比在比预定定计划晚了划晚了7年。年。3. UNIT 7GR1Grammar Review动词-ing形式与不定式的比形式与不定式的比较(3) 在某些情况下既能使用不定式,也能使用在某些情况下既能使用不定式,也能使用-ing形式,但形式,但有有时两种形式所表达的意两种形式所表达的意义是有差是有差别的。的。下面的下面的动词后用不定式后用不定式或用或用-ing形式作形式作宾语,意,意义上几乎无差上几乎无差别:begin, start, prefer, continue。但当但当这些些动词用于用于进行行时的的时候,后面一般用候,后面一般用不定式。不定式。1.She started to cry. = She started crying.They continued to talk. = They continued talking.I didnt begin reading the book until she came in.= I didnt begin to read the book until she came in.UNIT 7GR2下面的一些下面的一些动词后后用不定式或用用不定式或用-ing形式作形式作宾语,在意,在意义上是有差上是有差别的:的:remember, forget, regret, try, mean。2.Its starting/beginning to rain.(不用不用:Its starting/beginning raining.)He has forgotten to meet her.他忘了要去他忘了要去见她。她。(表示要(表示要发生的生的动作)作)He has forgotten meeting her last year.他忘了去年曾他忘了去年曾见过她。她。(表示已(表示已经发生的生的动作)作)UNIT 7GR3He tried to learn Japanese. 他他试图学学习日日语。(想做某事)(想做某事)He tried learning Japanese. 他他试着学着学习日日语。(尝试做某事)做某事)We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. 我我们遗憾地通知您,您的申憾地通知您,您的申请没有成功。没有成功。He regretted having mentioned it. 他后悔提到了他后悔提到了这件事。件事。I mean to go and nothing is going to stop me. 我决意要走,什么也阻我决意要走,什么也阻拦不了我。不了我。UNIT 7GR4go on, stop后后跟不定式和跟跟不定式和跟-ing形式在意形式在意义上也是有差上也是有差别的。的。3.The key to endurance running is to conserve energy. This means using as little energy as needed to move oneself forward. 耐力跑的要耐力跑的要诀是保存能量。是保存能量。这意味着意味着用所需的最小能量使自己向前移用所需的最小能量使自己向前移动。After reading the text, the teacher went on to explain the new words. 读完完课文后,老文后,老师接着解接着解释生生词。(接下去做另一件事)(接下去做另一件事)UNIT 7GR5He said nothing but just went on working.他什么也没他什么也没说,只是,只是继续干活。干活。(继续做做同一件事)同一件事)They stopped to take a few pictures.他他们停下来拍了几停下来拍了几张照片。照片。(停下来去做(停下来去做另一件事)另一件事)They stopped taking pictures. 他他们停止了照相。停止了照相。(停止做某事)(停止做某事)UNIT 7GR6Rewrite the following sentences, using the words in brackets.1. John isnt here. Phone his home number to see if hes there. (try, phone)John isnt here. Try phoning his home number to see if hes there._Model: I went to London in 2002. I still remember it. (remember, go)I remember going to London in 2002.UNIT 7GR72. He was walking along the street. He stopped. Then he took a picture. (stop, take)3. I needed to ask him for his address. But I didnt do it. (forget, ask)4. We are sorry to inform you the model you want is out of stock(脱脱销). (regret, inform)Walking along the street, he stopped to take a picture._I forgot to ask him for his address._We regret to inform you the model you want is out of stock._UNIT 7GR85. They wanted to pass the exam. They studied very hard for it. (try, pass)6. We turned the lights off before we came out. I remember it. (remember, turnoff)7. I heard this piece of music when I was lonely. Ill never forget that experience. (forget, hear)They tried to pass the exam._I remember turning the lights off before we came out._Ill never forget hearing this piece of music when I was lonely._UNIT 7GR98. I gave up the job. I feel sorry about it. (regret, give up)9. I used to eat chocolate. But I stopped last year. (stop, eat)I regret giving up the job._I stopped eating chocolate last year._10. She first told us her plan. Then she told us how she would carry it out. (go on, tell)She first told us her plan and then went on to tell us how she would carry it out._UNIT 7 英英语书信信的的款款式式一一般般有有两两种种:齐头式式 (Block Style) 和和折折中中式式 (Semi-Block Style)。齐头式式常常常常在在一一些些正正式式的的信信件件中中使使用用,以以显示示信信件件内内容容的的严肃性性,真真实性性,可可靠靠性性。在在齐头式式书信信中中,全全部部内内容容包包括括日日期期和和信信尾尾问候候语,都都从从左左侧顶格格开开始始。段段落落开开头不不空空格格,各各段段之之间空空两两行行。(参参见上上一一单元元教教师用用书的的说明明部分):部分): 而而折折中中式式则显得得比比较随随便便,主主要要用用于于家家人人、朋朋友友、私私人人之之间来来往往的的信信件件。用用折折中中式式书写写信信件件,每每个个段段落落缩进5或或10个个英英文文字字母母;结尾尾敬敬辞辞、信信末末签名名、写写信信人人姓姓名名和和职衔从从中中间起起行行。比如:比如:PW1Practical Writing Personal Letters (2)Teaching notes:UNIT 7Dear Uncle Adam, Thanks very much for the CD voucher(票券票券) you sent me for my birthday. I bought the soundtrack(电影声影声带) from “Titanic” with it, for I really loved the movie. Weve got a week-long study break in June, and Mum said I might get more work done if I came down and stayed with you. She doesnt want all my mates to keep ringing me up and asking me out. Could I come down on Saturday (the 8th) and stay for the week? You dont need to get me from the bus station. Ill get a taxi. If thats cool with you, give me a buzz this weekend and Ill tell Mum she can relax. See you soon (I hope). Love, Teri PW2UNIT 7PW3 此此外外,书信信交交往往同同样需需要要以以礼礼待待人人。因因此此在在写写信信过程程中中,应设身身处地地想想到到对方方,尊尊重重对方方的的风俗俗习惯,措措辞辞上上多多选用用些些礼礼貌貌婉婉转的的词语。其其次次,英英文文信信应该行行文文流流畅、言言简意意赅,写写信信者者应将将其其所所需需传递的的信信息息表表达达清清楚楚,以以免免对方方产生生误解解。最最后后,除除了了避避免免语法法、拼拼写写、标点点错误外外,信信中中所所引引用用的的史史料料、数数据据等等也也应准准确确无无误。以以下下是是两两封封因因为标点点符符号号不不同同而而内内容容完完全不同的私人信件。全不同的私人信件。UNIT 7PW4Dear John, You have ruined me. For other man, I yarn. For you. I have no feelings whatsoever. When we are apart I can be forever happy. Would you let me be? YoursDear John, You have ruined me for other man. I yarn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we are apart. I can be forever happy. Would you let me be yours.UNIT 7PW5常用的起首常用的起首语有:有:1. Thank you for your letter dated Dec. 22, 2009. 2. A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5, 2009. 3. Your kind letter of Nov. 24th arrived this morning. 4. Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort. 5. In reply to your letter dated 4th July, I want to say 6. Thank you very much for your letter of Dec.2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve. UNIT 7PW6What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th! It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting. First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me. With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that I wish to apply for the teaching position you are offering.I am so excited and delighted at your good news. I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulationsI am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.13.14. UNIT 7PW7常用的常用的结束束语有:有: 1. Awaiting your good news. 2. Looking forward to your early reply. 3. Hoping to hear from you soon. 4. We await your good news. 5. I hope to hear from you very soon. 6. We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 7. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 8. Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you. 9. The help you give me is sincerely valued. UNIT 7PW810. I hope everything will be well with you. 11. Please let us know if you want more information. 12. I hope you always enjoy yourself. 13. I wish you every happiness in the coming year. 14. Please remember me to your family. 15. With best regards to your family. 16. All the best. 17. With love and good wishes.UNIT 7PW9Put the following parts into proper order. 1.In the end we found a beautiful apartment with a balcony (阳台阳台) and it was cheap. Unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left.2. We booked some rooms in a hotel in the village, but when we arrived at the hotel, we were very disappointed. It was very old, rather dirty and we couldnt see the sea. So, we decided to change.3. Dear Chris,4. Love,5. Anyway, I must go and unpack my suitcase! I will write again soon.UNIT 7PW10Suggested answer:6. Thanks for your last letter. I am really sorry I didnt write back earlier, but I have only just got back from holiday. I went with three friends to a little place called Mojacar which is near Almeria, but it wasnt exactly what we expected!7. Natalia8. The next hotel was perfect. It was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool I have ever seen. But there was one problem it was too expensive! We stayed one night, but then it was time to change again!UNIT 7PW11Suggested answer:(3) Dear Chris, (6) Thanks for your last letter. I am really sorry I didnt write back earlier, but I have only just got back from holiday. I went with three friends to a little place called Mojacar which is near Almeria, but it wasnt exactly what we expected! (2) We booked some rooms in a hotel in the village, but when we arrived at the hotel, we were very disappointed. It was very old, rather dirty and we couldnt see the sea. So, we decided to change.UNIT 7PW12 (8) The next hotel was perfect. It was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool I have ever seen. But there was one problem it was too expensive! We stayed one night, but then it was time to change again! (1) In the end we found a beautiful apartment with a balcony and it was cheap. Unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left. (5) Anyway, I must go and unpack my suitcase! I will write again soon. (4) Love, (7) Natalia UNIT 7PW13Write a letter to your friend Sarah based on the information given below.Thank her for the card and money she sent you for your birthday.Tell her how you will use the money. Your mailing address: 64 Robin Road, Cambridge, RH25 8PXSuggested answer:UNIT 7PW14Suggested answer:64 Robin RoadCambridgeRH25 8PX23 October, 2004Dear Sarah, Thank you so much for the card and money that you sent me for my birthday. My parents gave me a new stereo so I have already decided that I will use the money I got from you to buy two new CDs. Lots of Love, JonathanUNIT 7PW15Write a letter according to the following information given in Chinese.得知你的朋友来看望你,你写信得知你的朋友来看望你,你写信给他他/她,告之下列事她,告之下列事项:1. 那天他那天他/她来她来时,你要上班,不能去,你要上班,不能去车站接;站接;2. 车站离你的住站离你的住处很近,很近,请他他/她把行李寄放在她把行李寄放在车站,你会站,你会去取;去取;3. 告告诉他他/她如何到你的住她如何到你的住处。Suggested answer:UNIT 7PW16Suggested answer:Dear Anna, Its lovely to hear youre coming after all. Im afraid I wont be able to meet you at the station, as Ill be at work. You have to come to my house yourself. You can leave your case at the station and Ill pick it up later. My house is not far away from the station and it takes only about 10 minutes by walk. Heres how you get to my house. Turn left out of the station and go down Oakwood Street. When you go past the post office, turn right and youll see my house there. There is a phone box in front of my house, so its easy to find. Ask the neighbours at 34 for a key.UNIT 7PW17 Itll be lovely to see you again. Please say hello to your mum and dad. Lots of love, AlanUNIT 7Text B The Honest Woodman Adapted by Emilie Poulsson1 Once upon a time, out in the green, silent woods near a rushing river that foamed and sparkled as it hurried along, there lived a poor woodcutter who worked hard to make a living for his family. Every day he would trudge into the forest with his strong, sharp axe over his shoulder. He always whistled happily as he went, because he was thinking that as long as he had his health and his axe, he could earn enough to buy all the bread his family needed. TextB_P1?CHThis story is retold from a poem by Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), who, like Aesop, was a master of fable. NNUNIT 7Text B 2 One day he was cutting a large oak tree near the riverside. The chips flew fast at every stroke, and the sound of the ringing axe echoed through the forest so clearly you might have thought a dozen woodchoppers were at work that day.3 By and by the woodman thought he would rest awhile. He leaned his axe against the tree and turned to sit down, but he tripped over an old root, and before he could catch it, his axe slid down the bank and into the river!TextB_P2?NCHNUNIT 7Text B 4 The poor woodman gazed into the stream, trying to see the bottom, but it was far too deep there. The river flowed over the lost treasure just as merrily as before.5 “What will I do?” the woodman cried. “Ive lost my axe! How will I feed my children now?”TextB_P3?CH6 Just as he finished speaking, up from the lake rose a beautiful lady. She was the water fairy of the river, and came to the surface when she heard his sad voice.20 NUNIT 7Text B 7 “What is your sorrow?” she asked kindly. The woodman told her about his trouble, and at once she sank beneath the surface, and reappeared in a moment with an axe made of silver.8 “Is this the axe you lost?” she asked.9 The woodman thought of all the fine things he could buy for his children with that silver! But the axe wasnt his, so he shook his head, and answered, “My axe was only made of steel.”TextB_P4?CHUNIT 7Text B 10 The water fairy laid the silver axe on the bank, and sank into the river again. In a moment she rose and showed the woodman another axe. “Perhaps this one is yours?” she asked.11 The woodman looked. “Oh, no!” he replied. “This one is made of gold! Its worth many times more than mine.”TextB_P5CHUNIT 7Text B 12 The water fairy laid the golden axe on the bank. Once again she sank. Up she rose. This time she held the missing axe.13 “That is mine!” the woodman cried. “That is surely my old axe!”14 “It is yours,” said the water fairy, “and so are these other two now. They are gifts from the river, because you have told the truth.”15 And that evening the woodman trudged home with all three axes on his shoulder, whistling happily as he thought of all the good things they would bring for his family. (482 words)TextB_P6?CHNUNIT 71) Why did the woodcutter always whistle happily?Because he believed he could earn enough to raise his children.TextB_P1_QuestionsQuestion About This ParagraphUNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P1_Chinese诚实的樵夫的樵夫埃米莉埃米莉波波尔森改森改编 本本故故事事复复述述自自让让德德拉拉封封丹丹(1621169516211695)的的一一首首诗,他与伊索一样,也是一位寓言大师。诗,他与伊索一样,也是一位寓言大师。 从从前前,在在远远离离城城市市的的一一座座寂寂静静的的绿绿色色树树林林里里,在在一一条条水水流流湍湍急急、泛泛着着白白沫沫、闪闪着着银银光光的的河河边边,住住着着一一位位贫贫穷穷的的樵樵夫夫,他他为为了了全全家家人人的的生生计计而而努努力力地地工工作作着着。每每天天他他都都扛扛着着他他那那把把坚坚硬硬、锋锋利利的的斧斧子子、踏踏着着沉沉重重的的步步子子走走进进森森林林。他他总总是是一一边边走走一一边边开开心心地地吹吹口口哨哨,因因为为他他想想只只要要自自己己身身体体健康,斧子没有问题,他就能挣到足够的钱养家糊口。健康,斧子没有问题,他就能挣到足够的钱养家糊口。UNIT 7TextB_P1_woodmanLanguage Points woodman /: n. person who lives in the woods, as a hunter, woodcutter, etc. 林区人;伐林区人;伐木人;樵夫木人;樵夫 UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_retllretell /: vt. tell (a story, etc.) again, in a different way or in a different language再再讲,重,重述;以不同方式(或述;以不同方式(或语言)复述言)复述 e.g. retell the textGerman fairy stories retold in English复述课文复述课文 T用英语复述的德国童话故事用英语复述的德国童话故事TLanguage Points UNIT 7out: ad. “Out” is used to emphasize the distance that someone or something is from a town or city. out 用来用来强调远离城离城镇的地方。的地方。TextB_P1_LP_oute.g. I dont want to live any further out. She lives out in a village, ten miles away.我不想住得更远。我不想住得更远。T她住在一个她住在一个10英里开外的村子里。英里开外的村子里。TLanguage Points UNIT 7silent /: a. making little or no sound 寂静的;无寂静的;无声的声的TextB_P1_LP_ silente.g. the silent desertthe old silent movie寂静的沙漠寂静的沙漠 T老的无声电影老的无声电影TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_ sparklesparkle /k/: vi. shine brightly with flashes of light 闪耀;闪烁闪耀;闪烁e.g. The sunlight sparkled on the surface of the water.Her eyes sparkled as she laughed.阳光在水面上闪耀。阳光在水面上闪耀。T她笑的时候,眼睛熠熠生辉。她笑的时候,眼睛熠熠生辉。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_ trudgetrudge /: vi. walk slowly or with difficulty because one is tired, etc. 步步履履艰艰难难地地走走;疲疲累累(或费力)地走(或费力)地走 e.g. trudging slowly back to the officeTo get home from the station we had to trudge one and a half kilometers over rough roads. 步履艰难缓慢地走回办公室步履艰难缓慢地走回办公室T从车站到家,我们得跋涉从车站到家,我们得跋涉1.5公里的崎岖道路。公里的崎岖道路。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_ whistlewhistle /: v. 吹口哨吹口哨e.g. He was whistling a familiar tune.I could hear her whistling to herself in the kitchen. He whistled to his dog to come back. 他在吹一首熟悉的曲子。他在吹一首熟悉的曲子。T我能听到她在厨房吹口哨自娱自乐。我能听到她在厨房吹口哨自娱自乐。T他吹口哨让他的狗回来。他吹口哨让他的狗回来。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_ aslongasas long as: on condition that; provided that 只要,如果只要,如果 e.g. As long as shes in control there will always be problems.We were perfectly warm as long as the sun was shining.I can come as long as I can leave at 4:30 p.m. 只要是她说了算,那就总会有问题。只要是她说了算,那就总会有问题。T只要有太阳,我们就很暖和。只要有太阳,我们就很暖和。T如果我能在下午如果我能在下午4点半离开,我就能来。点半离开,我就能来。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_breade.g. He earned his bread as a top banker in the city.Gardening is my bread and butter at the moment. 他是这个城市最成功的银行家。他是这个城市最成功的银行家。T我现在靠搞园艺糊口。我现在靠搞园艺糊口。Tbread: 在在这里里,bread不取本意,而是指一家人的生不取本意,而是指一家人的生计。 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_poempoem / /: n. piece of creative writing in verse 诗 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_fablefable /: n. short story, often with animals as characters, that conveys a moral 寓言寓言 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_woodcutterwoodcutter /: n. person who cuts down trees as an occupation 伐木人;樵夫伐木人;樵夫 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_LP_EPEmilie Poulsson / 埃埃米米莉莉波波尔森森Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_jJean de La Fontaine/ / 让德德拉封丹(拉封丹(1621162116951695,法,法国寓言国寓言诗人。以人。以寓言寓言诗1212卷卷闻名于名于世)世) Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_aAesop / 伊索(公元前伊索(公元前6 6世世纪古希腊寓言作家,善古希腊寓言作家,善讲寓寓 言故事,言故事,经后人后人汇编成成现在流在流传的的伊索寓言伊索寓言)Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P1_N1Notes on the TextOnce upon a time, out in the green, silent woods near a rushing river that foamed and sparkled as it hurried along, there lived a poor woodcutter who worked hard to make a living for his family. 从前,在从前,在远远离城市的一座寂静的离城市的一座寂静的绿绿色色树树林里,在一条水流湍林里,在一条水流湍急、泛着白沫、急、泛着白沫、闪闪着着银银光的河光的河边边,住着一位,住着一位贫穷贫穷的樵夫,他的樵夫,他为为了全家人的生了全家人的生计计而努力地工作着而努力地工作着。Once upon a time 常用于童常用于童话话开开头头。out 用来用来强强调远调远离城离城镇镇的地方的地方。UNIT 7TextB_P1_N2Notes on the TextHe always whistled happily as he went, because he was thinking that as long as he had his health and his axe, he could earn enough to buy all the bread his family needed. 他他总是是一一边走走一一边开开心心地地吹吹口口哨哨,因因为他他想想只只要要自自己己身身体体健康,斧子不出健康,斧子不出问题,他就能,他就能挣到足到足够的的钱养家糊口。养家糊口。bread 在在这里指一家人的生里指一家人的生计。UNIT 72) How was the woodcutter working one day?He had been / was working very hard.TextB_P2_QuestionsQuestions About These Paragraphs3) What happened to the axe when the man tripped over a root?The axe slid down the bank and into the river.UNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P2_Chinese 一一天天他他正正在在河河边砍砍一一棵棵很很大大的的橡橡树。斧斧头落落处,木木屑屑四四溅。清清脆脆的的砍砍伐伐声声在在森森林林中中四四处回回荡,人人们还以以为那那天天有十几个樵夫在工作呢。有十几个樵夫在工作呢。 过了了一一会会儿儿,樵樵夫夫想想自自己己可可以以休休息息一一会会儿儿了了。他他把把斧斧头靠靠在在树旁旁,转身身想想要要坐坐下下,可可他他被被一一个个老老树根根绊倒倒了了。他他还没来得及抓住,斧没来得及抓住,斧头就滑下岸,掉就滑下岸,掉进了河里。了河里。UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_chipchip /: n. thin piece cut or broken off from wood, stone, glass, etc. (木、石、玻璃等上削或碰下的)木、石、玻璃等上削或碰下的)屑皮;碎片屑皮;碎片e.g. Wood chips flew everywhere.potato chips 木屑四溅。木屑四溅。T土豆片,薯片土豆片,薯片TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_woodchopperwoodchopper /: n. person who chops wood, esp. one who fells trees 伐木者;伐木者;砍柴人,樵夫砍柴人,樵夫 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_riversideriverside /: n. ground along the bank of a river 河河边;河畔;河畔 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_oakoak /: n. type of tree with tough hard wood, common in many parts of the world 栎树;橡;橡树Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_ ringingringing: Here “ringing” is used to describe the sound of chopping. The ringing axe actually means the sound of the axe chopping. 在本句中在本句中,ringing axe指斧指斧头砍伐砍伐发出响声。出响声。Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_ echo1e.g. The bat instinctively compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo. The echo slowly died away. 蝙蝠本能地把自己的叫声和回声相比较。蝙蝠本能地把自己的叫声和回声相比较。T回声慢慢消逝了。回声慢慢消逝了。Techo /: 1. n. reflection and repetition of a sound from a wall or inside an enclosed space 回声回声 Language Points UNIT 72. vi. (of sounds) be repeated as an echo; (of places) repeat a sound(声音)回响;(地方)(声音)回响;(地方)发出出回声,回声,产生回响生回响 TextB_P2_LP_ echo2e.g. The sound echoed through the tall empty house. Their voices echoed back across the water.声音在高大空旷的房子里发出回响。声音在高大空旷的房子里发出回响。T他们的声音从水面上传回来。他们的声音从水面上传回来。TUNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_ you mightyou might have thought 人人们会以会以为 Here “you” means people in general. 在在这里里,you 泛指泛指“人人们”。e.g. You learn from experience. You meet a lot of people through work.人们从经验中学习。人们从经验中学习。T通过工作你能遇见很多人。通过工作你能遇见很多人。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_dozene.g. Ill have a dozen eggs. eggs sold by the dozen 我要一打鸡蛋。我要一打鸡蛋。T成打出售的鸡蛋成打出售的鸡蛋Tdozen /: n. set of twelve(一)打,十二个(一)打,十二个 Language Points UNIT 7She wasnt at work today.Shes hard at work on another book. TextB_P2_LP_ atworke.g. 她今天不上班。她今天不上班。T她正在努力写另一本书。她正在努力写另一本书。Tat work: working or engaged in work 在工作;在干活,在工作;在干活,在在劳动劳动Language Points UNIT 7Hes not ready yet, but dont worry, hell be here by and by. By and by we arrived at a large building on a corner.TextB_P2_LP_bye.g. 他还没准备好,但不用担心,他过一会儿就会到这儿。他还没准备好,但不用担心,他过一会儿就会到这儿。T不久我们便来到拐角处的一所大房子旁边。不久我们便来到拐角处的一所大房子旁边。Tby and by: before long; after a while 不久;不久;过一会儿一会儿 Language Points UNIT 7He waited awhile.Id like to rest awhile before we continue walking.TextB_P2_LP_awhilee.g. 他等了一会儿。他等了一会儿。T我想休息一下再接着走。我想休息一下再接着走。Tawhile /l/: ad. for a short time 一一会会儿儿;片刻片刻 Language Points UNIT 7She tripped over the edge of the carpet.Dont leave toys on stairs where someone could trip and fall.TextB_P2_LP_triupovere.g. 她被地毯的一角绊了一下。她被地毯的一角绊了一下。T不要把玩具放在楼梯上,别人可能会被绊倒摔跤。不要把玩具放在楼梯上,别人可能会被绊倒摔跤。Ttrip over: catch ones foot on (and fall) 被被绊了一下;了一下;被被绊倒倒 Language Points UNIT 7Tears slid slowly down his pale cheeks.The drawers slide in and out easily.TextB_P2_LP_slide1e.g. 眼泪慢慢滑下他苍白的脸颊。眼泪慢慢滑下他苍白的脸颊。T这些抽屉能轻松地拉进拉出。这些抽屉能轻松地拉进拉出。Tslide /: slid v. (cause sth. to) move smoothly along an even, polished or slippery surface (使某(使某物)滑物)滑动;(使)滑行;(使)滑行 Language Points UNIT 7She slid the kid into the car seat.Workers slid boxes across the floor.TextB_P2_LP_slide2e.g. 她把孩子塞进车座。她把孩子塞进车座。T工人们把箱子滑过地板。工人们把箱子滑过地板。TUNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_forestforest /: n. large area of land thickly covered with trees, bushes, etc. 森林森林 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_LP_axeaxe /: n. tool with a handle and a heavy metal blade used for chopping wood, cutting down trees, etc. 斧;斧子斧;斧子 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P2_N1Notes on the TextThe chips flew fast at every stroke, and the sound of the ringing axe echoed through the forest so clearly you might have thought a dozen woodchoppers were at work that day. 斧斧头落落处,木屑四,木屑四溅。清脆的砍伐声在森林中四。清脆的砍伐声在森林中四处回回荡,人人们还以以为那天有十几个樵夫在干活呢。那天有十几个樵夫在干活呢。ringing axe指斧指斧头砍伐砍伐发出响声。后半句是一个出响声。后半句是一个so that结构,即构,即so clearly that you, 这里里that被省略了。被省略了。 UNIT 7TextB_P2_N2Notes on the TextHe leaned his axe against the tree and turned to sit down, but he tripped over an old root, and before he could catch it, his axe slid down the bank and into the river! 他把斧他把斧头靠在靠在树旁,旁,转身想要坐下,可他被一个老身想要坐下,可他被一个老树根根绊倒了。他倒了。他还没来得及抓住,斧没来得及抓住,斧头就滑下岸,掉就滑下岸,掉进了河里。了河里。 UNIT 74) Who came to help him?The water fairy of the river.TextB_P3_QuestionsQuestion About These ParagraphsUNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P3_Chinese 可可怜怜的的樵樵夫夫瞪瞪大大眼眼睛睛,想想看看到到河河底底。但但河河水水太太深深了了。小河一如既往,欢快地从他遗失的宝贝上面流过。小河一如既往,欢快地从他遗失的宝贝上面流过。 “我我可可怎怎么么办办呢呢?”樵樵夫夫喊喊道道。“我我丢丢了了斧斧子子!我我以以后怎么养活我的孩子们呢?后怎么养活我的孩子们呢?” 他他话话音音刚刚落落,湖湖面面上上就就出出现现了了一一位位美美丽丽的的女女子子。她她是是这条河的水仙子,听到他悲伤的声音便浮上了水面。这条河的水仙子,听到他悲伤的声音便浮上了水面。UNIT 7gaze /: vi. look long and steadily or fixedly (at sb. / sth.), usu. in surprise or admiration 盯着盯着看;凝视看;凝视 TextB_P3_LP_ gazeShe sat gazing out of the window.She gazed admiringly up at him. e.g. 她坐在那里,凝神望着窗外。她坐在那里,凝神望着窗外。T她仰慕地望着他。她仰慕地望着他。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P3_LP_fairyfairy /: n. small imaginary being with magical powers 仙子;小精灵仙子;小精灵 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P3_LP_steamstream /: n. small river or large brook 小河;溪小河;溪流流 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P3_LP_ surface1surface/: n. outside of an object; top of a body of liquid 表面;水面表面;水面the glassy surface of the waterThe ring slowly sank beneath the surface of the swimming pool.e.g. 光滑如镜的水面光滑如镜的水面T戒指慢慢沉到了游泳池的水面下。戒指慢慢沉到了游泳池的水面下。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P3_LP_ surface2On the surface his words were funny, but I sensed a lot of anger behind them.e.g. 他的话听上去很逗乐,但我觉察到了背后的愤怒。他的话听上去很逗乐,但我觉察到了背后的愤怒。TUNIT 7TextB_P3_NNotes on the TextJust as he finished speaking, up from the lake rose a beautiful lady. 他他话音音刚落,湖面就出落,湖面就出现了一位美了一位美丽的女子。的女子。The main clause is in an inverted order. The normal word order would be: a beautiful lady rose up from the lake. Another sentence in para.12 shares the same inverted structure: “Up she rose.” “She rose up.”这是倒装句,正常是倒装句,正常语序是:序是:a beautiful lady rose up from the lake。 第十二段中的一句第十二段中的一句“Up she rose.”也是倒装句。也是倒装句。UNIT 7TextB_P4_Questions5) What did the water fairy do after she understood his trouble?She sank into the river to pick up his axe for him.6) What did the woodcutter say when he saw the silver and gold axes?He told the water fairy the axes were not his.Questions About These ParagraphsUNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P4_Chinese “你有什么伤心事啊?你有什么伤心事啊?”她和蔼地问道。樵夫把自己她和蔼地问道。樵夫把自己遇到的麻烦告诉了她。她马上潜入水中,不一会儿便拿了遇到的麻烦告诉了她。她马上潜入水中,不一会儿便拿了一把银斧子浮出了水面。一把银斧子浮出了水面。 “这是你丢的斧子吗?这是你丢的斧子吗?”她问道。她问道。 樵夫想到用那把银斧可以给他的孩子买到的许多好东樵夫想到用那把银斧可以给他的孩子买到的许多好东西!但斧子不是他的,于是他摇了摇头,回答道:西!但斧子不是他的,于是他摇了摇头,回答道:“我的我的斧子不过是钢做的。斧子不过是钢做的。”UNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P4_Chinese 水仙子把银斧头放在岸上,又潜入河中。很快她又出水仙子把银斧头放在岸上,又潜入河中。很快她又出现了,给樵夫看另一把斧子。现了,给樵夫看另一把斧子。“也许这把是你的?也许这把是你的?”她问她问道。道。 樵夫看了看。樵夫看了看。“噢,不!噢,不!”他答道。他答道。“这把是金子做这把是金子做的!比我那把值钱多了。的!比我那把值钱多了。”UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ sorrow1sorrow /: n. feeling of sadness or distress caused esp. by loss, disappointment or regret; grief; particular cause for this feeling; misfortune 悲伤,悲悲伤,悲痛,痛, 悲哀,伤心;悲伤的原因;伤心事,不幸的悲哀,伤心;悲伤的原因;伤心事,不幸的事事 I felt no sorrow for her.hide ones sorrow To his great sorrow he could not remember his mother.e.g. 我毫不同情她。我毫不同情她。T隐藏自己的悲痛隐藏自己的悲痛T让他伤心的是他不记得他的妈妈了。让他伤心的是他不记得他的妈妈了。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ sorrow2his sorrow at having to leave the school tears of sorrowa time of sorrowe.g. 他不得不离开学校而感到的伤心他不得不离开学校而感到的伤心T悲伤的眼泪悲伤的眼泪T悲伤的时刻悲伤的时刻TUNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ at onceat once: without delay; immediately 立刻;立刻;马上上 Grace, whose mind is always free from care, fell asleep at once. Come here at once.e.g. 一向无忧无虑的格蕾丝马上就睡着了。一向无忧无虑的格蕾丝马上就睡着了。T马上过来。马上过来。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ sink sink /: sank, sunk vi. go down under the surface of a liquid or soft substance 下沉;沉没下沉;沉没We watched the boat sink beneath the waves.Our feet sank deep into the soft sand as we walked.e.g. 我们看着船在风浪下沉没。我们看着船在风浪下沉没。T我们走路时,脚陷进柔软的沙子里。我们走路时,脚陷进柔软的沙子里。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ beneathbeneath /: prep. in or to a lower position than; under 在在下方;在下方;在下面;往下面;往下方,往下方,往下面下面the wet grass beneath her feet She quickly hid the book beneath the cushions.Beneath that calm appearance of hers is a lot of anger.e.g. 她的脚下湿漉漉的青草她的脚下湿漉漉的青草T她急忙把书藏到垫子下。她急忙把书藏到垫子下。T在她平静的外表下是一团怒火。在她平静的外表下是一团怒火。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ reappear reappear /: vi. appear again (after being absent or not visible) 再出再出现That couple left the neighborhood, then reappeared a year later. The problems keep reappearing. e.g. 那对夫妇离开了这一街区,一年后又出现了。那对夫妇离开了这一街区,一年后又出现了。T这些问题不断重复出现。这些问题不断重复出现。TLanguage Points UNIT 7be made of: 由由制成制成 TextB_P4_LP_ be made ofThe earrings are made of gold. e.g. 耳环是黄金做的。耳环是黄金做的。TLanguage Points UNIT 7steel /: n. strong hard alloy of iron and carbon, much used for making vehicles, tools, knives, machinery, etc. 钢 TextB_P4_LP_steelLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ shake ones head1shake ones head: turn ones head from side to side as a way of indicating “no”, or to express doubt, sorrow, disapproval, etc. 摇头摇头(表示否定、(表示否定、怀怀疑、悲疑、悲伤伤、不、不赞赞成等成等)shake /: (shook / /, shaken /) vt. cause (sb./sth.) to move from side to side or up and down 摇,摇动 Language Points UNIT 7TextB_P4_LP_ shake ones head2When I asked my dad if I could borrow his car, he just shook his head.Joanna shook her head at her sons bad behaviour.e.g. 我问爸爸能否借用他的车,他只是摇了摇头。我问爸爸能否借用他的车,他只是摇了摇头。T看到儿子的恶劣行为,乔安娜摇了摇头。看到儿子的恶劣行为,乔安娜摇了摇头。TUNIT 7silver /: n. chemical element, a shiny white precious metal used for ornaments, jewelry, coins, utensils, etc. 银,白,白银 TextB_P4_LP_ sliverLanguage Points UNIT 77) What was the woodcutters reward?His old axe as well as the silver and gold axes.TextB_P5_Questions18) Why did the water fairy reward him?Questions About These ParagraphsBecause he told her the truth.UNIT 7Chinese VersionTextB_P5_Chinese 水仙子把金斧子放在岸上。她又一次潜入水中,接水仙子把金斧子放在岸上。她又一次潜入水中,接着又冒了出来。这次她拿着他丢失的那把斧子。着又冒了出来。这次她拿着他丢失的那把斧子。 “那才是我的!那才是我的!”樵夫喊道。樵夫喊道。“那肯定是我那把旧那肯定是我那把旧斧子!斧子!” “这是你的,这是你的,”水仙子说,水仙子说,“那两把现在也是你的那两把现在也是你的了。它们是这条河送给你的礼物,因为你说了实话。了。它们是这条河送给你的礼物,因为你说了实话。” 那天傍晚,樵夫扛着三把斧子踏着疲惫的脚步回家。那天傍晚,樵夫扛着三把斧子踏着疲惫的脚步回家。当他想到它们能为他的家人带来的各种各样的好东西时,当他想到它们能为他的家人带来的各种各样的好东西时,禁不住开心地吹起了口哨。禁不住开心地吹起了口哨。UNIT 7TextB_P5_LP_ missing missing /: a. that cannot be found or that is not in its usual place; lost 找不到的;缺掉的,缺少的;失踪找不到的;缺掉的,缺少的;失踪的的 a book with some pages missingThree buttons were missing from his shirt.Four children were missing from class today.e.g. 一本缺了几页的书一本缺了几页的书T他的衬衫掉了三颗纽扣。他的衬衫掉了三颗纽扣。T今天有四个孩子没来上课。今天有四个孩子没来上课。TLanguage Points UNIT 7TextB_P5_LP_N1.1Notes on the Text“It is yours,” said the water fairy, “and so are these other two now. They are gifts from the river, because you have told the truth.” “这是你的,是你的,”水仙子水仙子说,“那两把那两把现在也是你的了。它在也是你的了。它们是是这条河送条河送给你的礼物,因你的礼物,因为你你说了了实话。”Neither, nor或或so 用于倒装句句首,表示用于倒装句句首,表示“与前面提到的与前面提到的(人、事、物)相同(人、事、物)相同”。 UNIT 7TextB_P5_LP_N1.2“My mothers ill this week.” “Sos my sister.” “I cant speak French.” “Nor can I.”“My son never eats onions.” “Neither does mine.” e.g. “我妈妈这个星期病了。我妈妈这个星期病了。”“我姐姐也是。我姐姐也是。”T“我不会讲法语。我不会讲法语。”“我也不会。我也不会。”T“我儿子从不吃洋葱。我儿子从不吃洋葱。”“我儿子也不吃。我儿子也不吃。”TUNIT 7Exercises Answer the following questions.1. Why did the woodcutter always whistle happily?2. How was the woodcutter working one day?3. What happened to the axe when the man tripped over a root?4. Who came to help him?5. What did the water fairy do after she understood his trouble?TextB_Exc1_a.1UNIT 76. What did the woodcutter say when he saw the silver and gold axes?7. What was the woodcutters reward?8. Why did the water fairy reward him?TextB_Exc1_a.2UNIT 71. I still remember the good old days when we sometimes sat on the bridge watching the river flowing .2. This kind of weed will keep if it is not removed at the root.TextB_Exc2_a1Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.beneath dozen echo missing reappear shake silent silver sink steelbeneath_reappearing_UNIT 73. Raising his stick and it at the doorman, the old man said he had never met such a rude man in his whole life.4. She had given me an incomplete list. At least a dozen names were from it.5. The Titanic(泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号) was a passenger ship which to the bottom of the ocean in 1912.TextB_Exc2_a2beneath dozen echo missing reappear shake silent silver sink steelshaking_missing_sank_UNIT 76. The garden is a nice place for a quiet person because apart from the noise of the bees, all is and still.7. “Could you get me half a(n) eggs when you go to the market?” the woman asked her husband. 8. Alison and Tom seem to like the wedding present, which is a precious dish.TextB_Exc2_a3beneath dozen echo missing reappear shake silent silver sink steelsilent_dozen_silver_UNIT 79.10.TextB_Exc2_a4beneath dozen echo missing reappear shake silent silver sink steelHousewives would agree that knives are best for the kitchen because of their sharpness.If you listen carefully, you will hear the faint of thunder(雷声雷声) in the distance.steel_echo_UNIT 7TextB_Exc3_a1Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. When the warm-hearted woodcutter heard we were in great difficulty, he offered to help2. Office ladies are usually from nine in the morning until five in the evening.at once_.at work _as long as by and bybe made oftrip overat once once again at work shake ones head UNIT 7TextB_Exc3_a23. “You can borrow it you return it tomorrow,” the librarian(图书管理员图书管理员) told him.4. The teacher asked the students to do the exercise to make sure they knew the rule by heart.5. The manager asked the shop assistant to pick up the box on the ground in case someone might it.as long as _onceagain _trip over _as long as by and bybe made oftrip overat once once again at work shake ones head UNIT 7TextB_Exc3_a36. Youll be getting married and having a family , and then youll understand why parents try so hard to take good care of their children.7. She was a little surprised to find that the ring given to her by her husband was not actually pure gold.8. The doctor and said, “Im sorry, theres nothing more I can do.”by and by_made of _shook her head _as long as by and bybe made oftrip overat once once again at work shake ones head UNIT 7Practical Reading-1-1Practical ReadingThe following is a segment from a microwave oven operating manual(微波炉操作手册微波炉操作手册). After reading it, you are required to choose the correct answer out of the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) in each of the multiple choice questions below.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1-21. Prepare the food.Place your food in a microwave-safe package(在微波炉中使用在微波炉中使用安全的包装袋安全的包装袋) or container(容器容器). Set it carefully in the center of the turntable(转盘转盘) and close the oven door securely(牢牢地牢牢地).2. Select a power level.Press POWER to select the power level. P 10 appears in the display window(显示窗显示窗).UNIT 7Practical Reading-1-3If you want to reduce(减减) the power level, press POWER repeatedly until you reach the desired level. Each power level will appear in the display window counting down(倒倒计数计数) from P 10 to P 1.Please refer to Section 7, Reference on page 22 for recommended(推荐的推荐的) cooking power levels.3. Next, set the cooking time.Use the digits(数字数字) on the number pad(数字键区数字键区) to enter a cooking time. For example, to enter a cooking time of oneUNIT 7Practical Reading-1-4minute and thirty seconds (1:30), press in sequence: 1 3 0. “Push Start” will flash(闪现闪现) in the display window.4. Start Cooking.Press START to start cooking. The display window shows the time remaining.You may interrupt cooking at any time by pressing STOP/CANCEL(取消取消). “Push Start” will flash in the display window if cooking is interrupted.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1-5To cancel the cooking program(指令指令) press STOP/CANCEL two times. The time of day will appear in the display window.5. Using the Instant On feature.You may also enter the cooking time in multiples(倍数倍数) of 1 minute by pressing a number from 1 to 6. The oven will begin cooking immediately.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- POWERPOWERThis refers to the POWER button.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- Section 7Section 7, Reference on page 22This refers to Section 7, Reference (参考参考) printed on page 22 of the Microwave Owners Manual.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- STARTSTARTThis refers to the START button.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- STOP/CANCELSTOP/CANCELThis is actually one button. Pressing it once will stop cooking and pressing it twice will cancel the programmed cooking process.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- Using the Instant On featureUsing the Instant On featureThis is done by pressing the number pad without pressing the POWER button first.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.1A) to put the food in a microwave-safe package or containerB) to put the food in the center of the turntableC) to check if the door is closed securelyD) to check if the power connection is all rightKEY1. To cook food in the microwave oven, the first thing you need to do is _.UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.2A) P9.B) P7.C) P6.D) P4.KEY2. What power level will appear in the display window if the POWER button is pressed 4 times?UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.3A) Page 7.B) Page 10.C) Page 22.D) Page 130.KEY3. Where can the user find recommended cooking power levels in the manual?UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.4A) 215.B) 225.C) 230.D) 245.KEY4. To cook two and a quarter minutes, you should press the digits on the number pad in the following sequence:UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.5A) Adjusting the time of day in the display window.B) Pushing START after it flashes in the display window.C) Pressing STOP/CANCEL once.D) Pressing STOP/CANCEL twice.KEY5. What should one do to cancel the cooking program?UNIT 7Practical Reading-1- _Exc1_a.6Teaching notes:A) press the POWER button firstB) press a number from 1 to 6 on the number padC) press the START button twiceD) press the STOP/CANCEL button firstKEY6. To use the Instant On feature, one should _.UNIT 7Practical Reading-teaching notesThe text comes from Microwave Owners Manual for Westinghouses product Beyond WBYMW1.Teaching notes:UNIT 7Basic Reading SkillsBasic Reading Skills-1Understanding Paragraph Development (4) 描描写写也也是是段段落落展展开开的的一一种种方方法法,作作者者通通过过词词语语把把自自己己对对人人物物和和事事物物的的印印象象呈呈现现在在读读者者面面前前,使使读读者者对对其其要要表表达达的的主主题题有有更更深深刻刻的的理理解解。我我们们在在阅阅读读描描写写段段落落时时,不不妨妨问问自自己己一一下下:“What impression of something or someone does the writer want to leave us readers?” 比比如如本本书书第第五五单元课文单元课文B中的第二段:中的第二段:UNIT 7Basic Reading Skills-2 The inside of Pete Richards store was even more cluttered than his show window. Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray. 作作者者在在描描写写the inside of Pete Richards store时时,用用了了more cluttered than his show window;在在描描写写Pete时时,作作者者写写道道:a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray。这这样样,寥寥寥寥几几笔笔就就使使得得读读者者获获得得了了对对这这家家小小店及店主的印象。店及店主的印象。UNIT 7Basic Reading Skills-3 再比如,在第再比如,在第六单元元课文文Text A的第的第六段中:段中: I stopped. The soft little voice was coming through a half-opened door. I pushed the door open and saw a young boy, about five years old, lying in his dads arms, hooked up to more medical equipment than I had ever seen. Mom was on the other side, along with Grandma, Grandpa and a nurse tending to the equipment. 作作者者描描写写了了自自己己当当时所所看看到到的的一一个个男男孩孩的的情情景景:about five years old, lying in his dads arms, hooked up to more medical equipment than I had ever seen。UNIT 7Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow.Basic Reading Skills-Ex.1I usually arrive to find about eight adults sitting waiting, plus a lot of kids. Its always a very crowded room and the atmosphere is pretty tense. My nerves are on edge, too. The first thing I say is, “Can I take my jacket off?” and they always say, “Would you like a cup of tea?” 1. Questions: 1) What does the writer usually find when he arrives?About eight adults sitting waiting, and a lot of kids.UNIT 7Basic Reading Skills-Ex.22) What is his impression of the place?Its always a very crowded room and the atmosphere is pretty tense.UNIT 7Basic Reading Skills-Ex.3My favourite painting is of a woman, a servant in a large house, and it was painted in about 1660 in Holland by Vermeer Van Delft. The young woman is a cook and is quite tall and fairly strong. She is about 18 or 19 years old, wearing a white scarf, which completely covers her hair, a yellow blouse, a blue apron and an orange floor-length skirt. This painting gives you a good idea of what ordinary working women wore in the seventeenth century. 2. Questions: 1) Who painted the picture?Vermeer Van Delft.UNIT 7Basic Reading Skills-Ex.42) What does the young woman in the painting look like?She is quite tall and fairly strong. She is about 18 or 19 years old.3) What is she wearing?She is wearing a white scarf, a yellow blouse, a blue apron and an orange floor-length skirt.UNIT 7The Grasshopper and the AntThe Grasshopper having sung All the summer long, Found herself lacking food When the North Wind began its song. Not a single little piece Of fly or grub did she have to eat. She went complaining of hunger To the Ants home, her neighbour, Begging there for a loan Time for Fun Two Fables by Jean de La Fontaine Time for Fun 1UNIT 7Of some grain to keep herself alive Til the next season did arrive, I shall pay you, she said Before next August, on my word as an animal. Ill pay both interest and principal. The Ant was not so inclined: this not being one of her faults. What did you do all summer? Said she to the grasshopper. Time for Fun 2UNIT 7Night and day I sang, I hope that does not displease you. You sang? I will not look askance. But now my neighbour its time to dance. Time for Fun 3UNIT 7 The Crow and the Fox Master Crow sat on a tree, Holding a cheese in his beak. Master Fox was attracted by the odour, And tried to attract him thus. Mister Crow, good day to you. You are a handsome and good looking bird! In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage, You are the Phoenix of this forest. Hearing these words the Crow felt great joy, And to demonstrate his beautiful voice, Time for Fun 4UNIT 7He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.The Fox seized it and said: My good Sir, Know that every flatterer, Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously: This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt. The Crow, embarrassed and confused, Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be tricked thus again. Time for Fun 5
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