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Section A话题阅读一、完形填空。Chinese DumplingsChinese dumplings or jiaozi are made 1 flour with meat and vegetable fillings.It is a traditional Chinese food.It 2 by people during holidays in Northern China.Chinese are masters in the art of 3 dumplings.Making dumplings is one of Chinese traditional arts.The history of jiaozi 4 ancient times,some 500600 years ago.As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat jiaozi to connote(含有意思) their 5 for good future in the new year.China has been perfecting(完善) the art of dumpling 6 since the Song Dynasty.Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year.Since the shape of Chinese dumplings is 7 ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots(锭),they are the symbol of wealth.In the past,they were shaped by hand.But now most of them are made 8 machine.Traditionally,the members of a family get together to make dumplings during the New Years Eve.They may 9 some coins in one of the dumplings.The person who finds the coin will likely have a good future in the New Year.Chinese dumpling is also popular in 10 Chinese holidays or festivals,so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.( )1.A.from Bof CinDby( )2.A.enjoy Bis enjoying Cis enjoyed Dliked( )3.A.making Bmake Cmade Dmakes( )4.A.comes to Bgoes back to Cthinks Dcomes back to( )5.A.wishes Bhappy Chope DhopesBAABA( )6.A.make Bdo Cmaking Dto make( )7.A.similar to Bthe same to Cdifferent Ddifferent from( )8.A.with Bin Cby Duse( )9.A.put Bhide Chid Dtook( )10.A.another Bmore Cother DothersCACBC二、阅读理解。The label(标签),Made in China,is one that is becoming increasing common in shopping centers all over the world.In the United States,shoppers at WalMart,the nations largest retailer(零售商),have a wide selection of products mostly produced in China.The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China.These goods are even widely available in other Asian nations, where Chinesemade goods are quite popular.Chinese brand names are also becoming more wellknown outside China.When Chinese Americans visit family and friends in their homeland,gifts from the US are a must.But TVs and fashionable clothes arent rare any more, and anything “Made in China” shouldnt be considered in any case.“When I decide to visit my family members in China,I will have a big headache.What should I buy for them?They may not all speak English,but everyone in China knows those three words,” a Chinese American said, “When they see the label Made in China,they will think,Why do you send me this?”The development of China has surprised the world with its growth.As a result,the other countries are beginning to try to reduce Chinese goods with the use of taxes(税)and import restrictions.However,the development on the Chinese economy still affects the world in many ways.( )11.Around the world,the products made in China are_in the shopping malls.Aunwelcome BexpensiveCpopular Drare( )12.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “brand” in the second paragraph?A品牌 B明星C生产地 D树枝CA( )13.Why do Chinese Americans usually have a headache if they come back to China?ABecause their Chinese friends can not speak English.BBecause their friends will be unhappy if the gifts are made in China.CBecause they should give their friends rare gifts.DBecause they should give their friends fashionable gifts.B( )14.How do other countries try to reduce the Chinese goods in their own countries?ABy developing the qualities of their own products.BBy telling their shoppers not to buy Chinese goods.CBy importing more Chinese goods.DBy using taxes and import restrictions.D( )15.From the passage,we can know that Aproducts made in China are more and more popular all over the worldBTVs and fashionable clothes are ideal gifts for Chinese peopleCeveryone in China can speak EnglishDthe other governments dont welcome any Chinese goodsA
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