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Session 24Translation of English Adverbial Clauses Into Chinese (二)英语状语从句的翻译 五、目的状语从句的翻译五、目的状语从句的翻译 以so that , in order that, to the end that, in case等从属短语连词引导的目的状语从句,一般译成汉语中相对应的 “为了”, “以便”, “以免”, “以防”等引导的目的状语修饰语。同样,汉语中这样的目的状语修饰语应翻译成英语的目的状语从句。 5. 1译成表示译成表示 “目的目的”的后置状语的后置状语(49) Youd better take an umbrella with you in case it rains. 你最好带把伞以防下雨以防下雨。(50) He is planning to make this speech in order that we might have a better understanding of the vicissitude of the international situation. 他 打算做一次演说,以便我们能更好地理解当今 国际形势的风云变幻。(51)为了扩大知识面为了扩大知识面,你们除了学好规定的教材之外, 还应该阅读一些与专业相关的书籍。Besides learning the prescribed textbooks, you are sup- posed to read more books on your subject in order that you may expand your scope of know- ledge. (52) 学生应该背诵一些优秀散文,以便奠定坚实的以便奠定坚实的 语言基本功。语言基本功。Students are expected to recite a number of excellent pieces of prose so that they may lay a solid foundation in language compe- tence. 5. 2译成表示译成表示 “目的目的”的前置状语的前置状语(53) The travel plan was canceled in order that the spread of SARS could be prevented.为了防止为了防止 非典的传染非典的传染, 这次旅行计划给取消了。(54) He sent a bunch of flowers each day in order that he could win her love. 为了赢得她的芳心为了赢得她的芳心 他每天送她一束花。 5. 3灵活地译为表目的的句子灵活地译为表目的的句子 有时也可根据逻辑意义和汉语表达习惯, 将英语目的状语从句与主句融合起来翻译, 译为表目的的句子, 包含“其目的是”和“为的就是”这样的词语。(55) The UN was established in order that peace and development can be promoted. 创建联合 国的目的就是要推动和平与发展目的就是要推动和平与发展。(56) We learn from our past lessons so that history wont repeat itself. 我们从过去的经历中吸取教 训,为的就是不再重蹈覆辙为的就是不再重蹈覆辙。 六. 结果状语从句的翻译结果状语从句的翻译 英语和汉语的结果状语从句都位于句末,系句子的后部分内容。 61 译成表结果的分句译成表结果的分句(57) 他睡过头了,结果上班迟到了结果上班迟到了。He had over- slept, so that he was late for work. (58) 那位女孩上个学期学习非常勤奋,因此期末每因此期末每 门功课考试都获得优秀成绩。门功课考试都获得优秀成绩。That girl studied very diligently last term so that she obtained excellent results in all the terminal exams.(59) He never played with the children so that a quarrel did not follow. 他跟孩子们玩耍,结果结果 总是吵架。总是吵架。(60) The book was so boring that he gave up reading it half way through. 该书如此如此枯燥 乏味,以至他读了一半就放弃了以至他读了一半就放弃了。 62 译成不含关联词但内含译成不含关联词但内含 因果关系的并列分句因果关系的并列分句(61) There are many factories around , as a result, the air is seriously polluted by smoke. 这周围 有许多工厂,空气受到烟尘的严重污染。空气受到烟尘的严重污染。(62) It was such a terrible experience that I will ne- ver forget it. 那次经历可怕至极,我永远不会 忘记。(63) Peter is such a nice boy that he is loved by everybody. 彼特是个好男孩,人人都喜爱人人都喜爱。(64) Such was his anxiety that he couldnt stop trembling. 他焦虑不安,颤抖不已颤抖不已。 七、方式状语从句的翻译七、方式状语从句的翻译 表示方式的状语从句通常由as, as if, as though引导,往往位于主句之后,但在 as so结构中,as-分句通常置于主句之前。在口语中可用the way (that)引导方式状语从句。例如:(65) Please do exactly as your doctor says. 务请 按照医生的吩咐按照医生的吩咐行事。(66) Mary does not bother about trifles the way her sister does. 玛莉不像她姐姐那样像她姐姐那样关心鸡毛蒜皮 的小事。(67) All folk songs sound as if they come from the heart. 所有民歌听起来宛如人们的心声宛如人们的心声。(68) The clouds disappeared as if by magic. 那些 云团消失得无影无踪,如同被魔力驱散了。(69) As a man sows, so so he will reap. 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。(70) As the twig is bent, so the tree is inclined. 上梁 不正下梁歪。 从以上例句可知,英语方式状语从句的结构可以是完整的分句,也可以是省略主语和谓语助词的省略分句,翻译起来比较灵活简单。包含as so结构的句子,用于书面语,其中大多是蕴涵隐喻的谚语或习语,翻译时一般采用汉语中相对应的比喻性谚语或习语。 八、地点状语从句的翻译八、地点状语从句的翻译 地点状语分句是表示时空关系的分句结构。英语地点状语分句可位于主句之前,亦可置于主句之后。汉语地点状语分句通常位于主句之前。让我们观察以下实例。(71) Where you find high wages, you will find high prices. 哪里工资高,哪里工资高,哪里消费就高。(工资 高的地方物价昂贵。)(72) Where there is clean air and water, there are people who live a long life. 哪里有洁净的空气哪里有洁净的空气 和水和水,哪里的人们就长寿。(73) 哪里阳光充足、雨水颇多哪里阳光充足、雨水颇多,哪里的田野一片绿 色。Where there is plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.(74) 她不管走到哪里她不管走到哪里,总有成群的人们等待着见她。 Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.(75) Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home. 约翰无论在什么地方约翰无论在什么地方都能随 遇而安,感觉像在家里一样。(76) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者有志者 事竟成(77) Where there is smoke, there is fire. 无风不起浪。 (有烟的地方有烟的地方就一定有火。)(78) Where lobbyists used to avoid notoriety and preferred to work behind scenes, many today seek publicity as a useful tool. 过去,游说者过去,游说者 往往避免出名,喜欢在幕后工作往往避免出名,喜欢在幕后工作, 如今他们中 许多人把抛头露面作为一种有用的手段来追求。 从以上例句可知,地点状语从句比较容易翻译。值得注意的是,英语和汉语中有些地点状语分句相当于无条件的条件状语分句,因而翻译成相应的的条件状语,如上面的例(74)和(75)。英语中有些包含地点状语分句的句子表达抽象的意义或比喻意义,实际上是谚语或习语,可翻译成汉语的紧缩句或谚语,如上面的例(76) 和(77)。例(78)虽好理解,但难翻译,根据逻辑意思灵活处理了,转译为对比情况的并列结构。 我们已经例证、简论状语分句的翻译。值得着重指出的是,英语状语分句的位置颇为灵活,可位于主句之前,也可置于主句之后,而汉语状语分句一般位于句首,很少置于句末。因此,英语的状语分句,不论其位置如何,翻译成汉语时通常可位于句首。所有的英语状语分句都必须由从属连词引导,而汉语状语分句则不一定。所以,在许多情况下,英语状语分句翻译成汉语时,其从属连词可省略,而且有时省略更好。与此相反,汉语状语分句,不论是否有关联词,翻译成英语时必须有从属连词引导。Homework for discussion:1.In what ways are English adverbial clauses of purpose,result, manner, and place introduced?2. Explain and illustrate how they are turned into the Chinese language.
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