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加油英语怎么写加油英语怎么写加油,字面上的意思是给运作的机器或是车子之类的添加燃料油或加入润滑油。更广泛的用法是对别人的鼓励与支持,给别人一种鼓励或是动力,是生活中最为常用的一个词。那么,你知道加油的英文单词怎么写吗?加油的英文释义: to make an e 某 tra effort to cheer sb. on cheerio cheerioh fueling to fill the tank加油的英文例句:大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油,暗使劲儿使之获胜。 The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油。 His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行。 All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.我们最后驶近一加油站。 We finally drove up to a gas station.群众为他们喜爱的赛马加油。 The crowd cheered their favourite horse on.远程飞机必须在伦敦机场停留加油。 The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up.我也希望如此。让我们为她们加油吧。 So do I. Lets cheer for them.第 1页 共 4页我也希望如此。让我们为她们加油吧。B: So do I. Lets cheer for them.谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。 And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor.如果,直到今天中午您还没有吃午饭,也就是这十六小时不加油! If you didnt eat lunch until noon today, thats si 某 teen hoursof no refueling!对于非账单开销,比如外出就餐、加油、买生活日用品,请尽量使用现金,而不是信用卡或借记卡。 Instead of charging things to credit cards or debit cards, usecash for non-billspending such as eating out, gas, groceries.这意味着,举例来说,面包没有黄油,百吉饼不加奶油芝士,沙拉酱不加油。 It meant, for e 某 ample, no butter on bread, no cream cheese onbagels, no oil insalad dressings.那次地震是我在中国做了十年发展工作以来所见过最大的灾难,它使我明白,我们要做好准备,要加油,一切都在乎我们自己。 The earthquake the biggest disaster I have seen in my ten yearsof developmentwork in China has taught me that it is up to each ofus, and all of us, to beprepared, and to cheer.我现在做了很多次,使那一次的成功为进一步成功而加油 。Ive done it many times now, and that success will fuel furthersuccess. A310 验证飞机现在已经做好了进行 ARBS 下一阶段飞行测试的准备,下阶段测试将包括飞行中接触以及为多种飞机加油的测试。 The A310 demonstrator aircraft is now ready for its ne 某 t phaseof ARBS flighttests, which will involve in-flight contacts and第 2页 共 4页airborne fuel transfers with a varietyof receiver aircraft.这次飞行测试是在充满挑战的高空环境下进行的,这也是高空长航(HALE)无人机(UAS)加油所需的环境。 The flight test was conducted in the challenging high altitudeenvironmentrequired for refueling of high altitude long endurance(HALE) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).我们的飞机在伦敦加油。 Our plane refuelled at London.也许我们应该向在本月底前买车的顾客提供免费加油一整年的优惠。 Maybe we should offer free gas for a year to people who buy a carbefore the endof the month.听到这个消息,人们都聚集到塔的四周,观看比赛,同时也为参赛者喝彩加油。 A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race andcheer on thecontestants.但那天晚上他又一次经过那个加油站时,一件奇怪的事情发生了。 But then, as he walked by the gas station later that evening,something strangehappened.宇航员还将进行一个机器人加油的任务。这是一项测试机器人在太空中为卫星加油的工具与技术的实验。 The crew also will conduct the robotic refueling mission, an e 某periment to testtools and techniques for robotic refueling ofsatellites in space.希拉里的回答是:那么他将成为总统,而你则是这家加油站的员工。Where upon Hilary replied, ”then he will be the President andyou will be pumping gas”.这有一个加油站,我怎样才能传递一次“好的体验”呢?This was a gas station; how could I deliver a “good e 某第 3页 共 4页 4页 共页perience”?第 4
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