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Welcome to our class!Warming up and reading A poemFarmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.Warming up Can you name these food?wheat sorghumrice corn Potatoes Staple food (主食主食)What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries?Rice. It is said that there are 2.4 billion people eating rice every day throughout the world. Plow(犁犁,耕耕 )the fieldGrow some young plantsInsert(插入插入;嵌入嵌入 )the young plants into the fieldDisinfesting (驱除害虫驱除害虫)Fertilizing(施肥施肥)WateringHarvestriceIf there was no rice one day, what would happen? HungerFather of Hybrid RiceTask 1 ScanningFind out the main idea of each paragraph.A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Dr. Yuans dreams.Dr. Yuans personality(性性格格).Dr. Yuans appearance(外(外表)表) and his achievements.Dr. Yuans brief life experience.Para. 1 Dr Yuans appearance and his achievementTask 2 Careful readingQ1: What does Dr Yuan look like?He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farmer than a scientist.(Line 2)Q2: What is his achievement?He grows what is called super hybrid rice, which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. (Line 4,7 )Para 2His life experienceinformationBorn in Beijing Graduated from Southwest Agricultural College Saw the great need for increasing the rice outputHunger was a disturbing problem Nearly 200 million tons of rice produced Circulating his knowledge19531930TimeAs a young mannowIn a recent harvestPara2a. He was born in a poor farmers family .b. He graduated from Southwest Agricultural college.c. In 1950, Chinese farmers produced 50 million tons of rice.d. 200 million tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice. e. He searched a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.Proper order: Put Dr Yuans life experience in right order. acbedfWhich of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B. He cares little about money and fame(名望名望).C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Para. 3 Dr Yuans personalityHis dreamsPara41) The first dream2) The second dreamProduce a kind of rice that could feed more people(Line 34)As huge as a peanutThe first dream As tall as sorghum As big as a corn To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the globe(Line 35)Summary(总结)Personal informationPursuit(追求):Production achievementsPersonality:Age:Occupation:Nationality:82ChineseScientist/farmer1. More than 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from his hybrid rice2. 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China.3. Farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.Cares little about money and being famousGrow rice that has a high outputDiscussionWhat can we learn from Dr Yuan?Discuss in groups: What can we learn from Dr Yuan?pioneeringpioneeringpioneeringpioneeringcreative creative creative creative modestmodestmodestmodest(谦虚的)(谦虚的)(谦虚的)(谦虚的)plainplainplainplain( ( ( (朴实的朴实的朴实的朴实的) ) ) )devoteddevoteddevoteddevotedopen-mindedopen-mindedopen-mindedopen-minded(思维、眼界开阔的)(思维、眼界开阔的)(思维、眼界开阔的)(思维、眼界开阔的)intelligentintelligentintelligentintelligentdetermineddetermineddetermineddeterminedgenerousgenerousgenerousgenerousstrong-willedstrong-willedstrong-willedstrong-willedPersonalitiesselflessselflessselflessselfless(无私的)(无私的)(无私的)(无私的)He is selfless, because he gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.He is Thanks to him and his research, we can feed ourselves now.For example: Homework 1. Review what you have learned in the class.2. Read the passage again after class and find out the important sentences and expressions.
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